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Ramona de Bruin

Marielle Maliepaard

Chantal Arends-Bast

Arjan van den Berg

It's all connected: CA Fires, Legal and Mariska van Middend…

Illegal Immigration, Smart Meters, 5G, Johnny Van de Kolk

Petra Grifhorst

Cannabis Monopolies, Censorship


Linda van Aller 2u


Cheyenne Damen 3u

Maurits Zwarenkant 17m

We could also add to the list: George Soros, Global Corporations, USAID, Gun Confiscation,
Smart Cities and much more. Sven Edelbroek 1m

A Brief Overview
Nieuwe groep maken

So what could possibly link all of these things together? MEER CONTACTEN (13)

Daniel van Middendorp

How about the United Nations and their plans for the future of human's, throughout the
planet, as the 4th Industrial Revolution (AI, Robots, 5G, Smart Meters) escalates. The UN's
Agenda21 (c. 1992) and the UN's Agenda2030 (c. 2015) are all about establishing a Corporate
One World Government that HW Bush also talked about in the early 1990's. They are also
working hard to take your guns and implement a Global Open Borders Policy. You should
really do your own research, but here are a few links that support these accusations:

Agenda 21
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sustainable Development Goals

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Agenda 2030)

United Nations Quietly Pushes International Gun Control

Beth Baumann May 13, 2018


13 July 2018

Global compact for migration




Think of this globalist agenda as the capstone on a vast invisible pyramid. Then envision that
the middle pyramid is connected -- like a Spider's Web between the sides of the pyramid -- to
Hedge Funds, Global Corporations, Non Government Organization (NGOs), Big Tech
(Google, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook etc.), Big Corporate Media, flexions such as George
Soros, The Rothschilds, The Koch Brothers etc. Then at the base of that pyramid envision the
people of planet Earth: You and I. Finally understand that all of the entities -- in the middle
pyramid -- are both financially and ideologically invested in bringing this globalist agenda to

I have been studying this crap since I was 12 (1966) beginning with books such as:

* The Power Elite by CW Mills (c. 1956)

The Power Elite is a 1956 book by sociologist C. Wright Mills, in which Mills calls attention to
the interwoven interests of the leaders of the military, corporate, and political elements of
society and suggests that the ordinary citizen is a relatively powerless subject of manipulation
by those entities.

The Power Elite

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

* Who Rules America? by William Domhoff

Who Rules America? (c. 1967)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Who Rules America? is a book by research psychologist and sociologist, G. William Domhoff,
Ph.D., first published in 1967 as a best-seller (#12), with six subsequent editions including
Who Rules America Now? (1983, #43), Who Rules America? Challenges to Corporate and
Class Dominance (2009), Who Rules America? Power and Politics (2013), Who Rules
America? The Triumph of the Corporate Rich (2013), and the forthcoming, Studying the
Power Elite: Fifty Years of Who Rules America (2017).[1]

* The New Industrial State by John Kenneth Galbraith (c. 1967)

The New Industrial State
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The New Industrial State is a 1967 book by John Kenneth Galbraith.[1] A second and revised
edition appeared in 1972.

In it, Galbraith asserts that within the industrial sectors of modern capitalist societies, the
traditional mechanism of supply and demand is supplanted by the planning of large
corporations, using techniques such as advertising and, where necessary, vertical integration.

The book followed Galbraith's 1966 series of BBC Reith Lectures - a series of six radio
broadcasts, also titled The New Industrial State, in which he explored the economics of
production and the effect large corporations could have over the state.

Galbraith argues that this is made necessary by the long-term planning required for
production processes involving advanced technology (and that these same technological
challenges were answered with similar types of planning in Soviet societies) which involve
substantial additional risk. One of the results of this is, according to Galbraith, that perfect
competition as generally understood in classical economic theory is no longer a useful
explanation of the industrial sector (although it is still useful in sectors of the economy that
are still dominated by small firms).

