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Chapter 16 Reducing Your Cancer Risk Study Guide

The second leading cause of death in the United States is cancer.

According to Amanda's oncologist, she has been completely cured of breast cancer. Cured means no
cancer symptoms 5 years after diagnosis and long life expectancy.
Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by uncontrolled growth and spread of abnormal cells.
Jim was told that the tumor in his brain is malignant. This means that the tumor is cancerous.
Tomas was told that the tumor in his brain is benign. This means that the tumor is noncancerous.
When cancer spreads to sites in the body that are distant from the primary cancer cells or tumor, this
process is known as metastasis.
Cancers are caused by two types of risk factors, those related to heredity and those that result from a
person's environment.
Substances that are known to cause cancer are referred to as carcinogens.
One of the primary lifestyle risk factors for cancer is smoking.
Nearly 77 percent of all cancers are diagnosed in people in which age range? Over age 55
Scientists believe that about five percent of all cancers are strongly hereditary.
Which of the following may increase the risk of breast cancer? Being obese
Miguel has worked for a construction company installing insulation for 20 years and was recently
diagnosed with cancer. Based on his work history, which carcinogen was he mostly likely exposed to,
and which type of cancer does he most likely have? Asbestos; lung
Chronic stress, poverty, and emotional or physical trauma are factors that may make an individual more
susceptible to cancer.
"Never smokers" make up what percentage of all lung cancer cases?15
Hodgkin's disease is classified as a lymphoma.
Hodgkin's disease would initially have the greatest influence on the body's ability to defend itself
against infections.
Which type of cancer is characterized by an abnormal increase in the number of white blood cells?
A persistent cough and blood-streaked sputum are symptoms of lung cancer.
The leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States is lung cancer.
What percentage of all lung cancers could be avoided if people did not smoke? 90%
Anna had her first child after age 30. She is not physically active and was on oral contraceptives for
more than 10 years. Which type cancer is Anna at risk for? BreastSelective estrogen-receptor
modulators such as tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors are used to treat estrogen-sensitive breast cancer
because they block estrogen from estrogen-sensitive cells.
Bill is diagnosed with colon cancer. The prognosis for this type of cancer is good if caught early
because the disease tends to progress slowly.
Increased risk for colon and rectal cancers is linked to high consumption of red and processed meats.
Men in which of the following ethnic groups have the highest risk of developing prostate cancer?
African American
Excluding skin cancer, the most common cancer in American males today is prostate cancer.
The most dangerous form of skin cancer is malignant melanoma.
The warning sign of skin cancer in which a mole or lesion has an irregular shape is known
The best form of prevention for skin cancer is to limit exposure to harmful UV rays.
Members of which of the following groups are most at risk for skin cancer? People with fair skin,
blonde or red hair, and blue or green eyes
The minimum SPF necessary for a sunscreen to protect the skin is SPF 15.
According to the ABCD rule for symptoms of melanoma, the letters stand for asymmetry, border
irregularity, color, and diameter.
KINE 210-02 Fall Semester CSU
Which of the following age groups is at highest risk of testicular cancer? Age 15 to age 35
A Pap test is effective for early detection of ovarian cancer.
Cancer of the blood-forming tissues is known as leukemia.
The procedure in which a tissue sample is removed and examined to determine if cancer is present is
Chemotherapy uses which method to kill cancerous cells? Drugs

New growth of tissue that serves no physiological function is a neoplasm.

