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Universidade de São Paulo

Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Culturais
Guerras Culturais e Polarização da Esfera Pública (ESC5731)
Docentes: Márcio Moretto Ribeiro e Pablo Ortellado
1o semestre de 2020

As guerras culturais e a polarização do debate público

(*) J. D. Hunter. ​Culture Wars: The Struggle to Control the Family, Art, Education, Law, and
Politics In America​. Nova Iorque: Basic Books, 1991. cap. 1-4.
J. D. Hunter. The Enduring Culture War In: J. D. Hunter and A. Wolfe.​ Is There a Culture War?:
A Dialogue on Values and American Public Life​. Pew Forum dialogues on religion and public
life. Pew Research Center, 2006. p. 10-40.

História das guerras culturais nos Estados Unidos

(*) Hartmann, A. ​A war for the soul of America: a history of the culture wars​. Chicago: University
of Chicago Press, 2015, introdução e cap. 1, 2 e 3.
Marone, J. ​Hellfire nation: the politics of sin in American history​. New Haven: Yale, 2004, cap.
Nagle, A. 2017. ​Kill All Normies: Online Culture Wars From 4Chan And Tumblr To Trump And
The Alt-Right.​ Washington: Zero Books, 2017. Cap. 1 a 3.

Guerras culturais como conflito de visões de mundo

(*) G. Lakoff. ​Moral Politics: How Liberals and Conservatives Think​. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 2016. partes I e II (cap. 1 a 6).
Marc J. Hetherington, Jonathan D. Weiler. ​Authoritarianism and Polarization in American
Politics.​ Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. cap. 1 a 3.

Medindo a polarização política

(*) Paul DiMaggio, John Evans, and Bethany Bryson. Have American Social Attitudes Become
More Polarized? ​The American Journal of Sociology​, 102, n. 3, 1996, p. 690-755.
(*) John H. Evans. Have American’s Attitudes Become More Polarized? –An Update. ​Social
Science Quarterly​, 84, n.1, 2003, p. 71-90.

Quem está polarizado? O público ou as elites?

(*) M. P. Fiorina, S. J. Abrams, and J. Pope. ​Culture War?: The Myth of a Polarized America​.
Nova Iorque: Pearson, 2004. cap. 1 a 4.
M. P. Fiorina, S. J. Abrams. Political Polarization in the American Public. ​Annual Review of
Political Science,​ v. 11, 2008. P. 563-588.
Alan I. Abramowitz, Kyle L. Saunders. Is Polarization a Myth? ​The Journal of Politics​, v. 70, n. 2,
2008, p. 542-555.
O que polariza? Identidades políticas ou temas de política pública?
(*) Shanto Iyengar, Gaurav Sood, Yphtach Lelkes. Affect, Not Ideology: A Social Identity
Perspective on Polarization. ​Public Opinion Quarterly,​ v. 76, n. 3, 2012, p. 405–431.
(*) L. Mason. "I Disrespectfully Agree": The Differential Effects of Partisan Sorting on Social and
Issue Polarization. ​American Journal of Political Science,​ ​59​(1), 2015, p. 128-145.
Shanto Iyengar, Yphtach Lelkes, Matthew Levendusky, Neil Malhotra, Sean J. Westwood. The
Origins and Consequences of Affective Polarization in the United States. ​Annual Review of
Political Science.​ v. 22, 2019, p. 129-146.

Qual o papel dos meios de comunicação na polarização política?

(*) M. Prior. Media and Political Polarization. ​Annual Review of Political Science​. v. 16, 2013. p.
S. Iyengar, K. S. Hahn. Red Media, Blue Media: Evidence of Ideological Selectivity in Media
Use.​ Journal of Communication​, n. 59, 2009. p. 19-39.

Mídias sociais e câmaras de eco

(*) Y. Benkler, R. Farris, and H. Roberts. ​Network Propaganda: Manipulation, Disinformation,
and Radicalization in American Politics.​ Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018. cap. 1 a 3.
Elanor Colleoni, Alessandro Rozza, Adam Arvidsson. Echo Chamber or Public Sphere?
Predicting Political Orientation and Measuring Political Homophily in Twitter Using Big Data.
Journal of Communication. ​v. 64, n. 2., 2014, p. 317–332.
Elizabeth Dubois, Grant Blank. The echo chamber is overstated: the moderating effect of
political interest and diverse media. ​Journal of Information, Communication & Society​. v. 21, n.
5, 2018.

Populismo e polarização política

(*) Cas Mudde, Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser. Studying Populism in Comparative Perspective:
Reflections on the Contemporary and Future Research Agenda. ​Comparative Political Studies.​
v. 51, n. 13, 2018.
C. Mudde e C. R. Kaltwasser. ​Populism: a very short introduction.​ Oxford: Oxford University
Press 2017.
E. Laclau. ​A Razão Populista.​ São Paulo: Três Estrelas, 2013. cap 4
J. Judis. ​The Populist Explosion: How the great recession transformed american and european
politics.​ Columbia Global Reports, 2016.

Divisão política no Reino Unido: Brexit

(*) Sarah B. Hobolt. The Brexit vote: a divided nation, a divided continent.​ Journal of European
Public Policy​. V. 23, n. 9, 2016, p. 1259-1277
Harold D. Clarke, Matthew Goodwin, Paul Whiteley. ​Brexit: Why People Voted to Leave the
European Union​. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017. cap. 4

Polarização política na América Latina

(*) Andreas E. Feldmann. Colombia's Polarizing Peace Efforts. In: Thomas Carothers; Andrew
O'Donohue. ​Democracies divided: the global challenge of political polarization​. Washington:
Brookings Institution Press, 2019.
(*) María Pilar García-Guadilla, Ana Mallen. Polarization, Participatory Democracy, and
Democratic Erosion in Venezuela’s Twenty-First Century Socialism. ​The Annals of the American
Academy of Political and Social Science​. v. 681, n. 1, 2019.

Há polarização política no Brasil?

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