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The Catechism of the Catholic Church
Some few of its many problems:

What are we to think of the best selling new "Catechism of the Catholic Church", promoted by the Pope and
bishops since 1992? This year (2006) will come the abridged version, making it more accessible and widespread than
Of the very much that is good, true and beautiful in this book, there remains serious doctrinal and moral
difficulties which may tend to undermine all the good that is written. We will look briefly at only five categories,
concerning faith, charity, marriage, government authority and the redemptive work of Christ.

1. Faith
Just as there can only be one true God, so there is only one true revealed Faith, the doctrines of which are the
most sacred trust for the Church to hand down through all ages, by its teaching authority. This Catechism reaffirms
the errors of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), that we should have a "sincere respect for different religions"
(#2104), that God uses non-Catholic churches "as means of salvation" (#819).
The truth is that we must respect sincerely held convictions (subjective faith), but not the false content of
these non-Catholic sects (objective faith). Baptism makes one a member of Christ and his Mystical Body, the
Catholic Church, but adhering to a false sect cuts one off from this divine life in Christ. God uses what remains
Catholic in these sects llas means" of salvation, the sect itself is at best an occasion, but usually an obstacle to

2. Charity
The sin of indifference is a false charity which turns a blind eye to the errors of a false religion. Charity
comes from union with Christ who is Truth. The Blessed Sacrament is the greatest sign of this charity, and can only
be given to those in the true Church, in the state of grace, as a sign of the fruitful unity Christ wants for His Church,
His bride.
This new Catechism, undermines the unity of the Church and the sacrament of God's love by allowing
non-Catholics share in our Eucharistic Communion (#1399). It even recommends that Catholics share in the rites and
communion of Oriental schismatics, where they will be in danger of anti-Catholic indoctrination. Traditional Canon
Law gravely forbids any active participation in non-Catholic worship, and if this worship contains heresy, even the
natural law forbids it. (canon 1258) If someone were to participate in such rites, he was suspected of heresy, and if it
continued for six months, then he was to be treated as a formal heretic, and avoided by Catholics. (canon 2316, Titus
3:10,11; 2 John 1:10,11)

3. Marriage
The sacrament of Matrimony is undermined by reversing the order of the traditional ends (i.e. purposes) of
marriage. The new Catechism says "the two-fold ends of marriage: the good of the spouses themselves, and the
transmission of life." (#2363 1601). This new order puts more importance on what God has placed as secondary, and
can result in defacto divorce by annulling marriages that do not seem "fulfilling" to the couple involved. The
traditional law (c. 1013) made very clear that marriage is primarily for the giving of life to build up society and the
Church. Only in the second place comes the personal needs of the individual couples involved, otherwise the whole
foundation of society is weakened. Pope Pius XII in 1944 reaffirmed forcefully this traditional teaching, and
condemned the idea that self-fulfillment of the spouses is the primary or even the equal purpose of marriage.

4. Government
Civil authority is undermined in the New Catechism by granting a non-existing right of the propagation of the
religious errors of every cult. (#2106) Traditionally a civil power was duty-bound to tolerate some already established
false religions for the sake of the common good. This toleration of evil has now been transferred so that error claims a
right to the spread of its poison throughout society. Every new cult or sect can quote this new Catechism (and Vatican
11) to demand liberty to spread errors, all "within due limits". There is no doubt that this teaching, condemned
vigorously by popes like Gregory XVI, Pius IX, St. Pius X, Pius XI and XII, will undermine all government authority!
In the definition of the common good, there is no reference to God, Heaven, or Supernatural virtue, which the
common good of society must promote. (#1905ff). If man cannot live in the truth unmolested by enemies of the Faith,
society is not fulfilling its prime purpose and will be punished by Almighty God. This explains what is happening
This leads to the last point in this brief study, how this false liberty and equality is based upon totally
naturalistic principles. If one looks at the index to this Catechism, no references to the twenty-one magnificent
encyclicals of St. Pius X, nor any reference to Freemasonry, Secret Societies, humanism, modernism or naturalism.

5. The Redemptive Work of Christ

This is undermined by the practical denial of the supernatural order, and a grossly exaggerated exultation of
the dignity of human nature. This is why all doctrines unacceptable to the modern world are omitted, falsified, or
ambiguously presented in this book. This Catechism speaks little of man's duty, which it says derives from his
dignity. (#2104). Rather, his duty derives from God, from Whom also derives his lost dignity which is restored by
doing his duty and believing in the Blood of Christ the Redeemer. This Catechism following Vatican II, pretends to
give rights based upon the dignity of the human person, to every false cult, even for "those who do not live up to their
obligation of seeking the truth and adhering to it. " (#2106)

Who can fail to see the consequences of such teaching? What to do?

FIRST, let us not lose Faith in Christ or His Church! He said to St. Peter "the gates of hell will not prevail", but He
also said (to Pope John Paul and Benedict as Peter's successors) "Simon, Satan has desired to sift you as wheat ". This
purification is wanted by God to strengthen the remnants of His Church.

SECOND, don't be deceived by these novelties, mixed with so many good, true and beautiful passages. Many good
Catholic writers have exposed and opposed these errors, especially a modern writer called Michael Davies, (Angelus
& TAN books). Pope Leo XIII said we should even, " . . avoid any familiarity with those who show universal
tolerance...respect for all religions" (quoted in Paul Fisher "Their God is the Devil").

THIRD, pray the Rosary of Our Blessed Lady, and attend only the traditional Latin Mass to fortify your faith.
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