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United States

Department of
Agriculture Water Repellent Soils:

Forest Service a state-of-the-art

Pacific Southwest
Forest and Ranae Leonard F. DeBano
Experiment station

General Technical
Report PSW-46

LEONARD F. DEBANO was formerly a soil scientist with the Station's research
unit studying the improvement of water yield in brushlands, with headquarters at
Glendora, Calif. He is now in charge of research on management alternatives for
southwest watersheds, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station,
stationed at Tempe, Ariz. He earned a B.S. degree in range management and
forestry at Colorado State University (1955), an M.S. degree in range management
at Utah State University (1957), and a Ph.D. degree in soil science at the Univer-
sity of California (1966). He joined the Forest Service in 1962.

In 1977, the Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, established a research and
development program at this Station titled "Vegetation Management Alternatives for
Chaparral and Related Ecosystems." This 5-year program, with headquarters at Riverside,
California, is an intensive effort to develop, test, and demonstrate a wide range of
operations for maintaining or increasing the productivity of chaparral and related ecosys-
tems in southern California.

Cover:A simple field test with a water dropper shows a water repellent soil. Waterrepellent
soils contribute to erosion after wildfires. During an intense wildfire, the temperature of the
litter surface is extremely hot-as illustrated by the deformed glass bottle.


Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station

P.O. Box 245, Berkeley, California 94701

March 1981
Water Repellent Soils:

a state-of-the art
Leonard F. DeBano


Introduction................................................ 1

Nature and Formation of Water Repellent Soils .................. 2

Distribution of Water Repellent Soils ........................ 3

Factors Affecting Water Repellency .......... :............. 3

Chemistry of Water Repellency ............................ 4

Fire-Induced Water Repellency ............................ 5

Soil-Water Movement ....................................... 7

Classifying Water Repellency.............................. 7

Water Repellency and Water Movement ..................... 9

Water Repellency Management ...............................11

Beneficial Applications ....................................11

Management Problems ....................................13

ResearchNeeds .............................................15

Formation and Occurrence of Water Repellent Soils .......... 15

Chemistry of Hydrophobic Substances ...................... 15

Soil-Water Movement ..................................... 16

Vegetation Establishment and Growth ...................... 16

Runoff and Erosion .......................................16

Research Needs in Southern California ......................16

Research Needs in Australia ............................... 17

Literature Cited ............................................17

w ater repellency in soils was first described by

Schreiner and Shorey (1910), who found that some
soils inCalifornia could not be wetted and thereby were
not suitable for agriculture. Waxy organic substances
Although many have contributed to our knowledge of
water repellency, several groups in particular should be
acknowledged. Research scientists at the Department of
Soils and Environmental Sciences at the University of
were responsible for the water repellency. Other studies California, Riverside, are recognized worldwide for
in the early 1900's on the fairy ring phenomenon sug- their contribution to the understanding of the physics of
gested that water repellency could be caused by fungi. water movement, the formation of water repellent soils,
These fairy rings created unsightly, circular shaped and the chemistry and application of surfactants to re-
areas in otherwise healthy turf and lawn. Bayliss (191 1) lated soil-water problems. Several important contri-
reported on such water repellency and referred to ear- butions on water movement have been made by scien-
lier work in 1875 by Gilbert and Laws a t Rothamsted tists at the University of Florida, Gainesville. Likewise,
which described the same phenomenon. Later, Shantz research on the use of water repellent substances for
and Piemeisel (1917) confirmed that soil dryness was water harvesting has been conducted by Agricultural
associated with fairy rings on grasslands in eastern Research, Science and Education Administration, U.S.
Colorado. Department of Agriculture, at Phoenix, Arizona, which
About 30 years passed before water repellency was has increased our understanding of water movement in
reported again. Jamison (1942, 1946, 1947) found that soil and the chemistry of artificial hydrophobic
"hard t o wet" soil was responsible for citrus decline substances (such as silicones and plastics). Substantial
disease in Florida. Shortly thereafter, Vah't Woudt insight into the chemistry of naturally occurring water
(1954, 1955, 1959) reported the effects of water repellent repellent substances and their relationship to microor-
substances on water movement in volcanic derived soils ganisms resulted from research at Northern Arizona
of New Zealand. Also, about that time both Robinson University, Flagstaff. International recognition also
and Page (1950) and Hedrick and Mowry (1952) discov- must be given to Dr. Roy Bond for his pioneering
ered that soil aggregates, which had been stabilized by research on water movement, formation, and manage-
adding organics t o the clay fraction, became slightly ment of water repellent soils in Australia.
water repellent. Forest Service scientists have also contributed impor-
Beginning in 1960, interest in soil-water repellency tantly to water repellency research and scholarship. The
increased rapidly, and since then over 100 papers have most vocal was the group working under direction of the
been published. An early review by DeBano and others author at the San Dimas Experimental Forest in south-
(1967) summarized the state-of-the-art. This review was ern California. Noteworthy contributions have also
followed by a more comprehensive review of soil-water been made by Dr. Richard Meeuwig, Reno, Nevada;
repellency which was the product of an international Dr. David Scholl, Albuquerque, New Mexico; and Dr.
symposium at Riverside, California, in May 1968 Norbert DeByle, Logan, Utah.
(DeBano and Letey 1969). The research on wetting The abundant documentation generated by this
agents and water repellency, conducted by other scien- worldwide interest in soil-water repellency is scattered
tists, has also been summarized (Letey and others throughout the literature. Therefore, a state-of-the-art
1975). publication which summarized this information was
considered germane. This report, however, should not infiltration rates are extremely slow, even nonexistent.
be considered definitive; several areas in water repel- Though generally, infiltration slowly increases if water
lency are unsolved and require major research efforts. remains in contact with the repellent soil, probably be-
This report focuses on the nature and formation of cause water vapor advances into the soil, coalesces on
water repellent soils, kinds of water repellent isolated wettable organic and inorganic sites, and
substances, effects of soil-water repellency on water preconditions the soil. Finally, the repellent soil, once
movement, fire-induced soil-water repellency, man- saturated, conducts water almost as rapidly as wettable
agement problems and implications of water repellency, soil, although some entrapped air in the water repellent
and future research needs. soil may slightly lower hydraulic conductivity.
Water repellency, produced by soil heating, is com-
mon on burned watersheds in southern California. Re-
searchers typically notice that they leave dusty tracks in
the mud as they trudge across freshly burned water-
NATURE AND FORMATION OF sheds after fall and winter rains. Closer examination
WATER REPELLENT SOILS reveals the soil to be unevenly wet. At or near the sur-
face, a darkly colored soil layer can be saturated, but a
few inches downward is an air-dry layer of varying
Normally, dry soils readily imbibe water. A strong thickness. Another damp o r moist soil layer is present
attraction exists between mineral soil particles and wa- below the air-dry layer. This layered arrangement may
ter; however, not all soils display these wettable charac- be continuous over large areas or patchy and irregular.
teristics, but repel water. For example, when water The dusty tracks in the mud occur because the wet
droplets are placed on the surface of an air-dry soil that upper soil layers collect on the researcher's boots
is water repellent, the droplets bead up; water will not exposing the underlying water repellent soil which is
penetrate (fig. 1) because the mineral soil particles are dry. This layered arrangement was labeled the tin-roof
coated with'substances that repel water, that is, they are effect by early watershed researchers.
hydrophobic. In chemistry, hydrophobic substances
have no polarity and therefore do not attract water.
This difference in wetting behavior is reflected in the
comparative infiltration curves of wettable versus water
repellent soils (fig. 2). In a wettable soil, the initial rate
of water uptake is rapid because of the strong attraction \
between water and dry soil particles; however, as these lv Typical curve for
soils wet up, the hydraulic gradient decreases and infil- \ wettable soil
tration rates decrease. Conversely, a dry water repel-
lent soil strongly resists water penetration. The initial

First r u n of water into

a water repellent soil

20 60 100 1
Time (min)

