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“Safe Injecting Facilities

Their justification and viability in the Victorian setting”

Drugs and Crime Prevention Committee


The views expressed in this paper do not reflect current or proposed Victorian
Government policy, and they do not necessarily reflect the final position of the
Victorian Parliamentary Drugs and Crime Prevention Committee.
Drugs and Crime Prevention Committee


The Honourable Andrew R. Brideson, MLC, Chairman

Gary J. Rowe, MLA, Deputy Chairman

Andre Haermeyer, MLA

Don Kilgour, MLA

Hurtle Lupton, MLA ( from September 1997)

The Honourable Jean McLean, MLC

Edward J. Micallef, MLA

The Honourable Dr John W. G. Ross, MLC

Jan T.C. Wilson, MLA

Terms of Reference

The Parliamentary Crime Prevention Committee shall inquire into, consider and
report to the Parliament on the implementation of the Government’s Drug
Reform Strategy, and in particular to: -

1. Monitor the implementation, and evaluate the effectiveness, of the

comprehensive drug reform strategy announced in response to the report of the
Premier’s Drug Advisory Council in the document Turning the Tide.

2. Investigate and evaluate national and international experience in the

drug area. This will include undertaking an evaluation of differing approaches to
the drug problem in other states, particularly South Australia and the A.C.T., and
international jurisdictions.

3. Monitor and evaluate two research projects which will be commissioned

by the Government. The first will further investigate any linkage between
marijuana use and the onset of schizophrenia and other mental illness. The
second will investigate the effects of marijuana use on driving and support
expanded work on the development and commissioning of a roadside testing
mechanism for marijuana.

A preliminary report focusing on the extent to which implementation of

initiatives has been achieved will be required to be tabled in the Parliament no
later than December 1997.

A second report providing a clear indication of the extent to which the use and
abuse of drugs and the physical, emotional and social harm that results has been
reduced will be required to be tabled in the Parliament no later than June 1999.
This report will take into account the results of the research projects considered
by the committee and the evaluation of national and international experience.

The two reports will form the basis for ongoing action, including legislative

Dated 25 June 1996

Responsible Minister:
J. G. Kennett

For many years in Victoria, heroin use and the harms associated with that use – particularly
fatal overdoses - have continued to rise. This is despite the fact that Victoria has had a
consistently developing system of harm-minimisation programs and interventions that span the
range of government activity and social domains. This, by no means, is to suggest that these
programs and interventions have had no impact at all. The drug problem in Victoria would
clearly be much worse than it is without them.

What this trend of increasing harms does suggest is that something more needs to be done. It is
not clear, though, that more of the same sorts of interventions and activities will be quite enough.
There is a need to consider different, and perhaps sometimes courageous, options as well. One
such option is the provision of a controlled context or place for street-level heroin users to inject
safely. Safe injecting facilities are intended to target a specific range of drug-related harms, and
experience from overseas suggests that they ought to be given serious consideration.

It is the responsibility of the Victorian Parliamentary Drugs and Crime Prevention Committee
to evaluate the Victorian drug reform strategy “Turning the Tide”, and also to examine the
range of options and interventions that might be brought to bear on reducing drug-related harms
in Victoria. This discussion paper on safe injecting facilities in the Victorian setting is intended
to be part of this process of examination. It is hoped that the arguments and findings presented
in this paper will contribute to public discussion and greater understanding, so that more
informed and justified policy decisions can be made on the issue.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A number of people have made helpful comments on earlier drafts

of this document, and their contribution is greatly appreciated. Any
further feedback can be directed to the following email address:


Key Findings

1. What are Safe Injecting Facilities

2. The impetus for Safe Injecting Facilities

3. The role of Safe Injecting Facilities in addressing harms

4. Concerns that have been expressed about Safe Injecting


5. Legal issues relating to Safe Injecting Facilities

6. Models for Safe Injecting Facilities

7. Conclusion


Safe Injecting Facilities are designed as a specific response to a specific

problem - public street-injecting and the specific harms associated
with it [eg., public nuisance, high risks associated with hurried
and unsafe injecting, etc.].

Finding One: There are few interventions other than Safe

Injecting Facilities that are specifically suited to
comprehensively deal with the range of harms arising from
public street injecting.


Safe Injecting Facilities have been operating in Europe for more

than 10 years, and appear to be effective in achieving the goals
they are designed for.

Finding Two: Safe Injecting Facilities may be effective in

dealing with the harms of street injecting, (particularly
public nuisance), but only if they are properly targeted, and
sensitively managed in the context of community
consultation and education.


Not all purportedly harm-reducing interventions are completely

free of the potential to create harms themselves. Safe Injecting
Facilities appear to have a potential to produce significant harms,
including the possibility of a further entrenched local drug
market and related crime, perceptions of condoned drug use, and
entrenching drug injecting as the major route of administration.

Finding Three: There are potential dangers and possible

disadvantages in implementing Safe Injecting Facilities.
The extent to which these disadvantages would actually
arise, and what the true balance of costs and benefits would
be in Safe Injecting Facilities (as an ongoing established
form of intervention) will best be determined through a
controlled trial.

Finding Four: There are legal factors involved in the

implementation and operation of Safe Injecting Facilities,
but they are not unique or insurmountable. The possibility
of implementing Safe Injecting Facilities will depend on a
full consideration and resolution of these legal issues.


Finding Five: There are good reasons for adopting a

model of implementation that incorporates safe injecting as
a part or aspect of a primary health-care centre which
addresses the general health needs of drug users, rather
than having a facility that is devised for and largely
dedicated to safe injecting.

