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Guide Link : https://cumulocity.

Section: Setting up cumulocity IoT EDGE \ Configuring the Edge server

In this section keep existing document till the following point

3. Run the script "post_installation.sh".

$ sudo ./post_installation.sh

Remove the remaining text under this section and add the following text

You will be prompted with the following menu

You will be prompted to select one of the following options:

● 1. Run Post-Installation
● 2. Update license and SSL certificates
● 3. Run Post-Upgrade
● 4. Configure Network
● 5. Expand data disk size
● 6. Exit

Info: Option 2 and 3 will only work if you have successfully completed the post-
installation setup using Option 1.
Option 3 and Option 4 cannot be invoked from a remote connection like SSH. You will
have to run these directly from the terminal within th VM.
Run Post-Installation (option 1)
1. Provide your input choice. You have the option to manually enter the post-installation
parameters via the console or via a file. You need to enter F or C to choose either
between file or console input

* Enter [F] to take input from file or [C] to take input from console:

2. Console Input
2.1. Provide a new username for the tenant admin. This username is later used
to login to the system using the web browser.

* Enter Tenant Admin Username :

2.2. Provide a new password for the “tenant admin username”. This password
is later used to login to the system using the web browser.

* Enter Tenant Admin Password:

2.3. Provide a domain name, e.g. myown.iot.com. The domain name must
match the domain name of the SSL certificate and your license file

* Enter Tenant Domain Name:

The Domain URL cannot be changed once being configured. Make sure to use the
name finally desired.

2.4. Provide the absolute path of the SSL certificate cert file. The file extension
should either be .crt or .cert. e.g. /home/admin/myown-

* Enter Domain ({your-domain-name}) SSL Certificate filepath (*.crt|*.cert):

2.5. Provide the absolute path of the SSL certificate key file. The file extension
should be .key. e.g. /home/admin/myown-selfsigned.key

* Enter Domain ({your-domain-name}) SSL Certificate key filepath (*.key):

2.6. Provide the absolute path of the cumulocity license file. The file extension
should be .licence. e.g. /home/admin/myown.iot.com.licence
* Enter Domain ({your-domain-name}) Cumulocity Licence filepath (*.licence):

2.7. Provide the absolute path of the Software AG Apama license file. The file
extension should be .xml. e.g.
/home/admin/ApamaServerLicense101.xml. This is an optional
licence file, you can press [Enter] to continue

* Enter SoftwareAG Apama Licence filepath (optional):

Once the input parameters are entered correctly, the parameters will be saved under
/opt/c8y/utilities/post-installer/config.dat for future reference
You can use this file for providing the input parameters to the post-installer

3. File Input
3.1. Provide the absolute path of the config file. The installation parameters
will be loaded from the file. In case of incorrect parameters, the utility will
fall back to console mode and will prompt user to enter the parameters as
shown above. e.g. /opt/c8y/utilities/post-installer/config.dat

* Enter existing file path containing post-installation parameters:

4. Provide your confirmation (Y or N) to continue with the post-installation process.

* Do you want to proceed with the post-installation process [Y/N] ?:

The post-installation task consist of multiple steps. The process will execute each step
sequentially and will start displaying the step and its execution status. Once all the
steps are executed successfully, a success message will be displayed. Incase of any
failure in any of the steps, the post-installation process will halt and a failure message
will be displayed in the console.

Update license and SSL certificates (option 2)

1. Provide your input choice. You have the option to manually enter the update parameters
via the console or via a file. You need to enter F or C to choose either between file or
console input
* Enter [F] to take input from file or [C] to take input from console:

2. Console Input
2.1. Provide the absolute path of the SSL certificate cert file. The file extension
should either be .crt or .cert. e.g. /home/admin/myown-
Here the domain name entered during the post-installer task will be be
displayed in the prompt
* Enter Domain ({previously-entered-domain-name}) SSL Certificate filepath

2.2. Provide the absolute path of the SSL certificate key file. The file extension
should be .key. e.g. /home/admin/myown-selfsigned.key

* Enter Domain ({previously-entered-domain-name}) SSL Certificate key filepath


2.3. Provide the absolute path of the cumulocity license file. The file extension
should be .licence. e.g. /home/admin/myown.iot.com.licence

* Enter Domain ({previously-entered-domain-name}) Cumulocity Licence filepath


2.4. Provide the absolute path of the Software AG Apama license file. The file
extension should be .xml. e.g.
/home/admin/ApamaServerLicense101.xml. This is an optional
licence file, you can press [Enter] to continue

