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Keep your heart rate up working as hard as you can during the "work" phase of the interval. Complete as many repetitions as possible during that time.

▶ Running in Place 2 min

Rest for 15 sec

▶ Body Weight Squat 45 sec

Rest for 15 sec

▶ V Up 45 sec

Rest for 15 sec

▶ Sit Up 30 sec

Rest for 15 sec

▶ Bicycle Crunch 30 sec

Rest for 15 sec

▶ Plank To Push Up 45 sec

Rest for 15 sec

▶ Cross Body Mountain Climber 30 sec

Rest for 15 sec

▶ Glute Bridge 30 sec

Rest for 15 sec

▶ Jumping Jack 30 sec

Rest for 15 sec

▶ Wall Sit 45 sec

Rest for 15 sec

▶ Piked Push Up 45 sec

Walk/Walk in Place 5 min

Running in Place
1. Try to be light on your feet.

▶ 2. Maintain proper posture as you run on the spot.

3. Pull your knee up until your toes are pointing to the floor then back to the ground.
4. As one foot touches the ground, start pulling up the other knee until your toes are pointing to the floor then
back to the ground.

5. While doing this, make sure your arms are also moving.

6. Do this as quickly as you can.

Body Weight Squat

1) When performing the squat, let your body weight shift back into your heels as you sit your hips back.

▶ 2) Keep your knees as far back behind your toes as possible.

3) Keep your chest up and back held in neutral position or with a slight arch.

4) Prevent yourself collapsing forward as you perform a squat.

5) Make sure your toes, knees, and hips are all in line as you squat back.

V Up
1.Lie on your back with your legs straight and your arms stretched out overhead.

▶ 2.Raise your legs straight up while also lifting your upper body off the floor and reach your hands toward your
feet, keeping both your arms and legs straight.

3.Slowly lower your upper body and legs back to the floor, returning to starting position.


Sit Up
1) Lie on your back on the floor with your feet shoulder width apart.

▶ 2) Begin by lifting your upper body up until you are sitting up straight with your arms either at your sides,
crossed in front of you, or behind your head.

3) Lower your body back to the floor.

4) Make sure that you do not use your arms to swing your body up and make sure that your feet always
remain touching the ground.

Bicycle Crunch
1) For the bicycle crunch, sit on your pelvis or your sit bones with your feet off the ground and upper body tall.

▶ 2) Bring opposite elbow to the opposite knee.

3) Twist between your pelvis and your rib cage.

Plank To Push Up
1.Lie face down on a mat with your legs straight and arms tucked in by your sides with elbows bent.

▶ 2.Raise your body up into the top of a push up position, resting on your hand and toes and hold briefly. Keep
your back flat and head looking down at the floor.

3.Return to starting position.

4.Repeat required reps.

Cross Body Mountain Climber

1) For this exercise, ensure that your abdominals are on and tight.

▶ 2) Bring your knee from one side of your body towards the opposite elbow.

3) Move your feet as quickly as you can.

Glute Bridge
1) For this exercise, lie on your back.

▶ 2) Squeeze your glutes to lift your hips. Keep your tummy tight throughout.

Jumping Jack

1) Keep your arms extended.

▶ 2) Jump from your legs.

Wall Sit
1) When performing this exercise, ensure your knees don’t move forward past your toes.

▶ 2) Try to keep your knees at 90 degrees and hold.

Piked Push Up
1. Get into push up position, palms flat on the floor and slightly more than shoulder-width apart, your feet should
be together and your legs straight.

2. Walk your feet towards your hand, lifting your butt into the air.

3. Press up through your shoulders, hold then return to starting position.

4. Repeat.

Walk/Walk in Place

Aim to complete the repetition ranges as provided. Most importantly is to hit fatigue, rather than the numbers of repetitions provided. If you are easily
obtaining the repetitions for an exercise, slow down each repetition significantly and hold briefly at either end of the range of motion.

If you don't have a pull-up bar or bench to step onto, skip those exercises.

