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1. Why did the council use the term “Gaudium et Spes” (Joy and Hope)?

Did the title of the

document have something to do with the context of the time? How?
In my opinion, the council used the term because they wish to spread joy and hope through the
world by showing an authentic meaning of life that can only be found in God. I think it did have
something to do with the context of the time because, at that time, there was unrest in the world
and so the 2nd Vatican Council wanted to replace the unrest with joy and hope.

2. Did members of other religious faiths take part in the council?

No they did not

3. What is the meaning of the term “aggiornamento” in the context of the 2 nd Vatican Council?
Openness to change (according to Pope/Saint John XXIII)

4. What do you think is the most significant change brought about by the 2 nd Vatican Council
to the Church? Why?
Personally, I think the most significant change is that the council was able to convince the
church that there should be religious freedom. I am well-aware that there are those who do not
agree with religious freedom because in grade 10 my previous school had invited a pastor who
would not stop screaming, literally screaming, that anyone who was not Christian was wrong and
should convert immediately. Needless to say, I and my classmates were not happy and complained
about him and I honestly do not know if he still speaks in my previous school but I am happy I
never have to hear him again.
Anyway, I think religious freedom is the most important because to me, it does not matter
what religion you follow, just do good to others without expecting anything in return and I am
happy that the council was able to convince the church of that.

Britannica. (n.d). Saint John XXIII: Pope. Retrieved from
Britannica. (n.d.). Second Vatican Council: Roman Catholic history [1962–1965]. Retrieved from
Knights of Columbus. (n.d.). What is Gaudium et Spes?. Retrieved from

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