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Dakota State University

College of Education  
Name: ___Lindsy Gratz_____
Grade Level: ____5th_____
School: __Canby Elementary____
Date: __October 29, 2019_ 
Time: __8:30 a.m.__

Reflection from prior lesson: Students do well when participating in discussion

about the vocabulary for the week. When working on grammar they seem to get
concepts as a class but then when left to work on the concept on their own they
sometimes do poorly. Because of this they now work on the Grammar almost right
after going over the concept. Comprehension tests in lesson six went very well last
week. Most students got 80% or better which is better than previous tests

Lesson Goal(s) / Standards:  

 CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.5.6 -- Acquire and use accurately grade-
appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases,
including those that signal contrast, addition, and other logical relationships
(e.g., however, although, nevertheless, similarly, moreover, in addition).
 ELA RL.5.10 -- By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature,
including stories, dramas, and poetry, at the high end of the grades 4-5 text
complexity band independently and proficiently.
Lesson Objectives:
 Students will learn the weekly vocabulary and answer 8 questions out of 10
correct on their vocabulary test on Friday.
 Students will identify compound direct objects correctly 90 percent of the

Materials Needed: Vocabulary Sentences Worksheet, Promethium board,

projectable for grammar, grammar worksheet, spelling worksheet, iPads with
leveled readers, and leveled readers worksheets.
Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics: There are about five students who will
get pulled out during their comprehension test. Most of the students do okay with
keeping their attention on the lesson. There are about four special education
students in the class, about four who get pulled for RTI for 30 minutes at the end of
each day, but most of the students function very well in a general education
classroom without extra interventions.

A.  The Lesson 

1. Introduction (5 minutes)  
 getting attention
o Students will be AR reading in their desks or on the carpet. At 8:30 I
will say, “Find a good place to stop reading and put your books away.
It is time to start Language Arts.”
 relating to past experience and/or knowledge
 creating a need to know
o “Today we will continue with our Vocab Sentences for the week.
Learn about Understanding Characters and Do some grammar. Then
we will get our iPads out and do our leveled readers.”
 sharing objective, in general terms

2. Content Delivery (30 minutes)

 Vocab Sentences
o “Take out your Vocab Sentences worksheet. … ok can someone give
me the definition of “Stride”? (Students will raise hands to give
responses. Ask a question with the word stride and discuss.) “Now,
write a sentence for Stride.”
o “Can someone give me the definition of “bounding”?” (Students will
raise hands to give responses. Ask a question with the word stride and
discuss.) “Write a sentence for “bounding” on your work sheet?”
o “What is the definition of “romp”?” (Students will raise hands to give
responses. Ask a question with the word stride and discuss.) “Write a
sentence for “romp”.”
 “When you are done with that put it in your folder and I am handing out
Understanding Characters. (hand out) We will do this as a class please
follow along while I read. (read the short selection) When we try to
understand characters we need to think about the character’s thoughts,
actions, and words in this selection. What were the narrator’s thoughts?
(allow answers and discuss) What were the narrator’s actions? (discuss)
What were the narrator’s words? (discuss) How can you tell the narrator
changes his or her mind about Timber? Why do you think this happens?”
 Project Projectable 7.5 “Today we are talking about Compound Direct
Objects. A direct object receives the action of a verb. Some sentences have
more than one direct object, or a Compound Direct Object. For example,
“My dog Pete requires care and attention.” Care and attention are the two
direct objects in this sentence. Let’s go over this together.”

3. Closure (5 minutes)  
 “Here is the grammar worksheet. When you are done come see me and I will
give you your leveled reader worksheet and give you instructions from there.

B. Assessments Used –Grammar worksheet, spelling worksheet.

C. Differentiated Instruction
 Provide scaffolding when needed while asking questions.
 Two students do not do the challenge words on the spelling word sort page.
 About five students go with the Para to take their comprehension test.
D.  Resources
Journeys ELA curriculum

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