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BlockChain Gaming Chain

White Paper

A decentralized, fair and equitable marketplace for game creation and monetization built on the blockchain


2 bcgaming.io


Abstract......................................................3 Constant value currency usage. 18

1:Gaming Industry Introduction.................4 3.2.2 Analysis of the constant value currency......19

1.1 Global Gaming Market Size.............4 3.3 True Random Number and DAPP Trusted Game.19

1.2 Blockchain gaming market Analysis. 6 3.3.1 True Random Number................................19

1.3 Analysis of Industry Pain Points........6 3.3.2 DAPP Trusted game.................................20

1.3.1 Developer Pain Points.................6 3.4 Game Prop Trading Center.................................21

1.3.2 Players’ Pain Points......................... 8 4:Token Issue Scheme..................................................23

2:CGames Solutions....................................8 4.1 Platform Token....................................................23

2.1 Solutions for Pain Point..............8 4.2 Use of funds....................................................24

2.1.1 Developers’ solutions.....................8 4.3 Rights...................................................................24

2.1.2 Solutions for players.......................9 5:Roadmap....................................................................25

2.2 Technical Implementation..................10 6:Founding team and expert consultant...................26
2.2.1 Logical Architecture......................10
6.1 Core Team..............................................................26
2.2.2 Technical architecture................11 6.2 Core Consultants..................................................27

3:CGames scenario Introduction...............14 7:Partners......................................................................29

3.1 Open game public-chain win-win ecology.. . .14 8:Legal Disclaimer..........................................................30
3.1.1 Super Node.................................14

3.1.2 Win-win ecology........................15

3.2 Mortgage issued constant value currency.. . .17


Chain Games(referred to as CGames) is a decentralized public gaming platform that provides game asset distribution and
blockchain game publishing. CGames is an all-in-one game development, in-game asset, wallet procuct and virtual goods
exchange marketplace catering to engineers, marketers, developers and creative designers around the world. This
marketplace houses services for all manner of professional licensing, legal compliance and virtual goods monetization that
offers a decentralized global game creation platform that is fully secure, creating fairness and a mutually beneficial win- win
game ecology for game makers and game players.

CGames’s is created by professional developers and gaming industry experts. Two of its super nodes are formal gaming
license holders in the UK and Philippines who possess years of industry experience and accumulated gaming technology.
Operators can utilize the platform to build and connect the modules required by casinos, such as game providers, payments,
compliance and network security technologies to create a win-win gaming ecosystem. Using contact-value coins to
implement bets, based on the CGames platform token to achieve dividends, operators can create and publish DAPPS to to
power securitized trading of virtual goods between games built on the CGames blockchain and other traditional gaming
titles outside of its ecosystem.

Token holders of the Blockchain Gaming Coin (referred to as BGC) issued by CGames functionally serve as investors in the
largest new platform for gaming licensing and compliance platforms ever created in the encrypted technology space.
4 bcgaming.io

1 Gaming Industry Introduction

1.1 Global Gaming Market Size

125.4Bn 134.5Bn

22% 22%
104.8Bn 23% 1%

25% 4%
5% 29% 27% 10%
31% 10% 10%

10% 39% 41%

40.9 34% 50.4 36% 57.9 65.2 72.3
29% Bn Bn Bn Bn Bn

2017 2018 2019 2020


Newzoo’s 2017 Global Gaming Market report showed gaming revenues of $116B in 2017 and projects industry revenues to
reach as much as $143.5B by 2020. The gaming industry is the most profitable entertainment category after film and music,
and it may even surpass these in the next decade.

1.2 Blockchain gaming market Analysis


The first breakout blockchain game, Cryptokitties, has more than 1.5 million users. The total value of transactions completed
in the game to-date exceeds $40 million USD. The most valuable digital cat, or avatar, created in the game is valued at more
than $2M in Ethereum, and CryptoKitties account for 30 percent of all transactions on the Ethereum blockchain – second
only to Bitcoin as the world’s largest blockchain cryptocurrency. This overnight sensation, whether it has a long lifespan or
not, is proof positive of the future growth potential for blockchain gaming.

1.3 Analysis of Industry Pain Points

1.3.1 Developer Pain Points

1.System unreliability:
A functional and comprehensive game platform consist of sophisticated software with a large number of sub-modules.
Sub-modules dictate the stability of the overall gaming system, its logic processes, background process management and
other factors – all of which determine the system’s level of reliability. System reliability is a major burden for both
established and emerging game platforms.

