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Name : Elsa Lestari Purba

Classroom. : PBI2

Subjek : English Learning And Strategi

A. in my opinion the behavior of students in the class looks not conducive, noisy, and difficult
to manage. even though there were teachers in the class, they were still noisy and did not
appreciate the teacher. the behavior of students in the class looks very concerned, showing
an immoral attitude. and when students are told to prepare materials for the competition, a
male student throws a roll of paper at his male friend. and that invited laughter from other
students. and seen in the teacher's video rebuked him. not afraid but all the students
seemed to laugh at the male students' rude behavior. instead of talking to students, the
teacher said that he would wait. and again the students are noisy and take a walk in the
classroom. so the female teacher doesn't know what else to do. students in the room keep
talking and doing as they please. and after that the teacher tells his students to take out the
items to prepare materials for match center. but the students are still noisy and some are
dancing. and after that the teacher orders "go march when you are done" to the students.
and after that the students were seen listening to his words even though there were still
some who spoke and walked impolitely. the behavior of students shown in this video has no
manners and very low morals.

B. The efforts made by a teacher in overcoming students who have problems in the learning
process are: 1). Approach students, 2). Searching for data about problems is by educating
with students' parents and homeroom teachers, 3). Conducting consultations in private.
With such an effort it is hoped that it can reduce the problems that exist in students.
Sometimes students behave deviant because he wants to get the attention of his teacher. If
this happens then the teacher must try to give attention to students who do the assignments
or behave properly, whereas if behaving otherwise ignore or do not pay attention to
students who commit the act. how to ignore students is still not (less) successful, then do a
"time-out". If encouragement / support or motivation from colleagues can make students
behave stray. Do not ignore these students' actions / leave them alone because they will
influence other students. AvoidingAvoiding unpleasant situations. Students who feel bored,
bored, tired in the classroom can encourage him to behave in a deviant manner. HowHow to
overcome this problem include improving learning strategies in class, for example by using
cooperative learning methods that make students actively, directly, and dynamically
involved in learning. Also use awards and / or light prizes for example by giving praise to
students who do / respond to assignments well. But this method is less effective if it is
applied to students who achieve low-achieving student levels, in this case the teacher needs
to provide special guidance.

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