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The Greatest Media for Improving Students’ Reading Ability.

There are many media to develop reading skills for students. Many use conventional media in the
application and some have used modern media. We can use it as a learning medium in the classroom
through this emarging technology. The authors do an analysis the media that can improve reading
ability, the media can improve reading skills are divided into two parts. First is Technical media and non
technical media.

First is definition of reading

Reading comprehension is the process of constructing meaning from text. The aim is to understand a
text rather than to acquire meaning from individual words or sentences(The Impact of Motivation on
Reading Comprehension Mohammad Reza Ahmadi).

Next we talk about the definition of media itself.

Media is instruments to help teacher to provide the information so that the communication can be
occurred between teacher and students creatively ( *Mardiana**Kurniawan).

Media are divide into 2 types. There are non-technical and technicaltechnical. Non-technical media refer
to the most common types of teaching materials that can be found in classroom such as posters,
chalkboards and posters. technical media is a meadia from mechanical aids such as film projector,
CD/DVD player, and recorder. The author use media ( printed media, electronic media, social media,
picture, video and kahoot applicationapplication ).

From printed media, that can help to improve reading ability is islamic magazine and big book, (students
can read the magazine or the book). Next is elektronic media is like computer, tablet (students can listen
the story from the computer or tablet, and then taking note from the audio). Next is using social media,
social media as a modern interactive communication channel through which people connect to one
another, share ideas, experiences, pictures, messages and information of common interest (Exploring
the Effects of Social Media on the Reading Culture of Students in Tamale Technical University Dukper
Bawa Kojo). The social media that can improve reading is twitter. Twitter was founded in 2006, and is
currently one of the most popular networks for microblogs. In Twitter, people answer a question
essentially: what is going on? People can connect with one another worldwide through Twitter. People
from all over the world will comment, share and keep up with current news (Use of Twitter for
improving reading comprehension skills Verónica Espinoza-Celi, Cristina Morocho Pintado, and Eva
Ulehlova). Next is WhatsApp groupgroup, (The first is student must create a group class in whatsapp
apps. Then this group consist of all students in the class. Afterwards, the teacher give suach a pdf that
provide a material for reading learning. Furthermore, the students read the whole thext fom the
whatsapp group. After that the teachers give an assignment). Next is through picture, The picture is one
of the tools used in the classroom. It strengthens your development and then you can share your
experience and get your other friends and understand what they learn (USING PICTURE SERIES TO
OF IAIN TULUNGAGUNG Dwi Astuti Wahyu Nurhayati).
Next is using video, The use of video materials in the field of education can be a wonderful technique, so
that EFL students have several benefits when used in combination with a creative learning approach
(The Effect of Using Video Technology on Improving Reading Comprehension of Iranian Inter-mediate
EFL LearnersAmir Mohammadian1, Amin Saed1*, Younes Shahi2). The last is using kahoot, kahoot can
help to improve reading skill, because in kahoot there are quiz in the quiz Players response questions
displayed at the front of the room on their individual device. The faster someone responses a question
correctly will get the point, the top 5 highest points scorers are exposed on the leaderboard at the front
in-between each question, and the ultimate winner is exposed at the end.

That's all the media that can improve reading skill.

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