2. Diversity of games:
Game developers utilize their own platforms to create the titles they produce. However, this means developing an entirely
new base for a game every time a new title is created, and rebuilding the entire framework of a game from scratch is
tremendously costly and time-intensive. Therefore, developers are not incentivized to create a diverse portfolio of games of
different types and genres once they have developed a single title that is successful. For a truly democratic gaming platform
that CGames envisions, cost-effective game diversification based on a library of publicly accessible, decentralized gaming
assets and pre-built frameworks is essential.
6 bcgaming.io

3.Poor international or cross-cultural marketing:

Games created in specific countries and languages are not easily translated into other regions or markets without expensive
development and marketing efforts.

4. . Payment and settlement difficulties:

Foreign currency exchange rates and cross-border banking time delays cause high remittance rates and are extremely costly
to both developers and players. Facilitating transactions, payments and settlements between games in different regions,
markets and governments creates long periods of final settlement remittance, which reduces game credibility and increases
the risk of exchange rate expenses between players.

5.Lack of trust between international platforms:

Gaming platforms in different countries, especially new ones, face tremendous costs in establishing trust and credibility
among local players. Creating this same level of trust in other countries or on the international marketplace is an entirely
larger and more difficult expense for developers to accommodate, and often leaves them working within their own localized
markets. Quality of service and timely payment are essential for game platforms in different countries to build trust
amongst one another and create an ecosystem for an international, cost-effective gaming marketplace.

6.Attack and destroy vulnerability:

Centralized server data stored by developers is vulnerable to attack, leaving game creators and players at risk of fraud and
theft. Lack of a secure operating environment and data protection mechanisms, as well as the high risk of transaction fraud
online, has tremendously increased overall costs for developers and hindered industry market growth.

7. Costly development:
Not all developers can afford to create their own games and blockchains. Just like game engines, developers don’t need to
start from scratch. A programmable blockchain with open access to SDKs for all types of games provides developers with a
democratized library of decentralized content.

The cost of developing a game from the ground up, as well as the infrastructure required to maintain it – servers,
bandwidth, ongoing programming and maintenance – is another roadblock to the game industry’s true globalization and
accelerated growth. CGames solves this problem with its decentralized content model for the game development

8.Learning Curve:
Game developers and creative designers specialize in content creation and graphics, while blockchains are built on
distributed databases and encryption algorithms. The two platforms have almost nothing in common. Game industry
developers would require tremendous training to become blockchain experts, or to develop public blockchains, for which
today’s gaming industry simply cannot afford the time investment required.

The game industry practitioners specialize in computer graphics, while blockchains rely on distributed databases and
encryption algorithms. The two have almost no common ground. Developers of the game industry need to spend a lot of
time learning from scratch to develop public chains, which is almost fatal in today's fast paced game industry and block
chain industry.
1.3.2 Players’ Pain Points

1. Hidden core data and “black box” operati ons

Most of today’s online games use game props, rewards and lotteries. However, in these existing R&D operation systems,
core data is not open, kept opaque to users and can even be done so with unfair odds. Game developers and operators use
“black box” operations to control core data and manage a game’s playability to make the odds and payouts in their favor.

2. Lack of ownership for virtual assets

Despite a lot of gameplay, time and / or money invested by players to earn money, virtual goods or props, players have no
fair agent platform to clearly access their virtual assets for which they should technically have ownership. All centralized
games make in-game currency and assets the property of the game developers and not that of the players – blockchain
technology makes such assets immutable and decentralized, creating ownership that can belong to the player outside of the
game from which these assets came.

3. Poor security
Games with core data stored on centralized servers leave players’ personal information vulnerable to malicious attacks.
Players don’t have real control over the information they have shared and cannot properly protect themselves without
transparency and visibility into what data the games they play hold about them. In-game achievements, game props
purchased with real world money and other virtual assets can instantly disappear, and players have no guarantee of
compensation for the gameplay or financial investment they’ve made into these digital goods.