Galbraith argues that the "industrial system" - by which he means (in general terms) the
companies which control around two-thirds of output in key sectors of the economy - are
controlled in practice by a technostructure rather than shareholders; he claims that the
technostructure does not act to maximise profit (as that involves the risk of failure) but
principally to maintain the organisation and, as a secondary aim, to ensure its further

It is frequently assigned as a sociology textbook and argues against the concentration of

power and wealth in the American upper class.[2] The 2010 edition[clarification needed]
brings the discussion up to date and also includes the rise of Barack Obama, his campaign
finance supporters, and the nature of his administration.

The New Industrial State

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And let us be clear. None of these books are written by globalist conspiracy theorists. But
that does not mean that people like Alex Jones, Ickes, and many others are not on to
something. They are. That is why their platforms are being censored.

Corporate Cannabis State Monopolies

This might seem like an odd place to start. In 1990 I had an interest in heading the "Drug
Policy Alliance," funded by George Soros. I didn't get the job. But during the next 28 years
Soros has been funding virtually all of the Cannabis Initiatives. So during the 90's my friend,
Jack Herer, and I became quite familiar with the vast sums of money that Soros provided to
"legalize" Marijuana. But instead what we ended up with were "Corporate Cannabis State
Monopolies" which put millions of growers and trimmers out of business so that only State
Governments and rich Ganjapreneurs would remain in the game. The idea was to track the
Cannabis, from "seed to sale" so that the state governments could control it all. The lesson
could not be clearer. If Soros is behind a policy it probably isn't going to be good for You and
I. In everything he does it seems the control is taken away from the people and given over to
centralized governments and the very rich. Expect state government to begin putting more
and more restrictions on home growers. They want it all. It is also worth mentioning that
the UN was completely against the legalization of Cannabis.

Open Borders, Illegal Immigration and Corporate Censorship

Recently FOX pulled a video with Lou Dobbs which discussed the role that US government
agency USAID has played in funding Soros and in funding the Caravans. You should watch
the recovered video in the link below. As someone that has covered immigration for decades
I found that disturbing as it is not admitted even on FOX that a US government agency,
USAID, was actually helping to fund the Illegal Alien Caravans coming up from Central
America. Nope instead the VP of FOX accused the guest as being Anti-Semitic for criticizing
Soros who is Jewish. This is total BS as we know there are good/bad people from every race,
creed, religion. Nope the reason for pulling the video is because they don't want the PEOPLE
to understand how their government is selling them out.

As for Soros? I don't care what religion he identifies with. He is a globalist scumbag.

As for the US Government and USAID, this is what they are doing:

* Our tax dollars go to various agencies including USAID.

* USAID gives millions of dollars to the United Nations.
* The UN then funnels the money to NGO's -- including but not restricted to the
George Soros umbrella of organizations that operate under "Open Society"
and other names.
* The money from USAID has then gone to fund ISIS, Islamic Terrorist Groups
and the flow of Illegal Aliens into the US through the caravans and smaller
groups of invaders.

Sorry but I can never look at FOX anchors again the same way. They must know what is
going on and probably understand that they cannot talk about it unless they want to loose
their multi-million dollar annual salaries. FOX management pulled the video as, obviously,
the American People should not understand that their very own federal government if
financing Islamic Terrorists and Illegal Immigration. THIS IS INSANE that this is allowed to
continue! Please take 10 minutes to watch the video below. It will make your jaw drop as
you begin to understand our own government is financing Illegal Immigration.

How your tax dollars are funding the Migrant Invasion of the United States

Thursday (10/25/2018) Lou Dobb's was reprimanded by Gary Schreier, the

senior vice-president of Fox Business Network programming, for an interview
he did with Judicial Watch's Chris Farrell. The video of the interview has been
pulled from the Fox website and Farrell is now banned from appearing on FOX
News in the future. Although the implications were that Farrell was fueling
antisemitism the real reason he was banned was for exposing an inconvenient
truth: it is not just people like Soros that are funding the foriegn invasion of
the US . . . but our very own government. And it is worth noting that this is
happenning under the Trump Administration, which has yet to cut off the use
of our tax dollars being used to finance the invasion.

The Lou Dobb's Caravan Interview that FOX News Censored with commentary
from Alex Jones

The California Fires

Here is a synopsis, from Alex Jones, on the fires.