▶ Running in Place 5 min

Superset of 3 sets

▶ Prisoner Squat 15-20x

▶ Body Weight Reverse Lunge 10-12x/side

Repeat new set

▶ Push Up 4 sets x 10-20x

▶ Single Leg Drop 4 sets x 8-10x/side

3 sets x AMRAP
Diamond Push Up
Rest 45 sec between sets

Walk/Walk in Place 5 Min

Running in Place
1. Try to be light on your feet.

▶ 2. Maintain proper posture as you run on the spot.

3. Pull your knee up until your toes are pointing to the floor then back to the ground.

4. As one foot touches the ground, start pulling up the other knee until your toes are pointing to the floor then
back to the ground.

5. While doing this, make sure your arms are also moving.

6. Do this as quickly as you can.

Prisoner Squat
1) When performing this exercise, sit your hips back and keep your back set by keeping your chest up in a
neutral or slightly arched position.

2) Interlace your fingers behind your head.

Body Weight Reverse Lunge

1) As you step back, plant your foot and put your body weight over top of your back knee.

▶ 2) Keep your body position tall. All lower body segments in 90 degrees.

3) Return to start position.

4) Repeat.

Push Up
1. Lie with your chest facing down, palms flat on the floor and slightly more than shoulder-width apart, your feet
should be together and your legs straight.

2. Push your body upwards and straighten your

arms. 3.Lower your body returning to starting



Single Leg Drop

1) For this exercise, it’s important to keep your lower back push into the mat.

▶ 2) Maintain that pressure with your lumbar spine into the mat as your leg drops out farther away from your body.

Diamond Push Up
1. Support your body on your toes and hands. Feet together and hands in diamond shaped placed under
your chest.

2. Push up to a straight arm position, keeping your back flat and the diamond position of your hands.

3. Lower your body returning to starting

position. 4.Repeat.

Walk/Walk in Place

Strength Endurance
Minimize the amount of rest time between exercises until the entire circuit is done. Aim to keep moving throughout the circui t.

Perform as a circuit workout of 3 rounds

▶ Body Weight Squat 3 rounds x 15-20x

▶ Glute Bridge 3 rounds x 12-15x

▶ Bird Dog 3 rounds x 10-12x/side

▶ Knee Up Crunch 3 rounds x 12-20x

▶ Kneeling Push Up 3 rounds x 10-30

Rest for 90 sec

Body Weight Squat

1) When performing the squat, let your body weight shift back into your heels as you sit your hips back.

▶ 2) Keep your knees as far back behind your toes as possible.

3) Keep your chest up and back held in neutral position or with a slight arch.

4) Prevent yourself collapsing forward as you perform a squat.

5) Make sure your toes, knees, and hips are all in line as you squat back.

Glute Bridge
1) For this exercise, lie on your back.

▶ 2) Squeeze your glutes to lift your hips. Keep your tummy tight throughout.

Bird Dog
1) When lifting your leg in this exercise, try to isolate the movement from your hip or your glute so squeeze your

2) Get into a 4-point position.

3) Hands underneath your shoulders. Knees underneath hips.

4) From here, make sure you squeeze your abdominals and make sure they are tight. Prevent any lower back

5) Lift the opposing arm and hand, slowly move as you lift.

Knee Up Crunch
1) Lie on your back with your knees up at a 90-degree angle. Hands behind your head, light fingertip pressure

2) Exhale and contract your abs, as you slowly lift your shoulder blades off the floor.

3) Press your low back into the floor and think about pulling your belly button to your spine. Pause at the top of
the movement.

4) Inhale and slowly control your body back to the start position.

5) Perform this exercise very slowly to avoid using momentum to help. Your body should remain perfectly still
during the movement.
Kneeling Push Up
1. Support your body on your knees and hands with your elbows bent, legs crossed, feet raised and your
chest nearly touching the floor.

