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The following essay specifically expands the process to create, legalize and
operate an engineering and Construction Company in Colombia based on four
main pillars, which are:

 Company objectives, opportunities and business reasons.

 Legal line.
 Contracting processes.
 Proposal and business model.

Starting a business anywhere in Colombia today is an effort that demands a lot

of time and sacrifice, it is an investment of knowledge, capital; It may or may
not be reflected, which is why the fear of many enterprising engineers fear that
they will fail.

In our concept, to achieve the success of a company that is dedicated to any

economic activity, it is to identify, study, analyze and counteract the different
problems that the execution of the work that you want to carry out entails.

Every dream of a civil engineer is first to be successful in his profession, and

there is nothing better than to be independent labor and financially, for this one
as an engineer seeks the opportunity to establish himself in a market that today
is very competitive, both professionally and Economically, the search for an
opportunity to emerge in these aspects has become a priority for all graduates
of the career of civil engineering, the reasons with which one would create a
company can be said to be better to achieve better economic status and
recognition in the environment. Although the situation in Colombia is very
complicated for the person who wants to create a company, due to the high tax
rates that have to be paid by the government and due to the unfair competition
of some businessmen, the person who wants to create a company must
manage the way to compete taking into account the above questions, and
focus your energy on financial planning of the company, before advancing
about how to set up a construction company, and mediating with the legal and
media issues that this entails, many questions must be asked about the
company, such as its name, what it is going to do, its field of action, to which
clientele is directed, its scope, its objectives as a company, where it wants to
go, its form of payments, its financing, its suppliers, its capital, its fixed
expenses, among other things.

It is necessary to take into account that to have a company in any commercial

area, minimum requirements must be established, where its objectives as a
company are clear, it is necessary to understand that a company is an
organization that produces goods or provides a service in order to produce
some profit and that, if you plan to obtain this end and that it can function
properly in the market.

People who want or think of having a company must know that a company is
an organizational structure is based on very basic foundations such as the
company's vision, mission and values, but before being able to achieve these
three goals, the company must take actions. that can meet these goals, is when
an organizational system or a financial administration comes to work that will
bring with it a strategic plan that will be an integral part of the company, you
must have a strategic planning that agrees to meet the proposed goals in the
short term, medium or long term, for the following you must think about what
your scope will do in the constructive area, and how you will enter to compete
in the medium; For this, it is necessary to have a good work plan, but before
being able to resolve all of the concerns, we must ask ourselves what the name
of the company is going to do as it is going to be dedicated, for example, for
this test, it will be taken as a parameter that The creation of a civil construction
company will be considered, and that the name that we are going to choose is
referring to the economic activity that is planned, a name that any particular
user can without having to know something about the company to get an idea
of what is dedicated, it is very illogical that for example a construction company
is called for example delicious del meta, or Villavicencio's red family, what is
really intended by choosing the name of the company is that its company name
is consistent with the activity , as Constructores SA, or Ingecontrucciones,
Civiles SA, having already defined the subject of the name, the objectives of
the company are defined below, within its objectives it will define previously the
scope in the construction area of the company, we could say "engineering
designs for any construction site", "studies and designs of any area of civil
construction is carried out", "Execution of urban projects" among others, the
objectives They are a very important subject of the company because
according to their activity you can define what kind of company it is, its vision
and field of action at a constructive level, in the objectives we can generalize
with one or two objectives the context of the company and with the specific
objectives give more specifically the specific activities of the company and its
development in the constructive part.

There are several types of objectives in the company and they will be defined
by their executors and they will have remarkable variables in which we can
classify them.

• Depending on how long the company plans to last

• According to its nature

• According to both qualitative and quantitative growth.

Based on the aforementioned classification, we can organize these objectives

by giving a specification of their function, there may be strategic objectives,
tactical and operational objectives, each objective is linked to different sections
of the company structure but that seek in itself the same purpose.
The steps to create a company in Colombia have evolved a bit and regardless
of the market sector in which you want to intervene, you must complete a
considerable amount of bureaucratic exercise that in my concept slows down
the creation of new companies and ventures, these The latter are the most
affected because they are often developed by people who want to develop their
ideas, but do not have adequate training and fail because of it.

Indeed we find twelve main steps that all new companies must comply with in
the country.

1. Check availability of the name → RUES (Unique Business and Social

Register) → administered by the chambers of commerce.