Figure 1-Droplet of water placed on the surface of a naturally occurring Figure 2- Infiltration rates in a water repellent soil compared to a typical
hydrophobic soil (DeBano and Rice 1973). infiltrationcurve for a wettable soil (Letey and others 1962b).
Distribution of Water Repellent Soils of soil heating in the different horizons could be esti-
mated by testing for water repellency. Those horizons
Water repellent soils are not isolated curiosities. They containing charcoal and partly burned peat were highest
are found throughout the world on both wildlands and in organic matter and water repellency and therefore
on intensively cultivated lands. In the United States, had been subjected to temperatures <40O0 C. The
water repellent soils have been reported in forests,' brown and reddish-brown horizons were lowest in
brush field^,^ grassland^,^ agricultural lands,4 and on water repellency and probably had been subjected to
golf greens .5 temperatures ranging from 480 to 600' C.
Outside the United States, water repellent soils have
been reported in A u ~ t r a l i a Canada,'
,~ E g y ~ tH, ~ l l a n d , ~
India,1ÂJapan," Russia,12 and New Zealand.I3
Factors Affecting Water Repellency
The intensity and persistence of water repellency
seems to vary widely, although fire-induced water repel- The severity of water repellency in soils is dependent
lency generally is more severe. For example, many of on several factors. Organic matter and soil texture are
the burned soils examined in southern California were the most important factors, although fire intensity and
so completely waterproofed that water drops, when soil water are also important parameters affecting fire-
placed on the surface, would' evaporate before being induced water repellency.
absorbed by the soil (DeBano and Krammes 1966).
Water repellency in burned soils can persist yearlong if
the soils remain dry, although more transient seasonal Organic Matter
water repellency has been reported in some southern Organic matter induces water repellency in soils by
California chaparral areas where the soils were wettable several means. First, irreversible drying of organic mat-
when desiccated in the summer, but extremely water ter can induce water repellency (Hooghoudt 1950),
repellent following autumn rains (Holzhey 1969a,b). A mainly in the surface layers of peat soils which are
moss-like plant became active and created water repel- difficult to rewet after drying (Van't Woudt 1969).
lency after rains. The persistence of heat-induced water Second, organic substances leached from plant litter
repellency depends partly on the intensity of the fire. can induce water repellency in sand and in coarse
Water repellency persisted for thousands of years in grained soils (Letey and others 1962b, Roberts and Car-
Palesols, in Alberta (Dormaar and Lutwick 1975). Many bon 1971, Van't Woudt 1959). Third, hydrophobic mi-
of these soils contain Charcoal and burned plant parts. crobial by-products coating a mineral soil particle may
Research postulated, therefore, that the associated induce a wetting resistance (Bond 1965, 1969; Bond and
brown to reddish-brown horizons in these soils resulted Harris 1964; Fehl and Lange 1965; Mathur 1970: Savage
from heat produced by burning vegetation. The extent and others 1969b). Fourth, mineral particles need not be
individually coated with hydrophobic materials; merely
intermixing mineral soil particles with organic matter
may induce severe water repellency (DeBano 1969,
Meeuwig 1969). Finally, heating the coated particles or
IAgee 1973; Bashir 1969; Campbell and others 1977; DeBano 1969a, the intermixed soil can markedly increase water repel-
1979; DeBano and Rice 1971, 1973; DeByle 1973; Dyrness 1976; lency (Cory and Morris 1969, DeBano and Krammes
Meeuwig 1969, 1971a,b; Reeder 1978; Scholl 1971; Singer and Ugolini 1966). Heating distills hydrophobic organic substances
1976; U.S. Department of Agriculture 1971; Wells and others 1979;
Zwolinski 1971.
which then condense at cooler sites (DeBano 1966, Sav-
¥¥Adand others 1969, 1970; Bashir 1969; Cleveland 1973; De- age 1974). If the soil is a mixture of organic matter and
Bano 1%9a, 1974; DeBano and others 1977; Hays 1975; Holzhey mineral soil, heating causes the organic matter to coat
1 969a,b; Krarnmes and DeBano 1965; Salih and others 1973; Teram- the adjacent mineral soil particles (DeBano and Kram-
ura 1973; Vogl and Schorr 1972; Wells and others 1979. mes 1966).
'Mathur 1970, Richardson and Hole 1978, Schantz and Piemeisel The intensity and distribution of water repellency in
-DeBano 1969~;DeBano and Letey 1969; Jamison 1942, 1946, 1947; soils seems partly related to plant species and cover
Schreiner and Storey 1910. density. After infiltration trials in Australia, the soil be-
f i l l e r and Wilkinson 1977, Paul and Henry 1973, Waddington tween plants remained dry, whereas the soil beneath the
1969, Wilkinson and Miller 1978. grass roots was wet (Bond 1964). Moreover, different
"and 1960, 1964, 1965, 1968, 1969; Bond and Harris 1964; Gilmour types of plant covers produced different degrees of
1968; King 1974a,b; Prescott and Piper 1932; Roberts and Carbon
1971, 1972. water repellency; the order of decreasing water repel-
'Dormaar and Lutwick 1975, Mathur 1970. lency was phalaris, mallee, heath, and pine.
"ishay and Bakhati 1976. In contrast, other studies showed that water repel-
9Hooghoudt 1950. lency was confined to the soil immediately beneath a
1°Adhikarand Chakrabarti 1976, Das and Das 1972.
plant canopy (Adams and others 1969, 1970; Gilmour
"Nakaya and others 1977a,b.
^Kolyasev and Holodov 1958, Rybina 1967, Vladychenskiy and
1968; Jamison 1942, 1946, 1947; Scholl 1971). In
Rybina 1965, Wladitchensky 1966. Florida, water repellency was found to extend from the
"Van? Woudt 1954, 1955, 1959. trunk outward to the margin of the leaf drip (Jamison
1942). In the Sierra Nevada, water repellency was dis- substances extracted from chaparral plants can make
covered mainly in the subsoil on bare areas where the sands water repellent (Letey and others 19620). Alkali
decaying roots of nearby trees and shrubs were present solutions such as ammonium hydroxide also remove
(Meeuwig 1971b). In Wisconsin, water repellency was substances from plant litter that can induce water repel-
weak in Mollisols under an unburned prairie but very lency in sand or coarse-textured soil (Letey and others
pronounced in the mor litter layers with observable fun- 1962a).
gal mycelia (Richardson and Hole 1978). Water repel- The solubility of hydrophobic coatings in various or-
lency was observed in Spodisols under red pine, hem- ganic solvents also has been used to characterize water
lock, and under a mixed hardwood-softwood stand with repellency. Wander (1949) showed that such coatings
dense ericaceous shrub understory. The repellency of from Florida soils were soluble in methanol; he believed
mor horizons in the Spodisols seemed related to the they were calcium and magnesium soaps. Van't Woudt
genesis of the Spodic horizon. In Wisconsin, Reeder (1959) found that the particle coatings causing water
(1978) found that water repellency was associated with repellency in Taupe volcanic soils in New Zealand were
aspen but not with other forest types. so strongly adsorbed that they could not be removed
Holzhey (1969a,b) examined water repellency in with 2 hours of refluxing with ether in a Soxhlet ap-
southern California, across a transect of several vegeta- paratus. In another study (Montana Agric. Exp. Station
tion types. In the chaparral plant communities, water 1963), substantial amounts of organic materials were
repellency was least in the coastal sage scrub where a removed by extraction with hot alcohol in a Soxhlet.
scant litter layer was present and greatest in the wood- The tenacity of adsorption was also demonstrated in
land chaparral dominated by Arctostaphylos sp., Hawaiian soils where neither ethyl nor petroleum ether
Ceunothus sp., Querciis dumosa, and Rhamnus could extract the hydrophobic substances (Uehara
croceu. In pinyon-juniper woodlands, water repellency 1962).
was least severe under Artemisia tridentata and most The hydrophobic organic skins on sandy soils of
severe under stands of Pseudotsuga macrocarpa. No southwestern Australia were resistant to removal by
attempt was made to correlate plant species to type of cold water, concentrated acid, diethyl ether, ethanol,
microorganism present under each vegetation type. benzene, chloroform, and acetone (Roberts and Carbon
Teramura (1973) observed that water repellency in 1972). Prolonged treatment with hot diethyl ether,
chaparral stands was related to stand age but not ethanol, and benzene removed part of the coating.
species composition. Treatment with dilute solutions of alkali removed the
skin as suspended particles. The organic hydrophobic
Soil Texture substances produced by fire cannot be extracted from
Soil texture affects the degree of water repellency naturally occurring soils with mixtures of either
when organic matter is added to, or allowed to decom- benzene-acetone (Savage and others 1972) o r
pose in, soils. Normally, organic matter added to soils is benzene-methanol (Savage 1974), although these
considered desirable; soil structure improves, which substances are extractable when collected on angular
correspondingly enhances aeration and water move- quartz sand.
ment. Contrarily, however, organic matter. can induce The chemical identification of substances responsible
water repellency in coarse textured soils, which se- for water repellency is complex; a host of organic
verely restricts water movement (Meeuwig 1969, substances of unknown composition seems involved.
1971a,b). In Australia, water repellency in sandy soils An early study (Prescott and Piper 1932) suggested that
produces severe management problems (Bond 1965, essential oils from xerophytic vegetation produced
King 1974b). Conversely, in finely textured soils, or- water repellency. Work on southern California chapar-
ganic matter forms water-stable aggregates which im- ral showed that both water soluble and highly volatile
prove aggregate stability and water and air movement secondary products contribute to water repellency
(Hedrick and Mowry 1952). (Teramura 1973). Wander (1949) concluded that calcium
and magnesium salts of fatty acids were responsible for
water repellency. Attempts to characterize the
Chemistry of Water Repellency substances as crude fat have been futile (Van't Woudt
1959, Uehara 1962).
The characterization and identification of naturally Much has been done to chemically characterize these
occurring water repellent substances has been studied substances via humic acids (Roberts and Carbon 1972;
's'^^a; <^^^ 6 'v^s^x^.mi* 'hi %.^ffit3x6 D%ER \'^a^-, Singei ^lA Yigtini Wb;
substances responsible for producing water repellency Wladitchensky 1966; Adhikari and Chakrabarti 1976);
are definitely organic, the amount of organic carbon and however, not all humic acids can cause water repel-
the degree of water repellency are not directly related lency. Of the several hurnic acids tested, only one which
(DeBano and others 1976). The ease of extracting hy- was recovered from a culture solution of Stachybotrys
drophobic substances has been used to characterize atra has produced water repellency in sand and soil
water repellency. Simple water solutions containing (Savage and others 1969a). The analysis of soils col-
lected from beneath a hemlock-fir forest in Washington Fire-Induced Water Repellency
showed that water repellency was highly correlated
with the humic-fulvic acid ratio (Singer and Ugolini Water repellency caused by wildfires in southern
1976). Chen and Schnitzer (1978) found that a fulvic acid California chaparral has received the most attention
deficiency in the soil solution would produce water (DeBano and others 1967, DeBano 1979), although
repellency, and conversely, an ample supply of fulvic repellency has been reported after wildfires in forests
acid increased soil wettability. The organic coatings on (Campbell and others 1977, Dyrness 1976) and in grass-
water repellent sand grains from localized dry spots on lands (Richardson and Hole 1978). In southern Califor-
golf greens produced an infrared spectrum similar to nia, organic matter accumulates in the litter layer during
fulvic acid (Miller and Wilkinson 1977). A comprehen- the intervals between fires. During these intervals, the
sive elemental and spectroscopic analysis of the organic upper soil layers become water repellent due t o the in-
substances contributing to fire-induced water repellency termixing of partially decomposed organic matter and
in soils revealed that the organic substances were basic- mineral soil (fie. 3 A ) and due to the leachate from brush
ally aliphatic hydrocarbons (Savage 1974). and decomposing plant parts which become deposited
The extractive resistance of hydrophobic soil coat- in the upper soil profile. Fungal growth also can produce
ings suggests that they are strongly adsorbed; however, water repellency in this part of the soil.
the nature of the bonding is not fully understood. Van't Heating during a fire markedly changes and intensifies
Woudt (1959) concluded that the hydrophobic coatings water repellency. When a fire occurs, the litter and
were strongly adsorbed on the mineral surfaces by upper soil layers are exposed to very intense heating,
complex radicals. Cory and Morris (1969) suggested particularly during an intense burn (fig. 3B). Tempera-
that extensive polymerization occurs, possibly by hy- tures in the plant canopy may soar to 1093' C (Coun-
drogen bonding. A mineralogical study by Uehara and tryman 1964). Temperatures at the soil surface are less
Huong (1963) showed that silanol groups on the clay but may reach 843' C (Dunn and DeBano 1977). Within
surfaces of minerals were partly responsible for water the upper soil layers, the temperature drops rapidly be-
repellency. The hydrophobic substances produced dur- cause dry soil is a poor conductor of heat. At 5 cm
ing burning exhibit high polarity which is believed to be below the surface, the temperature is not likely to ex-
responsible for their becoming tightly fixed in the soil ceed 150' C (DeBano and others 1977). Incipient water
(Savage 1974). repellency at the different depths may be intensified in