At around 9:45 p.m. on Sunday October 8th of 2017 the Tubbs fire began in
Northern California and by the time the Sun came up over a thousand homes
were destroyed. Videos and photographs show how this so-called forest fire
seemed to spare the wild and somehow jump from house to house. CNN
reported that the so called forest fire jumped to the freeway. Hundreds of
photographs show cars with melted trails of aluminum alloys from what must
have been an unprecedented amount of power. The average forest fire burns at
1,100 degrees Fahrenheit aluminum alloys will melt at temperatures between
1,200 and 2,000 degrees. But many of these cars were nowhere near a forest
fire. Some cars were flipped over. The heat must have been intense. Not only
was it able to melt aluminum alloy but consistently every home that caught
fire was leveled white powdery ash in less than 12 hours. By October 31st the
Tubbs fire had destroyed 5643 buildings.

PG&E (Pacific Gas and Electric PG&E) was found responsible for 16 of the fires
over ten billion dollars in damages. All of this while producing 1 billion a year
in profits for the Rothschild investment group. PG&E warned the public that
the fires will not just continue but will grow larger every season. They warn
their investors that future liability will force PG&E; into bankruptcy. In June
utility officials told state lawmakers that they needed protection to survive the
coming fire season and on August 31st California State Legislature passed a
utility bailout bill to protect PG&E, its shareholders and Rothschild
investment. At sunrise on Thursday November 8th the campfire wildfire began
in California it has all the same anomalies as the Tubbs fire and is already
twice as devastating.

Many people are asking the same question: is this an attack? In 2003
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, and General Richard Myers, admit to
the development of directed energy weapons and microwave technology. In
2017 Lockheed Martin shoots drones out of the sky with an invisible laser
beam that burns them from the inside out. The technology exists. The evidence
is there but what about the motives? Perhaps it could be found in the United
Nations Agenda21, where certain areas of the country are proposed to be off-
limits to human use. It just so happens that these strange California fires seem
to all be within the proposed no human use areas. New regulations and
insurance policies are preventing homeowners from rebuilding. And
meanwhile they claim it as the new normal and are now claiming it is a
phenomenon of global warming. One thing is for certain: the Governor of
California has already assured that the people will pay for all of the damages.

California Wild fires by Greg Reese


When the Tubbs fire occurred, in October 2017, I wrote an article speculating on the
possibility that Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) may have been involved. Of the 250
essays I have written this was one of a dozen that were banned by Facebook. Yes it is
possible that DEWs played a part. But there are many other contributing factors.

* Environmentalists and state governments have severely cut back on forest

management over the last 10 years.
* Chemtrails have been spraying the forests, and most of the nation, with fire
accellerants such as aluminum and barium for years.
* The UN and their local agencies (ICLIE) are trying to push our human
populations into centralized Smart Cities while looking to depopulate rural
areas into unoccupied "wild lands."
* In many of the effect areas recent zoning ordinances make it impossible or
much more expensive to rebuild their homes and many did not have fire
* HAARP technologies may have played a part by diverting rain from areas
that have be designated for depopulation through forest fires. HAARP
technologies can also be used to create and exacerbate earthquakes,
hurricanes, floods etc.
* In the most recent Camp Fires (e.g., including Paradise) electricity company
PG&G did not turn off the grid during the high winds. Because the Smart
Meters were still working they could have been used by the DEWs to
specifically target the homes.

This of course is sheer speculation. But after watching hours of footage it is clear to me that
neither the Tubbs fire (2017) or the Camp fire (2018) seem in any way "normal" forest fires.
In fact most of the trees around the homes did not burn. Most of the homes that burned . . .
were burned to dust. And many of the trees, close by to burning cars, do not show much

The Censorship of Anti-Globalist Internet Individuals, Groups and


I was suspended by Facebook for 30 days: ending 2 days after the Mid-term elections. Alex
Jones and hundreds of other groups have been shadowbanned and even deplatformed by
most of Big Tech (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube Google). So what do we all have in common?
We are Anti-Globalists. Yes, virtually all of those being censored, are critics of the Globalist
Agenda: Gun Confiscation, Open Borders, 5G Technology, etc. The globalists have accurately
assessed that Trumps Anti-Globalist Agenda, that ushered him into the Whitehouse in 2016,
was bolstered by a vibrant Internet Media. So their obvious responce has been to shut down
any free speech challenging their objectives.