1. What are Safe Injecting Facilities?

As the name suggests, safe injecting poor, and their access to appropriate
primary health-care is very poor);
facilities are establishments whose
specific and officially sanctioned purpose § the increased access to and
is to provide injecting drug users with a availability of drug treatment and
safe environment in which to inject their rehabilitation;
drugs. Safe injecting facilities (or SIFs)
are to be distinguished from “shooting § the increased access to advice and
galleries”, which are not officially help with life-skill problems (eg.,
sanctioned places for injecting, and are help with completing social security
often unsafe. Although SIFs ultimately forms, seeking housing, etc..)
need to be sanctioned by governments,
they can be established, operated and
funded by non-government Although there is no one set model for
organisations, or in conjunction with the operation of SIFs, a facility may have
government agencies.
the following characteristics:1
Clients of safe injecting facilities inject
§ located within a larger Centre which
drugs that they have acquired
can include a clinic for primary
themselves. No drugs are administered
medical care, counselling room, and
or distributed by the facility staff or
management. Staff do not help clients to
inject, either. The safety of SIFs revolves
primarily around their capacity to reduce § the injecting rooms are likely to be
the risk of fatal overdose, as well as the sterile looking, containing chairs and
risk of blood-borne viral infections tables for clients to prepare and
associated with unsafe injecting inject their drugs, as well as sterile
practices. This safety is sought through: injecting equipment (needles,
syringes, a candle, sterile water and
§ the presence of trained health-care spoons), as well as paper towels,
bandaids and rubbish bins;
staff who are available to supervise
users, provide advice and use
available equipment to resuscitate § Staff will control who enters the
overdosing users or call for an facility, and the number of clients
ambulance promptly; present at any one time. Clients
might have to formally apply to use
§ the free availability of sterile the facility;
injecting equipment, such as needles,
syringes, ascorbic acid (in some § There might be a maximum of 6 to
regions), water, alcohol and dry 10 clients in the injecting room at
swabs, and tourniquets (all of which any one time, where clients stay in
are collected after use). the room to inject for up to 30

SIFs should also play a secondary health § A staff member will be on duty in
and welfare role for users through the injecting room at all times (on a
rotating basis);
§ the provision of education and
advice to users on safe drug use;
1 Based on the operation of well-established
§ the provision of primary health-care facilities in Switzerland as described in NSW
and medical treatment (given that Joint Select Committee into Safe Injecting
users’ general health tends to be Rooms (JSCSIR), 1998.
§ The facility must have clear rules to normally after a few minutes, an
be followed by all clients, such as no ambulance will be called;
dealing, no violence and no
smoking, and also possibly, rules § The opening hours of a facility may
concerning cleanliness while using be staggered to maximise the
the facility. Users may be banned for number of clients it can cater for;
a period of time for breaching the
rules. § The facility managers may maintain
ongoing consultation with the local
§ A doctor may regularly visit the community to ensure smooth
Centre, and the Centre may have operation of the facility.
direct phone lines to the police and
ambulance services; Across the world, there are five SIFs in
Frankfurt, and others in Hamburg,
Hannover, Bremen and Bonn in
§ If a client overdoses, the staff Germany; there are fourteen in Zurich,
member on duty (probably with Berne and Basel in Switzerland; and a
assistance) will attempt to resuscitate number operate in the Dutch cities of
the client with an airbag, and if the Rotterdam, Arnhem and Maastricht.
client’s breathing does not resume

2. The Impetus for Safe Injecting Facilities

Consideration of SIFs as an option for between buying the heroin and injecting
it, the less the likelihood of being
Victoria has arisen largely as a result of
detected or intercepted by police in
the apparent increase in a range of harms
possession of the drug or injecting
associated with injecting drug use (and
trafficking) in public places in
The health risks to users commonly
metropolitan Melbourne (most notably
associated with injecting are increased
in Fitzroy/Collingwood, St. Kilda,
substantially by street use. Quite clearly,
Footscray, Springvale, Box Hill, and
people who inject all of their drug supply
parts of the CBD).
very quickly increase their risk of
overdose. One major study of the
Street-level use tends to be a
circumstances of overdose showed that
phenomenon involving mostly young
nearly all of the overdoses in
users, older ones generally having more
Cabrammatta in Sydney were of users
opportunity to purchase and use in
from outside that area who had come in
private settings. Street-level use is
to purchase and use near the point of
typified by users making quick, small
purchase (Darke, et. al., 1997). But the
purchases of heroin or cocaine from
risks are high even with non-fatal
known or newly encountered street-
overdose, particularly if overdose is
dealers, and then consuming the drug
taken to include anything that counts as
very soon after, and very close to the
more than an “effective” dose
point of purchase – often in close-by
(Fitzgerald, et. al. 1998).
streets, secluded laneways, or public
toilet facilities.2 The shorter the time
A recent survey of 40 street injecting
drug users in the Melbourne CBD

2 In Smith St. Collingwood, for instance, disposal bins are collected from bins in
68% of syringes collected from syringe public toilets (Fitzgerald, et. al., 1998)

