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# TTT Version 3

# Brief Game Description

import pygame
import random

# User-defined functions

def main():
# initialize all pygame modules (some need initialization)
# create a pygame display window
pygame.display.set_mode((500, 400))
# set the title of the display window
pygame.display.set_caption('Tic Tac Toe')
# get the display surface
w_surface = pygame.display.get_surface()
# create a game object
game = Game(w_surface)
# start the main game loop by calling the play method on the game object
# quit pygame and clean up the pygame window

# User-defined classes

class Game:
# An object in this class represents a complete game.

def __init__(self, surface):

# Initialize a Game.
# - self is the Game to initialize
# - surface is the display window surface object

# === objects that are part of every game that we will discuss
self.surface = surface
self.bg_color = pygame.Color('black')

self.FPS = 70
self.game_Clock = pygame.time.Clock()
self.close_clicked = False
self.continue_game = True

# === game specific objects

Tile.set_surface(self.surface) # this is how you call a class method
self.filled = [] # it will contain all tiles that are filled out
self.flashers = [] # it will hold the tiles that are going to flash
self.player_1 = 'X'
self.player_2 = 'O'
self.turn = self.player_1
self.board_size = 3
self.board = []
def create_board(self):
a = self.surface.get_width()
b = self.surface.get_height()
width = a//3
height = b//3
for row_index in range(0,self.board_size):
row = []
for col_index in range(0,self.board_size):
#item = (row_index,col_index)
# game = Game(), dot1 = Dot(), student = Student()
x = width * col_index
y = height * row_index
a_tile =Tile(x,y,width,height)

def play(self):
# Play the game until the player presses the close box.
# - self is the Game that should be continued or not.

while not self.close_clicked: # until player clicks close box

# play frame
if self.continue_game:
self.game_Clock.tick(self.FPS) # run at most with FPS Frames Per

def handle_events(self):
# Handle each user event by changing the game state appropriately.
# - self is the Game whose events will be handled

events = pygame.event.get()
for event in events:
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
self.close_clicked = True
if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP and self.continue_game==True:
self.handle_mouse_up(event.pos) # event.pos is (x,y) coordinates
of the click
def handle_mouse_up(self,position):
# position is bound to whatever event.pos is bound to
for row in self.board:
for tile in row:
if tile.select(position,self.turn)==True: # select returns True
or False
def change_turn(self):
if self.turn == self.player_1 : # Was it the X player's turn
self.turn = self.player_2 # Change turn to O plater
self.turn = self.player_1

def draw(self):
# Draw all game objects.
# - self is the Game to draw

self.surface.fill(self.bg_color) # clear the display surface first

# BEFORE WE DRAW we turn on the flashing attribute of the winners
if self.continue_game == False:
#for tile in self.flashers:
# tile.flashing = True # bad programming practice
# astudent.student_id = 78965
tile.set_flashing() # have a method that will change the value of
instance attribute

# drawing of the board

for row in self.board:
for tile in row:
pygame.display.update() # make the updated surface appear on the

def update(self):
# Update the game objects for the next frame.
# - self is the Game to update

def is_same(self,alist):
# - alist is the list of tiles [tile0,tile1,tile2]
# checks the values in the list
# return True is values are equal
# False otherwise
first = alist[0]
same = True
index = 1
while index < len(alist) and same == True:
same = first.is_equal(alist[index]) # 3 == 3, 1===2,
index = index + 1
if same == True:
self.flashers = alist
return same

def is_diagonal_win(self):
diagonal_win = False
diagonal1 = []
diagonal2 = []
for index in range(0,self.board_size):
item = self.board[index][index]
item = self.board[index][self.board_size-index-1] #
if self.is_same(diagonal1) == True or self.is_same(diagonal2) == True:
diagonal_win = True
return diagonal_win

def is_column_win(self):
column_win = False
for col_index in range(0,self.board_size):
column = []
for row_index in range(0,self.board_size):
item = self.board[row_index][col_index]
#print(column) # replace
if self.is_same(column) == True:
column_win = True
return column_win

def is_row_win(self):
# return True or False
row_win = False
for row in self.board:
# row is a list of 3 tiles
if self.is_same(row) == True:
row_win = True
return row_win

def is_win(self):
if self.is_row_win() or self.is_column_win() or self.is_diagonal_win():
return True
return False

def is_tie(self):
tie = False
if len(self.filled) == self.board_size**2:
tie = True
self.flashers = self.filled
return tie

def decide_continue(self):
# Check and remember if the game should continue
# - self is the Game to check

if self.is_win() or self.is_tie():
self.continue_game = False

class Tile:
# An object in this class represents a Tile
# Shared or Class Attributes
surface = None
font_size = 133
fg_color = pygame.Color('white')
border_width = 3
# Whenever we want to initialize or set the value if a class attribute
# we use a class method for it
def set_surface(cls,surface_from_Game):
cls.surface = surface_from_Game
def __init__(self, x,y,width,height):
# Initialize a Tile.
# - self is the Tile to initialize
# - x,y top left coordinates of the rectangle
# - - width, height are the dimensions of the rectangle
# Instance Attributes or Object Attributes
self.rect = pygame.Rect(x,y,width,height)
self.content = ''
self.flashing = False
def is_equal(self, other_tile):
# other_tile is referring to alist[index]
if self.content !='' and self.content == other_tile.content:
return True
return False
def set_flashing(self):
self.flashing = True
def draw(self):
# Draw the dot on the surface
# - self is the Tile
if self.flashing == True:
# draw the white rectangle
pygame.draw.rect(Tile.surface, Tile.fg_color, self.rect,0)
self.flashing = False
# draw the black rectangle with the white border and draw content
pygame.draw.rect(Tile.surface, Tile.fg_color,
def select(self,position,turn):
# position is a tuple (x,y) coordinates of the click
# turn is either X or O
# returns True or False
valid_click = False
if self.rect.collidepoint(position): # click
if self.content == '': # click inside an unoccupied tile?
self.content = turn
valid_click = True
self.flashing = True
return valid_click

def draw_content(self):
# 5 steps to draw text on the graphical window
# 1. color- Tile.fg_color
# 2. create a font object
font = pygame.font.SysFont('',Tile.font_size)
# 3. Create a text box
text_box = font.render(self.content, True, Tile.fg_color)
text_box_width = text_box.get_width()
text_box_height = text_box.get_height()
# 4. Compute the location
d_x = (self.rect.width - text_box_width) //2
d_y = (self.rect.height - text_box_height)//2
x = self.rect.x + d_x
y = self.rect.y + d_y
location = (x,y)
#5 pin/blit the text_box on the surface


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