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Developing speaking О ф
Personal questions - 1 3 16 Listen to the dialogue in 1 again and
complete the questions in the Speaking bank.
1 16 Carlos has а new English tutor. His
tutor asks him questions. Listen and complete his 0 SPEAКING BANK
Useful questions to ask for personal information
• What's your (а) ?
• (Ь) you spell that?
• Where are you (с) ?
• How (d) are you?
• What are your (е)
• Have you got an email (f)

4а lnvent new personal information.

Nationality and home town/city:

1 Му first name is Carlo s and my surnames are
Email address:
Garcia ..

2 Yes. lt's Т-0- ......-R-E-S.

3 l'm Mexican. l'm from
4Ь SPEAКING Work with а partner. Prepare new
4 l'm dialogues using the questions in the Speaking
bank and your information from 4а. Remember to
5 l'm really interested in ..
ask your partner to spell their name or surname.
6 Yes. lt's carlo s.... @mexmail.com.
5 Write down other personal questions.
2а 17 Listen to three people spelling
HQ!Ve уои3оt ю1,у brothers or si.rters?
names. Write the names down.


2 6 SPEAКING Work with а partner. Ask and answer
the questions in the Speaking bank and your
3 questions in 5. Give true answers.

2Ь SPEAКING Work with а partner. Practise spelling the What's your пате?
words in 2а. Use 'douЬle' when necessary.
Му name's Tatyana and
J ЕХАМ SUCCESS ту surname's Solovyova.

Why is it important to know the alphabet in English

when you answer personal questions? Сап уои spefl that?

>- ЕХАМ SUCCESS page 151

Use of English Wr1ting
ln open cloze activities, remembe r ... ln w riting exams, remembe r ...
Read the text carefully. The answer When you are writing in an exam, only write what you кг,о:, s
depends on the words that соте before co rrect. lf you aren't sure that something is correct, change · .
and after each gap.
> ЕХАМ SUCCESS page 153
1 О Create your own title for an article and make notes.
8 Read the text quickly. Which two animals
from the Amazon rainforest appear in the best day
text? funniest weekend
Му most exciting excursion ever!
worst holiday

L most unusual meal

1 When was it? 4 Who was with you?

2 Where was it? 5 What happened?
З How did you get there? 6 Why was it special/bad?

1 Write your article. Use а variety of adjectives and think

carefully about the tenses you need.

,Мi,'i,f,J#•1ФJ!iJЭ:iiЭ:i@i?ii1•• CEF �
1 1
1 1
1 How well сап you do these things in
English now? Give yourself а mark from 1 to 4.

1 1
1 1
1 = 1 сап do it very well.
2 = 1 сап do it quite well.

1 З = 1 have some proЬlems.

1 1

1 1!
а I сап comp:r: �:i:��s�:� �ple and things using
comparative and superlative adjectives.

Ь I сап talk about experiences in the past using the
present perfect with ever/never. D
11 О 1
с I сап name different animals and parts of the body.

L.J 1
(а) .. ..... you eve r been to the

d se exp ressions to agree or disagree with
Amazon rainforest? Му dad is а scien tist. Не ���: �

U 1
r .

and his friend (Ь) ... ... ... ... ........... ..... . ........ going to

О 1
е I can wote а simple Ыоg post.
go there to wo rk (с)...

..... ... ... ........................ June. Не
f I can talk about the futшe using Ье going to.
says it's the Ьiggest and (d) ..

1 :��·:i;;:
g I сап talk about things that are necessary, not

amazing jungle in the world! But you have
ос а good idea using shou/d, have to

D 1
(е) .. .. .. ....................... Ье very careful there,
because there are some dangerous animals.
h I can under.;tand spoken and wcitten texts about
Take the jaguar, for example. lt's the Ьiggest

holidays and transport.
111 111
cat (f) .. ...... ................... South America. Did 1 сап make and reply to invitations.
you know that jaguars сап swim and climb
1 1 сап w rite а short article about а holiday.
1 1
trees? And there are other animals and insects �
that are more dangerous (g) ..

1 1
2 Now decide what you need to do next to improve.

1 1
jaguars. There's the anaconda, the world's
1 Look again at my book/notes.
Ьiggest snake. Anacondas сап Ье seven
2 Do more practice exercises. > WORKBOOK Units 9-1 О
metres or more. Му dad hates snakes!

11 11
111 З Ask fo r help.
1 don' t know how he's going to sleep 111
4 Othe r : .
(h) .. ....... .................................. night!
в в
9 Read the text carefully. Complete it Ьу
writing one word in each gap.

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