President Trump, Legal Immigration and George Soros

Over many years Trump has said very little about George Soros. Perhaps that has something
to do with business deals, between Soros and Trump, that go back to 2004.

The pair’s relationship (Soros and Trump) goes back more than a decade. In
2004, Soros lent Trump a cool $160 million to help with the construction of
Trump International Hotel & Tower in Chicago, the Chicago Tribune reported.
At the time, some Chicagoans were skeptical that Trump would ever get his
tower built. The project, after all, was yuuuge.

“It is such a huge project, and the prices he said he was getting were so outside
the norm,” Robert Glickman, then the head of Chicago’s Corus Bank, told the
Tribune. “It was reasonable to say, ‘Is this real?’” . . .

A few years later, another skyscraper brought Trump and Soros back together
—but not in a good way. On Sept. 10, 2008, real estate developer Leslie Dick
Worldwide Ltd. named both of them (along with 15 other defendants) in a
lawsuit over the sale of the General Motors Building in Manhattan, as the
trade publication Pensions & Investments reported. . . .

The lawsuit didn’t go anywhere. Court filings show a judge dismissed it

“without prejudice” and that the case was terminated on Oct. 10, 2009. That
means the plaintiff could file it again, but records show that hasn’t happened—
making it a shared victory for Trump and Soros.

A few months later, the pair were together again. This time, it was at a
Christmas Eve party hosted by economist Nouriel Roubini—dubbed “Dr.
Doom” for predicting the 2008 housing collapse. The New York Post’s Page Six
reported that the billionaires gabbed with Oliver Stone and Steve
Schwarzman, currently the CEO of the Blackstone Group and a 2007 honoree
on Time’s list of the 100 Most Influential People in the World.

In the years since then, Trump has shown little interest in bashing his old

A search of tweets from the mogul mentioning Soros turns up zero results. And
Trump even once encouraged conservatives to lay off the billionaire. . . .

Trump even nabbed a Team Soros alum for his finance team. His national
finance chairman, Steven Mnuchin, has worked for the Soros-backed SFM
Capital Management and for Soros Fund Management LLC, as the Center for
Public Integrity noted in a report.

Soros, on the other hand, has not been as gracious. In January of this year, he
said Trump was “doing the work of ISIS.”

While their “work” has diverged in recent years, it wasn’t too long ago the two
even were politically like-minded. After all, in 2005, they both ponied up to
help fund the re-election bid of then-Sen. Hillary Clinton.

Donald Trump Took Liberal Icon George Soros’s Money

He’s is a villain of the right wing, but that certainly didn’t stop Trump from
cozying up to him before the candidate was an official part of the Republican
Betsy Woodruff 08.16.16

I voted for President Trump and I don't think it would be fair to indict him just because of his
past interactions with George Soros. But it does make you wonder how deep the relationship
really goes. It also makes you wonder who he is really most invested: with the American
People or the Global Elites.

In October, 2018, Trump did finally mention Soros as possibly funding the Caravan.

REPORTER: Do think somebody is funding the caravan?
TRUMP: "I wouldn't be surprised, yeah. I wouldn't be surprised."
R: George Soros?
T: "I don't know who, but I wouldn't be surprised. A lot of people say yes."

So once again Globalist Corporate Media accused Trump of being Anti-Semitic because Soros
happens to be Jewish. That is exactly what FOX did to the spokesperson for CIS when he
basically proved that Soros IS funding the Caravan. This is really just insane. On the other
hand the false accusations of anti-semitism directed the conversation away from the provable
fact that Soros is one of many funding the Caravan. There is no doubt that Soros did have a
hand in funding the Caravan . . . and some of that money was provided by your taxes.