indicated that half had overdosed in the business operations and viability. As well
city (Don, 1998). Users who overdose in as all this, there is another set of
the sense of being either acutely drug potential harms which is too often
affected, or else lapsing into and out of overlooked - the hazards to police,
consciousness, are a danger to ambulance workers and paramedics of
themselves and others, particularly in an emergency attendance at overdoses (with
open street context. Losing the risks associated with speeding in
consciousness or “dropping off” directly emergency vehicles, needle-stick
outside shops has also been identified by injuries,4 etc..)
shop-traders as a significant nuisance.
If “deals” are shared, as they often are Although public street-level trafficking
between users, injecting equipment is and use is a recent phenomenon, there
also likely to be shared in the urgency of are reasons to think that it will become
the moment. Along with this come the more and more common. It has been
risks of transmitting blood-borne viruses suggested by senior police that one of
and infectious diseases. The survey of the reasons for this increasing movement
Melbourne CBD street injectors revealed of using into the public area from the
that nearly half (47%) shared needles and home or residential environment is the
syringes either because they were sharing more sophisticated police surveillance
with a partner, or because of cost and methods being used in relation to
lack of availability of needles/syringes, trafficking and use in residential areas
or because of the possibility of police and static addresses (Fitzgerald, et. al.,
detection (Don, 1998). That same survey 1998).
also indicated that over three-quarters of
the CBD users interviewed shared Another suggested reason is the fact
injecting equipment other needles and that, while there are undeniable risks,
syringes (ie, spoons, water), and only there are nonetheless certain advantages
15% administered their own injected for users in purchasing and using
does themselves (Don, 1998). publicly in consumer zones and
shopping malls (Fitzgerald, et. al., 1998).
Apart from the risks and harms to users These areas are generally accessible at
themselves from street use, there are also most hours for users (who often do not
harms for third-parties. Clearly, there is a live in the immediate locality). There is
fear on the part of the general public of also the element of anonymity for users
needle-stick injury from discarded where they are able to limit their
syringes.3 There is also the general personal contact with dealers. And also
nuisance to consumers and business there is the convenience of being able to
operators of a visibly present illegal drug- choose between dealers and deals
market, as well as bodily fluids (blood, packaged in a variety of ways (e.g.,
vomit) and anti-social behaviour. One balloons and foils which are usually
major concern for members of the small, easily concealed, and
public is the appropriation of public transportable).
toilet facilities by injecting users.
The convenience and anonymity of
As well as this there is also the public use has been encapsulated by
occurrence of, and fear of, opportunistic Fitzgerald, et. al. as reflecting what could
property and street crime in the locality. be thought of as a “take away” ethic
In business districts this impacts on among street users. So, in view of the
fact that there are these attractions for a

3 The probability of becoming infected with

a blood-borne virus following a needle-stick 4 The risk though of contracting HIV from
injury is very low for members of the general any one occupational needle-stick injury has
public, and there are no known recorded been estimated to be 1 in 316. The estimated
cases of this to date (NDARC, 1999). risks are higher for hepatitis C (1 in 11) and
hepatitis B (1 in 4) per exposure (Ippolito,
et. al. 1994).

certain group or type of user, it is not to grow, along with the harms and risks
unreasonable to think that the that are connected with it.
phenomenon of street use will continue

3. The Role of Safe Injecting Facilities in Addressing Harms

Street injectors, as described above, not groups and particular ethnic

communities can produce big
only experience greater than usual risk of
problems, including alienation or a
serious harm, they are typically the most
distrust of the police or they can
marginalised group of users, and are less
confound those problems where
likely to access treatment and other
they already exist, and with it goes
health-care services. The majority of
the potential for serious public
people who have overdosed are those
who have never been in treatment (NSW disorder.6
JSCSIR, 1998). There are limited ways of
addressing the increasing occurrence of This is not to say that police activity of
public street injecting use. some sort has no role to play at all in
addressing the various harms arising
The common initial response to this from street-level dealing and use. It is
injecting use is sometimes to engage in not unreasonable to expect that low-
saturation policing to “clean up the level, but nonetheless visible police foot-
streets”. Experience shows, though, that patrols might act to decrease the
this measure has limited long-term openness of trafficking and use to some
impact. As Fitzgerald, et. al., have degree, and thereby allay public concerns
observed, “if drugs cannot be kept out about the possibility of opportunistic
of prisons, they cannot be kept out of a crime, and some of the general nuisance
city full of alleyways, nooks and associated with injecting behaviour.
crannies”.5 Even if users leave initially Police should not tolerate open markets.
and move somewhere else, they still
This police presence, though, is only one
come back. There is also the possibility
measure which deals with only one
of a rebound effect, where users move
back in more heavily (Fitzgerald, 1998). dimension of the problem. It could be
argued that the presence of SIFs might
provide a more reliable response to the
One could speculate that the reasons for
visibility and nuisance of public injecting,
this rebound effect revolve around the
and the offensive and criminal
perception among users that that
behaviours often associated with it.
particular area has already been “done”
Clearly, if persistent street users are
by police, and that there will not be a
provided with a safe and sanctioned
similar degree of intensive policing in the
same area for a while. And even if users place to go to inject away from the
street, then the harms arising from street
don’t come back, they are simply moving
use can be expected to decline. For
their activity somewhere else, and there
example, public drug use in Frankfurt
is no guarantee that their injecting or
shrunk from 800 individuals in 1991-2 to
associated behaviour will be any less
150 in 1993, and neighbourhood
harm-producing than it was in the first
complaints about drug use decreased
place. In fact, the more aggressive the
significantly (Kemmesies, 1995). Drug
policing, the more harm is likely to be
done. As Lisa Maher has observed: overdose deaths in Frankfurt also
dropped sharply.
. . . the effects of aggressive street-
policing on socially marginalised
6 Lisa Maher, 1998, commenting on
5 Fitzgerald, et. al., (1998), p. 118. problems of policing in Cabramatta.