2. Push up to a straight arm position.

3. Lower your body returning to starting position.

4. Repeat.

No Anchor Full Body

▶ Running in Place 5-10 Minutes

3 sets x 10
▶ Resistance Band Military Press Rest 60 sec between sets
3 sets x 10
▶ Resistance Band Upright Row Rest 60 sec between sets
3 sets x 10
▶ Band Resistance Lateral Raise Rest 60 sec between sets
3 sets x 10
▶ Resistance Band Bicep Curl Rest 60 sec between sets
3 sets x 10
▶ Resistance Band Seated Row Rest 60 sec between sets
3 sets x 10
▶ Band Resistance Squat Rest 60 sec between sets
▶ Running in Place 5-10 Minutes

Running in Place
1. Try to be light on your feet.

▶ 2. Maintain proper posture as you run on the spot.

3. Pull your knee up until your toes are pointing to the floor then back to the ground.

4. As one foot touches the ground, start pulling up the other knee until your toes are pointing to the floor then
back to the ground.

5. While doing this, make sure your arms are also moving.

6. Do this as quickly as you can.

Resistance Band Military Press

1) Stand with both feet on the center of the band, hip-width apart.

▶ 2) Bring handles of the band above shoulders so that elbows are bent 90 degrees.

3) Press arms straight up, keeping shoulders down. Slowly lower back above shoulders.

4) Repeat.

Resistance Band Upright Row

1) Stand upright with your feet shoulder width apart and the center of an elastic band under your feet.

▶ 2) Grasp the handlebars so that your palms are facing inward and touching your upper legs with your arms fully
extended, elbows slightly bent. This is your starting position.

3) Keeping the handlebars close to your body, exhale as you raise them straight up until they are just under your

4) Hold for a moment and then inhale as you reverse the motion back to the starting position.

5) Repeat

Band Resistance Lateral Raise

1) To begin, stand on an exercise band so that tension begins at arm's length.

▶ 2) Grasp the handles using a pronated (palms facing your thighs) grip that is slightly less than shoulder width.
The handles should be resting on the sides of your thighs. Your arms should be extended with a slight bend at
the elbows and your back should be straight. This will be your starting position.
3) Use your side shoulders to lift the handles to the sides as you exhale Continue to lift the handles until the
are slightly above parallel. Tip: As you lift the handles, slightly tilt the hand as if you were pouring water and
keep your arms extended.

4) Also, keep your torso stationary and pause for a second at the top of the movement.

5) Lower the handles back down slowly to the starting position. Inhale as you perform this portion of the

6) Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

Resistance Band Bicep Curl

1) Stand with both feet on resistance band holding handles long next to your sides

▶ 2) Slowly curl hands up to shoulders, squeezing biceps and keeping elbows next to your sides.

3) Slowly release arms back down to starting position.

4) Repeat.

Resistance Band Seated Row

1) While seated on the floor with legs straight out in front of you, hold the handles.

▶ 2) Place the center of the band around feet.

3) Sit tall with abs tight and hold handles in front of you with elbows bent next to your side.

4) Pull the handles back until they are next to your side and elbows are behind you.

5) Slowly release.

Band Resistance Squat

1) To start out, make sure that the exercise band is at an even split between both the left and right side of the

2) To do this, use your hands to grab both sides of the band and place both feet in the middle of the band.

3) Your feet should be shoulder width apart from each other. When holding the bands, they should be the same
height on each side.

4) You should be using a pronated grip (palms facing forward) and have the handles of the bands next to your
face for this exercise. This is the starting position.

5) Slowly start to bend the knees and lower the legs so that your thighs are parallel to the floor while exhaling.

6) Use the heel of your feet to push your body up to the starting position as you exhale.

7) Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

Lower Body Band Day

▶ Running in Place 5-10 Minutes

4 sets x 10
▶ Band Resistance Squat Rest 60 sec between sets
4 sets x 10
▶ Resistance Band Deadlift Rest 60 sec between sets

4 sets x 10
Resistance Band Single Leg Lying Press
Rest 60 sec between sets

4 sets x 10
Band Calf Raise
Rest 60 sec between sets
▶ Running in Place 5-10 minutes

Running in Place
1. Try to be light on your feet.

▶ 2. Maintain proper posture as you run on the spot.

3. Pull your knee up until your toes are pointing to the floor then back to the ground.
4. As one foot touches the ground, start pulling up the other knee until your toes are pointing to the floor
then back to the ground.