Figure 3 -Soil-water repellency as altered by fire: (A) before fire, hydrophobic substances accumulate in the litter layer and mineral
soil immediately beneath; (B) fire bums the vegetation and litter layer, causing hydrophobic substances to move downward along
temperature gradients; (C) after fire, a water repellent layer is present below and parallel to the soil surface on the burned area
(DeBano 1969).
place by heating because the' organic particles are amount of organic substances was released above 300Â
heated to such an extent that they coat and are chemi- C and that the amount released increased with the rising
cally bonded to the nearby mineral particles. oxygen content (up to 20 percent) of the gas passing
More important than the absolute temperature at any through the combustion chamber.
depth are the temperature gradients developing across Chemical analyses of these fractions showed that the
the upper few centimeters of soil. Substances which are substances causing water repellency were aliphatic hy-
vaporized at the soil surface can be moved downward drocarbons formed from partly decomposed plant mate-
into the underlying soil by these gradients. The rials in the soil. When these substances were placed on
vaporized substances then condense on mineral soil wettable sand, extreme water repellency was produced
particles and are rendered extremely water repellent only after heating the treated sand. The suggestion was
(DeBano 1966). After a fire has swept through an area, a that additional heating after condensation was neces-
water repellent layer of varying thickness remains (fig. sary to fix the hydrophobic substance and produce ex-
3 C ) . This layered arrangement allows rainfall to infil- treme water repellency. Savage (1974) later confirmed
trate only to a limited depth before the wetting front these results. He used sand columns under burning
reaches the water repellent layer. manzanita litter to show that the degree of water repel-
lency was less when burning litter was immediately re-
Experimental Confirmation of Theory moved, before the heat had penetrated into the sand,
Letey and his co-workers (1962a) were the first inves- than when the burning litter was left in place and al-
tigators to show that water repellency in chaparral soils lowed to heat the underlying sand. He concluded that
was caused by organic substances. Later, DeBano and the movement of organic substances from litter oc-
Krammes (1966) found that water repellency could be curred mainly when the fire was actively burning. After
changed radically by heating. Samples of slightly water burning, heat moving downward through the underlying
repellent topsoil containing some organic matter were sand fixed some of the more polar hydrophobic
placed in a muffle furnace and heated; the water repel- substances and revolatilized the less polar ones, thereby
lency was either intensified or destroyed. For example, broadening the water repellent layer. The temperature
heating for 20 minutes to 260ÂC produced an extremely required to fix and revolatilize the substances was
water repellent condition. In contrast, heating to 371' C greater than 250ÂC. DeBano and others (1976) analyzed
for only 20 minutes started to reduce water repellency. polarity, extractability, oxygen content, and related
That substances must move along temperature gra- water repellency. Their tests showed that substances
dients became apparent after field observations with greater polarity and higher oxygen contents
revealed water repellency at deeper depths where soil produced less hydrophobicity when heated to 250' C.
heating was not sufficient to intensify water repellency. The less polar substances moved further downward in
The translocation of hydrophobic substances was the soil, producing a higher degree of water repellency.
confirmed by experiments in which heat was applied to These studies provide general guidelines on the ther-
the surface much as occurs during a natural fire (De- mal stability of substances responsible for water re-
Bano 1966, DeBano and others 1970). These exper- pellency. Most studies (Savage 1974, Scholl 1975,
iments were designed to measure the hydrophobic DeBano and others 1976, Dormaar and Lutwick 1975)
substances distilled downward into formerly wettable generally agree that the substances responsible for
s a n d , thereby demonstrating t h a t hydrophobic water repellency are destroyed when heated over 288'
substances are moved along temperature gradients. C. Very intense water repellency is formed when soils
containing hydrophobic substances are heated between
Chemistry and Thermal Stability 176 and 204' C. Temperatures of at least 250Â C are
Once established that organic substances moved necessary to fix the translocated substances.
along temperature gradients, experiments were made on
the chemistry of these substances, their thermal stabil- Fire Intensity and Soil Water
ity, and the soil physical factors affecting them. Chemi- In burned soils, the severity of water repellency not
cal analysis was made of the compounds causing heat- only depends on soil texture, but also appears related t o
induced water repellency since chemical identification both intensity of fire and soil-water content (DeBano
was thought necessary before remedial treatments and others 1976). Light bums in chaparral over dry soils
could be intelligently prescribed. Wetting agents had produce the thickest and most highly water repellent
been used with varying degrees of success, but their condition. The least severe water repellency is produced
specific interaction with hydrophobic substances was when a light-intensity-chaparral fire burns over a wet
obscure (Osborn and others 1964, Pelishek and others soil. To this end, Dyrness (1976) found that the wettabil-
1962). In one such experiment, substances emanating ity of soils in stands of lodgepole pine burned lightly by
from a heated water repellent soil were captured, frac- a wildfire recovered more rapidly than soils in intensely
tionated by adsorption chromatography, and subjected burned areas. By the sixth year after the fire, the wetta-
to elemental and spectroscopic analyses (Savage and bility of both lightly and intensely burned soils was ap-
others 1972). These analyses showed that the greatest proaching that of the unburned soil.
over time and the water droplet, although not im-
mediately absorbed, will penetrate the sample at a later
SOIL-WATER MOVEMENT time. Some water repellent soils have wettable soil par-
ticles and organic debris that will move onto the water
droplet, causing it to penetrate into the soil. Such com-
Water movement can be severely limited by hydro- plications arising from the time dependency have led to
phobic organic materials which are either intermixed the establishment of arbitrary time limits when classify-
with the soil or coat the mineral soil particles. The infil- ing soils as wettable or water repellent. Researchers
tration curves for wettable and water repellent soils found that water droplets remaining longer than 5
presented earlier reflect this effect (fig. 2). The practical seconds usually resisted penetration for several minutes
implications of water relations in these hard-to-wet soils and thus the soil could be classified as water repellent
(such as the effects on plants, runoff, and erosion) has (Krammes and DeBano 1965).
led to numerous studies on water movement. Sometimes measurement of waterdrop penetration
The effect of hydrophobic substances on water longer than 5 seconds is desirable for obtaining informa-
movement in soils provides a basis for characterizing tion on the persistency of water repelleky. Another
water repellency. Several methods of varying sophisti- technique was therefore developed which uses the criti-
cation used to characterize water repellency include cal surface tension of the infiltrating solution (Watson
waterdrop penetration time (WDPT), equilibrium and Letey 1970, Watson and others 1971). Critical sur-
liquid-solid contact angles, solid-air surface tension in- face tension is defined as the liquid surface tension
dices, and the characterization of dynamic wetting an- which permits just wetting of a soil (that is a 90-degree
gles during infiltration. The in-depth principles of soil contact angle). The critical surface tension can be easily
physics used to develop some of these methods are con- and quickly determined in the field or laboratory with a
tained in two excellent reviews describing the basic series of aqueous ethanol solutions. Pure ethanol is di-
theory-Letey and others (1975) and DeBano (1975). luted with distilled water into separate solutions con-
taining different percentages of ethanol on a volume
basis. (The corresponding surface tension of these so-
Classifying Water Repellency lutions can be obtained from a physics and chemistry
handbook.) A drop of each solution is placed on the soil
Letey and his co-workers (1975) point out that soils surface and the time of penetration determined. If the
are usually classified as either wettable or water repel- drop penetrates instantaneously (less than 5 seconds),
lent, implying a sharp dichotomy; however, water repel- the surface tension of that solution is considered to be at
lency is a relative soil property and may vary widely in the critical surface tension. A water repellency index is
intensity. Any practical method of classification must be then obtained by dividing the critical surface tension
able to quantify or, at most, index the degree of water (dyneslcm) into the time (up to 600 seconds) required
repellency with time. Most of the methods described for a water droplet to be absorbed by the soil (Letey and
here are quantitative and treat water repellency as a others 1975). For practical purposes, waterdrop pene-
relative soil property. The simpler techniques, such as tration times are not measured beyond 10 minutes. A
waterdrop penetration time, are described in'sufficient repellency index value greater than 10 indicates an ex-
detail to allow the reader to use them. The more funda- tremely water repellent soil; 1 to 10 is moderately water
mental principles provide a basis for describing the ef- repellent; 0.1 to ,lis slightly water repellent; and less
fect of hydrophobic substances on water movement dur- than 0.1 is wettable (Letey and others 1975). When this
ing infiltration and evaporation. technique was compared with other, more complicated,
techniques involving liquid-solid contact angles during
capillary rise, the results agreed closely (Letey and
Waterdrop Penetration Time
others 1975).
One of the simplest and most common methods of
classifying water repellency is to determine the time a
waterdrop takes to be absorbed by the soil sample. A Equilibrium Liquid-Solid Contact Angles
waterdrop is placed on the sample surface (fig. 1) and Porous media such as soils are often viewed as simple
the length of time to be absorbed is timed. Theoreti- or multiple capillary systems. The pores are considered
cally, if the wetting angle is greater than 90 degrees, the analogous to capillary tubes (Emerson and Bond 1963,
water droplet will remain on the surface until it evapo- Letey and others 1962a, Vladychenskiy and Rybina
rates; if the angle is less than 90 degrees, pore capillary 1965, Yuan and Hammond 1968). Water movement can
forces will pull the water into the soil. In fact, the dis- thus be described by capillary rise models which are
tinction between a wettable (wetting angle less than 90 based on the attraction between water molecules and
degrees) and a water repellent soil (wetting angle greater the walls of the capillary tube. In soils, capillary rise
than 90 degrees) is not that simple because water repel- occurs because of an attraction between the water
lency seems to be time dependent in many cases. That molecules a n e o i l particle surfaces.
is, the wetting angle of the water droplet will change When water moves up a capillary tube, the water
menisci 'arms a definite and measurable angle with the averaging about 4.8 cm in diameter by 53 cm long have
glass wall of the tube. The capillary rise equation relates been used (Letey and others 1962a). Smaller diameter
the height of rise of the water and the contact angle, as tubes may complicate the results because of edge and
follows: boundary effects. The bottom of the glass tubes are
covered with cheesecloth o r fine mesh screen which
retains the soil a t the bottom of the tube but allows the
water o r ethanol t o move up. When filling the two tubes
in which with soil, care should be taken t o pack them to identical
h = height of rise density. Finally, the end of one column is immersed in
y = surface tension water, the other in pure ethanol. The height of capillary
r = radius of capillary rise of both solutions can be readily observed through
p = density of the liquid the walls of the glass tubing. After 24 hours, the height
g = gravitational term of capillary rise of the two solutions is measured and
0 = angle between the water meniscus and the wall used in equation (2) to calculate the apparent liquid-
(wetting angle). solid contact angle. The larger the angle, the greater the
water repellency, with angles up to 90 degrees obtain-
If the capillary wall is made of clean glass, the wetting able.
angle, 0, should be zero. If the angle is zero, the height
of rise is directly related to the surface tension and in- Energetics of the Soil-Water-Air Interface
versely related to the tube radius (that is, the smaller the The theoretical basis underlying the above methods,
radius of the tube, the higher the capillary rise). Coating particularly the apparent liquid-solid contact angle, has
the capillary tubes with hydrophobic substances caused reexamination of the .theory of wetting in water
reduces the attraction between the water and the glass repellent soils. Several inadequacies arise when charac-
walls. The water therefore will not rise as high as in a terizing water repellency by liquid-solid contact angles
clean tube. (Bahrani and others 1970). A liquid-solid contact angle
The concept of a wetting angle provides a useful (Ow.) in a porous medium with the complex pore
technique for quantifying soil wettability (Letey and geometry of soil is difficult t o visualize. Electron micro-
others 1962a). Pure ethanol wets all solids (even hy- scopic examination of wetting on the surface of hydro-
drophobic ones) at a zero contact angle. Various liq- phobic sand grains illustrates the traditional liquid-solid
uids, including n-heptane (Bahrani and others 1973, contact angle model based on capillary rise, but does
Kijne 1967, Miyamoto and Letey 1971), have been used not represent a real soil (Bond and Hammond 1970).
experimentally, but not as widely as ethanol. Therefore, Such examinations reveal that the effective contact
equation (1) can describe capillary rise of water and angle really is the sum of a finite contact angle measured
ethanol. In both cases, two parameters (0 and r) are not between the solid and the liquid-air interface and the
known o r readily measured. The surface tension and angle of divergence of the soil pore. Although some
density of water and ethanol can be measured o r refer- media are considered completely water repellent, some
enced in a handbook. The known gravitational constant attraction for the water usually exists and water enters
is the same for both liquids. The height of rise for both slowly. This action is probably related to the persis-
water and ethanol can be measured easily in the labora- tency of waterdrops. Extremely water repellent mate-
tory. Finally, if the wetting angle of ethanol is assumed rials have been shown to adsorb some water slowly by
to equal zero (thus, cos 0 = 1) and the capillary radius vapor diffusion (Hanks 1958, DeBano 1969b, Miyamoto
remains constant, then equation (2) can calculate the and others 1972). Also, liquid-solid contact angles do
apparent liquid-solid contact angle: not explain the physical nature of water repellency, par-
ticularly in terms of the energetics of the soil-water-air
cos 0,.. = 0 . 3 6 9 ~ Two methods for evaluating water repellency have
he been developed which are not subject to the above limi-
in which tations: one determines a wetting coefficient (Bahrani
Ow = apparent liquid-solid contact angle and others 1970), the other determines the solid-air sur-
hw = height of rise of water (cm) face tension of the medium (Miyamoto and Letey 1971).
he = height of rise of ethanol (cm) Two wetting coefficients based on Young's "Work of
Adhesion" and Moillets' "Work of Droplet Adhesion"
The factor of 0.369 was derived from known values of are described and discussed in detail by Bahrani and
density and surface tension of water and ethanol (at others (1970). The technique for determining solid-air
20ÂC). surface tension of porous media has a different theoreti-
Laboratory tests determine the apparent liquid-solid cal basis and is derived from Fowkes' dispersion theory
contact angle (Ow) by packing two similar glass tubes and the capillary rise equation (Miyamoto and Letey
with the test soil. Though the size can vary, glass tubes 1971).

