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Maria Patricia Leone

Miss Heather

Monthly Composition


All About the Angels

All About the Angels by Fr. Paul O’Sullivan, is a book about the angels. This book has a

lot of information about the angels, some of which one may already know, but a lot of it is so

unheard of that it is really sad. The author says, “If we make friends with the angels—and

nothing is easier—we shall receive innumerable and great favors which otherwise we shall never

obtain” (O’Sullivan, xi). Some of the things that will be talked about in this book report are St.

Gemma and her relationship with her angel, our own relationships with our angels, facts about

the angels, little prayers to our angels and how to honor them, and The Three Great Princes.

“Saint Gemma Galgani was favored not at one time or other, but we might say

constantly, by the visible presence of her angle guardian. Her confessor used all the means

counselled by the Church to make sure of the genuineness of these visions and apparitions” (15).

“Her interviews with the dear Angel were of a simple and familiar nature” (16). Her angel,

“Taught her how to pray and meditate, and he lovingly reproved her when she committed any

little faults” (16). When she was sick, she said, “How could I have ever borne those awful pains

had it not been for the presence of my Angel” (16). “We may not aspire perhaps to such visible

communications with our own angel guardian but we do have an angel, as she had, though we do

not see him. This dear angel loves us, just as her angel loved her, with an immense love and is as

able and as ready to help us as her angel helped her” (17) If one wishes to have a close

relationship like St. Gemma one needs to put into practice “The virtues of purity, humility,
sobriety and love” (20). The angels cannot help anyone when one is not in the state of grace. One

must always try to practice these virtues just like St. Gemma, so that they will never leave one.

“First of all, Christian mothers should instill deeply into the minds of their children a

clear, vivid and abiding sense of the presence of their dear angels” (xiii). If one did more for their

angels it would be easier to have a relationship with them. “We do not pray enough to our

guardian angels. What do we do for them? We give them just a bit of a prayer at the end of our

night prayers; that is all” (21). One needs to show more love and care for them. They are ready to

help; one just needs to ask them. If one stayed close to them it would be harder for the devil to

tempt one. Therefore, it is so important to talk to our angels. The more one talks with his angel

the closer they will get with them, and will become like them. The angels are, “Perfect images of

God, mirrors of His divine perfections, reflecting His love, His beauty, His power, all His divine

attributes and perfections” (25). That is why we need to get closer to our angel guardian.

The angels have so many beautiful things about them. God created them so incredible

and detailed it is hard to say it all in just one paragraph. Here are a few facts about them. First,

“Their happiness is perfect, for they receive of the ocean of God’s happiness in a way that no

human mind can fathom. The happiness that an angel enjoys in one moment is so deep, complete

and all-satisfying that it exceeds all the happiness that a moral man could enjoy in a thousand

years” (27). Second, “Their generosity knows no bounds” (27). Third, “For the angels know all

the secrets of nature; they see into the center of the Earth, into the depths of the sea; they have

all-natural knowledge. They know more about health and medicine than all the doctors in the

world, more about the stars and the heavens than all the astronomers who ever lived or ever will

live” (30). Fourth, “In a single instant, an angel comes from Heaven to Earth or goes from one

end of the universe without passing through the intermediate space” (34). Fifth, angels can also

be in more than one place at one time. Sixth, there are so many angels in the heavens and in the
earth that the number of “Angels exceeds all power of calculation or conception. If we think of

the number of the stars in the heavens, of the number of leaves on the trees, of all the forests in

the world, of the innumerable grains of sand on all the seashores, of the drops of water in the

ocean, of all the men who ever lived, all material things put together would not give us the

smallest idea of the number of the angels” (35) “Lastly, where do we get our knowledge of the

angels? The first great fount of information about the angels is Sacred Scripture. Secondly,

Christ’s infallible Church teaches the most consoling doctrines about the angels. Thirdly,

Tradition has handed down to us from the earliest day's important truths regarding the angels.

Fourthly, our reasons recognize not only the possibility of the existence of angels but the fitness,

the necessity of their existence. Fifthly, we have innumerable well-authenticated accounts of

apparitions of angels—indisputable facts” (36)!

One should honor their angel every day. One can say, “Dearest Angels here present, I

honor and love you and give thanks to God for all the glory He has given you” (38). One can

also say, “Please bless us and shower on us your graces” (32). One of the best and really

beautiful little prayers to say is, “Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of host Heaven and earth are full

of your glory Hosanna in the highest blessed is he who cometh in the name of the Lord Hosanna

in the highest. For when one says this prayer all of Heaven comes down to earth” (Fr. Norbert).

When one says even the littlest prayers, the angels repay one immensely. For they never forget

our prayers. Our angels can also help in so many ways such as: business matters, school,

delivering messages for one, marriage, ect. “Mothers should remember to appeal to their holy

angels for help and consolation” (62). “It is indeed criminal to neglect to teach boys and girls all

about the angels, for thus they are deprived during all their lives of the greatest blessings” (53).

Now whenever one is in a big crowd of people, one should remember to salute all the angels.

One also needs to thank not only of their own angel, but all the angels in the whole world. They
do so much for every single person and do not get thanked for it. Every Christian should get in a

habit of remembering their angels. Thank you, dear angels, for all that you do.

Among all the angels, there are three most beautiful Princes that everyone should try to

learn and know more about. If one should do this they will be blessed. The first is St. Michael the

Archangel. He is the “defender of the Catholic Church and of all the faithful. He is invoked in

sickness and most especially at the hour of death” (77). One should say this prayer every

morning, “St. Michael the Archangel defend us in our daily battle” (77). If one wishes to honor

him, they should first say, “Glorious St. Michael, Prince of the Heavenly Court, pray for us now

and at the hour of our death. Second, by asking for help when one is sick. Third, if one finds it to

conquer a temptation, or a fault, let us pray to St. Michael, who will assuredly help us overcome

the most violent temptation—and the most inveterate. Fourth, by having little picture of St.

Michael in our prayer book, saying each time we see it, “Glorious St. Michael, I love you’’ (81).

The second great prince is St. Gabriel. He is dubbed “The Angel of the Incarnation,” (82). He

told Mary that she was going to be the mother of God. One should say daily the words that he

said to our dear Lady; “Hail full of grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou among women”

(82). The third great prince is St. Raphael. “The name “Raphael” signifies “health” or “medicine

of God” (84). Whenever one needs healing, they should pray to this dear angel. Now that one

knows how to honor these great princes no one should ever forget them, and always pray to


“It is indeed sad that so many people ignore these glorious Angels. Let us, dear Readers,

for the future recognize these gracious spirits, our elder brothers, our dearest friends. Let us

speak to them, enjoy their company, ask them lovingly for all we need. No mother on earth gives

as readily to her children what the angels are eager to give to us” (34). This is the most amazing

book! Everyone sometime in their life should read it.

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