A neoplasmic mass that grows more rapidly than surrounding tissue is a tumor.
Noncancerous tissue is referred to as benign.
Cells that differ in form, quality, or function from normal cells are known as which type of cell?
A blood test used to screen for prostate cancer is the PSA.
The most common form of cancer in the United States today is skin cancer.
In the United States, the leading cause of death is heart disease.
Smoking is the cause of 80 percent of all lung cancer deaths in the United States.
Lifestyle factors play a significant role in the development of cancer.
Relative risk is a measure of the strength of the relationship between risk factors and a specific form of
Being overweight does not provide any protection against cancer if anything it increases the risk of
developing breast cancer.
People experiencing chronic, severe stress or who have persistent emotional problems have a higher
incidence of cancer than those who don't suffer from these conditions.
There is currently debate among health care experts regarding the appropriate schedule for
mammograms for women under age 50.
Colorectal cancer is the third commonly diagnosed cancer in both men and women.
Today, the five-year survival rate for people diagnosed with cancer is currently about 67 percent.
Breast self-examinations are a good way for a woman to become familiar with her breast tissue to be
better able to recognize any changes or abnormalities.
About 1 in 6 American men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer at some point in their lives.
A tan is an indication of skin damage.
Some researchers suggest that tanning can become an addiction due to the "high" experienced from
increased endorphin production when exposed to high levels of ultraviolet light.
Exposure to tanning beds increases melanoma risk, regardless of age or type of tanning bed used.
Men with undescended testicles have the greatest risk for testicular cancer.
The CAT scan is a noninvasive procedure that creates cross-sectional images that can show the shape
and location of a tumor better than regular x-rays.
Permanent loss of fertility is a possible side effect of chemotherapy.
Smoking is associated with increased risk of at least 15 different types of cancer.
If a tumor is noncancerous, it is referred to as "benign."
The use of radiation to kill cancerous cells is the treatment known as radiotherapy.
The term survivorship is used to describe the physical, psychological, emotional, and economic issues
of cancer from diagnosis until the end of life.
Radiation therapy is most effective in treating localized tumors.
Chemotherapy carries many risks because in addition to killing cancer cells, it also damages healthy
Colonoscopies are recommended for anyone over the age of 50 to screen for colon cancer.
Explain the difference between benign and malignant tumors.
Benign tumors are not cancerous. They are clumps of cells that are usually enclosed in a fibrous shell
that prevents them from spreading. They are harmless unless they grow to the point of obstructing or

KINE 210-02 Fall Semester CSU
crowding out normal tissues.
Malignant tumors are cancerous. They consist of abnormal cells that are usually not enclosed in a
capsule, so they can spread to other areas of the body. Malignant cells invade surrounding tissue,
disrupting normal cells.
Name two viruses and one type of bacteria that have been associated with cancer development and the
types of cancer they cause.
1. Hepatitis: chronic forms of hepatitis B and C are linked to liver cancer.
2. Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a major cause of cervical cancer.
3. Helicobacter pylori bacteria are linked to stomach cancer.
Provide at least four tips for protecting your skin in the sun.
(any four of the following)
1. Avoid the sun or seek shade from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
2. Apply an SPF 15 or higher sunscreen evenly to all uncovered skin before going outside.
3. Check the expiration date on your sunscreen and only use those with ingredients that are still active.
4. Reapply sunscreen at least every two hours.
5. Don't forget to apply sunscreen to lips, nose, ears, neck, hands, and feet.
6. Wear loose-fitting, light-colored clothing.
7. Use sunglasses with 99% to 100% UV protection.
8. Check your skin for cancer, keeping an eye out for any changes in birthmarks, moles, or sunspots.
Name at least three symptoms of lung cancer.
(any three of the following)
1. Persistent cough
2. Blood-streaked sputum
3. Chest pain
4. Back pain
5. Voice change
6. Recurrent bronchitis or pneumonia

Describe at least five risk factors for breast cancer.

1. Age
2. A family history of breast cancer
3. Never having children
4. Having your first child after age 30
5. Menstrual periods that started early coupled with a late menopause
6. Obesity after menopause
7. Recent use of oral contraceptives or hormone therapy
8. Drinking two or more alcoholic drinks per day
9. Physical inactivity

Explain at least three reasons why tanning beds are dangerous.

Answer: (any three of the following)
1. All beds emit UVA rays and most emit UVB rays - both cause long-term skin damage and increase
cancer risk.
2. Indoor tanning significantly increases the risk of melanoma.
3. Tanning beds increase the likelihood of developing squamous cell carcinoma by 2.5 times and basal
cell carcinoma by 1.5 times.
4. Some tanning facilities use high-pressure sunlamps that emit doses of UV radiation that are as much
as 12 times that of the sun.
5. Tanning booths pose significant risk of infectious disease.

KINE 210-02 Fall Semester CSU

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