Voting for Trump in 2016 was a "no brainer" given the Globalist alternative: Hillary. But
moving forward we must remain wary of Trump's own agenda. He is pushing 5G which will
compromise both our health and privacy. He is pushing EB5 Visa's which allow foreigners
citizenship in exchange for buy up our businesses. And it seems unlikely that Trump will do
much to stop the influence of George Soros.

The Bigger Picture

911 (09/11/2001) was possibly the greatest "mind fuck manipulation" in recent human
history. Nearly 50% of the population does not buy into the official story or the 911 report
that talks nothing about Building 7 or the fact that there has NEVER been a skyscraper that
ever fell into its own footprint: coming down in freefall. And yet . . . the media holds
unflinchingly to this crazy ass story. And recall that Rosie O'Donell, and others that
challenged the official narative, immediately lost their jobs. 911 basically demonstrated that
Corporate Media had the power to push virtually any false narative through media monopoly
and silencing those that challenged the false narrative.

So would it really be so strange that similar "mind manipulation" is not at play with the
"forest fires?"

The fact is that Corporate Media -- the Real Fake News -- has been blowing smoke up our ass
for decades:

* Marijuana is a health menace.

* It was the planes that caused the WTC to collapse.
* 5G is safe . . . nothing to worry about here.
* Saddam Hussien (Iraq) had weapons of mass destruction.
* Obamacare: "You can keep your doctor and you premiums will go down

It seems that what we really need is a "New Enlightenment" where every god damn issue is
discussed and analyzed openly. And I think that could start IF small organized groups
challenge the positions of Corporate "Fake News" Media. And perhaps that is the problem for
Corporate Media. We have begun to challenge the status quo. And we have been rather

So what has been the reaction from CNN and other branches of corporate media? Yep, they
began pushing for the censorship of Anti-Globalist analysis by thousands of "little people"
like myself. FB suspended my account for 30 days . . . ending 2 days after the election.

How convenient as you can bet the same shit happened to thousands of other vocal activists.
Is anyone going to investigate how this influenced the election (2018)? Nope! And yet
Corporate Media has spent 2 years investigating Russian influence over the 2016 election
despite no proof and little evidence that there was any effect.

We need to fully investigate these fires. And if it turns out DEWs, Chemtrails (containing
aluminum) etc. were, in fact, used . . . then let the bodies hit the floor. Find these fuckers.
Prosecute them. Send them to prison.

Beyond this let me just cite a theme I have been talking about for about the last year or two:
The Evisceration of Personal Choice. Some examples include: forced vaccines, forced Smart
Meters, forced 5G. So in discussing the CA Fires it seems we no longer have the right to think
critically or challenge the official narrative. It also seems we are losing the Right To Choose . .
. even as adults. Let me just suggest something here. They are both part of the same Globalist
Agenda and they both need to be challenged.

What needs to be done?

There is much that can be done if we can get organized. Here are some of the more crucial
issues that need to be addressed.

* Stop the influence of George Soros

In 2018 Orban, of Hungary, passed "Stop Soros" legislation which effectively booted all Soros
NGO's out of their country. Trump needs to implement a similar strategy in the United

* Stop 5G

Fifth Generation Internet will have terrible effects on both our health and privacy. It should
also be seen as a means for the globalists to track "every step we take and every move we
make." Once fully implemented it may be impossible to push back. We need to start
attending local City Council Meetings to demand that it is not implemented.

* Smart Meters

Smart Meters also violate our privacy and will be integrated into the 5G infrastructure. Even
without 5G your appliances will soon be tracked by smart meters -- giving law enforcement
and others real time data on what is going on in your home. Smart Meters have been known
to catch fire and provide no real benefit to the consumer. We must demand that the Smart
Meters be removed and replaced by analogue meters. I have been self-reporting my gas and
electric readings for years. Consumers should be allowed to self report their monthly
readings with perhaps one annual meter reading by the utility.

