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1 Trim and Transverse Stability Calculation at Different Loading


7.1.1 Introduction

Trim and stability plays a very important part in the life period of a ship. In
this chapter the different loading conditions are studied. Four loading conditions are
studied in the lifetime of a ship. They are-
1) Fully loaded departure condition (100% cargo + 100% stores)
2) Fully loaded arrival condition (100% cargo + 10% stores)
3) Ballast departure (100% ballast + 100% stores)
4) Ballast arrival (100% ballast + 10% stores)

7.1.2 Calculation Process

Trim and transverse stability calculation is done by using the AUTOHYDROS
software. In this software the ship’s hull along with the various tanks are modeled
and various loading conditions of a ship is given as input. Results obtained by this
software are as shown below:

7.1.3 Loading Conditions Fully loaded departure condition (FLD) (100% cargo+ 100% stores)
This is when the ship leaves the harbor, fully loaded with cargo and with full stores.
The stores are expected to last till the end of its voyage and some additional
allowances are also given:-
Table 7.1 – Fully Loaded Departure Condition

Loading Summary

Item Weight LCG VCG

(MT) (m) (m)
Light Ship 32,628.00 120.90 14.50
No.1 Cargo Tank 10,720.76 210.74 16.28
No.2 Cargo Tank 18,641.16 170.24 16.28
No.3 Cargo Tank 18,641.16 123.12 16.28
No.4 Cargo Tank 16,494.60 79.87 16.28
Distilled Water TK(P) 200.47 10.5 19.31
Distilled Water TK(s) 200.47 10.5 19.31
Fresh Water TK(P) 192.50 1.67 19.31
Fresh Water TK(S) 192.50 1.67 19.31
FWD D.F.O Deep Tk(C) 3,000.00 246.44 9.49
E/R D.F.O Deep Tk (P) 0.00 43.44 19.31
E/R D.F.O Deep Tk (S) 0.00 43.44 19.31
E/R DB D.F.O Deep Tk(C) 0.00 47.12 1.37
Main L.O Storage TK(P) 175.50 34.27 15.93
Main L.O Sett. TK(S) 0.00 34.10 22.00
Main L.O Grav. TK(S) 0.00 26.99 22.00
Main L.O. Sump TK(C) 0.00 32.74 1.37
Bilge Holding Tk(C) 0.00 20.42 1.36
Waste Oil Tk(C) 0.00 27.99 1.36
Provision 8.98 40.00 28.60

Table 7.1.1 - Loading summary (FLD)

Draft FP 11.25m Heel 0 GM(Solid) 4.116m

Draft MS 11.42m Equil Yes F/S Corr 0.073m
Draft AP 11.58m Wind 0.0 kn GM(Fluid) 4.109m
Trim aft 0.07 Wave No KMT 19.527m
LCG 135.913f VCG 15.411 m TPcm 99.21t
Table 7.1.2 – Particulars (FLD)

Note: F/S corr – Free surface correction

GM (fluid) – GM after free surface correction
Displacement Status

Item Status Displ LCB VCB

(MT) (m) (m)
HULL.C Intact 136.42f 6.04
SubTotals: 136.42f 6.04

Table 7.1.3– Displacement Status (FLD)

Righting Arms vs Heel Angle

HEEL(deg) GZ(m) Notes

0 0.00 Equilibrium
40 Max Righting Arm

Table 7.1.4 – Righting arm (FLD)

Stability at fully loaded departure condition

Specification Requirements Available

Area under curve 0.636
up to 30˚ should not be less than 0.055m-rad
Area under curve 1.194
up to 40˚ should not be less than 0.03m-rad
Area under curve 0.557
between 30˚ and
40˚ should not be less than 0.09m-rad
Initial metacentric 3.589
height GM should not be less than 0.15m
Righting lever, Should be at least 0.2m at angle of heel equal or greater 4.11
GZ than 30˚
GZ max should occur at angle of heel preferably
Angle of GZ max exceeding 30˚ but not less than 25˚ 42.85
Table 7.1.5 – IMO Stability Criteria (FLD)

Fig.7.1– Statical Stability curve (FLD) Fully loaded Arrival condition (FLA) (100% cargo+ 10% stores)

