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The Big Study

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

SHAKE, RATTLE, and ROLL: Is There Evidence

That UFOs Project Attractive or Repulsive Force?

Trying to squeeze something in during busy times.... I went to the files

over the last seven to ten days to log some cases. I was interested in the
category that I call CE2EE {I actually use and infinity sign rather than an
"EE", but this keyboard doesn't have one and "Everything Else" will do

The focus became "carlifts", then expanded to Lifts and Shakes and
Pushes and Pulls. When I got it rounded up to that, I found almost fifty
cases in the file drawer with which to do a small study. "This ain't
brilliant, folks", but maybe it will at least be somewhat entertaining.
For a stretch here I'm going to show you my case logs for these sorts of
incidents, and just say a few words to each sheet. The Case #1-7 sheet
contains three incidents for which I have some confidence [Outlined in
blue] but no really outstanding ones. The BLUEs are all different. One is
a horselifting; one is a carlifting; and one is a car shaking. As usual, my
evaluations are my own. I try to caution myself with "credibility
guidelines", but each case is unique in this field and credibility is often
pretty intuitive.
Case #8-14 sheet contains two more BLUES but also two YELLOW/
GOLDS. These latter represent cases that I accept as outstanding. The
Herman, MN trucklift incident is starred as I consider it extremely sound
and therefore foundational. In that case we have a single witness but the
unusual circumstance of a multiply witnessed "impossible" non-track in
the snow at the site. That is, the truck "landed" well off the road without
any intermediate sign of having touched ground. Case #11 is also
extremely solid due to its scientist witness giving very good detail to
investigators including Jim McDonald.

So in this group we have a trucklift, a car semi-lift, another carlift, and

the lifting of a small girl. I am severely tempted to upgrade the girl-lifting
case to high level, but I really need to see something closer than what I
have to a primary investigative document.
Case #15-21 sheet is loaded with quality. Jonestown, Westhope, Plattville,
and Quincy are high quality. Parshall and Hillsboro are OK, but Parshall
might not really have force projection in it, and Hillsboro lacks a good
report. Of the high quality reports, we have a carpull stop, a person
pulled at, a car semi-lift and shake, and another carlift. The Plattville
semi-lift/shake is outstanding. In it a wife is driving her husband home,
when a weird cone-shaped UFO confronts her, raises the front end of the
car up towards it, awakens a soon-to-panic husband, and slams the car
back down. Secondary nearby witnesses see the light phenomenon, and
there are EM effects in the neighborhood. This is one of my personal
favorite cases in the files.
Case #22-28 sheet is much more modest in quality. Here the Gleichen
incident appears to be excellent, and the Helleland Norway incident
good. Gleichen is a carlift, while Helleland is an odd instance of a person
being pushed or knocked down by some invisible force, coincidentally
with his car's window smashing. Witness claimed that this was not
anything like "wind". I have an intuition that Ojebyn could be a good
case too, but I have no access to a report. AND on this sheet are three of
the teasing South American type cases with no good provenance
whatever. You cannot in honesty give them more than your interest.
Case #29-35 sheet has "the honor of hosting" the second greatest case in
all ufological history: The Coyne Helicopter "tractorbeam lift", over
Mansfield OH. What a case!!! Muliple credible primary witnesses;
multiple completely independent secondary witnesses; very high
strangeness {Close Encounter with discoid object which pulled military
reserve helicopter several hundred feet up in sky}. Case is foundational;
for practically any basic claim you'd like to make about UFOs.