It is also often overlooked with street health-care staff and clients. This
use that users themselves, and not just interaction provides the opportunity for
non-using third-parties, are at risk of users to access advice from staff, and for
offensive, unsafe and sometimes criminal staff to assess the general health and
behaviours from other users and non- wellbeing of clients. As noted earlier, this
users. Users, unlike the general public contact facilitates safer using habits7 (for
and business operators, are instance, use of smaller-gauge 1ml
understandably reluctant to seek police needles instead of 2ml to minimise vein
aid when subjected to this behaviour. So, damage8) provides opportunities to
while police presence may be of some undertake treatment, increases detection
benefit to third-parties, it will have a of conditions requiring primary health-
limited place for users at risk. One of the care or medical treatment (for instance,
main reasons that clients cited for using abscesses, general infections and poor
injecting rooms in Switzerland was the health), and provides opportunities for
fact that they provided a secure place to the development of increased life-skills
inject (Dolan & Wodak, 1996). This and coping strategies for users. In SIFs
general pro-attitude to SIFs among users in Zurich, Basel and Berne, some clients
is echoed in Melbourne as well, with a have been documented to enter
1998 survey of 400 injecting drug users treatment as a result of attending SIFs
in Melbourne finding that 77% of those (Dolan & Wodak).
users would use a SIF with appropriate
equipment rather than injecting in With the increased accessibility of
public. The remaining 23% indicated education, counselling and treatment,
they had a fear of authorities and there is an increased potential for users
preferred to inject in privacy (Fry, 1998) to diminish their use and perhaps to
eventually cease it. Evidence gathered
This is where safe injecting facilities can from overseas SIF programs in
also be seen to have a very pertinent role Frankfurt and Rotterdam indicates that
to play in addressing a range of other when clients are provided with the
serious harms of street use. Existing opportunity to engage in skills programs
options like needle and syringe programs and community activities, they decreased
have the capacity to deal with some of their drug use (JSCSIR, 1998).9
the risks of injecting drug use in a street
context. But again, it is only some of the It has been proposed also that the “life-
harms that are targeted, namely HIV and stabilising” influence of these programs
hepatitis C transmission, (serious as and activities in SIFs could contribute to
these harms are). And when it comes to the reduction of criminal activity of
Hepatitis C, it has been hypothesised clients. Needless to say, resort to crime
that the virus can be transmitted through will probably always be a consequence of
drug using paraphernalia other than the illicit drug black market. But, as the
needles and syringes. Safer injecting NSW Report on the Establishment or Trial of
facilities can provide each client with a Safe Injecting Rooms conjectures “ . . .
whole complement of sterile injecting when an injecting drug user gains more
paraphernalia. This is particularly control over his or her life, it is more
important with the possibility over time likely that will cease or reduce their
in Victoria of increasing cocaine use, involvement in petty or opportunistic
where users tend to inject at a higher rate
than heroin users. Further to this, used
needles and syringes will not be carried
by clients to SIFs, unlike needle 7 Clients in Swiss SIFs report themselves to
exchanges. inject more safely (Haemmig, 1996).
8 Staff at the Berne SIF successfully
Also, in contrast to needle exchange encouraged users to switch to the smaller
outlets where clients generally visit bore syringes. (Dolan & Wodak, 1996)
briefly, safe injecting facilities allow for a 9 It should be kept in mind that there have

more prolonged interaction between been very few impact evaluation studies
conducted of overseas SIFs.

crime”.10 One recent survey study of one death that would otherwise be likely
clients of the Berne SIF in Switzerland to occur without a SIF. Another estimate
indicated a self-reported reduction (over is that a SIF with 120 injections per day
5 years) in their reliance on drug dealing would prevent a death as often as once
as a source of income (Buerki, et. al., in every 7 weeks. Estimates based on
1996). overseas experience suggest the
prevention of one death in every five
One of the significant and primary days.12
benefits of safe injecting facilities is their
capacity to respond immediately and As well as these obvious personal
effectively to resuscitate clients who benefits, there are considerable benefits
overdose, and to reduce the incidence of to be had to the broader community. It
overdose in the facilities themselves, as could be expected that the occupational
well as in the community. Participants in harms to police and emergency workers
the Melbourne CBD street injector who would otherwise attend overdoses
survey stated that they were hesitant to would be averted to some degree. And
assist in peer overdose incidents on the then there are well-known savings to the
street because of the possibility of community resources that would be
disease transmission, fear of being expended in dealing with fatal and non-
detected themselves carrying drugs, and fatal overdoses.
because of the presence of the general
public (Don, 1998). These factors would The most obvious are savings to
not be a significant issue in SIFs, where ambulance and hospital emergency
staff would immediately assist overdose, department resources. It has recently
and where users could be educated about been estimated that ambulances attended
appropriate modes of assistance for 205 overdoses in the Fitzroy
street overdose, as well as safer injecting /Collingwood area between July and
habits.11 October, 1998. At an estimated cost of
$600 per attendance, the presence of a
There have been no fatal overdoses in SIF could have produced a potential
any overseas SIF. Overdoses in the saving of over $120, 000 in attendance
Frankfurt community have declined costs for this period in that small area.13
from 147 in 1991 to 26 in 1997, and this This amounts to $360, 000 per annum
has been attributed to a range of harm saved. Considerable savings could also
reduction programs of which SIFs are a be made to hospital casualty and
key part (Frankfurt, 1998). A decrease in emergency units. As well as this, there
the incidence of overdose has obvious would be significant costs to be saved in
benefits for users. The 1998 NSW Joint connection with the rehabilitation of
Select Committee Investigation into Safe users who become disabled as a result of
Injecting Rooms cited some estimates of non-fatal overdose.
the number of overdose deaths that
could be prevented by SIFs. One Apart from these economic savings in
estimate suggested that an injecting relation to overdose, there have been
facility with 600 injections per day other projected resource benefits in
would, in every 100 days, prevent the

10 P. 100, NSW Joint Select Committee 12 P. 79, NSW Joint Select Committee
Investigation into Safe Injecting Rooms Investigation into Safe Injecting Rooms
(1998). (1998). These estimates were presented to
11 One effective habit which can be the NSW Committee by Professor John
encouraged in users through SIFs is to take Kaldor, Deputy Director of the National
their drugs in two injections, rather than all Centre in HIV Epidemiology and Clinical
at once. In this way, some initial idea can be Research.
gained of the strength and purity of the drug
being injected. 13The estimate is based on discussions with
epidemiologists at Turning Point Epicentre.

