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[Document subtitle]

[Course title]
Part A
(General Diagram)

Q No 1
Q No 2

It’s a relation N to N means N student can be registered for N module. And a net like structure will be

Q No 3
Student = {
Sid : Integer,
Name : String,
moduleRegistration {
sid : Integer,
Name : String,
ModuleCode : String

Module = {
Code: String,

Part B:


One program has N student and 1 student can enroll in 1 program. So a net like structure will
be formed.

<!DOCTYPE note [
<!ELEMENT note (sid,name,programmeName,academicYear, moduleCode)>
<!ELEMENT programmeName (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT academicYear (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT moduleCode (#PCDATA)>

Nx1 Relationship
Net like mapping because one Programme will connected to all students.

a) The mapping has a direct relation with the number of students and extends with data
b) The mapping do reflect the data capacity
there are no conceptual overlaps because models both are giving different information.
1) The detail enlistment framework tells about enrolled understudies for a given module

2) The schedule framework tells about designating meetings for modules and the time of
module the time and day of module and the room dispensed for that module

Struggle can happen on the off chance that we have enlisted in numerous modules and the two
modules have a conflict they happen simultaneously so one understudy can't be a piece of
various module at that point
The detail enrollment framework educates us regarding which module I am enlisted and
furthermore which program module is a piece of and time table discloses to us time date and
space for that module no data is known toward the beginning supposing that I am just enlisted
in that module how might I know where that module is occurring and the other way around
how might I know which module to go on the off chance that I am just checking the timetable
without checking the enrollment first.
Also the contention can be settled by making another time table with the qualification of
understudy that there are no conflicts among understudy's courses. By applying certain
calculations and seeing whether there is a conflict or not.


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