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Qualities of a Successful Online Student

Online students face different challenges than students who sign up for a
traditional educational setting. Online students must work with a high level
of discipline and commitment, since they are the primary drivers of their
One of the first things you want to do as an online student is to confirm the
technical requirements of your institution: online classes can benefit
students with busy schedules, but only if they can access the course
materials. Make sure that your computer will work with Ashworth’s online
tools, and that you know how to navigate them.
Be sure to connect with course faculty early in your program. Staying in
contact and reaching out for assistance is extremely important. Not only is
your faculty there to assist you with your coursework, but getting assistance
early on is vital to ensuring that you acquire the necessary skills and
information that you need to be successful as you move through the
courses in your program of study.
Create a study schedule and stick to it. Consider using software tools or
apps to help you schedule your study time.  
Stay organized. Online students may have to find their own strategies for
staying on top of their coursework. Consider using that same scheduling
software to remind you of assignments that need to be completed, chapters
or articles that need to be read, or study goals you need to accomplish, and
other academic milestones.
Have a consistent space where you keep your school materials such as
notebooks, planner, and physical textbooks if you have them. You may
choose to work in different locations to keep yourself fresh, but be sure to
always choose a location that is free from distractions and to return all
books and materials to the same place in your home so you know where
they are when you need them.
Finally, it’s important to point out that perhaps one of the most important
qualities of a successful online student is that you make yourself aware of
all of the resources that the school provides to assist you in your studies
and you use them! At Ashworth, you will want to become very well
acquainted with the Learning Resource Center (LRC).  Here you can find
the following resources:

 Academic Advisors and Faculty – you can call our Academic

Advisors anytime for help with your course material.
 APA Style Central – you can find tutorials for writing research
papers and for formatting citations, and you can find templates to
help you.
 Ask The Librarian – a message board where you can communicate
with the Ashworth College LRC staff.
 Career Services – this is where you can research careers, build a
resume, get video interview advice, and begin your job search.  
 The Guidance Center – a place to find tips on health and wellness,
personal finance, study skills, and test prep. You can also find
resources for help if you have been victimized in any way.
 The Library – Research guides for each of Ashworth’s programs.
 The Math Lab – You can find videos, practice problems, tutorials and
math games to help you with specific kinds of mathematical
problems, or you can sign up for tutoring.
 The Writing Lab – you can view self-paced writing tutorials or
schedule a tutoring session.

You will be able to access the Learning Resource Center from each of your
Ashworth courses!
The following is a list of individual habits and qualities that contribute
to the success of the online student:


Success in online education directly relates to the student's level of

commitment to his or her studies. A student who is committed is able to
complete all assignments and pass all required quizzes and exams in a
timely fashion.

Self-Disciplined, Self-Motivated

It is important that online students be self-disciplined and self-motivated.

Time management and resourcefulness are two skill sets that can help
students remain self-disciplined. Online students must stay motivated and
remain focused on both their short-term and long-term goals. Once you
receive your degree, you will be able to pursue the job that you want, rather
than the job that you need.

Strong Communicator

Students must communicate on a regular basis with Ashworth faculty,

academic advisors, and student peers. Communication is most often
conducted by e-mail, through online discussion boards, and via the online
student community. Students can expect to receive timely and helpful
feedback from faculty and academic advisors. Never be afraid to ask for
help or clarification regarding your coursework.


Students will encounter thoughts and opinions that may differ from their
own as they pursue their education. It’s all part of the learning process and
will greatly contribute to your intellectual growth. It is important to remain
open-minded about such differences, express your opinions in a
professional way, and treat your faculty, advisors, and peers with respect.

Mastering Technology

There is no doubt that to succeed in online education, you must know how
to use technology. After all, this skill is at the heart of online learning. The
ability to use computers is essential for online learning, but it’s also a skill
that will serve you in any career you pursue today. The computer skills
needed to succeed in college programs are often the basic abilities
employers require their employees to have. The ability to improve and
apply practical computer skills could, therefore, mean improved
employability and increased job performance. So, let's talk about a few of
these skills!


