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Languages in india

As India is one of the world’s oldest cultures it has been subjected to a plethora of
language influences

Ex. Hindi, Bengali, Telugu, Marathi and etc.

English is used primarily in business, and for economic and political purposes.Language is
regional and dialects play a role in the variety of languages spoken throughout India, with some
sources suggesting that there are possibly 1,652 different languages or dialects. These come
from four main linguistic families and that are centered on different regions.

Commication style in india

 Indirect Communication: The communication style of Indians tends to be polite and
indirect. They may try to speak appraisingly to those they are not close to in order to avoid
conflict or confrontation. This communication style can come across as ambiguous. Direct
communication is reserved for relationships with a high level of trust or crucial situations. 

 Refusals: Indians tend to give evasive refusals and indirectly express disagreement.

Indians may use phrases such as ‘maybe’ or ‘I'll do my best’ as a way to express ‘no'.
Moreover, ‘yes' has various connotations that differ from the word's usage in English-
speaking Western cultures. For example, an Indian may say ‘yes’ to indicate that they are
listening to the speaker, whilst indicating disagreement or refusal through their body

 Physical Contact: Indians prefer not to touch people when it can be avoided, but they
may touch someone's arm or hand when speaking so long as they are the same gender.
Body contact between the genders is kept minimal throughout most of India. For example,
hugging, kissing and holding hands are not customary.

 Personal Space: Indians generally respect each other's personal space and an arm's
length of distance is common during interactions. This is usually similar proximity to what
Westerners are familiar with. They may stand further away from those who are of the
opposite gender.

 Whistling or Winking: Both these actions are considered sexually suggestive in India.

 Head Tilt: People may tilt their head to the side or shake it to both sides to indicate
agreement and understanding. This head movement is similar to the Western gesture
indicating “I don’t know” with a shrug of the shoulders and tilting one’s head to the side.

 Pointing and Beckoning: Pointing the index finger towards someone is considered to

be accusatory. A more polite way to beckon or refer to someone is to use your whole palm
facing down. 
 Head: The head is considered to be the holiest part of one's body. Touching someone
on the top of the head is deemed to be insensitive and offensive. 

 Feet: Feet are thought to be the dirtiest part of the body, and displaying the soles of
one’s feet or touching people with one’s feet is considered rude.

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