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Evolution plus 3, unit 5 – revision

Past Continuous – affirmatives, negatives and questions

1. Co to jest za czas?
2. Jak tworzymy twierdzenia, przeczenia i pytania?
3. Jakie czynności wyraża w odróżnieniu od czasu Past Simple?
4. Wymień dwa jego użycia.

Ex. 1 Add ending -ing to verbs:

make swim
take run
dance get
smile sit
drive set

Ex. 2 Complete sentences with Past Contiuous forms of verbs

1. Yesterday at 5 pm I ………………………………… (set) the table for supper.

2. Yesterday at 9 am my dad and I………………………………… (buy) a new car.
3. Yesterday at 5 pm it ………………………………… (get) dark.
4. Yesterday from nine to five she ………………………………… (sweep) the
5. Yesterday my family ………………………………… (have) a party from the
evening until 11 pm.
6. Yesterday my dad ………………………………… (bring) me home between 2
pm and 3 pm.

Ex. 3 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in the
What was he doing? What was happening?

Yesterday at 7 pm, Nate ………………………………… (take) pictures of birds.

He ………………………………… (walk) through the city park when he saw a
fire. An old, empty building near the park was on fire. Nate pulled out his

He ………………………………… (take) pictures of the fire when the fire trucks

pulled up. The firefighters jumped out. They hooked up their hoses.
Evolution plus 3, unit 5 – revision

While they………………………………… (fight) the fire, Nate ………………………

(take) more pictures.

The firefighters ………………………………… (fight) the fire and Nate

………………………………… (take) pictures when the rain started. The rain
helped put the fire out. The firefighters ………………………………… (clap) and
Nate………………………………… (cheer). The fire was finally out.

Ex. 4 Make questions in th Past Continuous and write short answers:

1. ………………………………… (he, eat) chicken for supper at 8 pm yesterday?


2. ……………………………………… (your dad, watch) a film at 9 pm last night?

3. ………………………………………(you and your friends, dance) at the party?
4. …………………………………………………… (you, get) tired at 6 pm yesterday?
5. …………………………………………………… (your parents, watch) a laser show?
6. ……………………………………………(it, rain) between 2 and 4 pm yesterday?
No, …………………………………………………………………………………………………

Ex. 5 Translate questions from Polish to English:

1. Co robiłeś między 8, a 10 wczoraj?

2. Gdzie szedłeś o 21 wczoraj?

3. Kiedy ona wracała do domu zeszłej nocy?

Evolution plus 3, unit 5 – revision

Ex. 6 Find the mistakes and correct them:

1. She was makeing a cake at 11 yesterday.

2. My mum were getting tired.

3. Her dog was runing around the garden.

4. They wasn’t sweeping the pavement between 7 am and 9 am.

5. She was wearing pink socks yesterday?

6. My neighbours wern’t helping my family at 12 yesterday.

Ex. 7 Complete the sentences with the words from the box to make the correct
get phrases. Uwaga! Jedno słowo zostało podane dodatkowo.

tired a medal a text home cold thirsty off

1. I won the competition and I got …………………………… .

2. I bought something to drink because I was getting …………………………… .
3. We hurried up because it was getting …………………………… .
4. My parents were getting …………………………… from their vacation.
5. I was getting …………………………… so I sat down.
6. The bus stopped so I got …………………………… .

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