connection with SIFs. Some of these are unmonitored facilities. There is some
as follows: sense, therefore, in having an officially
regulated or sponsored SIF in
§ A reduction in the health-care costs circumstances where it is inevitable that
of serious blood-borne viruses. It one will be set up anyway, but illegally
has been estimated that one HIV and officially unmonitored.
infection costs the community
approximately $100, 000.The direct The brief overview above gives an
health-care costs per person of indication of some of the ways in which
Hepatitis C infection have been the provision of safe injecting facilities
estimated to be $14,000 per could act to decrease some of the harms,
infection, or $150 million per annum risks and nuisances associated with
in Australia (Brown & Crofts, 1998). public drug use. However, not all drug
However, it is suggested that a interventions are completely harm-free,
burden of $71 million per year is and there is always the possibility that
added to health-care costs as a result safe injecting facilities will themselves act
of new infections in NSW; 14 to produce certain harms. A
representative discussion of SIFs will
§ A reduction in the costs of SIF need to encompass not only their
clients’ general primary health-care, advantages, but also their drawbacks,
through earlier detection and and solid conclusions about their
treatment of general health needs; viability will only emerge in the light of
how these advantages and disadvantages
§ A reduction in costs associated with balance out against each other. The
needle/syringe clean-ups, and following section outlines what have
general maintenance of using areas. been perceived by some to be the
In Swiss cities with SIFs, there are possible disadvantages of safe injecting
fewer discarded syringes (Haemmig, facilities. Where appropriate, some
1996) responses are proposed to some of these
concerns and perceptions.
The advantages of officially sanctioned
SIFs also need to be judged in the
context of increasing calls from certain
sectors of the public for the
establishment of such facilities, including
some non-government drug service
agencies which have the resource
capacity and apparent willingness to
establish them. If there is sufficient
willingness on the part of these
otherwise respectable agencies to act in
disobedience of the law and to establish
a SIF, then this introduces the possibility
of under-resourcing, poor practice, and
even, perhaps, corruption and
criminality.15 These possibilities can arise
in unregulated, under-resourced and

14 These cost estimations were presented

respectively to the NSW Joint Select
Committee Investigation into Safe Injecting
Rooms by Professor John Kaldor, and Mr.
Stuart Loveday, Executive Officer, Hepatitis
C Council.
15 These issues have also been broached in

Wood 1997.

4. Concerns that have been expressed about Safe Injecting Facilities

Many of the major concerns that have as inevitable or as likely as it might

initially seem. A number of measures can
been expressed about safe injecting
be taken to minimise the possibility of a
rooms revolve around the possibility that
they may not sufficiently remove the honey-pot effect. One measure adopted
in overseas SIFs is to regulate who is
problems of public nuisance they are
eligible to enter the facility through a
designed to, and might make them, and
system of registering clients (who must
other harms, worse in certain ways. For
be established local users and must apply
example, it could be argued that even if
for registration). If this regime of
SIFs play a role in removing the
restricted access becomes common
occurrence of injecting from business,
knowledge among users, then there is
consumer and residential areas, clients
leaving SIFs may still constitute a public less incentive for outsiders to come into
the vicinity seeking access to the SIF.
nuisance through being intoxicated.
It could be replied here, though, that this
Although this argument might seem
might not stop more traffickers coming
plausible, the available evidence suggests
into the vicinity, knowing there will be a
that this problem may not eventuate all
sure market, and other non-client users
that readily. In Frankfurt,
coming in seeking a sure deal from those
neighbourhood complaints about drug
use dropped as a result of that city’s traffickers. There might be something in
this suggestion. But, it really needs to be
comprehensive harm-reduction strategy,
viewed in light of the fact that the
of which safe injecting rooms are a
specific localities in which SIFs are
central part (Kemmesies, 1995). There
intended to operate will already be well
are also some other significant concerns
established hotspots of public use and
about safe injecting facilities. The major
trafficking, which are also already well-
and most forceful of these are listed
known to users as places of open
trafficking and use. This suggests that
any users who would be inclined to visit
The ‘Honey-pot” hypothesis: It has been
the area in order to purchase and/or use
argued that an established, government
are already likely to be doing just that. It
sanctioned safe injecting facility in some
is not clear that the existence of a SIF in
area might act as a strong attraction for
the area would provide any independent
users and traffickers from outside the
incentive for more users to come in than
area. If this were the case, and these
would have come anyway.
people did frequently enter the area in
sufficient numbers, the problems that
There are also other measures, some of
the SIF was designed to address would
which have been successfully adopted
not have been averted at all. There
overseas, to actively decrease the
would be significant public nuisance
incidence of use and trafficking in the
created, along with many of the other
vicinity of SIFs, including:
harms associated with a visible drug
market. So, the hypothesis is that the
public nuisance and associated harms § Maintaining a consistent police
that would be caused by SIFs attracting presence around SIF localities to
outside users and traffickers, would provide disincentive to traffickers
negate the public nuisance and
associated harms prevented by those § Ban or suspend clients who deal or
SIFs, and may even make those buy in the vicinity of their SIFs.
problems worse than would have been
without SIFs. § Locate SIFs as discretely as possible
so as not to advertise too widely
Various factors, though, suggest that this their presence.
honey-pot effect may not be as strong or

