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Megan Grable

ECED 401
Brandman University
April 8, 2020
1. Title of the Artifact – Stop and Reflect 2
2. Description of Artifact: This was a reflection post for ECED 301, Effective Supports for
Children. I was asked to assess myself on California Competencies related to
Observation, Screening, Assessment, and Documentation
3. Key Element: 3a: Understanding the goals, benefits, and uses of assessment
4. How does the artifact demonstrate your competence in this area?
In the self-assessment, I looked at where I was strong on several topics under the
California Competencies. One area that I touched on was the use of assessments and
screening tools. I had not known the difference between screening and assessments
before the class and learned much after assessing what the difference is. I looked at the
ways that I had a good understanding of assessments and where I could improve. I
reflected on how I had an understanding of a few tools, but not a wide array and could
use some more information about the different ones out in the market today to complete
assessments. I recognize the need for assessments to be data-driven, non-biased, and
research-based. As assessments can be used to show developmental delays it is
imperative that program put procedures in place so that those children will be more likely
to receive supports and services as opposed to less likely. This reflection showed me the
ways that assessment tools can inform teaching practices, create the basis for children to
receive additional supports, and for my personal Head Start, and help us reach our
enrollment goals as we must serve a certain number of children with diagnosed
developmental delays.
5. Stop and Reflect 2

1. Title of the Artifact - Child study for ECED 398

2. Description of Artifact: This assignment was completed during The Intentional,
Reflective Teacher, ECED 398.  In the paper, I selected a child to observe, document, and
assess using the creative curriculum developmental continuum.
3. Key Element: 3b: Knowing about and using observation, documentation, and other
appropriate assessment tools and approaches, including the use of technology in
documentation, assessment and data collection
4. How does the artifact demonstrate your competence in this area?
Through the completion of this assignment, I observed a specific child, looking at her
development in ten different domains through the Creative Curriculum Developmental
I observed the child over six weeks, taking a variety of observations of her performing
different tasks and during times of the day. I took work samples of her both in
writing/drawing samples and pictures of her playing. I used two different developmental
checklists. I looked at where she was on a research-based developmental continuum,
compared to other children of her age. I used the data provided by my observations to
provide suggestions on what activities, materials, and changes to the environment would
best support her to develop more in specific areas.
All of the suggestions I provided were based on knowledge of what is developmentally
appropriate for children of her age, with the goal being for her to gain further success in
those areas. I identified that she could use specific targeted activities, materials and
support in the areas of problem-solving, expressive language, and expression of emotion
with peers. I ensured that each suggestion aligned with the California Early Learning
Foundations for Infants and Toddlers and Creative Curriculum.
5. Child Study

1. Title of the Artifact - Education Setting Observation, Interview, and Reflection

2. Description of Artifact: This was completed for ECED 301, Effective Supports for
Children. In the assignment, I did a classroom observation of a child with a diagnosed
developmental delay, interviewed the teacher, and reflected on what I learned.
3. Key Element: 3c: Understanding and practicing responsible assessment to promote
positive outcomes for each child 
4. How does the artifact demonstrate your competence in this area?
The first piece of the assignment was to do an observation of the child in the classroom
setting. For this type of observation, I completed a running log, observing for two hours
to get an idea of what her typical day in the classroom looked like, as well as to see where
she was developmental. After I completed the observation I reflected on what I saw the
child doing, how the child spoke and interacted with her peers and with her teachers. I
was able to note what she could be successful and what she needed additional supports
for. I used the information from observing the child in her classroom to form two goals
that the child can work on, and how the teachers can offer strategies for the child to
achieve these goals. I had the goals be realistic and tied to the strategies that were already
in place for the classroom.
5. Education setting

1. Title of the Artifact – Social-Emotional Action Plan

2. Description of Artifact: This Plan was created for Completed for ECED 302 Social
Emotional Competence in Early Childhood Education. This is an action plan based on the
observations and interviews conducted earlier on how to support the child both at home
and at school.
3. Key Element: 3d: Knowing about assessment partnerships with families and with
professional colleagues
4. How does the artifact demonstrate your competence in this area?
In this assignment, I had to take into account the previous interview I had with the child’s
parent as well as an observation conducted. Through that information, I was able to put
together a plan for how best to support the child in the classroom and at home. I looked at
the family dynamics and how the parents guided their child’s behavior and what their
expectations of the child were. I used this information to set to goal skills that I could
work on in the classroom. I had to take the parent's perspective into account for the
choices I made in the classroom, as it was cohesive teamwork that we were trying to
create, with myself providing supports for these goals to work on at home and school in a
consistent manner.
5. Action Plan

NAEYC. (2012). NAEYC Standards for Early Childhood Professional Preparation. Retrieved
from https://www.naeyc.org/accreditation/higher-ed/standards

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