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{ // Smart Import.

jsx function SmartImport() { var

scriptName = "Smart Import"; // Ask the user for a folder whose
contents are to be imported. var targetFolder = Folder.selectDialog("Import
items from folder..."); if (targetFolder != null) { // If no
project open, create a new project to import the files into. if (!
app.project) { app.newProject(); }
function processFile(theFile) {
try { // Create a variable containing
ImportOptions. var importOptions = new
ImportOptions(theFile); importSafeWithError(importOptions);
} catch (error) { // Ignore errors.
} }
function testForSequence(files) { var
searcher = new RegExp("[0-9]+"); var movieFileSearcher = new
RegExp("(mov|avi|mpg)$", "i"); var parseResults = new Array;
// Test that we have a sequence. Stop
parsing after 10 files. for (x = 0; (x < files.length) & x < 10;
x++) { var movieFileResult =
movieFileSearcher.exec(files[x].name); if (!
movieFileResult) { var currentResult =
searcher.exec(files[x].name); // Regular expressions
return null if no match was found. // Otherwise, they
return an array with the following information: //
array[0] = the matched string. // array[1..n] =
the matched capturing parentheses.
if (currentResult) { // We have a match -- the string contains
numbers. // The match of those numbers is
stored in the array[1]. // Take that number and
save it into parseResults.
parseResults[parseResults.length] = currentResult[0];
} else {
parseResults[parseResults.length] = null; }
} else {
parseResults[parseResults.length] = null; }
} // If all the files we
just went through have a number in their file names, // assume
they are part of a sequence and return the first file.
var result = null; for (i = 0; i <
parseResults.length; ++i) { if (parseResults[i]) {
if (!result) { result
= files[i]; }
} else { // In this case, a file name did
not contain a number. result = null;
break; } }
return result; }
importSafeWithError(importOptions) { try {
} catch (error) { alert(error.toString() +
importOptions.file.fsName, scriptName); } }
function processFolder(theFolder)
{ // Get an array of files in the target folder.
var files = theFolder.getFiles();
// Test whether theFolder contains a sequence. var
sequenceStartFile = testForSequence(files);
// If it does contain a sequence, import the sequence,
if (sequenceStartFile) { try {
// Create a variable containing ImportOptions.
var importOptions = new ImportOptions(sequenceStartFile);
importOptions.sequence = true;
// importOptions.forceAlphabetical = true;
// Un-comment this if you want to force alpha order by default.
importSafeWithError(importOptions); }
catch (error) { } }
// Otherwise, import the files and recurse.
for (index in files) { // Go through the array
and set each element to singleFile, then run the following.
if (files[index] instanceof File) { if (!
sequenceStartFile) { // If file is already part of a sequence, don't import it
individually. processFile(files[index]); //
Calls the processFile function above. }
} if (files[index] instanceof Folder)
{ processFolder(files[index]); // recursion
} } }
// Recursively examine that folder.
processFolder(targetFolder); } } SmartImport();}

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