It has been suggested also that it is wise managed well, a constructive message
to establish SIFs around a number of could be produced - perhaps something
hotspots of street use in order to to the effect that SIFs exist because of
preclude any possibility that one locality the potential dangers and harms of
will be stigmatised in the eyes of the injecting drug use in certain contexts.
public as an “illicit drug centre” The message here is a dual one: that
(Micallef, 1998) or targeted by users and injecting use in these contexts is a
traffickers as the place to go. If the harmful activity, and that the state is
incidence of dealing can be reduced in responsible and compassionate in the
the vicinity of SIFs, then it is likely that face of these harms.
there will be less occasion for drug-
related property crime in the local area as It has been suggested by the NSW Joint
well. Select Committee into Safe Injecting
Rooms that community education would
It is also worth noting here, in be essential to the establishment of SIFs,
connection with the issue of community as well as ongoing community
disturbance, some anecdotal involvement in their planning and
observations recently made by a recent operation. This would help dispel any
visitor to a central Berne SIF: confusion, for instance, that might arise
in connection between standard laws
Arriving at Berne railway station we against drug use in the broader
enquired of the Tourist Information community, on the one hand, and
Centre about the location of the exemptions in the context of SIFs, on
safe injecting facility. In a very the other.
matter of fact manner the assistant
pointed us in the right direction. On Even if there is no strong reason to
locating the street we then asked a think that SIFs will condone or increase
passing elderly nun which was the injecting drug use in the wider
building. Without batting an eyelid community, it has been suggested that
she directed us to a nearby door. SIFs might act to maintain injecting drug
The premises were a cross between use among people who are established
a no frills coffee bar and a medical users, and perhaps to further encourage
clinic.16 or entrench that use in younger clients
who are not so established, through
From this description, the SIF in making it easier for them. With respect
question had become such a normalised to clients with established usage, one of
feature of the Berne city-scape that it the express roles of SIFs is to provide
elicited little in the way of any notable them with opportunities to access
response, and certainly not an treatment and rehabilitation, in order to
antagonistic one. empower them to moderate their use. If
the “in-house culture” of SIFs explicitly
Official support for SIFs might convey the reflects this push toward treatment and
attitude that injecting drug use is acceptable, and rehabilitation, then this will help negate
might consequently contribute to an increase in any use-prolonging effect that SIFs may
intravenous drug use. This perception is a have.17 With respect to younger, non-
common one, but it is not clear what established users, the system adopted in
evidence there is to suppose that a Zurich SIFs is to register only existing
message of acceptability is being sent, and persistent problematic street users
and if there is, that this will contribute to who are local residents (Dolan &
increased use. If SIFs are established Wodak). The idea there is that young
discretely, then adverse messages will be new users would not become clients of
minimised. Also, if the image of SIFs is

17 In the Netherlands, there is a room

16Tony Trimingham of the Trimingham provided in which to smoke heroin, so as not
Foundation, ADCA Update Email List, to entrench injecting as the route of
April 8, 1999. administration.

SIFs. A similar scheme of registering entry to SIFs is restricted to local
only established users as clients could be residents.
adopted in Victoria. The disadvantage
with this option, however, is that it Other than residence status, it is hard to
excludes just those users who are most at know what other solid and consistent
risk, ie., young new users. evidence of being a “local user” there
might be. Similarly, if the target is users
SIFs will not be able to effectively minister to who have an established history of use,
their intended target group. This last then it is not clear how this can be
suggestion about the intended clientele reliably determined among street users
for SIFs brings to light some further who are again itinerant, and who are also
concerns about just how well SIFs can the most marginalised of users who
target their clientele, given the access treatment, primary health-care
circumstances in which they are intended and other health-care recording services
to operate. One of the suggestions made little. On top of this, most of the street-
above to reduce a honey-pot effect is to level users are youth (Fitzgerald, et. al.,
register only established local users as 1998), and any age restriction for
SIF clients, the local user requirement registration to avoid any possibility that
being intended as a disincentive to SIFs might further encourage injecting
outsiders coming into the vicinity. The use among young users will therefore
fact is, though, many of the persistent miss the target group.
frequenters of the street injecting
hotspots in Melbourne are itinerant and The planning, design and
not necessarily from the local area, and implementation of SIFs in Victoria will
are indeed often homeless (Don, 1998). need to address the issues of exactly
If these are the target group – the group what clientele group it intends to target,
who are at risk through street injecting, and just what means are available to
and whose presence creates harm in the effectively capture that target clientele.
locality – then they will be missed if

5. Legal issues relating to Safe Injecting Facilities

Some of the most difficult issues to be legally liable for injuries sustained to SIF
tackled with safe injecting facilities are clients, staff and third-parties.
legal and legislative ones revolving
around: 1. Criminal Liability. The operation of
SIFs would conflict with current laws
1. Criminal Liability: Conflicts with, and largely on two counts: (i) where
exemptions from, existing State laws individual clients, by injecting drugs,
prohibiting illicit drug use and aiding and would be acting in contravention of laws
abetting that use. which prohibit the possession and use of
scheduled drugs; and (ii) where the
2. Observance of international treaties. managers or sponsors of SIFs, in
Australia is signatory to (and so bound providing facilities specifically designed
by) various international treaties that to facilitate the injecting of prohibited
require possession and use of scheduled drugs, would be acting to aid and abet a
drugs to be prohibited by signatory crime or acting to incite a crime.
The NSW Committee Investigation into
3. Civil Liability: The possibility of the Safe Injecting Rooms identified three
managers and sponsors of SIFs being ways (both legislative and non-legislative)
in which SIFs could be formally and