Table 7.2 – Fully Loaded Arrival Condition

Item Weight LCG VCG
(MT) (m) (m)
Light Ship 30,218.97 120.90 14.50

No.1 Cargo Tank 10,720.76 210.74 16.28

No.2 Cargo Tank 18,641.16 170.24 16.28
No.3 Cargo Tank 18,641.16 123.12 16.28
No.4 Cargo Tank 16,494.60 79.87 16.28
20.46 10.5 17.25
Distilled Water TK(P)
20.46 10.5 17.25
Distilled Water TK(s)
19.64 1.67 17.25
Fresh Water TK(P)
19.64 1.67 17.25
Fresh Water TK(S)
1,700.00 246.44 5.57
FWD D.F.O Deep Tk(C)
0.00 43.44 19.31
E/R D.F.O Deep Tk (P)
0.00 43.44 19.31
E/R D.F.O Deep Tk (S)
0.00 47.12 1.37
E/R DB D.F.O Deep Tk(C)
17.91 34.27 11.04
Main L.O Storage TK(P)
Main L.O Sett. TK(S) 34.10 21.97
40.00 21.30
Main L.O Grav. TK(S) 26.99
Main L.O. Sump TK(C) 32.74 0.5
Bilge Holding Tk(C) 20.42 1.36
75.43 27.99 1.36
Waste Oil Tk(C)
Provision 0.90
40.00 28.60
Table 7.2.1 – Loading Summary (FLA)

Draft FP 10.64m Heel 0 GM(Solid) 4.161m

Draft MS 11.00m Equil Yes F/S Corr 0.042m

Draft AP 11.35m Wind 0.0 kn GM(Fluid) 4.119m

Trim aft 0.15 deg. Wave No KMT 19.73m

LCG 135.2 VCG 15.569 m TPcm 98.7t

Table 7.2.2 – Particulars (FLA)

Displacement Status

Item Status Displ LCB VCB

(MT) (m) (m)
HULL.C Intact 136.231f 5.935
SubTotals: 136.231f 5.935

Table 7.2.3 –Displacement Status (FLA)

Righting Arms vs Heel Angle

HEEL(deg) Notes
0 Equilibrium
40 Max Righting arm

Table 7.2.4 –Righting arm (FLA)

Specification Requirements Available
Area under curve 0.629
up to 30˚ should not be less than 0.055m-rad
Area under curve 1.177
up to 40˚ should not be less than 0.03m-rad
Area under curve 0.547
between 30˚ and
40˚ should not be less than 0.09m-rad
Initial metacentric 3.529
height GM should not be less than 0.15m
Righting lever, Should be at least 0.2m at angle of heel equal or greater 4.12
GZ than 30˚
GZ max should occur at angle of heel preferably
Angle of GZ max exceeding 30˚ but not less than 25˚ 43.07

Table 7.2.5–IMO Stability Criteria (FLA)

Fig. 7.2–Statical Stability Curve (FLA) Ballast Departure condition (BA) (100% ballast+ 100% stores)

Table 7.3 – Ballast Departure Condition

Loading Summary
Item Weight LCG VCG
(MT) (m) (m)
Light Ship 32,628.00 120.8977795 14.50
F.P.TK 1,713.98 262.41 10.75
FWD Deep WB TK(P) 1,582.79 241.38 11.89
FWD Deep WB TK(S) 1,582.79 241.38 11.89
No.1 DB.W.B.TK(P) 2,055.29 212.05 2.67
No.1 DB.W.B.TK(S) 2,055.29 212.05 2.67
No.1 W.W.B.TK(P) 4,000.05 216.54 18.51
No.1 W.W.B.TK(S) 4,000.05 216.54 18.51
No.2 DB.W.B.TK(P) 3,311.22 169.67 2.26
No.2 DB.W.B.TK(S) 3,311.22 169.67 2.26
No.2 W.W.B.TK(P) 2,372.73 170.19 18.16
No.2 W.W.B.TK(S) 2,372.73 170.19 18.16
No.3 DB.W.B.TK(P) 3,420.89 122.60 2.26
No.3 DB.W.B.TK(S) 3,420.89 122.60 2.26
No.3 W.W.B.TK(P) 2,374.05 122.60 18.16
No.3 W.W.B.TK(S) 2,374.05 122.60 18.16
No.4 DB.W.B.TK(P) 2,754.71 79.15 2.31
No.4 DB.W.B.TK(S) 2,754.71 79.15 2.31
No.4 W.W.B.TK(P) 2,143.17 77.81 18.16
No.4 W.W.B.TK(S) 2,143.17 77.81 18.16
E/R W.B. TK(P) 901.94 47.66 14.90
E/R W.B. TK(S) 901.94 47.66 14.90
A.P. TK 1,927.64 5.80 13.37
Distilled Water TK(P) 200.47 10.5 19.31
Distilled Water TK(S) 200.47 10.5 19.31
Fresh Water TK(P) 192.50 1.67 19.31
Fresh Water TK(S) 192.50 1.67 19.31
FWD D.F.O Deep Tk(C) 1,700.00 246.44 5.57
E/R D.F.O Deep Tk (P) 0.00 43.44 19.31
E/R D.F.O Deep Tk (S) 0.00 43.44 19.31
E/R DB D.F.O Deep Tk(C) 0.00 47.12 1.37
Main L.O Storage TK(P) 175.50 34.27 15.93
Main L.O Sett. TK(S) 0.00 34.10 22.00
Main L.O Grav. TK(S) 0.00 26.99 22.00
Main L.O. Sump TK(C) 0.00 32.74 1.37
Bilge Holding Tk(C) 0.00 20.42 1.36
Waste Oil Tk(C) 0.00 27.99 1.36
Provision 8.98 40.00 28.60