* Cannabis "True Legalization"

At the very least adults should be able to grow Cannabis in their homes in the same way they
can produce beer or wine at home. No taxation, no card, no inspection, no zoning
considerations. I predict that state legislators will attempt to limit the rights of "home
growers" in order to bolster revenue collection by the emerging "Corporate Cannabis State

* A 20 year moratorium on both Legal and Illegal Immigration

In the next 20 years technology will eliminate 50% of all remaining jobs. We are allowing
nearly 1 million legal and 1 million illegal immigrants into our country each year. This
globalist "Open Borders" policy needs to be stopped in its tracks. Screw the "you can come in
here if you go through the proper channels." No, we have allowed global corporations to get
away with this for far too long. The corporations want more immigration to keep wages and
benefits low. The democrat party wants "Open Borders" to continue as they believe it will
result in more democrat votes.

* Chemtrails, HAARP, DEWs and other technologies must to stopped


The Evisceration of Personal Choice needs to stop. The evisceration of "free speech" also
needs to be stopped. We need to reassert our inalienable rights or we will soon find ourselves
to be nothing but slaves within a control matrix of 5G, Smart Meters, Smart Cities and global
control. Let us not allow that to happen. The time to act is now.

Bruce W. Cain

63 514 opmerkingen 309 keer gedeeld

Leuk Opmerking Delen Opslaan

Eerdere opmerkingen weergeven 50 van 481

Bruce Cain I find this very disturbing: EU Military now being used to suppress French Protesters. Both in
the EU and US our tax dollars are being used to enslave us Legal Citizens in order that the UN, through
mass immigration, can turn every Western Republic into a Banana Republic ruled by Globalists.


EU Army Deployed To Paris To Crush French Revolution

Leuk · Beantwoorden · Vertaling weergeven · 43 w

Bruce Cain https://www.wnd.com/.../staggering-number-of-muslim.../...

'Staggering': 680,000 Muslims to U.S. under Obama - WND

Leuk · Beantwoorden · 43 w

Bruce Cain And where does the UN propose the individuals originate to "populate" the above listed
nations? It's only a hypothesis, but from the nations obviously missing from the chart – nations of Africa, the
Middle East, Pakistan, South and Central America, India, etc. In other w… Meer bekijken

UN Proposes Repopulation Migration In Global Migration Compact

Leuk · Beantwoorden · Vertaling weergeven · 43 w

Bruce Cain A Saudi news outlet writes a hit piece on the two new Muslim women elected to the U.S.
Truth is often stranger than fiction, and yes, this really just happened. Al Arabiya, a pro-government, Saudi-
owned pan-Arab news outlet, just lambasted Somali Amer… Meer bekijken

Saudi Paper Writes Hit Piece on New Muslim Congresswomen | Clarion
Leuk · Beantwoorden · Vertaling weergeven · 43 w

Bruce Cain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onbseA3CrXo

Paradise Lost # 20 ~ @ 50,000 Murdered !!!...A Matter of Genocide;
Copy and Share

Leuk · Beantwoorden · 43 w

Bruce Cain Aliens in Paradise. This sounds like disinformation to me. LOL. It makes those of us that have
concerns, seem like idiots.

Trailer: "Paradise Campfire Lost: David Wilcock's Alien Agenda With the
Alpha Centaurian Treaty"

Leuk · Beantwoorden · Vertaling weergeven · 43 w

Bruce Cain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJH44KNBfxE&bpctr=1544456396

Paradise Lost #22 DEW Docs & Full GRAPHIC CONTENT Video..and
Much More..

Leuk · Beantwoorden · 43 w

Bruce Cain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9N6mp86zug8


The Ability For Citizens to Engage With The Truth is Under Attack

Leuk · Beantwoorden · 43 w

Bruce Cain https://www.independent.co.uk/.../julian-assange-clinton...

Clinton Foundation ‘funded by same money as Isis’, says Julian

Leuk · Beantwoorden · 43 w

Bruce Cain https://www.breitbart.com/.../gallup-750-million.../...

Gallup: More Than 750 Million People Globally Now Wanting to Migrate

Leuk · Beantwoorden · 43 w

Bruce Cain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJxVCsWzRx8...

What is Really Happening in France?

