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Q:What are the accessory organs which are used in digestive system?
A: Accessory organ means helping organs in the process of digestive which are not vital ( more
essential) for digestion such as teeth , salivary gland ,pancreas ,gall bladder etc.
Q:What are the organ/ parts of alimentary canal / digestive system?
A: Mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine are organ of alimentary canal &
teeth, salivary gland, pancreas, & gall bladder are the accessory organ of the digestive system.
Q:What are the names of teeth on the one side?
A: 02 incisor
 01 canine
 two premolar
 three molar by this way 32 permanent teeth.
Q = 51 What the parts of one teeth'?
A: Crown, neck & root.
Q:What are the parts of stomach?
A: Fundus, body & pyloric are parts of stomach.
Q:What are the names of orifices of stomach?
A: Cardiac & pyloric orifices of stomach.
Q:What are the names of curve of stomach?
A: Lesser curve and greater curve of stomach.
Q:What are the names of stomach coats / layers?
A: There are the four coats, named
 peritoneum ( most outer)
 muscular ( middle)
 sub mucous (contain blood vessels)
 mucous coats ( inner most).
Q:What are the names of stomach juices?
A: HCL ( act as antiseptic)
ii. Pepsin (act On protein)
iii, lipase (act on fat)
iv. Renion ( act on milk )
Q:What are the names of stomach artery & nerve?
A: Gastric artery and vagus nerve.
Q:How much long the small intestine is?
A: 8 feet long in life (20 feet log after death)
Q:What are the names of small intestine coats/ layer?
A: There are four coats/ layers, named
 peritoneum (outer)
 muscular (contain blood vessels & nerves),
 sub mucous (inner most)
 mucous coat (contain absorbing surface).
Q:What are the names of small intestine parts?
A: there are three parts named
 Duodenum
 jejunum
 Ilium.
Q:How much long the large intestine?
A: 5 to 6 feet long (1.5 to 2 meter).
Q:What are the parts of large intestine?
A:There are three parts named caecum colon and rectum tube
Q:What are the parts of colon?
A:Four parts of colon named
 Ascending
 descending colon
 transver colon
 sigmoid colon
Q:How much long rectum tube in adult ?
A:5 inches (13cm)long rectum tube
Q:What are the coats/layers of large intestine ?
A:There are foure coats named
 pritoneum( outer most )
 muscular(middle)
 connective (blood)
 mucus membrane (inner most)
Q:What are the sites for absorbtion of food?
A:It starts at stomach and complete at large intestine

Qsdri Master Guide for Nursing Interviews 53 _ Pa c76
Q.No.13CWhat are the Vps;;ul booms'? Ann : a. Standards/RW(0 hottscT ►Ti►rill lion with pillars and
10 '1' b. mixed/ 141,m I b.! ► stly,1,1 mini ,CCII1C111, i11,111,11 111,1
c. Mud/ 10, ..r.111 tol 11111i1 MO W1111►111 ■1.1
Q.No,W,What are III. 'ph Ana: a. RcApeet b. Permis.i■Pii 1:11,•u hum lip nl to enter in the home. c.
Identify 11,, client. d. Avoid (0 tar the things of client eg water, towel. e. Visit should be regular &
flexible according to the client,
sun the steps halo= .ViSiling? nos: i. Ar+r+rr+rnnrnl I subjective and objective data) (prolilein) iii. Planning
I SIG ) iv. Action (independent and dependant action) v. Evaluation (result of home visit) vi. Follow up /
re assessment. vii. Log book should be maintained daily.