5. While doing this, make sure your arms are also moving.

6. Do this as quickly as you can.

Band Resistance Squat

1) To start out, make sure that the exercise band is at an even split between both the left and right side of the

2) To do this, use your hands to grab both sides of the band and place both feet in the middle of the band.

3) Your feet should be shoulder width apart from each other. When holding the bands, they should be the
same height on each side.

4) You should be using a pronated grip (palms facing forward) and have the handles of the bands next to
your face for this exercise. This is the starting position.

5) Slowly start to bend the knees and lower the legs so that your thighs are parallel to the floor while exhaling.

6) Use the heel of your feet to push your body up to the starting position as you exhale.

7) Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

Resistance Band Deadlift

1) Holding the handles of the resistance band, step on to the middle.

▶ 2) Place your feet at shoulder-width with toes pointing forward.

3) Bend your knees slightly and drive your hips back but not lower than your knees. Keep the chest up.

4) Contract your glutes, driving them forward. Do not just lean back.

5) Repeat.

Resistance Band Single Leg Lying Press

1) Lay on the floor with your feet flat and knees bent. Raise one leg off of the ground. Place the resistance
band on your foot and the grab the other hand with your hand. This will be your starting position.

2) Execute the movement by driving through the heel, extending your hip upward and raising your glutes off of
the ground.
3) Extend as far as possible.

4) Pause and then return to the starting position.

Band Calf Raise

1) Grab an exercise band and stand on it with your toes making sure that the length of the band between
the foot and the arms is the same for both sides.

2) While holding the handles of the band, raise the arms to the side of your head as if you were getting ready to
perform a shoulder press.

3) The palms should be facing forward with the elbows bent and to the sides.

4) This movement will create tension on the band. This will be your starting position.

5) Keeping the hands by your shoulder, stand up on your toes as you exhale and contract the calves hard at
the top of the movement.

6) After a one second contraction, slowly go back down to the starting position.

Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.

Upper Body Band Program.

▶ Running in Place 5-10 minutes

Superset of 4 sets
▶ Resistance Band Military Press 10

▶ Resistance Band Seated Row 10

Rest for 60 sec

Repeat new set

3 sets x 10
▶ Resistance Band Upright Row Rest 60 sec between sets

Superset of 4 sets

▶ Resistance Band Kneeling Tricep Extension 10

▶ Resistance Band Bicep Curl 10

Rest for 60 sec

Repeat new set

3 sets x 10
▶ Band Resistance Lateral Raise Rest 60 sec between sets
▶ Running in Place 5-10 minutes

Running in Place
1. Try to be light on your feet.

▶ 2. Maintain proper posture as you run on the spot.

3. Pull your knee up until your toes are pointing to the floor then back to the ground.

4. As one foot touches the ground, start pulling up the other knee until your toes are pointing to the floor
then back to the ground.

5. While doing this, make sure your arms are also moving.

6. Do this as quickly as you can.

Resistance Band Military Press

1) Stand with both feet on the center of the band, hip-width apart.

▶ 2) Bring handles of the band above shoulders so that elbows are bent 90 degrees.

3) Press arms straight up, keeping shoulders down. Slowly lower back above shoulders.

4) Repeat.

Resistance Band Seated Row

1) While seated on the floor with legs straight out in front of you, hold the handles.
▶ 2) Place the center of the band around feet.

3) Sit tall with abs tight and hold handles in front of you with elbows bent next to your side.

4) Pull the handles back until they are next to your side and elbows are behind you.

5) Slowly release.

Resistance Band Upright Row

1) Stand upright with your feet shoulder width apart and the center of an elastic band under your feet.

▶ 2) Grasp the handlebars so that your palms are facing inward and touching your upper legs with your arms
fully extended, elbows slightly bent. This is your starting position.

3) Keeping the handlebars close to your body, exhale as you raise them straight up until they are just under
your chin.
4) Hold for a moment and then inhale as you reverse the motion back to the starting position.