2. Statutes (Letter or Act of conformation of the Temporary Union, Consortium,

Company, where the representatives are defined), Forms (for the pre-RUT)
and copy of IDs (legal representative, alternate and shareholders, if they have
a proxy it must have authentic power). → Notary

3. Request the Pre RUT → Chamber of Commerce.

4. Registration in the Mercantile Registry → Chamber of Commerce. Pay 0.7%

on the assigned capital.

5. Obtain a copy of the Certificate of Existence and Legal Representation →

Chamber of Commerce.

6. Opening a bank account → This requires: Pre-RUT, Certificate of Existence

and Legal Representation, copy of the citizenship certificate of the legal
representative, form 1648 DIAN, deposit the entire capital stock.

7. Request definitive NIT at DIAN. → Deliver photocopy of cc legal

representative and bank account certificate.

8. Present the final NIT to enroll → Chamber of Commerce.

9. Request billing resolution → DIAN. → Presenter: Definitive NIT, form 1302,
chamber of commerce certificate.

10. Print invoices with the respective resolution.

11. Register the official books (changes to the company constitution or

important meetings) → Chamber of Commerce.

12. Registrar of company in the Social Security system (Health, Pension, ARL,
Family compensation funds, Unemployment). As a third step to create a
construction company, the budget must be taken into account, since that is
where the objectives that we set ourselves as a company lie, in construction,
general contingency plans are essential that allow us to easily search for
resources such as credits and stock investments.

The budget tells us to plan the projects to be developed within the company in
order to analyze how far we can advance within the construction of the

In our country it is essential that the legal steps are taken into account since,
in order to have the RUT, it is necessary to have a bank account that implies
keeping a record and control of all financial income and expenses.

In Colombia, creating construction companies is not a difficult affair, however,

it must be verified that the economic resources come from legal activities, that
the company that we believe is viable in the economic sector, that the needs
of the company can be met and that they can be solved all the necessary
elements in the hiring of personnel, a fundamental issue in the development
and creation of a company.

In financial terms, it is essential to take into account the share capital that refers
to the amount of capital that the partners of a company contribute to carry out
an activity within the company.
After the account is held, it is essential that the share capital be placed in it. On
the other hand, it is very important to take into account the staff recruitment
area, since their documentation must be evaluated and the respective
affiliations to the pension system, the national health system, and the
compensation funds must be made.

In the same way, basic aspects must be taken into account for the elaboration
of an economic end that has viability and for this we must consider the

1. Examine the effectiveness of the company: it must be checked that it is

feasible that it can generate resources, profits and that it generates jobs.

2. Set the adequate capital: a projection must be made that allows to have
control of the company for an adequate period of time where it is possible to
stabilize and position itself in the market.

3. Forecast the capital: verify that with that capital it reaches us and serves us
and do not plan further without having the pertinent resources.

4. Monitor resources: this item is very important during the entire execution of
the company; however, it is very important at the beginning of project
development since it allows us to identify the possibilities of the company.

5. Anticipate possible factors: in the construction sector it is of utmost

importance that we take into account all external factors since they greatly
influence the development of all projects, it is essential to analyze the climate,
the economy, the situation of a country or the place where we want to start our
company, because it is very likely that all these external factors affect the
capital of the company.

6. Determine a plan B: Although in the financial world it is known as

compensation we will call it plan B, it consists of determining what would be
done in the event that economic problems arise, it is one of the most important
parts since it shows us that we must be cautious and go beyond what can

On the other hand, and no less importantly, it is necessary for our company to have all
the legal documentation, for this reason we must emphasize that hiring is part of the
formation of a company, this process is characterized by the seriousness and respect
that it must exist, although it is often confused with a very simple activity, really, it is an
extremely important activity since the formation of our service or our product depends
on the human factor, it is that we are going to be benefited as a company, there are
some parameters to keep in mind when hiring the staff that will be part of our company.
Among the most important steps are:
1. Define which staff we need in our company and build their profile taking into account
the functions they will perform.
2. According to their abilities, skills, experience and knowledge, the right person must
be chosen to fulfill the assigned functions.
3. Pre-select candidates and review their resume to determine who might fill the
4. In order to execute the contract, all its legal documentation and validity must be
reviewed. In the contract, specify worker data, company data, functions, hours, type of
contract, salary, position to be performed and benefits as an employee. .
5. Add the person to the database to be affiliated with the company and the
corresponding entities.
And finally, adequate supervision must be carried out so that all the corresponding
processes and functions are carried out.

