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Time Instruction VERBAL​ Lesson Plan

X X Brainstorming -
Mock Interview
Express yourself
Telephone Game
Interpreting Text Messages (“What else could possibly be
misinterpreted/lead into Non-Verbal)
Possibly a Video

1 Purpose ● Intended Audience

○ Mostly Girls, Teen Parents

2 Objective

3 Focus Activity Levels of communication

- Assertiveness
- Using I, you and me messages
- Professional Communication
- Mock Interview
(act out scenarios for each level)

4 Content 1. Vocabulary
2. Concepts
3. Procedure

5 Demo Assertive
-express feelings
-say no without feeling guilty
Stand up for yourself
-express yourself
-express directly to person without verbal abuse
Non threatening communication you vs. I

6 Activity Telephone
-if not being direct with a person your message can be
-some communication overlaps and is verbal and non
-examples? (personal examples)?

7 Practice
8 Questions

9 Conclusion

10 Follow Up


Time Instruction NON-VERBAL ​Lesson Plan

X X Brainstorming

1 Purpose ● Intended Audience

○ Mostly Girls, Teen Parents

2 Objective Help understand and recognize non-verbal communication

3 Focus Activity ● Examples, Stories

○ Texting, “silence speaks louder than words”
○ You might just not have time to respond to a
text, but the person on the other side may
interpret the fact that you are not responding
immediately as an emotion that you might not
be feeling

● Video? (Piper)
○ How can we watch something without any
words and still understand what is going on?
○ What emotions were conveyed without words?
○ What did you see that proves how the little bird
or any of the characters were feeling?
○ What do you think that the bird’s mom was
feeling? What did she do to make you infer
○ What did the crab do to show you how he was
feeling or what his attitude/personality is?

4 Content 1. Non Verbal

a. Body Language
i. Hands on hips (expresses dominance
and power)
ii. Feet; pointed in your direction they are
paying attention to you, one foot in
another direction means they are open
for other people to join a conversation,
and both feet pointed away means they
want to leave
iii. Slow nodding means interested
iv. Fast nodding means they have either
heard enough if they want to have a
chance to speak
v. Eye contact:
1. Not making direct eye contact =
boredom, disinterest, or even
2. BUT Looking down =
nervousness or submissiveness.
3. Dilated pupils = responding
favorably towards you.
4. Rapid blinking = nervousness or
i. What are some nonverbal symbols that
are confusing to you or that you do not
entirely understand?
ii. What are some positive body language
signs that you have seen?
iii. Invitation; identify someone in your life
who has been a positive role model for
you that portrays positive nonverbal
communication. Then identify a
nonverbal cue that you could improve on
in your life. Write about it in your journal
for 30 seconds.
c. Clothing is a method of expression; can
influence getting a job because it is
communicating whether or not you are serious
about the job
i. Appearance and Grooming
ii. Dress/Clothing
1. Sweats vs Suits
2. Tight Jeans vs Slacks or a Skirt
3. Your clothing can show that you
respect yourself or it can show
that you are tired, etc.

5 Demo

6 Activity Play Charades

- Rockstar, stubbed toe, ladder, clown, dinosaur, karate,
sewing, flick, stop, tail, penguin, piano,

7 Practice

8 Questions

9 Conclusion

10 Follow Up

11 X RESOURCE Books:
S ● Teachers Wraparound Edition “Skills for Living” by
Frances Baynor Parnell

● https://fremont.edu/how-to-read-body-language-revealin

(Everyone for the first 5 minutes/introduction and last 15 minutes/questions?)

Verbal for first half of lesson and non-verbal for second half of lesson
● Verbal
● Non-verbal
○ Body Language
○ Appearance
● Barriers
○ Improving or Resolving Conflict
● Listening
○ Active
○ Feed Back
● Empathy
○ Stories
○ Definition
○ Empathy Belly
● Cultural Differences in Communication
● 5 Levels
● Social
● Assertive
● I-Message
● Communicating with Parents
● Groups
● Violence/Gang Violence
● Sexual Harassment
● What a friend is/Friendships
● Dating
○ Casual
○ Random
● Trust
● Responsibility
● Relationships
○ Negative
● Peer Pressure
● Better You
● Family
● Understanding Children

1. Purpose -
2. Objective -
3. Focus Activity -
4. Content -
a. Vocabulary -
b. Concepts -
c. Procedure -
5. Demo -
6. Activity -
7. Practice -
8. Questions -
9. Conclusion-
10. Follow Up-

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