4. The circulation of assets across games

As individual games rise and fall in popularity, so do the assets within them. Gamers who invest tremendous time into
games value of the assets they own in those games. With blockchain decentralization, these assets could retain their value
and be traded into virtual goods in new and more popular games.
8 cgames.co

CGames aims to provide

a complete solution for
game operators,

2 CGames Solutions
developers, and players
based on blockchain and
IT technology, as well as
integrating modern
financial knowledge. At
the same time, the
platform also introduces
any natural person or
company who wants to
open the blockchain
network game platform,
and after the KYC (Know
Your Customers), to build
a good user experience,
trustworthy, discarding
the current industry pain
point de- centralization
game platform in one

2.1 Solutions
for Pain

2.1.1 Developers’

1. Reliable systems:
CGames will have a
community of industry-
leading service providers
with mature, established
operating systems that
will comprise its super
nodes. These core
members of the CGames
platform will provide
reliable and stable
service for all its
members, vendors and

2. Mass games and

CGames super notes will be expected to launch more than 30 new
games every month, and to make more than 2,000 games available in
CGames’s decentralized asset library. This will provide a tremendous
archive of game creation assets to new developers, and super nodes
will earn dividends for sharing their assets as part of CGames’s
incentivized trust mechanism.

Even traditional online games, mobile or PC games can use assets from
the CGames archive, providing game props, skins and other assets
without previous transactions or securitization, allowing game
developers, operators and players to enjoy the full economic gains of a
game without the expense of new title development.

3. Targeted promotion:
The CGames global community will provide all game developers and
their titles a global audience with live events. Developers will enjoy the
strongest and first priority promotion in their own countries, and
CGames’s multilingual team will provide translation services to help
market games around the world. This globalization technology will
provide a truly worldwide audience will still serving developers and
helping them expand their reach for their local markets close to home.

4. Payment and settlement challenges:

CGames uses smart contract technology to overcome the cost of cross-
country or international transactions, recharges and fees. Payments
and settlements between players can be securely executed with BGC
instead of converted real-world currency.
9 bcgaming.io

5. Cross-regional Trust:
Blockchain technology creates mutual trust between parties. Each individual can protect his own rights and interests while
the overall fairness of the game process and game results are unalterable and immutable. This includes the gameplay and
final results of currency liquidation within a game, all at greatly improved speeds. This means more, faster and secure
transactions with full transparency and accountability between all parties involved.

6. Verifiable copy rights:

CGames uses blockchain technology to provide developers with complete, verifiable creation and intellectual property
ownership. All published content will add timestamps to our transparent and immutable distributed ledger to support
copyright ownership. A developer community that creates copyrights can be adequately protected, and ultimately will
stimulate the growth of the entire market.

7. Lower bandwidth costs, R&D costs, traffic costs and operating costs:
Developers can use our distributed nodes instead of centralized servers to more operate and maintain their games at a
much lower cost. Developers do need to purchase or maintain expensive hardware and infrastructure to reach a wide
audience. Of users. CGames technology will power these games on its platform without high cost for in-game transactions.

8. Simplicity of Blockchain:
With the help of CGames's self-developed SDK, the development of blockchain game can be distributed and very easy to
transplant and adapt. SDK will minimize the barriers to coding and create a non-limited environment for more extensive,
more diversified individual developers and teams to participate in the game creation.

2.1.2 Solutions for player pain points

CGames places core random number generators on the public blockchain to ensure fairness for all games, including the
reward probability of game props, acquisition of random numbers in the game, and player balance matching so core
values are always transparent.

2. Ownership of virtual assets:

CGames gives players true ownership over virtual assets, and their props or moneys are not held by a single company or
publisher. Gamers will no longer be at the will of the large companies or development studios that make today’s most
profitable and largest games.
3. High security:
Blockchain technology fully protects all user funds and personal data, as well as how these assets and information points are
used. Players have full insight into how their personal content is used and where.

4. Cross-game asset circulation:

Virtual assets can be exchanged for BGC at the market rate so players can buy, trade and sell virtual goods between games.

2.2 Technical Implementation

2.2.1 Logical Architecture

The CGames gaming platform supports an entire game ecosystem. Its platform business logic and architecture are
described in the following diagram:


Operators ......