officially mandated by the state. The processes involved in modifying
strongest option is to explicitly amend legislation. Also, even though it is
the existing legislative acts which entirely questionable as to whether the
prohibit the use and abetting of use of official sanctioning of SIFs will send a
illicit drugs to provide for the existence confused or wrong message about drug
of SIFs. This could be done either by use to the community, it might be argued
creating a new part to the Act, or by that if there is any danger at all of that, it
creating a new separate Act specifically might arise most acutely where SIFs are
devoted to injecting facilities. publicly enshrined in state legislation as
acceptable. An administrative protocol,
The second, slightly weaker, option is to on the other hand, does have more
simply amend and qualify current Acts flexibility when it comes to responding
by providing regulations exempting SIFs to any changes in arrangements and
(their clients and managers/sponsors) allowances that may be needed. And if
from the operation of those Acts. This the sending of unintended messages is a
option avoids having to go through the concern, these protocols might be seen
entire process of creating new legislation to hold less chance of that, seeing they
or significantly adding to existing do not publicly institutionalise SIFs.
The major disadvantage of sanctioning
The third option is a non-legislative one SIFs through administrative protocols is
which relies on the establishment of the fact that they are purely at the
administrative protocol agreements discretion of the Police and the Office of
between police and the Director of Public Prosecutions. Although, in
Public Prosecutions. The idea with this is practice, any such protocol would need
that even though the activities within state government approval for its
SIFs remain illegal on the books, the adoption or withdrawal, there is still less
police force uses its discretionary power than the certainty and consistency that is
(through various means including Chief provided by legislation. [Please refer to
Commissioners instructions and footnote 22 below for further comments
operational protocols) to refrain from on approaches to sanctioning SIFs].
pursuing and charging clients and
management of SIFs. The Office of the 2. Observance of International Treaties.
Director of Public Prosecutions would Australia is signatory to a number of
also use its discretionary powers to international treaty conventions,19 the
refrain from prosecuting in this matter.18 main thrust of which commit Australia
to treating the possession, use and
The stronger options of creating, adding supply of scheduled drugs as punishable
to, or amending legislation will provide offences. If the injecting drug use that
the most consistency and certainty, and takes place in SIFs were to be sanctioned
will have all the force that comes with by the state, by whichever of the modes
legislation. However, from a pragmatic discussed above, this might appear to
point of view, the prospect of bringing conflict with those conventions.
about this sort of legislative reform
might be low, given that it would However, this is not necessarily the case.
presumably require a very high degree of There are provisions within the 1961
state-wide community consensus. Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs20
Legislative measures can also be less that allow the possession and use of
than flexible when it comes to scheduled drugs for medical and
responding to changing and unforeseen scientific research purposes, including
circumstances, given the lengthy

19 Namely, the 1961 Single Convention on

18 A non-legislative administrative protocol Narcotic Drugs, and the 1988 Convention
operates in the case of the current Cannabis Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and
Cautioning and Drug Diversion schemes Psychotropic Substances.
currently operating in Victoria. 20 Article 2(5)(b)

controlled clinical trials. This means that an ongoing concern might best be done
the possession and use that takes place in two stages: firstly, as a clinical trial
within SIFs could be legitimately justified under the “medical and
sanctioned by Victoria in the eyes of scientific purposes” clause of Article
international treaties if SIFs are designed 2(5)(b); and then, if the trial is successful,
to operate as medical or scientific clinical and SIFs are shown to be viable to the
trials. There is no doubt that if SIFs are extent that without them public health
to be implemented, then they should be and welfare would not be appropriately
implemented in the first instance as protected, then SIFs could be justified as
clinical trials, where rigorous and an ongoing concern by appeal to the
systematic monitoring and evaluation second provision in Article 2(5)(b), just
takes place. So, there are quite good noted above.22,23
independent reasons for introducing
SIFs in the form of clinical trials. 3. Civil Liability: Clearly, any facility that
allows, and sets out to oversee, a
However, a good clinical trial will always potentially dangerous activity like heroin
have a determinate time frame, at the or cocaine injecting, will be at risk of
end of which it will be completed. What being legally liable for damage and
then, though? A good clinical trial will injuries incurred to people as a result of
also be conducted with the express and the conduct of that activity. It might be,
central purpose of determining whether for instance that a client overdoses and
SIFs are scientifically viable as an suffers a disability as a result of not
ongoing public health-care arrangement. being revived quickly enough, or that a
But if an ongoing arrangement is no staff member is assaulted or suffers
longer a trial, it can no longer be justified injury in the conduct of their duties, or
under the relevant provision of the that an uninvolved third-party is, say, hit
Single Convention. Moreover, if no by a car driven by a user under the
ongoing SIF arrangement is allowable, influence of a drug recently injected at a
this arguably brings into question the SIF. Unless issues can be resolved about
whole point of having SIFs as a genuine the degree to which the management and
clinical trial in the first place.21 sponsors of SIFs may be legally liable in
such cases, and the degree to which they
What is really needed here is some can insure against that risk or otherwise
further provision under international protect themselves, SIFs could not be
treaties which allows SIFs as an ongoing considered as a practical option.
concern. As it happens, there is such a
provision built into the qualifications It is not clear that SIFs would introduce
expressed in Article 2(5)(b) which states any particular or peculiar problems in
that possession, use and supply should this area that wouldn’t apply already to
be prohibited only if the prevailing other health-care or treatment facilities.
conditions in the country “render it the With respect to clients, it can be argued
most appropriate means of protecting
the public health and welfare”. This
means that if SIFs can be shown to be 22 It may well be also, that a SIF trial would
beneficial to public health and welfare in be best mandated through administrative
Victoria, they would be allowable under protocol approach, and perhaps legislatively
this provision. as an ongoing operation if it is shown to be
substantially and enduringly beneficial to
public health and welfare. From a pragmatic
This suggests that, from the point of point of view also, the existence of a
view of international treaties, the successful rigorous SIF trial might help to
sanctioning of safe injecting facilities as achieve the sort of community consensus
that is important for legislative changes.
23 The fact that SIFs have operated in
21 Though it could be argued that having Europe for some time suggests that
such trials might provide further relevant international conventions can be interpreted
information for assessing the in a way that is compatible with the state
appropriateness of the existing legislation. sanctioning of these facilities.