This case sheet also has the Ely, NV trucklift case studied by Hynek et al,
and two other incidents of subtance: a carpull, and a carlift. Two
marginal cases { a person-pulled, and a person levitated} could maybe
be OK.
Case #36-42 sheet is also loaded with quality. Two extra-solid cases { the
holding of a boat by invisible force, and a carlift}; two strong cases { a
carshake, and a motorbike and car-pull}; and one good case { a car-rock,
maybe lifting}. All these "yellow-gold" cases have the common quality of
good investigations usually from people that I know their work quality.
That is to say: the GOLD vs BLUE vs Nothing is not based on
"Strangeness" { all these claims are plenty strange}, but on "Credibility".
Case #43-49 sheet is my last. It contains the Bellwood car-tipper, and
three "OK" cases { a personlift, a carshake, and a trucklift}. Once again, a
thing like Bellwood gets gold by having a very detailed investigation by
known caseworkers, plus a competent witness. Allen Hynek wouldn't let
himself include single-witness cases in his confident-case lists, but I do. If
the investigators are good, they will vet the case well, and objectively
evaluate the witness and her narrative. I believe that Keith Basterfield
and friends have done exactly this with the very famous Mundrabilla
alleged carlift. VERY thorough looking at everything including quality of
witnesses. The analyses left me completely at sea as to whether to
believe any of it, and if so, what exactly?

I am going to stop this post here and come back to this subject in a day or
two or so. Maybe I'll have something interesting to say, maybe not ---
both you and I will wait and see. For the moment, although I wasn't sure
what I'd find, I believe that we have enough evidence in our little pile to
say that UFOs do indeed project force of both a push and pull variety.
What say you, Ed? You buying it?

No chance, eh?

Posted by The Professor at 6:58 PM

Labels: UFO; Close Encounters; Levitation with UFOs;


Mark OC May 24, 2013 at 9:15 AM

Hahaha, I love the tip of the hat to smilin' Ed Condon!

Good show, Professor!



The Professor May 24, 2013 at 3:49 PM

Yeh, couldn't resist that.

A lot of people don't know that a relaxed Ed Condon was himself a

hilarious jokester. It's a diabolical shame that UFO clowns like
Moseley and Keel got to him so badly at that NYC convention of
theirs that he returned to Colorado an intensely angry man. UFO
history probably would have been different; not that Big Ed would
have written an introduction to his report which blessed UFOs,
but his overseership of the final write-up might have been far less
damning. SOME scientists then might have felt that the subject
was not viciously taboo.


brownie May 24, 2013 at 4:24 PM

Wow! Ed Condon's final write-up was purposely unfair to the subject of
ufos because Jim Moseley and John Keel got under his skin? What does that
say about Condon? [BTW, Keel wasn't really in the same league as Moseley,
was he? Keel had some very interesting ideas and reports - especially
noticing similarities between occultism and ufos, ufo occupants, mibs.]

~ Susan


The Professor May 24, 2013 at 5:42 PM

Well, it's complicated, but here is the jist: Condon would have
written a negative report about the USAF continuing the study of
UFOs regardless because that is what the USAF told him they
wanted; but that report COULD have been couched in relatively
mild terms {Bob Low wanted to do exactly that, perhaps
recommending that NASA take the study over}. . It was not so
couched because Moseley's and Keel's "behavior"/wild opinions at
the NYC convention convinced Condon that the study of UFOs
[when done by either underpowered or non-serious or naive
people] was damaging to a person's mental health, maybe
permanently so. Condon was also getting requests from school
children for information about UFOs so they could do term papers
on them. Condon put this two and two together and came up with
the conviction that the study of UFOs by schoolchildren would
probably irreparably damage their mind's reasoning ability.
Condon was a big fan of school kids and science education and
that thought so infuriated him that he was motivated not only to
go along with the USAF desires to fold up Blue Book, but if possible
to destroy the UFO subject.


brownie May 24, 2013 at 5:58 PM

Huh, then Condon may have agreed, in part, with Keel, when Keel had
written (can't remember if it was in UFOs:Operation Trojan Horse or The
Mothman Prophecies) that teens shouldn't get involved (school projects
ect.) with UFOs; warning about the deleterious effects the subject had on
some people because of its possible occult aspects.

~ Susan



The Professor May 24, 2013 at 6:16 PM

I'm sure that Dr. Ed didn't know that ironic fact about Keel. I've
listened to John's talk at the 1967 conference, and I'm afraid that
Keel DOES sound like he is out of his mind. This was probably Keel
at the paranoid and wildly-speculating worst. Moseley was, of
course, was just Moseley the irresponsible clown. What with the
viciously opinionated John Robinson, the globally-megalomanic

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