Website support Agency system Management System Settlement System


BlockChain SmartContract BGC StableCoin



Infra ProviderGame ProviderCDN ProviderSecurity Provider

2 - 1 Logical architecture diagram

1. Super nodes: CGames will select and verify only the most experience, reliable and licensed suppliers to provide
instructure, game content, CDN acceleration, security and others services to its community to ensure a solid foundation for
its ecosystem.
2. Chain: The blockchain uses smart contract technology and constant value platform tokens built on classic blockchain
3. Portal: The portal provides an online management platform for game operators. This portal provides convenient access
for opening up games to massive community support, as well as comprehensive management and trusted settlement
4. Operators: operators provide entertainment services for players through their own gaming platforms.
2.2.2 Technical architecture

1. Consensus algorithm:
Delegated proof of stake, DPoS:
In CGames’s DPoS, the longest chain always wins, which means when an honest node sees a longer valid chain, it switches
from the current fork to the longer valid chain.

The DPoS consensus mechanism includes: selecting block producers, scheduling blocks, and reshuffling for deterministic

CGames’s DPoS consensus mechanism gives each account a single vote representative (called an approval vote for super
node or mineral pool). The top N named representatives will be selected (N usually being an odd number) and N
representative is considered to be sufficient to “no key centralization” by at least 50% of voters. After setting the number N
of the representative, the number of representatives must collectively vote to elect the same number of representatives –
and they cannot vote more than a pre-established upper limit.

Scheduling block generation:

Once representatives are elected, they will be randomly ordered and get a block every 2 seconds in a fixed order and must
complete a block in a block cycle (if one of them does not get out of the block or tries to use the power cause harm in this
interval, it will be skipped or eliminated, and replaced by the new representative from the next round of voting, and the
next elected representative will create the block instead.

At the end of each cycle, the representatives will be "shuffled" once;

Slot: also known as the time period, each block has a fixed time period;

Round: There are N representatives, each of which generate a block, that is, one cycle for each N block generated. So, a
complete cycle requires N * Slot (seconds);
Reward cycle: Setting milestone time (Milestone) according to block chain height, and adjusting block rewards at a certain
time point.

Producer certainty shuffle:

In order to ensure that when one blocked is generated, the block producer will not always be ignored, or the tie is broken
whenever a plurality of the same number of producers are forked. So, each time a cycle is completed (that is, N blocks
generated), the block producers are randomly sorted, also known as a "shuffle."

The advantages of this architecture are obvious:

• The process greatly reduce the number of accounting and verification nodes to achieve second level validation;
• High efficiency;
• Few opportunities to fork;
• The system is fault-tolerant.
2. The hardware random number generator:
Most random numbers in programs and languages are pseudo-random. It is a pseudo-random number generated by a
determinable function (common linear congruence) through a seed (common clock). This means that if the seed is known,
or a random number has been generated, it is possible to obtain information on the sequence of random numbers
(predictability). Intuitively, a computer is a deterministic and predictable device. It is obviously impossible to generate true
randomness by determining the code itself line by line.

In order to achieve true random numbers, the game chain requires that all nodes of the chain must be equipped with
professional, real random number generation hardware. A hardware random number generator is a device that generates
random numbers through physical processes rather than computer programs. Such devices are typically based on
microscopic phenomena that generate low-level, statistically random "noise" signals such as thermodynamic noise,
photoelectric effects, and quantum phenomena. These physical processes are theoretically completely unpredictable and
have been confirmed by experiments. The random number thus generated is a completely unpredictable true random
number, which can guarantee the fairness of a public game and provide a technical guarantee for the rights of all players.

3. Software Architecture:
The overall technical architecture of CGames is as follows:

Business Layer Games Lobby Blockchain Browser Settlement Center

Super Node Game Development Access SDK

Access Layer

Smart Contract
Contract Layer

Account & Wallet Certification & Trading

Block Generation & Synchronization
Logical Layer

I/O Encryption Consensus True Random

P2P Network Algorithm
Algorithm Number
Base Layer
Process/Thread Management

Figure2-2 Development Logic Diagram

Layer 1:
The base layer, all the base libraries needed to build a blockchain, including but not limited to:
The disk read/write module is a high-speed read/write feature of the blockchain, which optimizes the read/write speed and
provides a basis for high-speed and stable operation of the blockchain.
Network module to build a basic P2P distributed network.
The exception handling module completes the reporting, logging, and processing functions for exceptions.
The encryption module uses the international mainstream encryption library to stand the test of time.
The consensus module, together with the cryptographic module, performs the authentication function of the block result.
The thread process management module completes functions such as concurrent, serialized, and locked functionality.
Random module, calling random numbers to generate hardware, to achieve hard random numbers.

