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Shannon Creedon

Takeover Week 2 Reflection

November 30, 2018

During my last takeover week, I learned a lot. I felt like I improved a lot from my first

takeover week. I was very nervous during my first takeover week and I felt like it was harder for

me to make the instruction and lessons feel natural and successful. This week I felt more

comfortable in the classroom and it made the lessons that I taught more successful. My science

lesson was what I was most proud of. I gave information about our first big motion idea, and

then informed then what they were going to be doing. Once we did that, the students were able to

explore in each station how to make the objects move. They loved being able to explore with the

materials and feel like they were running the experiment rather than being told what to do.

I improved in many different ways since my first takeover week. I felt more comfortable

in the classroom which made my lessons more natural and effective. I felt like the students were

more receptive to what I was saying because I had also been in charge of the classroom before so

they were not as rambunctious. I felt like I had more control over the behaviors and took the

appropriate actions to inappropriate behaviors that were happening during lesson.

My areas of strength are definitely my ability to have smooth transitions in the classroom.

I also feel like I am able to take control of the classroom with keeping the students behaviors in

check. I also feel like I am able to let the students explore during times it is appropriate to

explore as well as doing explicit instruction when that is what is needed during a lesson. The

biggest thing that I feel like I need to work on is making sure directions are clear and explicit.

Overall, my second takeover week was much more successful than my first takeover week.

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