Characterizing Water Repellency During Infiltration different volumetric water contents. The results showed
Soils with wetting angles less than 90 degrees but that as the water content of a wettable soil increased,
greater than 0 should transmit water, although infiltra- the liquid-solid contact angle increased as well. In a
tion is slower than if completely wettable. The intensity water repellent soil, however, the wetting angle de-
and persistence of water repellency determines the flow creased with increasing water content because some of
rate. Several techniques have been developed t o the hydrophobic sites wetted up after exposure to wa-
characterize wettability during infiltration. A couple ter. The results presented here agree well with our
techniques employ saturated flow equations to derive understanding of water movement in wettable and water
liquid-solid contact angles from the measurements repellent soils.
taken on the advancing wetting front (Letey and others
1962a, Emerson and Bond 1963). Another" approach Water Repellency and Water
utilizes unsaturated flow rates, characterized within the
framework of a diffusivity analysis, to evaluate the ef-
fect of water repellency on water movement a t different Usually, dry soil readily absorbs water because of a
soil-water contents (DeBano 1969b, 1971). strong attraction between the mineral particles and wa-
The first attempt to characterize the liquid-solid con- ter. In terms of the liquid-solid contact angles, highly
tact angle during infiltration was based on Poiseuille's wettable soil behaves as though these angles are zero.
equation (Letey and others 1962a). Both water and The affinity of soils for water can be reduced by coating
ethanol were infiltrated into the test soil. The relative the particles with hydrophobic substances, thereby in-
rates derived from those tests served as the basis to creasing the liquid-solid contact angle (Wladitchensky
calculate liquid-solid contact angles in much the same 1966, Letey and others 1962a,b, Rybina 1967). As an
method as for capillary rise. The Darcy flow equation important water moving force, changing capillarity also
was applied in another infiltration technique t o calculate affects infiltration and evaporation.
the advancing contact angle for water repellent sands
(Emerson and Bond 1963). Instead of using ethanol to Infiltration
establish a zero contact angle, part of the sand was ig- Wetting Patterns-The infiltration curve given for a
nited t o destroy the organic matter responsible for water water repellent soil in figure 2 reflects increasing wetta-
repellency. The ignited sand was assumed to be wet at bility over time- once the soil is placed in contact with
zero contact angle by water. water. Infiltration increases with time because the
Unsaturated flow measurements have also served to substances responsible for water repellency are slightly
calculate liquid-solid contact angles a t different soil- water soluble and slowly dissolve, thereby increasing
water contents in wettable and water repellent soil (De- wettability. Also, the hydrophobic substances on the
Bano 1969b). This approach employed the concept of particle surface may not be continuous and water may
intrinsic soil-water diffusivities (Mustafa and others move into the soil by vapor diffusion where it is ad-
1970). The diffusivities were determined from labora- sorbed on wettable sites which improves wettability of
tory measurements during the horizontal infiltration of the entire soil.
water or ethanol into wettable and water repellent soils Under field conditions the water repellent layer is
and served to calculate liquid-solid contact angles at usually not continuous, so irregular wetting patterns are