Qadri Master Guide for Nursing Interviews Page: 77

11 Q.No.What are the types of Data/information's ?
Ans: a. Primary data: These are collected from the concerned person directly.
b. Secondary data: These are collected from the any source of media eg: hospital records, police records
c. Quantitative data: Numerical data e.g: number of births and deaths.
d. Qualitative data: Non numerical e.g age , sex & race.
Q.No,What are the methods of data collection?
Ans: i. Questioare method. ( direct data)
ii. Survey method. ( indirect data eg: demographic ,health and socioeconomics)
Q.No.What are the elements /components of enviroment ?
Ans: a. Physical: air, water, food are clean or contaminated
b. Biological: Animal, insect, worms, organism.
c. Social: Contact with other person.
d. Economical: Job or jobless ratio.
e. Sanitational:cleaness.
Q.No.What are the types of latrines?
Ans: i. Standard Latrines
ii. Commode Latrines
iii. Bore Hole Latrines
iv. Trench Latrines
v. Pit Latrines
Q.No.What are the method of Disposal?
Am: a. Burning method ( incineration)
b. Dumping method
c. Compositing method
d. Controlled tipping
e. Incineration method
f. Others are sea out fall, river out fall, land treatment
g. Oxidation ponds, open drainage
h. Pit latrine, open field.
Q.NoWhat are the classes of carbohydrates?
Ans: a. Mono sacharides: (one sugar unit) e.g glucose, galactose, fructose).
b.Disacharides a. (two sugar units) e.g maltose, sucrose, lactose,
c. Tri sachrides: (three sugar units) e.g honey.
d. Poly sachrides: (many sugar units) e.g glycogen, cellulose, starches (plants).
Q.NO.What are first class and 2"d class protein?
Ans: a. First class protein: Animal source , meat, chicken, fish.
b. Second class protein: Plants, pulses.
Q.No.What are the other name of following vitamins?
Ans: i. Vit- B-2 = Riboflavin. ii Vit B1 = thiamine
iii. Vit —B-3 = nicotinic
iv. Vit-B-6 = pyridoxine
v. Vit-B-12 = cynocobalamin
vi. Vit-C = ascorbic Acid
vii. Vit- D = calci ostotin
Q.No.47, What are the teaching methods?
Ans: i. Lecture method
ii. Demonstration method
iii. Case study method
iv. Seminar method
v. Panel discussion method
vi. Visit method
vii. Assignment method
vii Symposium method
Xi Conference method
X Survey method
Ix Brain storming method
xii: Inquiry method
Q.NoWhat are the health indicator?
Ans: i. Rapid birth rate.
ii. Rapid death rate
iii. Rapid early age marriage.
iv. High blood pressure.
v. Obesity
vi. Smoking
vii. Diabetes mellitus
viii. Eclampsia
Q.Nol What are the formula of following Health indicator?
Ans: I. Crude Birth Rate (CBR):
Forrnula= no: of live births during the year x 1000 then divided
by estimated mid year population of same year
2. Crude death Rate (CDR)
Formula= Number of death during year x 1000 than divided
by number of population of mid year
3.Infant mortality rate (MR)
formula = number of death children in year x 1000 than divided
by total number of live birth in year
4. Morbidity Rate (MR)
Formula= number of repeated cases in year x 100000 then divided
by No of person at risk in place at mid point of time period
5. Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR)
Formula= no: of mother death x 100000 then divided
by Live birth in a same year

Q.NoWho was the founder of Red cross?