Leuk · Beantwoorden · 43 w

Bruce Cain https://www.technocracy.news/france-protestors-are.../...

France Protestors Are Part Of Global Backlash Against Globalization

Leuk · Beantwoorden · 43 w

Bruce Cain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q57aSFuawHE

Delusional People Fear the Truth

Leuk · Beantwoorden · 43 w

Bruce Cain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WRszRZBfYw&t=3s

The Terrible Truth About the UN Migration Compact

Leuk · Beantwoorden · 43 w

Bruce Cain Only in Paradise. How did this happen? Did the lasers miss the target. LOL
Leuk · Beantwoorden · Vertaling weergeven · 43 w

Bruce Cain https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/.../european-court...

European Court of Human Rights Blasphemy Laws: Where a Word out
of Place Can Cost Your Life

Leuk · Beantwoorden · 43 w

Bruce Cain https://godfatherpolitics.com/obama-admin-illegally-okd.../

Obama Admin. Illegally OK’d $310 Million In Free Legal Advice To Illegal

Leuk · Beantwoorden · 43 w

Bruce Cain From Brexit to Frexit (France) the Globalist Media is hiding the obvious: We all want our
borders slammed shut.

It seems odd to consider a developed European nation as oppressed, but the Macron regime has removed
even the semblance of a government by the people. But lookin… Meer bekijken

France's Yellow Jackets Demand Trump-Style Changes

Leuk · Beantwoorden · Vertaling weergeven · 43 w · Bewerkt

Bruce Cain https://www.facebook.com/VICENewsTonight/videos/2219956341580303/

Leuk · Beantwoorden · 43 w

Bruce Cain https://www.spencerfernando.com/.../betrayal-trudeau.../

Betrayal: Trudeau Government Signs UN Global Compact On Migration,
Dealing A Devastating Blow To Canadian Sovereignty - Spencer…
Leuk · Beantwoorden · 43 w

Bruce Cain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrdQxX3-47Y...

United Nation's SECRET Plot To DESTROY The West

Leuk · Beantwoorden · 43 w

Bruce Cain https://www.facebook.com/foxandfriends/videos/454777911717501/

Leuk · Beantwoorden · 43 w

Bruce Cain https://www.facebook.com/EHTrust/videos/1792976387387484/

Leuk · Beantwoorden · 43 w

Bruce Cain https://www.facebook.com/nwonewscenter/videos/639138006476536/

Leuk · Beantwoorden · 43 w

Bruce Cain https://www.bizpacreview.com/.../tucker-chuck-schumer...

Tucker: 'Chuck Schumer never hated anything in his whole life more'
than this moment

Leuk · Beantwoorden · 43 w

Bruce Cain https://l.facebook.com/l.php...


'Arrogant' Merkel defends signing highly criticised UN migration pact

Leuk · Beantwoorden · 43 w

Bruce Cain https://ghionjournal.com/let-them-eat-austerity/...

Let Them Eat Austerity! The Tone Deaf Distortions of Establishment
Parrots ~ The Ghion Journal
Leuk · Beantwoorden · 43 w

Bruce Cain https://boblivingstonletter.com/.../mind-control-and-the.../

Mind control and the U.S. government – Bob Livingston Letter

Leuk · Beantwoorden · 43 w

Bruce Cain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8w_gHldFp3E

BREAKING: Google CEO Drops Bomb On Liberal HACK Nadler -
Surprise Guest Does Hilarious Photobomb
Leuk · Beantwoorden · 43 w

Bruce Cain https://www.facebook.com/prageru/videos/869775483197585/

Leuk · Beantwoorden · 43 w

Bruce Cain The whole Mueller investigation is insane. From the "grab her by the pussy" incident -- a week
before the election -- to "oh my god he paid a women who signed a non-disclosure agreement for past
infidelity." What we are watching is the Deep State tryin… Meer bekijken
Leuk · Beantwoorden · Vertaling weergeven · 43 w

Bruce Cain https://www.facebook.com/OurEyeOnYou/videos/330433310843059/

Leuk · Beantwoorden · 43 w

Bruce Cain https://www.naturalnews.com/2018-12-12-nj-state-police-to...