Figure 4 - Exposed soil profile showingthe tin roof effect. The

moist surface layer (A) is underlaid by dry water repellent soil
(B), with some evidence of moisture penetration through the
water repellent layer (C) (DeBano 1969).
water uptake at the beginning of infiltration is important
from the standpoint of erosion and runoff, although the

/ Wettable
= 0.59t2.29X
R2= 0.999
effect on cumulative infiltration over longer periods of
time may not be large.
Layered Soil-A water repellent layer is common in
soils under field conditions. As in southern California,
this layer may be formed after fire (fig. 3C). These water
repellent layers affect infiltration in much the same
manner as a coarse textured layer in the soil profile.
When this water repellent layer is beneath a wettable
surface layer, the wetting front moves rapidly through
the wettable layer until it reaches the water repellent
layer (fig. 7). The infiltration rate then drops immedi-
Time (mi")!"
ately to that of the water repellent layer, where it re-
mains even after the wetting front has again moved into
Figure 5 - Relationshipbetween time and distance to the wetting front the wettable soil beneath the water repellent layer (De-
during a horizontal infiltration trial into wettable and water repellent soil Bano 1969b). The depth to the water repellent layer also
(DeBano 1971). affects infiltration rates. A water repellent layer near the
surface will more effectively restrict infiltration than a
deeper layer (Mansell 1969).
common (fig. 4). Irregular wetting has been reported
under citrus trees in Florida (Jamison 1942). In Aus-
tralia, the severest water repellency has been observed Evaporation
in bare areas between clumps of grass; following Hydrophobic substances reduce evaporation because
rainstorms, wetted areas were found primarily beneath the capillary forces necessary to move water to the soil
the crown of the grasses, but not in the spaces between surface are lessened. For example, sands made water
plants (Bond 1964). Large water repellent areas in grass- repellent with a chaparral litter extract lost 45 percent of
lands, historically described as fairy ring phenomena the water in contrast to a wettable sand which lost 60
caused by microbe-induced water repellency, also pro- percent of the water during the same period (Letey and
duce irregular wetting (Shantz and Piemeisel 1917). others 1962b). Another laboratory experiment (DeBano
Meeuwig (1971a) found irregular wetting patterns de- 1969b) showed that the water loss from a water repellent
veloping during infiltrometer trials on unburned forest sandy loam soil was less than from a wettable soil of
and brush areas. In desert communities, soil beneath similar texture. Examining the soil-water distribution
the shrub canopy was discovered to be water repellent, patterns after evaporation revealed that water was
whereas the area outside the canopy was completely withdrawn from all depths in the columns filled with
wettable (Adams and others 1969). wettable soil. In contrast, columns containing only
Laboratory Studies-Infiltration into wettable and water repellent soil lost water primarily from the upper
water repellent soils has been the subject ofintense lab-
oratory testing. These studies showed that the wetting
front during infiltration in wettable soils not only devel-
ops faster but has a different shape than those develop-
ing in water repellent soils (DeBano 1971). In one case,
infiltration was 25 times faster in wettable soils than in
water repellent soil (hs. 5). The linear relationship be-
tween distance to the wetting front and the square root
of time commonly found in wettable soils was less well
defined (although the correlation was high) in the water
repellent soil because of irregular wetting. The irregular
and incomplete wetting was also reflected in the soil-
water distribution pattern {fig. 6). For example, the
water content decreased as much as 20 to 25 percent
between the water source and the wetting front which
was very diffuse and poorly defined. By comparison,
the water content of the wettable soil decreased only 10
percent over the same distance. A subsequent diffusiv-
ity analysis of the infiltration data indicated that hy-
drophobic substances had a greater effect on water D i s t a n c e f r o m w a t e r source ( c m )
movement in unsaturated soil when the soil was dry; the Figure 6- Soil-water distributions developed during infiltration into col-
effect diminished as water content increased. The slow umns packed with wettable and water repellent soils (DeBano 1971).
and - 112 bar. At soil-water potentials between - 112
and - 15 bars, however, water repellent soils hold more
than wettable soils (DeBano 1975). At soil-water poten-
tials between 0 and -112 bar, the weaker attraction
Water repellent layer between the ,soil and water (large liquid-solid contact
angle) permits more water to be drawn out of the water
repellent soil. In contrast, at potentials more negative
than - 112 bar, the hydrophobic substances hinder the
movement of water out of water repellent soil and more
water is retained in water repellent soil than in wettable
Water Transfer Mechanisms-Some studies on
water movement suggest that different water transfer
mechanisms are operating in wettable and water repel-
lent soils. Water moves in soil by liquid or vapor flow.
Wettable soil o n l y
In water repellent soils, liquid flow across particle sur-
faces coated with hydrophobic substances probably is
severely hindered. Differences in capillary rise suggest
weaker liquid particle attraction and less liquid flow.
When liquid flow is restricted, vapor movement un-
doubtedly begins to play a major role in water move-
ment because most studies suggest vapor flow is
perhaps not affected by hydrophobic coatings (Brandt
1969a, Hanks 1958, Hemwall and Bozer 1964,
Miyamoto and others 1972).