Table 7.3.1 - Loading summary (BD

Draft FP 9.45m Heel 0 GM(Solid) 8.056m
Draft MS 10.18m Equil Yes F/S Corr 0.736m
Draft AP 10.91m Wind 0.0 kn GM(Fluid) 7.319m
Trim aft 0.31 deg. Wave No KMT 20.328
LCG 135.89f VCG 12.271 m TPcm 96.12t

Table 7.3.2 – Particulars (BD)

Item Status Displ LCB VCB

(MT) (m) (m)

HULL.C Intact 87,834.27 136.92f 5.419

SubTotals: 87,834.27 136.92f 5.419

Table– Displacement Status (BD)

Righting Arms vs Heel Angle

HEEL(deg) Notes
0 0.00
50 Max Righting arm
Table 7.3.4 – Righting arm (BD)
Table 7.3.5 – IMO Stability Criteria (BD)

Specification Requirements Available

Area under curve 1.117
up to 30˚ should not be less than 0.055m-rad
Area under curve 2.005
up to 40˚ should not be less than 0.03m-rad
Area under curve 0.888
between 30˚ and
40˚ should not be less than 0.09m-rad
initial metacentric 5.969
height GM should not be less than 0.15m
Righting lever, Should be at least 0.2m at angle of heel equal or greater 7.32
GZ than 30˚
GZ max should occur at angle of heel preferably
Angle of GZ max exceeding 30˚ but not less than 25˚ 48.38

Fig.7.3 – Statical Stability curve (BD) Ballast arrival condition (BA) (100% ballast+ 10% stores)

Table 7.4 – Ballast Arrival Condition

Loading Summary

Item Weight LCG VCG

(MT) (m) (m)
Light Ship 32,628.00 120.8977795 14.50
F.P.TK 1355.9 262.41 10.86
FWD Deep WB TK(P) 1575.7 241.38 12.01
FWD Deep WB TK(S) 1575.7 241.38 12.01
No.1 DB.W.B.TK(P) 2086.8 212.05 2.83
No.1 DB.W.B.TK(S) 2086.8 212.05 2.83
No.1 W.W.B.TK(P) 3791.1 216.54 18.37
No.1 W.W.B.TK(S) 3791.1 216.54 18.37
No.2 DB.W.B.TK(P) 3469.2 169.67 2.4
No.2 DB.W.B.TK(S) 3469.2 169.67 2.4
No.2 W.W.B.TK(P) 2328.8 170.19 18.02
No.2 W.W.B.TK(S) 2328.8 170.19 18.02
No.3 DB.W.B.TK(P) 3584.1 122.6 2.4
No.3 DB.W.B.TK(S) 3584.1 122.6 2.4
No.3 W.W.B.TK(P) 2330.1 122.6 18.02
No.3 W.W.B.TK(S) 2330.1 122.6 18.02
No.4 DB.W.B.TK(P) 2830.1 79.15 2.45
No.4 DB.W.B.TK(S) 2830.1 79.15 2.45
No.4 W.W.B.TK(P) 2055.3 77.81 18.02
No.4 W.W.B.TK(S) 2055.3 77.81 18.02
E/R W.B. TK(P) 897.9 47.66 15.05
E/R W.B. TK(S) 897.9 47.66 15.05
A.P. TK 1174.1 5.8 13.51
Distilled Water TK(P) 20.46 10.5 17.25
Distilled Water TK(s) 20.46 10.5 17.25
Fresh Water TK(P) 19.64 1.67 17.25
Fresh Water TK(S) 19.64 1.67 17.25
FWD D.F.O Deep Tk(C) 400.00 246.44 1.28
E/R D.F.O Deep Tk (P) 0.00 43.44 19.31
E/R D.F.O Deep Tk (S) 0.00 43.44 19.31
E/R DB D.F.O Deep Tk(C) 0.00 47.12 1.37
Main L.O Storage TK(P) 17.91 34.27 11.04
Main L.O Sett. TK(S) 72.54 34.10 21.97
Main L.O Grav. TK(S) 40.00 26.99 21.30
Main L.O. Sump TK(C) 32.18 32.74 0.5
Bilge Holding Tk(C) 113.43 20.42 1.36
Waste Oil Tk(C) 75.43 27.99 1.36
Provision 0.90 40.00 28.60
Table 7.4.1- Loading summary (BA)
Draft FP 8.908m Heel 0 GM(Solid) 8.370m