Mr .hernii dament ( 1963)
What is balance diet ?
It is diet of six components of food according the age ,sex,work
Who was the founder of nuttrition science ?
Antoine louren lavoiser (1743-1794)
When the UNO was established?
UNO was established in april 1945 after the second world war for peace of world
Q.No. WHO was Established?
Ans: WHO was Established in 1948.
Q.No.56When the UNICEF was organized?
Ans: UNICEF was organized in 1953. (united nations of international children emergency fund)
Q.No.When the Red cross was founded?
Ans: Red Cross was was founded in 1963.
Q.No.453What is slow and quick pasteurization of milk?
a) Slow pasteurization on milk/liquid: When the milk is heated at 145 of (63 o c) And maintained at this
temperature for 30 minutes and then cool it up to 45 of (13 oc)
b ) Quick pasteurization of milk/liquid: When the milk is heated at 160 of (72 oc) and maintained the
temperature for 15 second and then cool it below 45 of ( 13 oc)
Q.No512, What is weaning diet?
And: It is teaching the infant to accept other food then mother feeding at the age of 4 to 6 months.
Q.What are the therapeutic diet?
Ans: It is diet which use for specific disease. Such normal diet a,diabetic diet, low salt diet, salt free diet,
high protein diet protein diet, fat free diet, rough age diet. Etc.
Q.No.What are the rodents?
Ans: These are mammals without canine teath eg: rat ,squirrel ,beaver ,porcupine .
Q.No.6 iWhat are the types of family'?
Ans: i. Nuclear /simple family: Consist of husband, wife and their children are living together.
ii. Joint family : When brothers, sisters and their children living together.
iii. extended family: Nuclear family and closed relatives living together.
iv. Maternal/matriofocal family: When the mother is decision maker in family.
v. Pariatifocal/paternal family: When the father is decision maker of the family.
vi. Stem family: when parent living with their one married child.
Q.No.What are the functions /role of family?
Ans: i. Regulation of sex
ii. Protection
iii. Production
iv. Socialization
v. love and affection
vi. Economical support
vii. Educational support
vii Recreational support
i. Religious support s.
ii. Cultural support
Q.No. 3 What are types of family disorganization ?
Ans: i. Delinquency
ii. Failure to adopt their culture customs
iii. Suicide
iv. Use of alcohol
v. Self murder
Q.No.Define the following terms?
Ans: i. EDD = Expected date of delivery.
ii. LMP = last menses period.
iii. Amenorrhea = absence of menses.
iv. Dysmenorrheal =painful menses.
v. Menorrhagia = fast/ speedy menses.
vi. Menno pause = permanent stop of menses at the age of 45 to 50 years.
Q.No.Define the following terms.
And: i. Natal care = care during delivery.
ii. Ante natal care = care before delivery.
iii. Post natal care = care after delivery.
iv. Abortion = termination of pregnancy.
v. Still birth = death of baby during the delivery
vi. APH = ante partum hemorrhage.
vii. PPH = post partum hemorrhage.
iii. Multi Para = a woman who had four or more pregnancies.
iv. Varicose veins swilling, of, veins .
v. Quickening it is first feeling of fetal movement by the pregnant woman feels between four to
five months
What are the causes of MMR ?
High risk factors
What is abbreviation and normal score of APGAR?
Ans: A( Appcarance(2points),
Pulse (2-p),
Grimace /cry (2-p)
Activity (2-p)
respiration (2-p)
The normal score is 7-10 and must be checked within 5 minutes after birth)
What are the live /active vaccines?.
Ans: BCG, Polio, and measles.
Q.NoWhat are the killed/passive vaccines?
Ans: DPT, ARV and cholera.
Q.Which temperature is required for maintaining the vaccines?
Ans: 8°c to + 8°c
Q.No.define the following terms?
i. Lochia: Normal blood discharge from uterus after delivery up to 3 weeks or 21 days.
ii. Purr purum: It is normal period of 6 weeks/40daye, After delivery for returning the uterus.
iii. Primi Para: A woman who has given birth to her 1 st child.
iv. Mutlti Para: A woman has 2 or more child.
v. Multi Grivida: A pregnant mother who had 4 or more pregnancies.
vi. Leucorrhea: Abnormal water discharging from Vagina
vii. Colostrums: It is the fluid secreted by the pregnant breast as one week before and after delivery
.which has laxative and immunity power for baby.
Q.No.What is domiciliary nursing care?
Ans: When the delivery conducted at home by qualified nurse or midwife is called domiciliary nursing
Q.No'.What are the teaching Audio Visual aids?
Ans: i. Black board
ii. White board
iii. Multimedia
iv. OHP (Over Head Projector)
v. Slide Project.
vi. VCR and CD
vii. Tape recorder
ix Models
X Charts and graphics
x. Still picture etc.

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