D e p t h t o w e t t i n g front (cm)

Figure 7- Infiltration rate when the welting front approached different

depths in soil columns packed with only wettable soil, water repellent soil,
or layered soils (DeBano 1969~).

The effects of water repellent soils may be adverse or

layers because water in the deeper layers was unable to benign, depending on the efficiency of repellency man-
reach the surface by capillary flow. agement programs. In some cases, water repellency is
Other investigators (Kolyasev and Holodov 1958) re- induced by naturally occurring organic substances or
ported that water repellent samples lost water faster artificial materials in order to conserve water, reduce
than wettable samples; however, evaporation occurred nutrient loss, or improve soil structure. But water repel-
in thin layers of hydrophobic soil?and capillarity appar- lency may be undesirable and require some special
ently did not play a major role in moving water through management action to counteract its deleterious effects.
the soil mass to the evaporating surface., Instead, the An acute management problem in southern California is
attraction between the particles and water directly con- the high runoff and erosion rates caused? in part? by
trolled the evaporation rate. Therefore, water repel- heat-induced water repellency.
lency appears to decrease evaporation where water
must move to the evaporating surface by capillary flow.
For this reason, many of the hydrophobic mulch mate- Beneficial Applications
rials added to the soil surface are effective in conserving
soil water (Hergenhan 1972, Hillel and Berliner 1974, Water conservation
Lemon 1956, Kimball 1973). The relationship between water repellency and soil-
water movement has been successfully utilized to con-
Other Soil-Water Characteristics serve water. Water loss by evaporation from the soil
Soil-Water Potentials-Water repellent substances surface can be reduced by several methods, thereby
affect water held at different soil-water potentials. making it available for plant growth or other applica-
Water repellent sands hold less water at 0 to -0.05 bar tions such as ground water recharge. Sealing the soil
soil-water potential during sorption and desorption than surface with water repellent materials also allows for
similar wettable sands (Letey and others 1962b). The water harvesting-a method of efficiently harvesting
same is true for soils having water potentials between 0 precipitation.
Evaporation Control-Water can be conserved and Soil Improvement
stored in the soil if it is not permitted to move to the soil Both naturally occurring and artificial water repellent
surface where it can be lost by evaporation. The amount substances have been utilized to improve the physical,
of water moving to the soil surface can be reduced by chemical, and electrical properties of soils. The prop-
decreasing the surface tension of the soil water? de- erties are improved because these substances improve
creasing the wettability of the pore walls, and increasing either aggregation (soil structure) or waterproofing,
the size of the soil pores (equation [I]). The surface thereby preventing water from entering the soil and
tension of soil water can be decreased by applying sur- changing its physical properties.
factants (Lemon 1956). The wettability of the soil pore Aggregation-Soil aggregation? which is important
walls can be decreased by coating the soil particles with for soil structure, is highly dependent on soil wettabil-
hydrophobic substances (DeBano and others 1967, De- ity. Aggregation occurs when individual soil particles
Ban0 1975). The effective pore size of the surface layers are bound together by naturally occurring or artificial
can be increased by mulching (Kimball 1973) o r by ag- organic compounds (Harris and others 1966). Not only
gregating the small particles with chemicals such as soil d o these organic compounds hold the soil particles
conditioners (Gabriels and others 1973, Hillel and Ber- together, but the more effective materials stabilize the
liner 1974, Rawitz and Hazan 1978). aggregates by making them water repellent (Hartmann
Water Harvesting -The technique of water harvest- and others 1976?Gabriels and others 1973). Water repel-
ing has been successful in developing local water lency affects flow in saturated soils by increasing the
supplies in remote areas for livestock7 wildlife? runoff stability of aggregates, thereby maintaining soil struc-
farming? and domestic use (Frasier 1975, Myers 1964). ture (Brandt 1969a). Treating these stable aggregates
The runoff water produced by waterproofing the soil with a wetting agent causes them t o wet up and become
surface can be collected and stored o r used on site, less stable (Mustafa and Letey 1969). The stability of
depending on the local need. aggregates to slaking in water (Yoder 1936) has been
Although water harvesting can be accomplished in recognized as a desirable soil property when evaluating
several ways, one effective method treats the soil sur- erodibility of different soils (Anderson 1951).
face with materials which prevent water from soaking Naturally occurring organic matter increases aggrega-
into the soil (Cooley and others 1975). Several types of tion and soil stability by reducing swelling and the de-
materials to waterproof the soil surface are asphalts structive forces of entrapped air, decreasing wettability,
(Frasier and Myers 19721, waxes (Fink 1977, Fink and and strengthening the aggregates (Robinson and Page
others 1973, Hillel 19671, silicones (Myers and Frasier 1950). The mechanism responsible for aggregation in a
19691, plastics (Myers 1964)?and oils (Fink and Mitchell Krasnozem soil were found t o vary among different par-
1975, Hillel 1967). Both laboratory (Fink 1974? 1976) ticle size classes (Coughlan and others 1973). Basic soil
and field (Fink and Frasier 1977) evaluations have been properties were important for aggregating theCO.5-mm
made of most currently available materials. These tests particles, whereas the hydrophobic properties of or-
show that silicone and wax-treated water repellent ganic matter had the greatest effect on aggregate stabil-
catchments weather quite differently (Fink and Frasier ity in the 0.5- to 5.0-mm size class of aggregates. Above
1977). The silicone treatment showed a uniform deten- 5.0 mm, binding by plant roots was the most important
oration throughout the treated zone, whereas the wax aggregate mechanism. Organic matter, when modified
treatment showed a progressive deterioration beginning by microbial growth? can also increase the water stabil-
at the top of the treated profile. A laboratory test (Fink ity of soil aggregates (Fehl and Lange 1965).
1976) showed that when two repellents (petroleum resin
Organic mdtter in soils has been customarily consid-
and paraffin wax) were combined, the soil was rendered
ered beneficial to soil structure and related soil prop-
generally more resistant to total weathering effects than
erties that affect water movement; however, this
either repellent alone.
concept must be modified in view of our present under-
Nutrient Leaching standing of water repellency. Previously7organic matter
The leaching of soluble fertilizers out of the root zone in any amount was assumed to be beneficial to any soil,
of vegetable beds is an important management problem since organic matter aggregated soil particles and
in parts of Florida (Snyder and Ozaki 1971). The leach- produced a more porous soil structure that allowed
ing losses are greatest in coarse textured soils which water to infiltrate and move more readily through the
have a low exchange capacity because clay and organic soil. The current view is that organic matter is beneficial
matter are lacking. This problem was successfully to fine-textured soils because individual mineral parti-
solved by applying water repellent mulches to reduce cles are aggregated, producing large pores which permit
leaching and fertilizer loss (Snyder and Ozaki 1 V l 7 water to move more readily; when not aggregated, the
Snyder and others 1974). Nitrogen and potassium leach- fine soil particles provide small pores which restrict
ing from a fertilizer band in sandy soil (on the flat sur- water movement. In a coarse-textured soil, larger
face of raised vegetable beds) was reduced by a 1 per- particles become packed as single grains so that large
cent siliionate spray in quantities sufficient t o penetrate pores are produced. These pores are sufficiently large t o
a 20-cm wide area to a depth of about 3 cm. permit rapid water movement. But when organic hy-
drophobic substances are added, they increase aggrega- Rainfall
tion only slightly; moreover, these substances coat in-
dividual soil particles and restrict, or in some cases
completely impede, water movement (Meeuwig 1969).
The impermeability of coarse textured soils has been
reported as a severe management problem in sandy
Australian soils (Bond 1968). Apparently, therefore,
undesirable features of water repellency in coarse-tex-
tured soils must be balanced against the advantages of
water-stable aggregates produced by organic matter in
fine-textured soils.
The desirable features of aggregation have led to ex-
tensive research of synthetic organic materials as soil
aggregating agents. The organic materials most widely Figum 8 -Water repellent layer impedes infiltrationand causes surface
applied in aggregation are usually large molecular or- runoff (DeBano 1969d).
ganic compounds whose s m c t u r e ranges from well-
defined synthetic polymers to complex mixtures of
poorly defined and understood products, which are Wildfires burning over coarse textured soil in both
frequently waste products (Schamp and others 1975). forests (DeByle 1973, DeBano 1969, Bashir 1969, Dyr-
These substances are generally referred to as soil con- ness 1976) and brush areas (DeBano 1969a, 1979;
ditioners. The wide variety of soil conditioners, their Krammes and DeBano 1965; Reeder 1978; Vogl and