5) Repeat

Resistance Band Kneeling Tricep Extension

1) In a kneeling position, place the bands near your calves.

▶ 2) Grab the handlebars with both hands. Your elbows should be bent.

3) Contract your triceps and hold this position for a second.

4) Repeat for the number of reps in your set.

Resistance Band Bicep Curl

1) Stand with both feet on resistance band holding handles long next to your sides

▶ 2) Slowly curl hands up to shoulders, squeezing biceps and keeping elbows next to your sides.

3) Slowly release arms back down to starting position.

4) Repeat.

Band Resistance Lateral Raise

1) To begin, stand on an exercise band so that tension begins at arm's length.

▶ 2) Grasp the handles using a pronated (palms facing your thighs) grip that is slightly less than shoulder width.
The handles should be resting on the sides of your thighs. Your arms should be extended with a slight bend at
the elbows and your back should be straight. This will be your starting position.

3) Use your side shoulders to lift the handles to the sides as you exhale. Continue to lift the handles until
they are slightly above parallel. Tip: As you lift the handles, slightly tilt the hand as if you were pouring water
and keep your arms extended.

4) Also, keep your torso stationary and pause for a second at the top of themovement.

5) Lower the handles back down slowly to the starting position. Inhale as you perform this portion of
the movement.

6) Repeat for the recommended amount of repetitions.


D.B. Full Body Day.

▶ Running in Place 5-10 minutes

3 sets x 10
▶ Dumbbell Standing Shoulder Press Rest 60 sec between sets
3 sets x 10
▶ Dumbbell Floor Press Rest 60 sec between sets
3 sets x 10
▶ Dumbbell Upright Row Rest 60 sec between sets
3 sets x 10
▶ Dumbbell Standing Row Rest 60 sec between sets
3 sets x 10
▶ Dumbbell Squat and Curl Rest 60 sec between sets
3 sets x 10
▶ Dumbbell Calf Raise Rest 60 sec between sets
▶ Running in Place 5-10 minutes

Running in Place
1. Try to be light on your feet.

▶ 2. Maintain proper posture as you run on the spot.

3. Pull your knee up until your toes are pointing to the floor then back to the ground.

4. As one foot touches the ground, start pulling up the other knee until your toes are pointing to the floor then
back to the ground.

5. While doing this, make sure your arms are also moving.

6. Do this as quickly as you can.

Dumbbell Standing Shoulder Press

1.Stand upright holding dumbbells at shoulder height, fists outwards.

▶ 2.Press the dumbbells overhead, extending your arms fully. Make sure to keep your back flat and remain upright


Dumbbell Floor Press

1.Lie on the floor holding dumbbells at shoulder level with your elbows bent and your palms facing forward.

▶ 2.Press the dumbbells straight up over your chest, arms straight, keeping your palms facing forward.
3.Lower the dumbbells back to shoulder level, returning to starting position.


Dumbbell Upright Row

1.Stand and hold dumbbells in front of your body with arms hanging and thumbs facing inwards.

▶ 2.Pull dumbbells straight up till just below your chin and your elbows out.
3.Pause at the top.

4.Return to starting position.

Dumbbell Standing Row

1) When performing this exercise, maintain a safe back by arching or keeping a neutral spine throughout the

2) The position will similar to that of the deadlift.

3) Grab the dumbbell and pull it to your stomach, retracting your shoulder blade and flexing the elbow.

4) Lower and Repeat.

Dumbbell Squat and Curl

1) With this exercise, you’ll simultaneously perform a bicep curl with a squat.

▶ 2) When you’re doing your squat, maintain a slightly arched back.

3) Make sure you set your weight back into your heels. Keep your knees behind your toes.

Dumbbell Calf Raise

1) When performing a calf raise, ensure that your knees are straight and try to get the full range of motion
through your ankle.

2) Start by grasping a dumbbell in your left hand and standing on the edge of an elevated platform. Let both
your heel drop as far as possible.

3) Keeping your body straight, raise both heels up as far as possible.

4) Pause and squeeze the calf muscle, and then slowly lower your heel back down as far as possible.

5) Repeat for desired reps.

