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UTS Paralel Kewirusahaan

1. An entrepreneur as a person driven to achieve with a high tolerance for risk and a
huge desire to be successful. TRUE
2. Cognitive Adapt is measuring the ability of an entrepreneur to merge into any
3. In entrepreneur behavior, the intention is to maximizing return on resources.
4. Repurpose is creating new product from modification of other product with new
5. An entrepreneur that is very sociable in any communities and able to persuade in
some degree categorized as Cognitive Adapt.
6. Personalize is creating new product that can be custom made according to consumer
7. This statement is true about the difference between harmonious passion and
obsessive passion, except obsessively passionate entrepreneurs try to avoid and
anticipate the unexpected, have a rigid view of goal attainment, and do not feel in
control of the venture activity, while harmoniously passionate entrepreneurs have
a defensive engagement in the venture activity and they will experience distress and
negative affect while engaging in the entrepreneurial activity.
8. Entrepreneurial self-efficacy reflects how strongly entrepreneurs perceive that they
are able to successfully attain goals associated with the new venture. TRUE
9. Based on Sarasvathy (2001), there are two decision-making logics; decision-making
logics that focus on prediction and those that focus on non-predictive control. Which
statements is NOT true about decision-making logic? In ambiguous contexts,
predictive control may be more advantageous than predictive methods.
10. Ideational bricolage refers to the ‘process through which people use and combine the
various resources they have “at hand” as a means of finding workable–if typically
imperfect–approaches to a wide variety of problems and opportunities’. FALSE
11. What does it mean by "something from the idea of the School and build something
from it, something that focuses more on any one single feature" ? Separate
12. Which statement is false about variation in risk perception? High perceived risk
encourages entrepreneurs to use a predictive decision-making logic, where the
focus is on managing the process rather than outcomes.
13. When profit of a business is declining, the supply of product should be reduced. This
is a behavior of Producer
14. The high cognitive adapt individuals will be motivated to pursue a career that enables
them to utilize their skills, which results in experiences of greater disappointment,
self-realization, and accomplishment FALSE
15. Delegitimization is a key component of bricolage in the context of social enterprises,
because it allows entrepreneurs to create space for new ideas about what social
impact means in their specific context. TRUE
16. An entrepreneur who changes the interests of everyday hobbies into successful
ventures is able to improve his/her Effectuation
17. What aspects that cognitive adapt is NOT associated with? Passion
18. Products developed from derivatives of other products are obtained using the source
idea method is Derived
19. Creativity and innovation, which essentially depend on Cognitive Adapt, are also
central of entrepreneurship and to influencing one’s beliefs that s/he has the
capability to think outside the box & develop business solution.
20. The strength of an individual’s belief that he or she is capable of successfully
performing the roles and tasks of entrepreneur, called Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy
21. An entrepreneur who has a network and a lot of friends everywhere is specified in
his/her Bricolage
22. This statement is true about Bricolage, except Bricolage is about maximizing every
resources we have in order to maintain existing products.
23. The ability to come up with Multiple Solutions to a problem and adapt to situational
and task contingencies will enable cognitively flexible individuals to perceive a positive
attitude toward risk taking.
24. Causal decision-making relies on systematic processing modes and consists of
predictions based on existing information while effectual logic is a set of rationales
alternative to causation, oriented toward on action and control. TRUE
25. An entrepreneur which is very focus determined believe to achieve a goals with
whatever s/he has in control is said to have effectuation.

Studi Kasus
Arka meringkas pembelajarannya tentang perilaku kewirausahaan sebagai berikut. Menurut
saya: perilaku dan nilai-nilai tertentu seperti inisiatif, analitik dan pengambil risiko dan nilai-
nilai seperti: inovatif, kreatif, berorientasi pada kesuksesan serta mampu bereaksi secara
konsisten dalam situasi apa pun adalah kebutuhan yang diperlukan dalam berperilaku

Menurut Manajemen Jurnal Internasional: Entrepreneurial Behavior pada dasarnya adalah

bagaimana seorang wirausahawan merespons individu atau kelompok terhadap suatu
tindakan, lingkungan dengan menciptakan produk yang mampu mengisi kesenjangan
Perdagangan antara dua pihak selalu menghasilkan kesejahteraan yang meningkat. Oleh
karena itu kemampuan mengidentifikasi kesenjangan sehingga menyebabkan terjadinya
perdagangan yang saling menguntungkan adalah tujuan dari perilaku wirausaha.

Karakteristik karier yang sukses dalam kewirausahaan menurut penelitian adalah kejujuran,
kepercayaan, adil, bertanggung jawab yang dimiliki oleh wirausaha. Dilain pihak ditemukan
bahwa ketekunan dan disiplin, daya tahan, kerentanan terhadap risiko, penerimaan terhadap
teknologi modern, kompeten dalam manajemen keuangan, memiliki pengetahuan yang
memadai di lapangan, jaringan bisnis yang substansial dan kemampuan untuk mengatur

Hasil penelitian terhadap 13 wirausaha menemukan bahwa nilai penting bagi adalah dapat
dipercaya, inovatif, dan membantu. Selain itu, menjadi Pengusaha oleh IJM menyatakan
bahwa karakteristik pengusaha sukses seperti penerimaan tanggung jawab, dan rasa lapar
untuk mencapai dan optimisme dan orientasi untuk keunggulan dan memelihara bisnis.

Menurut pendapat saya dilain hal tersebut juga penting, mengembangkan ide bisnis, memiliki
segelas pola pikir setengah penuh, memungkinkan tujuan perusahaan lebih mudah dijangkau
untuk mengidentifikasi kesenjangan yang ada dan mengisi dengan produk yang mampu

Contoh Pengusaha Terkenal: Pengusaha terkenal seperti Bill Gates, pendiri Microsoft
Corporation memberi tahu kita bahwa wirausahawan harus tegas dalam membuat suatu
keputusan, dan siap untuk merubah kepeutusannya dengan mudah bila menemukan opsi
return yang lebih tinggi dan lebih pasti dari resource yang ada. Contoh lain adalah Michael
Bloomberg pemilik Bloomberg LP dan kandidat untuk pemilihan presiden AS 2020 percaya
bahwa kerja keras adalah kunci keberhasilan, bahwa membangun bisnis sendiri
membutuhkan waktu dan usaha, banyak pasang surut tetapi memiliki ketekunan adalah sifat
wirausaha sukses seharusnya. Apakah mereka itu kini menjadi business owner behavior,
worker behavior atau entrepreneur behavior?


Mengapa penting bagi wirausaha untuk memiliki kemampuan mengidentifikasi kesenjangan?
Agar mampu menciptakan kesejahteraan yang meningkat antara dua pihak yang berdagang

Karakteristik pengusaha sukses adalah penerimaan tanggung jawab, kenekatan, optimisme

dan orientasi untuk memimpin pasar

Perilaku apakah yang patut dimiliki seorang wirausaha?

Mengembangkan ide bisnis, dipercaya, inovatif

Karakteristik karier yang sukses dalam kewirausahaan menurut penelitian adalah

Kejujuran, adil, bertanggung jawab

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