adsorption nd a hesion properties, and their effect on

water movement are discussed in a comprehensive re-
Schorr 1972; Salih and others 1973; Wells and others
1979) can produce extreme water repellency. The water
repellent soils formed during wildfires in chaparral areas
view by Stewart and others (1975). The usefulness and
desirability of these soil conditioners depend, however, in southern California (DeBano 1969c, 1974; DeBano
on their ability to produce water-stable aggregates. and Rice 1971, 1973; Cleveland 1973; Foggin and De-
Waterproqfing and Structural Stability-Some en- Ban0 1971; Hays 1975; U.S. Department of Agriculture
gineering applications require that a soil be made essen- 1971) are. considered partly responsible for the high
tially waterproof. Although the treatments per se may rates of runoff and erosion from burned chaparral areas.
not improve the physical properties-such as soil On these burned areas, the soil at or near the surface
strength-they d o allow the dry strength of the treated may be wettable beneath which lies a layer of water
soils to be retained when exposed to water (Brandt repellent soil. This layered arrangement allows rainfall
1969b, Hemwall 1963, Hemwall and Bozer 1964, Hem- to infiltrate only a short distance before the wetting
wall and others 1962, Kolyasev and Holodov 1958). front encounters a water repellent layer (fig. 8). If the
Waterproofing has been successful in maintaining the infiltrating water is impeded, or temporarily slowed
stability of highways exposed to freezing and thawing. down, then the thin mantle of wettable soil becomes
If water is permitted to penetrate under the pavement saturated. Water then flows laterally and runs off, tak-
during freezing, a saturated nonfrozen layer is produced ing with it the soil from this upper layer along with some
over a frozen layer during thaw. When traffic loads are of the water repellent layer below. The amount of runoff
applied to this system, the release of hydrostatic pres- and debris depends on the continuity and nature of the
sure tends to be upward, resulting in pavement blow- water repellent layer, steepness of slope, and intensity
outs. Waterproofing the layer immediately below the and amount of rainfall.
pavement prevents moisture accumulation and sub- Solutions to Fire-Induced Water Repellency-Two
sequent problems. Waterproofing chemicals for this methods are applied to manage water repellency caused
purpose include substituted phenols, long-chain amines, by soil heating-improved infiltration and prescribed
chlorosilanes, and benoxazines (Bozer and others fire. Once water repellency is produced, such as during
1969). a wildfire, the management options available for im-
proving infiltration are limited. The most common
treatment has been with chemical wetting agents, al-
though on small level areas the water repellent layer
Management Problems could perhaps be broken up by disking (DeBano and
Rice 1973).
Fire-Induced Water Repellency Prescribed fire, however, affords a more practical
Any mineral soil containing more than a couple per- method of modifying water repellency by controlling the
cent of organic matter is likely to become water repel- occurrence and behavior of fire, as opposed to permit-
lent to some degree when heated. The severity and dis- ting fuels to accumulate and bum by wildfire. Burning
tribution of water repellency produced by a fire will conditions could be prescribed in order to minimize
determine the subsequent management problems on the water repellency. At present, sufficient knowledge is
available about water repellency to develop general varied from 18 to 97 cm (Krammes and Osborn 1969).
guidelines minimizing its impact. Given the less intense By comparison, plots treated with wetting agents
the fire, the finer the texture, the wetter the soil, and the yielded only 2- to 7-cm runoff under the same rainfall.
smaller the quantities of organic matter on the soil sur- Erosion was also reduced by about 40 percent with the
face, it follows that the less severe is the water repel- wetting agent treatment. Although wetting agents were
lency produced. These relationships allow prediction of effective on small plots, they were extremely expensive
how different soils, fire, and vegetation conditions may and difficult to apply successfully on large areas (Rice
affect the production of water repellency. and Osborn 1970). At present, the best solution seems
The differences in fire intensity and soil heating dur- to be prescribed fire-by burning with a light intensity
ing prescribed burning in forests, compared to brush fire or when the soil is moist-so that formation of
areas, must be accounted for when predicting the possi- water repellent soil is minimized.
ble impacts of fire on water repellency (DeBano and
others 1979). Soil ' during brush fires is usually Vegetation Management and Plant Establishment
more severe t h a n ~ x e burns d in forests, for sev- Turf, Pasture, and Crop Management-The effect of
eral reasons (DeBano 1979). Both prescribed fires and water repellency on vegetation, management was first
wildfires are carried by the canopy and standing dead described as the fairy ring phenomenon (Bayliss 1911,
stems which leads to rapid and intense combustion, Shantz and Piemeisel 1917). This condition produces
even during cooler prescribed fires in brush. In contrast, unsightly circular-shaped bare areas in otherwise
prescribed fires in forests are designed to minimize healthy turf and lawns (Wilkinson and Miller 1978).
damage to standing trees (Biswell 1975) and are applied Early folklore attributed these bare areas to the paths of
during moister conditions which restrict the fire to dead dancing fairies, places where the devil churned his but-
fuels. Chaparral fires usually burn only under drier con- ter, the habitat of enormous toads with bulging eyes,
ditions, when the live fuel moisture is low, so con- and places where treasures were buried. Notwithstand-
sequently both dead and live fuels are consumed during ing mythology, bare spots are actually places in the soil
burning. Usually, the litter layer present in chaparral is where dense fungal mycelia proliferated. The mycelia
thin, providing less efficient insulation against heat stimulate growth of grass for a short time which quickly
radiated downward during a fire. The forest floor duff exhausts the ,soil moisture. Once the soil is dry, the
and litter layer is normally thick, enhancing insulation fungal growth prevents rewetting, that is, the soil
against heat from fire. Consequently, chaparral fires becomes water repellent. An intense drought then kills
create temperatures at and beneath the soil surface the grass, leaving the area bare and subject to an inva-
which generally are higher than corresponding tempera- sion of weeds.
tures caused by prescribed fires in forests (DeBano and These fairy rings pose special and serious problems to
Rice 1971). the turf grass industry because a uniform, velvety green
Changes in chemical, physical, and biological prop- grass is esthetically desirable (Waddington 1969). Var-
erties of soils are minimized when less soil heating oc- ious preventive and corrective measures have been
curs. Water repellency problems are therefore less used to treat these localized dry spots. These practices
likely to develop after prescribed fires in forests; con- are usually limited to cutting the grass short on putting
versely, a higher incidence of water repellency is more greens, although aerating tools also have been used to
likely to occur in chaparral areas. Several studies of break through the thatch and soil surface to improve
prescribed burning in forests support this relationship. uniformity of wetting. Topdressing with a good soil mix-
The broadcast burning of slash over a wet medium or ture, applied alone or in combination with mechanical
fine textured soil did not produce enough water repel- aeration, has also been shown to decrease the incidence
lency to present a problem (DeByle 1973); however, in of these dry spots. Another approach improves the uni-
some ponderosa pine areas, even light prescribed burn- formity of wetting by applying wetting agents.
ing can reduce significantly the initial infiltration rates In Victoria, South Australia, and western Australia,
(Zwolinski 1971). In some cases, light intensity fires water repellent soils present a problem in coarse-tex-
may only concentrate water repellency in litter, thereby tured soils covering thousands of hectares (Bond 1960,
producing a negligible effect on the soil (Agee 1973). In 1964, 1965, 1968; Bond and Harris 1964). The soils in
chaparral areas, fire intensity may be decreased by these Australian states support a grass cover on an an-
burning during cooler times of the year when humidities nual rainfall of 64 cm or less. The pastures look patchy
are higher. Burning when the soils are moist would also where well-grassed areas alternate with bare areas over
minimize water repellency problems (DeBano and small distdnces. Closer examination reveals that
others 1976). moisture penetrates only the grassed areas; the inter-
Treating the water repellent layer to make it wettable, vening bare patches are dry. These areas remain dry,
such as with a wetting agent, reduces both runoff and even after rainstorms because the soil is extremely
erosion. Experiments on burned areas in southern water repellent. The organic substances responsible for
California showed that runoff from untreated plots this water repellency are produced by microorganisms,
ranged from 4 to 10 cm during seasons when rainfall particularly the basidiomycetes group of fungi (Bond
and Harris 1964). Irregular wetting causes uneven ger- campfire burn. If campfires were located randomly
mination and a patchy, less productive pasture. Various throughout the campsite, the harmful effect could be
tillage techniques are currently in use to reduce the ef- spread over a large part of the campground. Therefore,
fects of the repellency on crops and pastures (King the harmful effect could be minimized if, as recom-
1974b). Cultivation during the rainy season sufficiently mended, the campfires were restricted to the same area,
increases water entry to allow germination and growth. even when permanent concrete fireplaces could not be