that the management of any such Third party liability matters tend to be
operation owes a common law duty of more complex because they involve
care to any client who enters the issues of causation, and rely on a
premises. This means that SIF managers sufficiently plausible case that there was
are legally responsible for reparation in a causal connection between the
the case of death or injury to clients only injecting at the SIF and the subsequent
when the managers have not acted with harm to some third-party. In cases where
“reasonable care” to avoid or prevent a causal connection can be established
the prospect of the death or injury.24 It between injecting at a SIF and a
has also been argued25 that clients enter subsequent third-party injury, it may not
the SIF voluntarily to enjoy the be a sufficient defence that the SIF in
perceived benefits of the facilities and question was just allowing the user to do
can be taken to have consented to the something (ie. inject drugs) more safely
risks involved (assuming they have been that he or she was going to do anyway. It
properly informed by staff). In this case, does seem reasonable though, that SIF
clients would only have recourse to management should not be liable for
litigation if injured through careless acts third-party harms that were not
of the staff and management of SIFs. In foreseeable or expectable. Difficult as it
some states as well, immunity is may be to establish such things, it is not
provided to the state in respect of death clear that the civil liability matters that
or injury in relation to the care of arise in the case of SIFs will be any more
(alcoholically) intoxicated people. This complex than those arising in the case of
indemnity could be extended to those hotels, or venues where alcohol is sold
under the influence of injectable drugs. and consumed, for instance.
The bottom line, though, is that SIFs are
specifically designed to minimise the
prospect of death or injury resulting
from injecting drug use, and so the
occasions on which death or injury
might occur are very minimal. It should
be kept in mind also, that no deaths have
occurred in SIFs in Europe.26

With respect to the civil liability of

management for injuries to the staff of
SIFs, there again do not appear to be any
unique problems. Staff would be eligible
to be protected under whatever
occupational health and safety acts and
regulations operate for health-care
workers, and it could be argued that
litigation would be pursuable only upon
neglect of those acts and regulations on
the part of SIF management.

24 Advice given to the ACT Minister of

Health, Michael Moore, by the ACT
Government Solicitor’s Office, November
23, 1998.
25 In advice given to the ACT Minister of

Health, Michael Moore, by Hunt & Hunt

Lawyers, Canberra ACT, December 7, 1998.
26 In Frankfurt, clients had to sign to say they

were over 18 and understood the risks of


6. Models for Safe Injecting Facilities
There are various views about what the emphasis, and the fact that it places safe
best model of operation would be for a injecting in the context of the wider
safe injecting facility. Two of the central health needs of injectors. Safer injecting,
objectives in providing a safe and important as it clearly is, is merely one of
supervised injecting environment are to the many and diverse health and social
minimise the health-related risks of needs of itinerant, problematic injectors.
injecting, and to increase the access of It seems appropriate, therefore, that
at-risk injectors to the primary health- provision for safe injecting should be
care, counselling and rehabilitative made within a setting that addresses all
opportunities that they wouldn’t these needs, and in so doing, ministers to
otherwise access. The health of clients is injectors as persons.
a key focus with safe injecting facilities,
and it makes sense therefore that such This holistic approach could serve two
facilities should operate in conjunction purposes: firstly, it may go some way
with primary health-care services of toward lessening the sense of
some sort. The question, though, is how hopelessness and alienation that many
they should be incorporated. problematic injectors feel; and secondly,
it may increase users’ own adoption of
There are, broadly speaking, two safer injecting behaviours through
possibilities. One possibility is to have a increasing their sense of being socially
facility that is devoted to safe injecting, supported, less marginalised and more
but which also includes some empowered in their lives. A “primary
supplementary primary health care health-care centre” model of safe
services. The other possibility is to make injecting might also lend itself more
provision for safe injecting as just one readily to users themselves becoming
aspect or part of a broader health-care involved in the running and operation of
centre or unit, the central purpose of the centre, thereby enhancing a sense of
which is to provide a range of primary ownership and empowerment on the
health care services for injecting drug part of the target group. A primary
users. health-care centre is also likely to have
more comprehensively trained, qualified
Though both of these models of and on-going health-care staff than a
incorporation equally address the mere safe injecting facility. This means
immediate harms of street-based that there will be staff who can work on
injecting, there are a number for reasons demand reduction and prevention, deal
for preferring the latter model. The main with overdose problems and also follow-
reason is its explicit general health-care up on people who overdose and recover.

7. Conclusion

The general upshot of all this is that ways in which needle and syringe
there are potentially strong advantages in programs could be improved. For
having properly organised and operated example, extending the range of injecting
SIFs. There are possible disadvantages, equipment provided, extending the
as well, and there are dangers in viewing hours of operation, improved funding
SIFs as a panacea for all the harms of for disposal hotlines/services. Also,
street-based injecting. One of the there are a range of steps that local and
dangers is that of ignoring or neglecting state governments could take to address
some of the other options that are the issues of the street-based
currently available to address such environment of public injecting. For
harms. For example, there are many example, the design and maintenance of

public toilets, provision and maintenance
of disposal bins, improved street
lighting, general upkeep and
maintenance of public areas and
amenities, and improved community
discussion of the issue.

Another danger in viewing SIFs as a

panacea is to overlook the possibility
that even if a SIF may be appropriate
and workable in one area where street-
based injecting takes place, such facilities
may not be appropriate for all such
areas. The nature of the harms of street-
based injecting, and indeed, the degree to
which the local community might be
receptive or supportive of the possibility,
may well vary from region to region. It is
crucial to maintain a clear sense of the
fact that SIFs need to be viewed as a part
(albeit a significant part) of a package of

If SIFs are seriously considered as a

harm-minimisation option, they need to
be viewed in the light of the limitations
they might have in their proposed
context of operation. It is crucial also
that their operation be governed by a
minimum set of standardised operational
guidelines for SIFs which need to be
developed in consultation with all the
key stakeholders.27 Similarly, the
decision-making process concerning
their viability for Victoria and the nature
of their implementation should be as
inclusive as possible, and take into
account the concerns, interests and
perspectives of all the key stake-holders
in the community. It is only in the
context of this broader, informed
community deliberation that appropriate
decisions about safe injecting facilities
can be made.

27 Many of the points in this, and the

previous paragraph were suggested by Craig
Fry, Research Fellow at Turning Point
Alcohol and Drug Centre.


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