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Chat Log C:\Users\91991\Documents\ChatLog AZ_203_ Azure Development 19_26 Mar_20

2020_03_24 17_40.rtf

Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 11:02: Traffic Manager


Service Bus
Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 11:04: Start with the above labs after break
Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 11:22: Please start with the labs Traffic Manager

Service Bus
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 11:26: error is coming in deploy web applications
Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 11:26: paste the command
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 11:27:
az group deployment create \
--resource-group test-rg \
--template-uri https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MicrosoftDocs/mslearn-distribute-load-with-traffic-
manager/master/azuredeploy.json \
--parameters password="$(head /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 32)"
Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 11:27: error too
Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 11:28: ok
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 11:28: {'additional_properties': {}, 'code': 'MultipleErrorsOccurred', 'message':
'Multiple error occurred: BadRequest,BadRequest. Please see details.', 'target': None, 'details':
[<azure.mgmt.resource.resources.v2019_07_01.models._models_py3.ErrorResponse object at
0x7fd0d743f240>, <azure.mgmt.resource.resources.v2019_07_01.models._models_py3.ErrorResponse
object at 0x7fd0d743f2e8>], 'additional_info': None}
Sneha Duggani (to Everyone): 11:29: same error for me as well
Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 11:31: az deployment group create \
--resource-group az1000203b-RG \
--template-uri https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MicrosoftDocs/mslearn-distribute-load-with-traffic-
manager/master/azuredeploy.json \
--parameters password="$(head /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 32)"
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 11:33: same error is coming again
Sneha Duggani (to Everyone): 11:33: {'additional_properties': {}, 'code': 'MultipleErrorsOccurred',
'message': 'Multiple error occurred: BadRequest,BadRequest. Please see details.', 'target': None, 'details':
[<azure.mgmt.resource.resources.v2019_07_01.models._models_py3.ErrorResponse object at
0x7f5858983208>, <azure.mgmt.resource.resources.v2019_07_01.models._models_py3.ErrorResponse
object at 0x7f58589831d0>], 'additional_info': None}
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 11:33: yeah
Sneha Duggani (to Everyone): 11:34: Ok
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 11:39: same error as before
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 11:40: there are no deployment details in that resource group
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 11:40: i refreshed it.. but still none
Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 11:47: Alternate traffic manager lab https://docs.microsoft.com/en-
Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 11:48: Tutorial: Improve website response using Traffic Manager
Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 11:48: Do this traffic manager lab https://docs.microsoft.com/en-
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 11:51: is there windows server 2019 datacenter
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 11:51: I'm not able to find it
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 11:53: yeah..found it
Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 12:04: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/traffic-manager/tutorial-
Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 12:13: lab link <https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/traffic-

Latha KS (to Everyone): 12:14: dns configuration on resource group could you please show once
Latha KS (to Everyone): 12:15: ok thanks
Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 12:18: Set DNS label -> Go to VMs RG -> Find public IP of VM (it will be
listed in RG)->CLick on vm public IP -> Configuration tab of public IP -> DNS label
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 12:18: are we supposed to launch and open the Vms we created
Latha KS (to Everyone): 12:18: One of my VM is not connecting through RDP how can I troubleshoot
Latha KS (to Everyone): 12:19: open
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 12:19: my VM is opening but it is not in english... it is some chinese or japanese
language... how am i supposed to navigate in it
Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 12:21:
Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 12:21: msadmin
Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 12:21: asdASD123456
Latha KS (to Everyone): 12:22: able to connect to your machine
Latha KS (to Everyone): 12:22: able to connect to one of my other VM as well
Latha KS (to Everyone): 12:22: yes windows
Latha KS (to Everyone): 12:22: changed username and password as well
Latha KS (to Everyone): 12:22: credentials issue
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 12:23: yes
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 12:23: it was in english
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 12:24: i'm now trying to connect second VM
Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 12:24: ok
Latha KS (to Everyone): 12:34: Can the region of the VM be a problem why its not connecting? I created
a new VM in the same region, the new one is also not connecting through RDP
Latha KS (to Everyone): 12:35: yes
Latha KS (to Everyone): 12:35: ok
Latha KS (to Everyone): 12:36: no luck
Latha KS (to Everyone): 12:36: right
Latha KS (to Everyone): 12:36: sure
Latha KS (to Everyone): 12:37:
Latha KS (to Everyone): 12:37: adminuser
Latha KS (to Everyone): 12:37: AdminUser123
Latha KS (to Everyone): 12:38: yes successfull
Latha KS (to Everyone): 12:38: tried
Latha KS (to Everyone): 12:38: yes
Latha KS (to Everyone): 12:38: yes
Latha KS (to Everyone): 12:39: yes both are on same vnet
Latha KS (to Everyone): 12:40: ok
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 12:54: how to get dns name of traffic manager profile
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 12:55: thanks
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 13:02: done with this lab
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 13:02: it is instructed to delete the resource group after completing... Should I
delete it?
Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 13:02: ok
Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 13:02: yes you can
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 13:03: ok
Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 13:10: Lunch break start in 1 Hr
Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 14:10: Start with the lab on service bus https://docs.microsoft.com/en-
Latha KS (to Everyone): 14:14: done with labs
Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 14:15: Great
Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 14:15: Hang in
Latha KS (to Everyone): 14:19: The problem of the VM not opening I suspect it was the region, after
setting the username/password also it did not work
Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 14:19: ok
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 14:23: for creating subscription what is the max delivery count
Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 14:25: Maximum Delivery Count between 1 and 2147483647
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 14:26: ok
Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 14:26: keep it 10
Akshay karthick NM (to Everyone): 14:29: done with service bus lab
Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 14:29: okay
Sneha Duggani (to Everyone): 14:35: ok
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 14:41: I'm getting unhandled exception
Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 14:41: queue or topic ?
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 14:41: in unit 5
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 14:41: send message to queue
Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 14:45: Check the code
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 14:46: ok
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 14:48: Console.WriteLine($"Sending message: {messageBody}");
await queueClient.SendAsync(message);
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 14:48: should these lines be within try..catch block or outside
Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 14:51: Like this
Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 14:51: using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus;