D.B. Lower Body

▶ Running in Place 5-10 minutes

4 sets x 10
Dumbbell Forward Lunge
Rest 60 sec between sets

4 sets x 10
Dumbbell Front Squat
Rest 60 sec between sets
4 sets x 10
▶ Dumbbell Calf Raise Rest 60 sec between sets
▶ Running in Place 5-10 minutes

Running in Place
1. Try to be light on your feet.

▶ 2. Maintain proper posture as you run on the spot.

3. Pull your knee up until your toes are pointing to the floor then back to the ground.

4. As one foot touches the ground, start pulling up the other knee until your toes are pointing to the floor
then back to the ground.

5. While doing this, make sure your arms are also moving.

6. Do this as quickly as you can.

Dumbbell Forward Lunge

1.Stand upright with dumbbells in each hand down your sides.

▶ 2.Lunge forward with your left leg, landing on your heel first. Lower your body by bending at your knee and
left hip, while lowering the right knee until it almost touches the floor.

3. Return to the starting position by pushing on the left leg.

4. Repeat with right leg and alternate between your left and right legs.

Dumbbell Front Squat

1) When performing the squat, ensure that your knee, feet and hips are all in line.
▶ 2) As you sit back, allow your hip to shift back into your heels as your hips drop back and knees stay back
behind your toes.

Dumbbell Calf Raise

1) When performing a calf raise, ensure that your knees are straight and try to get the full range of
motion through your ankle.

2) Start by grasping a dumbbell in your left hand and standing on the edge of an elevated platform. Let both
your heel drop as far as possible.

3) Keeping your body straight, raise both heels up as far as possible.

4) Pause and squeeze the calf muscle, and then slowly lower your heel back down as far as possible.

5) Repeat for desired reps.

D.B. Upper Body

▶ Running in Place 5-10 minutes

3 sets x 10
▶ Dumbbell Standing Shoulder Press Rest 60 sec between sets
3 sets x 10
▶ Dumbbell Standing Row Rest 60 sec between sets
3 sets x 10
▶ Dumbbell Lateral Raise Rest 60 sec between sets
3 sets x 10
▶ Dumbbell Front Raise Rest 60 sec between sets
3 sets x 10
▶ Dumbbell Bicep Curl Rest 60 sec between sets
▶ Running in Place 5-10 Minutes

Running in Place
1. Try to be light on your feet.

▶ 2. Maintain proper posture as you run on the spot.

3. Pull your knee up until your toes are pointing to the floor then back to the ground.

4. As one foot touches the ground, start pulling up the other knee until your toes are pointing to the floor then
back to the ground.

5. While doing this, make sure your arms are also moving.

6. Do this as quickly as you can.

Dumbbell Standing Shoulder Press

1.Stand upright holding dumbbells at shoulder height, fists outwards.

▶ 2.Press the dumbbells overhead, extending your arms fully. Make sure to keep your back flat and remain upright


Dumbbell Standing Row

1) When performing this exercise, maintain a safe back by arching or keeping a neutral spine throughout the

2) The position will similar to that of the deadlift.

3) Grab the dumbbell and pull it to your stomach, retracting your shoulder blade and flexing the elbow.

4) Lower and Repeat.

Dumbbell Lateral Raise

1) Stand and bend forward slightly with your knees bent too.

▶ 2) With dumbbells in both hands and elbows bent, raise upper arms to sides until elbows are at shoulder height.

3) Pause, lower and repeat.

Dumbbell Front Raise

1) Stand with a dumbbell in each hand, with feet shoulder width apart.

▶ 2) Lift the weight in one hand in front of you in a wide arc until it is slightly higher than shoulder height. Pause,
and then lower the weight while simultaneously lifting the weight in your other hand, so that both arms are in motion
at the same time.

3) Keep your elbows slightly bent at all times.

Dumbbell Bicep Curl

1) Stand up straight with arms hanging and dumbbells in both hands, palms facing in.

▶ 2) Curl dumbbells for both arms at once, twisting your wrists on the way up and keeping your elbows still.

3) Slowly lower repeat.

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