Layer 2:
The basic application layer, located above the base layer, the basic functional layer, establishes the basic functions of the
blockchain, including but not limited to:

The account and wallet management module manages users and wallets through public key authentication.
The trading and certification module identifies and manages the trading process through a consensus mechanism.
The block generation and synchronization module records the generated blocks on the chain and synchronizes them to all

Layer 3:
The virtual machine layer, on top of the blockchain basic application layer, provides a smart contract runtime environment,
developers can customize their own smart contracts according to their own game rules. Each state and action of the smart
contract is recorded in the block, and as the core database, the core value of the game is recorded.
In particular, the game chain not only implements its own smart contracts, but also is perfectly compatible with Ethereum
smart contracts, providing possibilities for cross-chain communication.

Layer 4:
Developer interface layers, including but not limited to:
The super node access port, through which the authenticated super node can access the game chain and become a game
chain service provider.
The developer SDK, which is suitable for multi-language SDKs, which covers almost all game development languages and
reduces the difficulty of game development.

Layer 5:
The user application layer provides the applications required for the end user to access the game chain, including: The game
lobby provides massive game support for users.
The settlement center automatically performs game settlement based on preset ratios and smart contracts.
Through the above architecture, CGames builds a viable, efficient and scalable technology architecture to support the
overall vision of the platform.
3 CGames scenario Introduction

3.1 Open game public-chain win-win ecology

Based on its own mechanism, CGames built an open bottom-line game public-chain, win-win ecology platform through
blockchain. Each platform coin of all platform currency holders has equal rights to all CGames platforms; all platform
ecosystem participants can obtain relevant income from the platform.

1. Platform currency holder: You can earn income through dividends

2. Partners (super nodes): can share the benefits of the platform through support and contribution
3. Game operators: quickly build an entertainment platform with a sound economic system and entertainment system
through the game center

3.1.1 Super Node

Based on its own trusted economic system and smart contracts combined with industry-leading gaming suppliers, CGames
provides a leading, win-win game ecosystem.

The CGames platform defines partners (such as game providers, infrastructure providers, CDN providers, security
providers, etc.) that support the operation of the platform as platform super nodes. To be a CGames service node
(including super node), you need to meet three conditions:

1. Hold a set number of BGCs;

2. Investigate supplier qualifications through the platform and comply with regulatory requirements;
3. Qualification is recommended and guaranteed by more than three super nodes.

Once you become a service node, you can distribute games to the entire network or provide the services you need for
other platforms.
The CGames platform super node will provide game operators with all the support needed for a complete game such as
omni-channel support, industry consulting, full agent systems, back-end management system, risk management systems,
legal compliance and license support.
3.1.2 Win-win ecology

By integrating Super Node's mutual joint, CGames can provide a systematic, complete and standardized game platform
for the market. The game platform running process is as follows:



Super node
game provider infra provider CDN security provider

Blockchain Trusted Economic system Smart Contract


1. Purchase platform currency to get super node’s support

2. Configure your own game platform through the super node

3. Issue your own game currency through the platform (such as CGPokerCoin, PC for short)

At this point, the operator has the following resources:

1: Exclusive customized, multi-game, complete game platform

2: Efficient and stable game economy system

16 bcgaming.io

The game platform running process when the player enters the game is as follows:

playerA: 100PC playerB: 100PC

playerA:50PC playerB:144PC

Operator: 100PCSuper node: 0PC Operator : 103PCSuper node : 3PC

playerA:50PC playerB:144PC


Operator: 106PCSuper nodes: 0PC

1. Before play:

Player A has 100PC

Player B has 100PC
The operator owns 100PC
Super node owns 0PC

2. During play:

During the entertainment process, A loses 44PC to player B and loses 6PC to the operator

3. After play:

Player A has 50PC

Player B has 144PC
The operator owns 106PC
Super node owns 0PC
4. Smart contract processing:

Player A has 50PC

Player B has 144PC
The operator owns 103PC
Super node owns 3PC

Processing explanation: In the game process, the extra 6PCs of the operators are the overall profits, and
the profit distribution will be automatically allocated based on the pre-agreed proportions of the smart
contracts (the ratio is predefined by the operator and the super-node collaborative platform, and cannot
be changed after the definition). Some PCs are assigned to the super nodes, and the super nodes are
allocated according to the proportion of their respective currency platforms.
The PC is a constant value currency issued on the platform-based collateral currency, and all parties
can exchange it for the platform currency according to their needs.