* Enter SoftwareAG Apama Licence filepath (optional):

Once the input parameters are entered correctly, the parameters will be updated in the
/opt/c8y/utilities/post-installer/config.dat for future reference
You can use this file for providing the input parameters to the post-installer

3. File Input
3.1. Provide the absolute path of the config file. The installation parameters
will be loaded from the file. In case of incorrect parameters, the utility will
fall back to console mode and will prompt user to enter the parameters as
shown above. e.g. /opt/c8y/utilities/post-installer/config.dat

* Enter existing file path containing update parameters:

4. Provide your confirmation (Y or N) to continue with the post-installation process.

* Do you want to proceed with the update process [Y/N] ?:

The update task consist of multiple steps. The process will execute each step
sequentially and will start displaying the step and its execution status. Once all the
steps are executed successfully, a success message will be displayed. Incase of any
failure in any of the steps, the update process will halt and a failure message will be
displayed in the console.

Run Post-Upgrade (option 3)

This task needs to be invoked from within the VM and not via a remote connection.
1. Provide your confirmation (Y or N) to continue with the post-upgrade process.

* Do you want to proceed with the post-upgrade process [Y/N] ?:

The post-upgrade task consist of multiple steps. The process will execute each step
sequentially and will start displaying the step and its execution status. Once all the
steps are executed successfully, a success message will be displayed. Incase of any
failure in any of the steps, the post-upgrade process will halt and a failure message will
be displayed in the console.
Incase user have configured the network in the ‘source’ version the new configuration
will be implemented in the newer version when this task is executed.

Configure Network (option 4)

This task needs to be invoked from within the VM and not via a remote connection.
1. Provide your input choice. You have the option to manually enter the network
parameters via the console or via a file. You need to enter F or C to choose either
between file or console input
* Enter [F] to take input from file or [C] to take input from console:

2. Console Input
2.1. Provide the new IP address for the ethernet interface. e.g.

* IP Address for ethernet interface :

2.2. Provide the netmask IP for your network. E.g.

* Netmask:

2.3. Provide the gateway IP for your network e.g.

* Gateway IP :

2.4. Provide the DNS Server IP for your network e.g.

* DNS Server IP :

3. File Input
3.1. Provide the absolute path of the config file. The network parameters will
be loaded from the file. In case of incorrect parameters, the utility will fall
back to console mode and will prompt user to enter the parameters as
shown above. e.g. /opt/c8y/utilities/post-installer/config.dat

* Enter existing file path containing network parameters:

4. Provide your confirmation (Y or N) to continue with the configure network


* Do you want to proceed with the update process [Y/N] ?:

The network configure task consist of multiple steps. The process will execute each
step sequentially and will start displaying the step and its execution status. Once all the
steps are executed successfully, a success message will be displayed. Incase of any
failure in any of the steps, the network configure process will halt and a failure message
will be displayed in the console.
DOC Changes for https://cumulocity.atlassian.net/browse/MTM-24571

Expand data disk size (option 5)

This task needs to be invoked from within the VM and not via a remote connection.
This is a two step process, which involves
a) Increasing the physical HDD size from the hypervisor level.
b) From within the VM, We need to add space to disk by executing option 5 of the post
installation script.

Detailed description of the above is as follows

1. Prior to selection of option 5, the following steps need to be carried out.

a) Shutdown VM
b) Edit VM and increase disk space of HD2 to your need.

2. Start VM and run the post_installation.sh script. From the option list select option 5, after
which you need to provide your confirmation (Y or N) to continue with expanding data
disk size

* Do you want to proceed with expanding data disk size [Y/N] ?:

The expand data disk size task consist of multiple steps. The process will execute each
step sequentially and will start displaying the step and its execution status. Once all the
steps are executed successfully, a success message will be displayed as shown below.

DOC Changes for https://cumulocity.atlassian.net/browse/MTM-24321

To Be added in Edge documentation:

Setting Reset Password templates and EMail server Configuration
➔ Login into management tenant using
◆ user: ‘management/edgeadmin’
◆ Password: Would be same as Edge tenant admin password(Provided in post
installation execution)

➔ Customers can update Email server details and templates using the instructions
mentioned here:
◆ https://cumulocity.com/guides/users-guide/administration/#config-platform ->
Email Server and Password Reset

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