NJ State Police to launch Nazi-style door-to-door gun magazine
confiscation campaign... at gunpoint, of course... NJ declares WAR on…

Leuk · Beantwoorden · 43 w

Bruce Cain Antonio Guterres, the UN Secretary-General, speaking in Morocco on Monday, explained it
was necessary to stop criticism of migrants because that dehumanizes them, and dehumanization is an
early step towards fascism.
Sorry, but isn’t suppression of free speech also an early step towards fascism?… Meer bekijken

GUNTER: The migrant compact is signed – here’s how the problems will
Leuk · Beantwoorden · Vertaling weergeven · 43 w

Betty Hopple heeft geantwoord · 1 antwoord

Bruce Cain https://voiceofeurope.com/.../czech-politicians-want.../...

Czech politicians want to ban Islam completely as it 'colonises society'

Leuk · Beantwoorden · 43 w

Bruce Cain https://conservativefiringline.com/censorship-is-hate.../

Censorship is Hate Speech ⋆ Conservative Firing Line

Leuk · Beantwoorden · 43 w

Bruce Cain Filed under "Fuck Trump on this one."


The Trump Administration Just Killed Net Neutrality for Text Messages

Leuk · Beantwoorden · Vertaling weergeven · 43 w

Bruce Cain I have spent most of my life as a Medical Researcher, Systems Analyst, Magazine Editor,
Journalist and activist. Frankly there are many theories about the Paradise Fires (11/2018). And while there
may be no singular "smoking gun" there is no doubt in m… Meer bekijken
Leuk · Beantwoorden · Vertaling weergeven · 32 w

Bruce Cain I wanted to comment but they wanted my email password. I don't think so assholes. LOL.
The comments are great though.… Meer bekijken

Fox Business Pulls ‘Lou Dobbs’ Episode After Guest’s Soros Remarks

Leuk · Beantwoorden · Vertaling weergeven · 32 w

Bruce Cain https://www.usatoday.com/.../lou-dobbs.../1804634002/

Fox bans Lou Dobbs' guest over George Soros conspiracy theory

Leuk · Beantwoorden · 32 w

Bruce Cain There are many theories on what started and contributed to this massive fire: the tower (this
video), individual weaponized smart meters, Directed Energy Weapons, bad forest management. What is
odd is that the area burned was part of the UN's Wildlands… Meer bekijken
Leuk · Beantwoorden · Vertaling weergeven · 26 w

Bruce Cain https://www.brighteon.com/6024484277001...

U.N. Fights To Destroy Border To Bring In New World Order

Leuk · Beantwoorden · 26 w

Bruce Cain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkDDQqDVsbk...

Colbeck cites health as reason to slow 5G rush

Leuk · Beantwoorden · 26 w

Bruce Cain https://www.facebook.com/Stop-5G-Chicago-2022214788081640/

Stop 5G Chicago

Leuk · Beantwoorden · 26 w

Bruce Cain The X Files gets pretty close to the truth. LOL
Leuk · Beantwoorden · Vertaling weergeven · 19 w · Bewerkt

Bruce Cain It Will Be Done By 2030: Icke's on 5G, AI and Globalist Control

It Will Be Done By 2030

Leuk · Beantwoorden · Vertaling weergeven · 19 w · Bewerkt

Bruce Cain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGRM_WLq_4g&feature=share

The Truth About Facebook

Leuk · Beantwoorden · 18 w

Bruce Cain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bw1fT9LDSB8...


Leuk · Beantwoorden · 18 w

Bruce Cain http://savingtherepublic.com/.../american-communists.../...

American Communists, Funded By Soros Based in Chicago, Are Behind
Border Invasion

Leuk · Beantwoorden · 17 w

Paul Anthony McGowan https://facebook.com/groups/surveillancecrimevictims There's a lot more.

Weaponized algorithm surveillance technology which an decide exactly WHO a victim meets in the street.

Victims of UK Government Spy Surveillance Atrocities Early 90's to


Leuk · Beantwoorden · Vertaling weergeven · 6 w · Bewerkt

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