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‫أكاديمية البحث العلمي والتكنولوجيا‬

2 ‫نداء علماء مصر‬

‫برنامج الزراعة والغذاء‬

Call no. 2/2019/ASRT-Agriculture

Application Form
Title of the initiative
Funding Scheme/
Name of Applicant:
Affiliation of the
Name and contact
information of Industrial
partner/End user
Industry/Private Sector Total:
Requested Budget (LE): ASRT Share:
Duration of the project:
Manufacturing of Process
Type of the project: Semi-industrial Production/ Experimental field
Functional development/ Scaling
(Please check one only) Commercialization □ □
prototype □ Up □

Principal Investigator Host Institution

Name: Name:

Signature: Title:

Date: Signature:


Date of Submission

Part A-1: Short CV of the applicant
(One page maximum)

1. Basic Information
Full Name in Arabic: Full name in English: (As you write it in Int. publications,
underline family name):
Date of Birth:
National ID
Last University Degree: Faculty, University, Country: Graduation Date:
Title: Field of specialization:
Current Position:
Contact Information:

Mobile Phone: Fax: E-mail:

2. Scientific Achievements
h index Citations Total no. of Int. publications in Scopus
Last three recent relevant publications
Authors (underline your name), year, title, Journal, vol. and pages

Granted Patent(s): Submitted patent(s):
Title of the patent: Title of the patent:

No. of the patent: No. of the patent:

If applicable, state other tangible scientific and technological achievements such scientific prizes , research grants, presence of a
prototype, documented successful applications, …etc.
 Received Elsevier Reviewer Recognition Award for Journal of Journal of Plant Physiology
in October 2016.
 Awarded Certificate of the best reviewer by Journal of Plant Physiology (I.F. 2.83,
SCOPUS, H Index 101), Elsevier BV published, in September 2017, that awarded to the top
10 reviewers in the journal, based on the number of research completed in the last two years.

Please list if you have any proposals funded by ASRT showing the current status of:
PI of the project entitled "The national campaign for expansion in the cultivation of bottle gourd as
fruit and seed crop" according to Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Egypt, Project
ID 1106 from 11 January 2017 to 10 January 2019 and extended to 10/6/2019.

‫‪Part A-2: Short CV of the research team‬‬
‫‪Attach CVs (one page maximum) per member as in previous form of PI‬‬

‫‪No‬‬ ‫‪Contact‬‬ ‫‪NID‬‬ ‫‪h-index‬‬

‫‪Field of‬‬ ‫‪Role in the‬‬
‫‪Name & Signature‬‬ ‫‪Affiliation‬‬ ‫‪Position‬‬ ‫‪Information‬‬ ‫الرقم‬ ‫)‪(Scopus‬‬
‫‪specialization‬‬ ‫‪project‬‬
‫)‪(Tel., Email‬‬ ‫القومي‬

‫ضوابط صرف املكافآت‬

‫يتم إيق ‪--‬اف ص ‪--‬رف املكاف ‪--‬آت الش ‪--‬هرية إذا ت ‪--‬أخر تق ‪--‬ديم التق ‪--‬ارير املالي ‪--‬ة والفني ‪--‬ة أك ‪--‬ثر من ش ‪--‬هر عن املوع ‪--‬د املح ‪--‬دد‪-‬‬ ‫‪.1‬‬
‫يتم صرف املكافآت الشهرية بعد اجازة التقرير الفني واملالي من لجان املتابعة باألكاديمية‬ ‫‪.2‬‬
‫يتم ايقاف تمويل املشروع إذا حدث انتهاك للملكية الفكرية واألدبية أو انتحال علمي أو تجاوز أخالقي‬ ‫‪.3‬‬
‫يجب أال تزيد املكافأة الشهرية (الحد األقصى) بأي حال من األحوال عن ‪ 4‬آالف جني‪-‬ه للعض‪-‬و من الفري‪-‬ق املع‪-‬اون‬ ‫‪.4‬‬
‫و‪ 6‬آالف جني‪--‬ه للب‪--‬احث (املدرس) و‪ 7‬آالف جني‪--‬ه لألس‪--‬تاذ املس‪--‬اعد و‪ 8‬آالف جني‪--‬ه لألس‪--‬تاذ وطبق‪--‬ا لس‪--‬اعات العم‪--‬ل‬
‫املقررة للمشروع‪ ،‬هذا بالنسبة للمعنيين بالدولة‪ ،‬وفي حالة االستعانة بخبرات‪ -‬من غير املعينين بالدول‪--‬ة مث‪--‬ل طالب‬
‫دراسات عليا أو إداريين أو مهندسين أو متخصصي تسويق أو مستشارين أو غيره من التخصصات الالزمة لتنفيذ‬
‫املش‪-‬روع على الوج‪-‬ه األكم‪--‬ل يمكن زي‪-‬ادة املكاف‪--‬آت املوض‪-‬حة أعاله طبق‪-‬ا للخ‪-‬برات وع‪-‬دد س‪-‬اعات أو أي‪-‬ام العم‪-‬ل‪ ،‬وفي‬
‫كال األحوال ال بد من الحصول على موافقة مسبقة من األكاديمية‬
‫في حال‪--‬ة مش‪--‬اركة عض‪--‬و في مش‪--‬روع اخ‪--‬ر ج‪--‬اري من الدول‪--‬ة (بغض النظ‪--‬ر عن الجه‪--‬ة املمول‪--‬ة للمش‪--‬روع) تق‪--‬ل املكاف‪--‬أة‬ ‫‪.5‬‬
‫بنسبة ‪ %25‬للمكافأة من املش‪-‬روع الث‪-‬اني و‪ %50‬للمش‪-‬روع الث‪-‬الث وال يقب‪-‬ل ب‪-‬أي ح‪-‬ال من األح‪-‬وال املش‪-‬اركة في أك‪-‬ثر‬
‫من ثالث مشروعات‬
‫نس ‪--‬بة بن ‪--‬د املكاف ‪--‬آت من اجم ‪--‬الي التموي ‪--‬ل ال تزي ‪--‬د عن ‪ %25‬وفي بعض الح ‪--‬االت ال تزي ‪--‬د عن ‪ %10 - --5‬حس ‪--‬ب حجم‬ ‫‪.6‬‬
‫التمويل وفي كل األحوال يجب‪ -‬الرجوع إلى الضوابط املختلفة لكل برنامج وإدارة األكاديمية‬