Through the overall mechanism built on CGames, game operators and super nodes can maximize the value of each other's
cost-effectiveness under the premise of zero cost trust.

3.2 Mortgage issued constant value currency

CGames combines blockchain technology with financial technology. On the basis of retaining all the characteristics of
cryptocurrency, platform users can issue constant-value coins based on the mortgage platform currency. In order to achieve
the guaranteed value and price stability, the exchange of games and funds is carried out.
3.2.1 Constant value currency usage


baccarat coinpoker coinblackjack coin casino_a coincasino_b coin


1:2 1:3 1:1

1:1 1:2

4.1 Derivative flow chart

1. Each platform can release its own platform-specific currency (such as blackjackCoin) on CGames.

2. Players can obtain CGames's BaseCoin through the platform, exchanges, agents by the legal currency.

3. Players hold BaseCoin can exchange to blackjackCoin

4. The player bets on the game through blackjackCoin

5. When the bet is placed, bets will be locked through smart contract.

6. Gaming in games enhanced by smart contract

7. At the end of the game, the smart contract issue PokerCoin based on result.

8. Players can exchange blackjackCoin to BaseCoin.

9. Players can convert blackjackCoin to legal currency through platform, exchange and agent.
3.2.2 Analysis of the constant value currency

Scene demonstration (for convenience, regardless of the fee for each link):

1. Scenario Premise: Player A uses $100 to get 10 BGC from the agent, BGC price is $10. Then he uses 10 BGC to get 100
PokerCoin (At this time, the exchange rate between BGC and PokerCoin is 10); 100 PokerCoin is equal to $100.

2. After the player enters the game, the player wins 50PokerCoin, and then loses 50PokerCoin. Now, the player has 100
PokerCoin; The player wants to cash out.

3. The BGC price drops by 50% (1/2) and the price is $5; the platform will automatically increase the exchange rate
between BGC and PokerCoin by 200% ((2/1)), at which time the exchange rate is 10/2=5.

4. Players exchange 100 PokerCoin, 100 PokerCoin can be exchanged for 20BGC.

5. 20 BGC can be redeemed for $100 (20 x $5=$100).

Throughout the process, even if the BGC price fluctuates, the value of the legal currency held by the user does not
fluctuate; the player's profit is guaranteed.

3.3 True Random Number and DAPP Trusted Game

3.3.1 True Random Number

The rules and basic parameters in one game are all consistently
determined. Under the premise that the players are recognized
(specific rules), the "lucky rate" that actually affects the player
experience during the game is actually the random number
generator; Player gaming is a random number generator that
affects the player's lucky value; while the random number in the
conventional software sense is a "pseudo-random number", and
does not absolutely guarantee the player's experience and benefits.

Hardware random number generators, or True Random Number Generators, TRNG is a device that generates random
numbers through physical processes rather than computer programs. Such devices are typically based on microscopic
phenomena that generate low-level, statistically random "noise" signals such as thermodynamic noise, photoelectric
effects, and quantum phenomena. These physical processes are theoretically completely unpredictable and have been
confirmed by experiments.
Hardware random number generators typically consist of transducers, amplifiers, and analog-to-digital converters. The
transducer is used to convert some effects of the physical process into electrical signals, the amplifier and its circuitry are
used to amplify the amplitude of the random disturbance to the macro level, and the analog to digital converter is used to
convert the output into a digital, usually Binary zero and one. By repeatedly sampling these random signals, a series of real
random numbers are generated.
All nodes of CGames are equipped with hardware random number generators, and the underlying random number
capability is developed to the business and DAPP through the interface to ensure the fairness of the overall game.

3.3.2 DAPP Trusted game

The online game ultimately needs to implement complete game logic through software, and the participants can't ensure
the software credibility in real time during the game; the reason they cannot full trust this process is because cannot be
fully the code bit is public and how to ensure that the code is not replaced.

The smart contract engine on CGames is fully compatible with the solidity language, based on the DAPP developed by the
smart contract on the CGames chain. Once the DAPP is published online changes, it is exposed and solidified to solve the
problem affecting the credibility of the player.