namespace privatemessagesender
class Program

const string ServiceBusConnectionString =

const string QueueName = "salesmessages";
static IQueueClient queueClient;

static void Main(string[] args)

Console.WriteLine("Sending a message to the Sales Messages queue...");


Console.WriteLine("Message was sent successfully.");


static async Task SendSalesMessageAsync()

// Create a Queue Client here
queueClient = new QueueClient(ServiceBusConnectionString, QueueName);

// Send messages.
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 14:51: i checked it..still same error
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 14:56: i have a different queue name.... where all should i change the name..only
in code?
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 14:56: is there any difference in the commands
Latha KS (to Everyone): 15:09: What time are we starting? I dont hear anything
Latha KS (to Everyone): 15:12: Can anyone hear him or is it only me who is not able to hear?
Latha KS (to Everyone): 15:12: yes
Sneha Duggani (to Everyone): 15:12: from start
Latha KS (to Everyone): 15:13: yes audible
Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 15:36: Event Hub lab : https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/stream-
Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 15:55: <https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/stream-analytics/stream-

Latha KS (to Everyone): 16:14: Adding input is taking more than 15mins now
Latha KS (to Everyone): 16:14: is this expected?
Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 16:14: telcogen exe
Latha KS (to Everyone): 16:16: yes that worked thanks
Akshay karthick NM (to Everyone): 16:22: ind the box labeled CONNECTION STRING-PRIMARY KEY and
click the copy button next to the connection string.
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 16:23: error in sampling input
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 16:24: no events found in callstream
Latha KS (to Everyone): 16:24: same for me
Latha KS (to Everyone): 16:24: test
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 16:24: in sampling
Latha KS (to Everyone): 16:24: nope
Sneha Duggani (to Everyone): 16:24: yes error
Latha KS (to Everyone): 16:30: removed
Latha KS (to Everyone): 16:32: no error on streaming
Latha KS (to Everyone): 16:32: Eventhub: asa-eh-frauddetection-demo
Sneha Duggani (to Everyone): 16:32: yes
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 16:33: streaming is fine
Latha KS (to Everyone): 16:33: Connectionstring: Endpoint=sb://latha-eh-ns-
Latha KS (to Everyone): 16:34: seeing numbers on messages
Sneha Duggani (to Everyone): 16:34: seeing message numbers
Sneha Duggani (to Everyone): 16:34: but error in cmd
Sneha Duggani (to Everyone): 16:36: yes messages is 0
Sneha Duggani (to Everyone): 16:36: ok
Latha KS (to Everyone): 16:45: Working now
Latha KS (to Everyone): 16:46: No change
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 16:46: same error persists
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 16:47: yes
Latha KS (to Everyone): 16:48: I think I got whats the issue
Latha KS (to Everyone): 16:48: You need to save query before it runs
Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 16:50: SELECT
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 16:53: just one
Latha KS (to Everyone): 17:00: How to view the blob storage account which has the streaming data?
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 17:02:
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 17:07: i need to change the connectionstrings
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 17:07: right?
Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 17:07: SELECT
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 17:08: dont i need to restart the telcogenerator
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 17:08: ok
Aaliya S (to Everyone): 17:17: ok.. thanks
Latha KS (to Everyone): 17:17: Done with labs
Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 17:20: okay
Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 17:28: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/learn/modules/data-anomaly-
Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 17:31: Diagrams:
Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 17:34: Azure IOt lab (Extra): <https://docs.microsoft.com/en-

Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 17:34: Diagrams:


Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 17:34: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shivam-sharma-9828a536/

Latha KS (to Everyone): 17:35: thank you
Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 17:35: Thanks Everyone !!
Shivam Sharma (to Everyone): 17:35: Bbye !!

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