‫‪Principal Investigator‬‬


Part B: R&D Proposal

The proposal should provide a clear and concise definition of the R&D proposal, innovation or invention, description of the
target product, which will be developed through this fund and its advantages in comparison with other existing
technologies in the same field. Economic feasibility and potential market of the product supported with verified statistics
(with citation) must be presented. The proposal should not exceed 10 pages (including all parts of the proposal, i.e. part A,
B, C and D) and can be written either in English or Arabic. The proposal must include the following:

B.1. English Summary: it should describe the proposed research (R&D activities), objectives, methodology, expected
outcomes and economic potentials impact (one page only).

B.2. Arabic Summary: is an understandable translation of the English summary.

B.3. Product Description: Describe the product you are going to produce or develop through this fund, its economic
impact and explain how the proposed product(s) you are going to develop will help in solving the problem(s) and
competes with other existing products and technologies.

B.4. State-of-the-Art: Describe the state-of-the-art in the product subject area. Also, describe any previous
achievements  or pilot studies which have been conducted by you (your team)  within the project subject area.

B.5. Objectives: Briefly and concisely state your project’s main and specific objectives.

B.6. Outcomes and Impact: List your expected project’s outputs (typically tangible products, such as know-how (patent),
functional prototype, feasibility study, spinoffs, process development, semi-industrial production(s), ..etc.

B.7. Approach and Methodology: Briefly describes how your project will be implemented, including your general
scientific approach, activities, methods, and project inputs. Specify the methods only to the extent needed to give a general
idea of the tasks to be conducted and the findings it will yield.

B.8. Key References: List outstanding, recent and relevant literature cited in the proposal and source of given statistics

Part C: Gantt chart and Logical Framework Matrix (LFM)

Task Task Title Expected measurable

No. Start Date outcomes of successful

End Date

implementation of the task

The Gantt chart is a graphical representation of a project’s schedule which illustrates the work breakdown structure. To develop the Gantt chart,
start by specifying the main tasks/ activities making up the project. Then break down each main task/ activity to its sub tasks/ sub activities. The
time required for each task/activity and sub tasks/sub activities is represented as a horizontal bar on the chart. Those horizontal bars of varying
lengths represent the sequences, timing, and time span for each task/ sub task. A column titled: expected outcomes as a result of successful
implementation of each task was added to Gantt chart, accordingly this table is a merge between Gant chart and LFM.

Principal Investigator

Part D: Budget Distribution
(The budget should be justified in details in another table according to tasks and outputs should be achieved)

Item Cost in LE
ASRT share Others
Incentives, consultants and labor (maximum 25%)
Scientific Equipment
Supplies, materials, analysis and consumables
Local and Int. Travel (maximum 15%)
Workshop, publications, reports, promotion materials &
marketing (5% maximum)
Maintenance and spare parts (5% maximum)
Overhead (5% maximum)

IPR: all issues related to IPR, royalty and revenue/profit must be discussed case by case and accepted by all parties in the
light of governing rules and laws (law no. 82/2002).

Principal Investigator Approved By:

Name: Name:
Title: Title:
Signature: Signature:
Date: Date:

Part E: Expected impact and outcomes
(One page maximum)

Technological Development/Know How
Technology Transfer & Localization
Deepening Local Manufacturing
(Name locally manufactured parts/spares)
Marketing/ Application (Give names & places)
Spinoff/Start-ups resulted from the project
Revenue (LE)
Return of Investment (ROI)
Societal Impact
Capacity building
No. of participating M.Sc. & PhD students:
No. of awarded degrees:
Purchasing or upgrading equipment:
Int. cooperation:
Fund raising :


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