4.2 CryptoKitties code based on Solidity language

1.Open code
All code of DAPP can be found and reviewed in plain text on the blockchain browser. Exposing the code can prevent hidden
backdoors or specific trigger settings in the code to ensure that the player can trust the game without using In the game
itself to guard against or cheating.
2. Code curing
The blockchain itself has an unchangeable record. The code on the DAP P itself is also part of the blockchain record. Once
the DAPP code is attached, it will be solidified, and there is no room for tampering and influence, thus eliminating the
Both players and game center operators can give complete trust to the “transparent body”.
Finally, the hardware is used to determine the generation of "true random numbers" to ensure that the core part cannot be
manipulated; based on the characteristics of DAPP-based business disclosure and curing, the entire game process is
transferred to the blockchain based on DAPP, turning "black box" into "Transparent" to ensure that the "black box" itself is
credible and cannot be manipulated to provide transparent games and trusted games.

3. 4 Game Prop Trading Center

Currently, more than 2.3 billio people play games on different platforms and devices every day. Opskins, which published at
the end of 2014, is the world's largest skin trading platform, with 10 million independent users per month, and the
transaction fee is about 10%. Only 6% of players can benefit from the trading of items, and the profit is about $4 billion. The
main reason for this situation is an island effect: the information of each game player cannot be communicated, the item
information cannot be widely spread, and the player cannot trust the transaction.

Game developers can link their own games to CGames's APIs and link them to other games that use the API. Without a third
party, the game's players can sell or trade items to other game players. For example, both World of Warcraft and King Glory
have access to CGames's API, and two players can exchange their items. Each game item estimate will be displayed in the
wallet in the form of a CGames token. The main cost of each transaction on the CGames item trading center is 5% of the
total transaction amount. Most of the cost will be sent to the developer and copyright owner of the transactional item, and
the rest will be charged by CGames.

CGames is a blockchain-based cross-game prop trading platform that provides game developers with an API for cross-game
trading. All virtual items in the game are subject to one-click sale, one-click trading, one-click evaluation; break the prop
trading island and let the most of rest 94% of the players involved.
For example: Player A can list his/her ‘Frostmorne’ from World of Warcraft on CGames’s in-game store
( priced in BGC); After the item was successfully listed, other players could see it and be able to bid on it; Once
buyer pays BGC for the item; CGames will use API in World of Warcraft, and transfer ‘Frostmorne” from Seller
to Buyer. After the completion of the transaction, CGames will charge 5% of total amount as service fee.

Therefore, CGames is also a game items trading platform, provide API for game developers to trade across games, all
the in-game items can be assessed, sell or trade within clicks; crushing item trading island effect, let most of the players
benefit more.
4 Token Issue Scheme

4.1 Platform Token

1. BGC:
BGC, issued by the CGames platform, has a constant circulation of 2.1 billion and never be issued; the amount of external
exchange can be 525 million (25%), of which 5% is the cornerstone investment (lock for 9 months, release 25% for each half
year), 20% for private sale (lock for 6 months, release followed by 10% for each quarter). For the rest portion of 1.575 billion
(75%), among it, 15% as for team reserved reward (lock for 18 months, subsequent unlocked 25% each year, unlock in four
years), 25% for BGC foundation operations, 20% for developer ecological construction, and node reward reserve 15% for
community building.
Used in CGames and internal ecological circulation; BGC is distributed through the Ethereum platform at the beginning, and
follows the ERC20 standard; the use of BGC tokens is completely public through the Ethereum platform; CGames will
migrate to the main network own public chain after going online.

2. Distribution ratio:

25% Foundation

20% Private sale

20% Ecological construction

15% Team

15% Community building

5% Cornerstone
4.2 Use of funds

• 40% of the funds will be used for

Marketing 45%
platform-related functional development, system
operation and maintenance, related peripheral
R&D 40%
service fees, and team member salaries, etc.
Reserve 15%
• 45% of the funds are used for
brand building, operation and promotion of
platform globalization, including
promotion and popularization for games,
gaming, blockchain industry and other industries.
At the same time, it provides financial support
for various activities in the market to ensure
the market share of the platform
• 15%of the funds are used for
the platform's reserves for emergencies

4.3 Rights

1.Dividend rights
The operator provides operational support services through the super nodes and provides a trusted mechanism through the
CGames platform. Finally, the promotion and management of the complete and own games can be realized in a low-cost
and high-trust manner; the profits generated during the operation will be a foundation consisting of super nodes and be
allocated reasonably, and each platform token holds a profit share of the corresponding share.

