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 A famous Greek author stated that even God needs the art of advertising and that’s
why church bells ring on Sunday morning to summon the pilgrims to attend the
holy ceremony
 In ancient times people used to have special trumpets to call people to the market and
make them aware of their products.
 Street vendors wandered in the streets and in loud voices advertised their merchandise

 Advertising is part and parcel of our modern world and business

 Companies need to inform customers about their products
 Advertisements inform us about the choices we have from a range of products
 Advertising is a creative industry that employs many people, a flourishing industry
and an open job market for many specialities
 Without advertising there would be higher unemployment
 Advertising is a form of modern art , some of them are really like short movies
with good photography, witty plot and catchy jingles that linger on our brain.
 People enjoy adverts, some of them catch themselves humming the songs
 They make money go round and support a nation’s income.

 They alienate people and make them judge others by what they possess and not who
they really are.
 People want to keep up with the Joneses (show off, compete with each other as to the
number of things they own)
 Advertising manipulates, brainwashes people
 It aims to persuade people that buying a product will make them happier thus promoting a
materialistic way of life where happiness is synonymous to consumption
 Advertisers focus on selling a brand image
 They use glamorous, successful people who are usually from the film, singing or sports
industry and lead an extravagant life.
 They promote a consumption world
 We are encouraged to associate certain brands with a higher status
 Advertisers often aim their marketing at children and women
 Children can easily be influenced by advertisements.
 Children put pressure on parents to buy them things becoming more and more
 People end up being avaricious and immoderately greedy of material
 People forget the real meaning of life
 They undermine humane values and sound ideals by making people live to consume and
not to consume so as to live.
 Erich Fromm (great philosopher) said that the modern version of paradise on earth are the
big supermarkets because people tend to find peace and happiness in them.
 They promote certain stereotypes that people want to follow(successful businessmen
drive this make of car, eligible mothers use this baby powder…
 Thus, people fall into catergories and the gap between the haves and the have -nots is all
the more widening.
 Unable to possess what is advertised, people end up feeling let down or isolated or even
commit crimes to correspond to all these fabricated and false need that are promoted.

1. Advertisements that disrespect the public sense should be banned

2. Advertising should be regulated by laws
3. Advertising aimed at children should be controlled or even banned or screened
late at night.
4. Unhealthy foods should not be marketed in a way that attracts children
5. Products that can be risky to healthy should display warnings
6. In some countries it is illegal to advertise cigarettes on television
7. Warnings must be displayed on cigarette packets
8. Governments should only censor false information or products that are harmful

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