Draft MS 9.89m Equil Yes F/S Corr 1.090m

Draft AP 10.642m Wind 0.0 kn GM(Fluid) 7.279m

Trim aft 0.37 deg. Wave No KMT 20.703 m

LCG 134.60f VCG 12.333 m TPcm 95.53t

Table 7.4.2 – Particulars (BA)

Displacement Status

Item Status Displ LCB VCB

(MT) (m) (m)

HULL.C Intact 83,647.94 137.00f 5.192

SubTotals: 83,647.94 137.00f 5.192

Table 7.4.3– Displacement Status (BA)

Righting Arms vs Heel Angle

HEEL(deg) Notes
0 0.00 Equilibrium
50 Max Righting arm

Table 7.4.4 – Righting arm (BA)

Specification Requirements Available
Area under curve 1.131
up to 30˚ should not be less than 0.055m-rad
Area under curve 2.017
up to 40˚ should not be less than 0.03m-rad
Area under curve 0.886
between 30˚ and
40˚ should not be less than 0.09m-rad
initial metacentric 5.947
height GM should not be less than 0.15m
Righting lever, Should be at least 0.2m at angle of heel equal or greater 7.28
GZ than 30˚
GZ max should occur at angle of heel preferably
Angle of GZ max exceeding 30˚ but not less than 25˚ 48.95
Table 7.4.5 – IMO Stability Criteria (BA)

Fig.7.4 – Statical Stability curve (BA)

7.2 KN Cross Curves Of Stability

KN Cross curves of stability are the plot between the KN (righting arm from keel)
and the displacement for different angles of heel. In this project the KN cross curve
of stability has been obtained by the AUTOHYDROS software. Transverse stability
curves shown previously in this chapter have been be obtained independently by this
software by giving the input of various loading conditions of ship.

5° 10° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90°


1011.29 13.19 15.67 17.12 17.13 16.22 14.71 12.79 16.54 11.46 14.49

7619.94 7.86 11.63 14.62 15.52 15.51 14.93 14.01 17.91 12.82 15.86

15474.6 5.33 9.11 12.86 14.53 15.15 15.14 14.82 18.84 13.76 16.79

23770.44 3.97 7.4 11.53 13.69 14.83 15.32 15.49 19.41 14.33 17.36

32367.28 3.18 6.22 10.52 12.99 14.56 15.48 16.07 19.74 14.66 17.69

41179.47 2.69 5.34 9.7 12.44 14.29 15.61 16.51 19.91 14.83 17.86

50181.24 2.37 4.73 9.01 11.98 14.08 15.7 16.7 19.96 14.88 17.9

59351.5 2.14 4.29 8.43 11.6 13.91 15.77 16.71 19.95 14.87 17.9

68679.55 1.98 3.97 7.94 11.27 13.8 15.75 16.6 19.83 14.75 17.78

78142.53 1.86 3.74 7.55 10.99 13.71 15.63 16.43 19.65 14.57 17.6

87728.88 1.78 3.57 7.23 10.74 13.64 15.47 16.21 19.49 14.41 17.44

97456.21 1.72 3.45 6.98 10.53 13.52 15.26 15.96 19.33 14.25 17.28

107378.02 1.68 3.36 6.8 10.34 13.35 15.02 15.7 19.09 14.01 17.04

117431.2 1.64 3.3 6.66 10.18 13.12 14.74 15.43 18.85 13.77 16.8

127580.44 1.62 3.25 6.57 10.05 12.85 14.43 15.16 18.61 13.53 16.56

Table 7.5- KN values (in meters)

Fig 7.5 – KN Cross Curves of Stability
7.3 Conclusion

The results of the trim and stability calculations have found the ship to be stable in
all the four loading conditions as per IMO stability rules.

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