2. Super node election

The platform token is eligible for the super-election. After being elected as a super-node, the game can be distributed to the
whole network or provide the services required by other platforms.

3. Issue your own constant value currency

Each game website operator can use BGC to issue its own token Blockchain Gaming Stable Coin (BGSC) for listing and
distribution. BGSC is free to convert with BGC in the platform, without worrying about the slow conversion speed, unstable
value and the need to use third-party assistance.

4. Free exchange under compliance supervision

A seamless global trading through listing on multiple exchanges around the world. Feel free to re-issue through the
exchange or through the OTC market within the community.
5 Roadmap

Stage1 Stage2

Forming an initial team

2018Q2Market/technical research Complete the white paper 2019Q3 Link global market
Conduct global beta

Complete the BGC core module

Complete platform development Finish inner version
2019Q1 2019Q4 Officially launched

2019Q2 Building a super node 2020Q1 Building a global ecosystem

Started the internal test
6 Founding team and expert

6.1 Core Team

CEO: Feroz Subedar

Mr. Feroz Subedar has a bachelor’s of science(B.S.) in

managerial economics from UC Davis and MBA from SF state.
He has been licensed in the financial industry since 2006. Work
experience involves helping clients reach their financial goals.
He once served as a branch manager in Scottrade securities
company, and managed $4 billion 500 million fund.

CTO: Jon Wu

AI MS at CMU and Tsinghua university, former main developer

of a million-user startup, 4 years of full stack experience.

COO: Ricardo Longin

Mr. Ricardo Longin graduated from the University of Florida in the
United States. He has served as a branch manager in J.P.Morgan, E-
TRADE, Scottrade and other securities company, and managed $3
billion 500 million fund.

6.2 Core consultant

Ms. Sophie is an expert in investment, mergers and acquisitions,
and specializes in investment, securities market value management,
and fund management. She is engaged as an honorary chairman of
several chambers of commerce associations and a number of corporate
consultants. She has studied at several prestigious universities such as
California State University, Stanford University, Harvard University and
Tsinghua University.

Rick Kowalczyk
Mayor, City of Half Moon Bay City (2009 - 2018), Democrat;

Mayor, City of Dublin (Since 2014), Independents.

Kirsten Keith

Mayor, City of Menlo Park (Since 2012), Republican.


Information Services Director, City of Milpitas (Since 2014).

29 bcgaming.io

7 Partners
8 Legal Disclaimer
CGames has/will issue BGC tokens through presales and sales or other means. The so-called token issuance will be subject
to the laws of the country in which it is issued.
The purpose of this token is to raise funds for the development of the project through pre-sales. Therefore, this is an early
fundraising event that is risky for any participant. This token is issued to experienced participants who are familiar with
blockchain and tokenized products, as well as participants who understand and accept the risks of early purchases of BGC
tokens. Purchasing or holding a BGC is not an investment, and the BGC may not appreciate, and/or the depreciation may
reach 100% of the purchase price. BGC holders can participate in the use of CGames, but are not guaranteed to be cashed

As the situation is unpredictable, the goals presented in this white paper may be updated regularly. While the team will
strive to achieve all the goals set forth in this book, all individuals and groups that receive the BGC will be at their own risk.
This white paper is intended to convey information only and does not constitute any investment advice, investment
intentions or to assist and encourage others to invest. This white paper does not constitute or be construed as an act of
buying or selling, or an offer to buy or sell any form of securities, or any form of contract or undertaking.
Participants in the BGC sales program should carefully read the CGames white paper, fully understand the technical and risk
characteristics of CGames, fully consider their risk tolerance, and make reasonable judgments and prudent decisions.
Participation in the project means understanding and accepting the project risk and willing to bear all the corresponding
results or consequences.

CGames tokens do not constitute any commodity or any type of financial instrument, nor do they represent any equity,
equity, securities or equivalent rights, including but not limited to any future dividends, dividends or intellectual property
rights, and do not represent CGames related Any ownership other than as specified in the Platform or this white paper.

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