Taking into account how important the value proposition offered to customers
and for a company is, it is generated from the different types of strategies
and marketing that the organization generates, which allows it to establish
itself for a better future and a better management process, guaranteeing the
quality of services and customer satisfaction, a Value Proposition offers a
solution to consumer problems and satisfies their explicit and latent needs,
but this solution must be presented in an innovative way.

In the first place, you must have the ability to decide against the needs of the
market, be different from the same situations that surround you, which are
the pros and cons when undertaking the dream of creating a company; but
more than all those faculties are given by the same experience and we
develop it within our brain. The value proposition must have that spark in the
product and that creates that customer satisfaction for something that has
never lived, in addition to leaving in the subconscious the message that it is
a new idea and that those who embodied it must maintain it over time with
innovation, creativity, satisfaction, joy, love, quality and service.

This is generated from the implementation of technology, this is the basis

of the emotional and entrepreneurial quality which allows us to see the
construction of relationships. We can change our perspective regarding
the following mental schemes:

• From consumers to people:

Consumers buy; people live. We have to touch people's lives and show them
how we can contribute to their quality of life.
• From products to experiences:

Products respond to needs; experiences fulfill wishes. You have to reflect on

people's dreams and hopes.

• From honesty to trust:

Honesty is expected among people; Trust is a hitch, it is Intimate, and it has

to be earned. We have to show people that we are on their side.

• From quality to preference:

Quality versus price is already on the market; preference creates the final
sale. You have to create preferences based on people's values.

• From notoriety to aspiration:

Being known is not the same as being loved! You have to make your product
a "destination"; something to achieve in life.
• From identity to personality:

Identity is recognition; Personality is about character and charisma. You

have to create a charismatic attraction between people and your product.

• From function to sensation:

The functionality of a product refers only to practical or superficial qualities;

sensory design is about experiences. You have to create an aesthetic design
that ensures that your brand stands out from the others.

• From ubiquity to presence:

Ubiquity is to be seen; emotion is feeling. You have to make people feel

strong emotions.

• From communication to dialogue:

Communication, that is; dialogue is sharing. You have to design exchange

experiences with people.

• From service to relationships:

Service is to sell; Relationships are the recognition of the needs of the other.
You have to make people feel that you understand their needs, and that you
can respond to them

All these roles within the organization become a generator of experiences,

new ideals, new knowledge, new innovation, where it allows creating more
important relationships that convert emotions into decisions in favor of the
product and service provided.
This proposal is part of the business model, being the important one where
the value of customers is created, obtaining profitability. It is the essence of
the business model, creating a value by which customers are willing to pay
for the service or product and generating income with the activity provided.

to have an efficient profitability, It is the mechanism by which a model or

design business, wants to seek to generate income and benefits is a summary
of how a company plans to serve its customers involves the entire concept of
strategies such as implementation, for a construction company allows to
generate an optimal service in terms of performance, and Productivity,
strategy are based on the schedule of activities and the performance of
processes Pat years key resources that can be addressed both individually
and collectively.

The customer or consumer in the same way called, is the pillar of any
business. It is inherent for the seller a pleasant attention and provision of
services to these; the task would be and is to supply and satisfy the needs
of customers with the goods and services offered in the market, always
seeking innovation for this.

The Value Proposition allows us to simplify and make this task more efficient
and in the same way short and concise, first of all, taking into account how
much our product can do for our consumers and if it is capable of satisfying
that need with good quality, hand in hand with this take into account why my
product and not that of others and why my customers would be willing to pay
for this good or service.

We as sellers and customers have to take into account two elements that
prevail when it comes to publicizing our value proposition, these are the
values: quantitative and quantitative.

Those values focus the scope to which we want to supply and satisfy the
needs of our clients. Design and expand the service supporting in the
business concept the needs that satisfy the customers and the company.

To conclude this topic, we want to emphasize the importance of knowing how to build
a company since it is an opportunity to be able to generate employment and provide a
service to satisfy a need, we as civil engineers must take advantage of all the resources
and circumstances that we currently have to undertake and formulate projects that
contribute to the construction of our society, bearing in mind that our role is of utmost
importance since it frames many areas.

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