Another successful ameliorative measure involves sow- installed; stone fire rings in a chosen location can ac-
ing cereals and pastures in furrows where rainwater can complish the same objective.
concentrate (Bond 1972).
Plant Diseases-Water repellency is indirectly re-
sponsible for a disease called citrus decline. During
droughts in Florida (Jamison 1942, 1946, 1947) and
Egypt (Bishay and Bakhati 19761, older trees in citrus
groves sometimes drop their fruit, even after imgating. RESEARCH NEEDS
The irrigation water wets only a small part of the soil in
the root zone beneath the branches. Organic material in
the surface horizon was found to resist wetting. The
surface layer under the tree crown therefore acts like a
Formatiofland Occurrence of Water
roof, shedding water to the wettable soil beyond the leaf Repellent Soils
drop areas where it is less available to the tree roots.
Treating the soil with polyacrylamide, a soil con- Research of southern California chaparral has contrib-
ditioner, increased soil-water relations and improved uted substantially toward an understanding of water
the condition (Bishay and Bakhati 1976). repellency and the relationships which exist between
Seed Germination and Plant Establishment-Water soil heating and organic matter, soil texture, and soil-
repellent soils can affect plant establishment on an area water content. Future research should continue verify-
by reducing the amount of water available for germina- ing and refining these relationships in other vegetation
tion and growth or inducing overland flow and erosion types. Moreover, water repellency measurements
which carries the seeds off the site before they can ger- should be considered an integral part of fire-relatedstudies. To
minate and become established. Laboratory exper- this end, water repellency should be viewed in relation to other
iments using ryegrass have verified that germination and pertinent plant, fire, and soils data collected during fires.
establishment can be severely restricted by water repel- A large gap exists in our understanding of microbially
lent soils and sands (Osbom and others 1967, Osborn produced water repellency in chaparral, although the
1969). The reduction in plant establishment was most subje-ct has been studied in other vegetation types. Mi-
severe when the test containers were placed on a 30- crobially produced water repellency undoubtedly is
percent slope, at which angle the runoff was more present in chaparral and may function as part of the
abundant than in a level position, thereby reducing the long-term ecological and successional aspects. of this
amount of water available for germination. Treating the ecosystem, although little is known about this role. Fu-
sloping soils and sands with wetting agents increased ture research in chaparral ecosystems perhaps will un-
germination of the ryegrass and decreased runoff. Al- cover some of the functional relationships governing the
though wetting agents favor ryegrass establishment, it role of water repellency in mature chaparral stands.
may be at the expense of other plant species. For exam- Only a limited amount of information is available on
ple, a study by DeBano and Conrad (1974) showed that the distribution of water repellent soils on wildland
when a wetting agent was applied to a burned chaparral areas in the western United States (DeBano 1969a). A
watershed, germination and growth of ryegrass was fa- detailed survey of water repellent soils in California is
vored, but it had a deleterious effect on mustards. however currently in preparation and will provide
The resistance of forest litter to wetting may be re- detailed information on the distribution of water repel-
sponsible for poor germination of important tree lency in California as related to the soil classification
species. Tests using Sequoiadendron giganteurn seeds system used in the United States.
showed that when the litter surface resists wetting and
dries quickly, a poor seedbed is produced (Stark 1968).
The best condition for germination was found to be dis- Chemjstty of Hydrophobic
turbed mineral soil in the shade.
Other Problems Several research studies have examined the chemis-
Water repellent soils are created by the heat from try of both naturally occurring or fire-related hy-
campfires (Fenn and others 1976). This condition ap- drophobic substances, but this research has not
peared only in sandy soils which were initially moist and revealed the detailed chemical make-up of the
whose temperature remained below 35W C during the substances responsible for water repellency in un-
burned soils. The chemistry of hydrophobic substances and become established, perhaps because they are cov-
produced by the heating of organic matter becomes ered more deeply by duff o r soil. The resprouting pe-
more complex because an infinite number of organic rennial species probably are not affected directly by
compounds can be acted upon by fire to produce long water repellency immediately after a fire. Although not
chain, aliphatic hydrocarbons responsible for fire- yet studied, water repellency conceivably may affect
induced water repellency. The difficulty in determining the long-term ecology and water relations of chaparral
the complex chemical identity of the hydrophobic ecosystems.
substances responsible for fire-induced water repel-
lency probably restricts future studies in this area. Runoff and Erosion
Soil-Water Movement The relationship between erosion and water repel-
lency is understood to some measure. When water
The theoretical principles underlying water move- repellent soils are treated with a wetting agent, runoff
ment in soils containing hydrophobic substances are and erosion are usually reduced significantly because
adequately established. Currently, the largest gap in our infiltration is more rapid; however, only a few cursory
knowledge is the application of these basic theories to a examinations of the wetting patterns of plots treated
large-scale field situation where they can serve to de- with wetting agents have been made. If wetting agent
scribe the hydrology of entire watersheds o r other man- treatments are considered usable, the water transmit-
agement units. Logically, the first step in applying these ting ability of the soil profile in response to treatment
basic principles to a watershed involves characterizing must be better characterized; but, wetting agents
water repellency as a three-dimensional flow process, currently are too expensive and logistically unsuited for
affected by three major features of the water repellent wide scale application.
soil-intensity, thickness, and continuity of the water Runoff and erosion produced by water repellent soils
repellent layer. Any sampling procedure which is de- probably contain large quantities of important plant nu-
vised t o quantify these features must necessarily be trients. After a fire, the ashy soil surface contains a high
simple and not require excessive field sampling. In the concentration of highly soluble nutrients (DeBano and
simplest sampling scheme, the soil profile is merely ex- Conrad 1978). Surface runoff o r downslope movement
posed after a rainstorm, o r an infiltrometer trial is made, of debris undoubtedly carry nutrients, but only a few
and the horizontal and vertical distribution of the water measurements of nutrient loss have been made during
repellent layer is mapped. Alternatively, a rapid sam- past studies (DeBano and Conrad 1976). Neither short-
pling procedure could be developed by utilizing a few nor long-term nutrient losses have been related t o the
known relationships. For example, water repellency is role of water repellency in the ecology of chaparral
restricted to areas where the surface of the soil is cov- stands.
ered with heavy litter o r where the subsoil layers con-
tain decomposing roots. Knowledge of these relation- Research Needs in Southern
ships allows the thickness and intensity of the water California
repellent layer to be characterized easily and quickly at
several locations by the waterdrop penetration time o r Several water repellency problems remain unsolved;
critical surface tension. The thickness and intensity, however, not all of these problems are of equal im-
once obtained, can be combined with plant cover data portance in terms of current management objectives for
to develop a water repellency index for the site. Finally, chaparral areas in southern California. A chief concern
the site index and pertinent hydrologic variables affect- of current research in southern California is fuel
ing runoff, such as slope, cover, drainage, and size, modification and fire as a management tool. Because the
could be related to runoff on small plots or watersheds. regular use of fire is planned, special attention must be
given to fire-related processes, for example, water
repellency, nutrient loss, plant succession, runoff, and
Vegetation Establishment and Growth erosion. The priority issue confronting research is to
characterize water repellency o n a large-scale
The germination and establishment of seedlings are watershed basis in relation t o runoff and erosion. A
affected by water repellent soils. Differences in compe- series of studies which would shift in scope from small
tition between native and introduced species in water plots to larger areas, and finally to watersheds would
repellent soils particularly needs further study. The provide data relevant t o developing and verifying a
seeds of introduced species, mainly grasses, are easily method for assessing water repellency on large areas.
moved downslope and tend to accumulate in small shel- Such research, moreover, could be easily achieved
tered areas throughout the reseeded area. Native annu- within the context of concurrent studies on erosion and
als, although sometimes irregularly distributed, .appar- nutrient loss.
ently are not translocated as easily and are better able to The prescribed burning studies would also provide
seek out the discontinuities in the water repellent layer excellent field testing of the interrelationships between
water repellency, soil texture, soil water, and fire inten- Bond, R. D.
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