Without a computer, online learning is not possible. It is that fundamental.

Your computer can be either a desktop or laptop. Make sure you have
plenty of memory and storage, and always back up your files.  Your
smartphone or tablet can help you read and study on the go, but you will
need to be able to sit down and type a paper as well.
Microphones and speakers

In order to hear audio files, video clips, and lectures, as well as participate
in live chats, you will need a microphone and speakers (both of which come
built into most laptops). You may also need headphones (ideally with a
built-in mic) to listen to these materials privately.


Operating System

Your college will usually inform you of operating system requirements and
compatibility for use with its Learning Management System (LMS) and
software programs.
Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office is a software program that is a must for most schools. It is

used to create text documents using Word, spreadsheets using Excel, and
presentations using PowerPoint. There are other options, such as Google
Docs and OpenOffice, if you do not have Microsoft Office. Google Docs are
automatically saved and can be used wherever you have internet access. If
you click on the “Library” quick link in your courses, you can find helpful
documents to help you navigate and master the use of Excel, Word,
PowerPoint, and Windows.   
Adobe Reader and Acrobat 

Adobe Reader and Acrobat are programs needed for reading and creating
PDF files. Many documents for reading come in these file formats.
Media Player Plug-ins

For streaming audio and video, media player plugins are necessary. Flash,
Windows Media Player, and QuickTime are downloadable, free, and easy
to install.

Required Skills
The following are computer skills that are essential for online students.
Before you can develop these skills, however, be sure you know how to
type efficiently. In online learning (and many professions), typing is a
required skill for learning and communicating.
Word Processing

It is necessary to have a thorough working knowledge of word processing

programs and their full capabilities. All written work can only be done with
the use of a word processing program. Some of the most common of these
include Microsoft Word, Pages, and Google Docs, the last of which is both
free and accessible.

Email is a basic tool used to communicate with faculty and advisors. Email
is also used to send document files, images, videos, presentations, and
website links.

There is a handy note-taking tool called Microsoft OneNote. This program

is used for taking, storing, organizing, and sharing notes for lessons,
research papers, and other school work. That said, programs like Google
Docs can also take the place of this as a tool for taking and saving notes
that can be shared and accessed from any computer. Additionally, many of
your courses utilize eBooks that include tools to allow you to make,
highlight and save notes.

Most courses use presentation tools such as Microsoft PowerPoint, Google

Slides, and Keynote, either as part of the Lecture Notes or for projects
required of students. So, it is useful to have a thorough working knowledge
of the capabilities of presentation tools.

Another important technology often used by instructors to support course

work is multimedia (which includes videos, audio files, and podcasts). Be
familiar with what they are as well as how to use and access them.

It is important to have an understanding of the capabilities of spreadsheets

(like Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, and Numbers). Remember, in the
Library link you can find a supplemental document to help you with Excel.

In this course, we've covered a great deal of topics that can help you
succeed in your online education at Ashworth College. We analyzed
learning styles and how you can use them to optimize your own learning.
We explored tips to improve your reading comprehension and test taking
skills. We discussed study tips and time management. We reviewed the
foundational operations critical to solving math problems that you will
encounter in your everyday life, academics, and future career. Additionally,
(pun intended) we reviewed some important elements of financial literacy.
Together, we examined how to think critically and how to use some helpful
problem-solving techniques. Finally, we discussed written communication
and research, as well as walked through tips and strategies for clear,
strong, and persuasive writing. With all of this in mind, let's take a brief
moment to review everything we’ve covered.
We introduced you to the three main learning styles – visual, auditory, and
kinesthetic – and you’ve given thought to what type of learner you are, as
well as what tips to use to improve and optimize your learning skills. Next,
we took a look at a few ways you can enhance your reading
comprehension and examined test-taking strategies to use when tackling
questions on a reading assignment. Then, we reviewed foundational math
skills that you might find helpful in both your studies and future career.
We also looked at critical thinking tips and applications that will help you
tackle complex problem-solving. And we discussed the importance of
research and how you can use research when approaching written
assignments. After that, we explored key principles of written
communication and reviewed helpful tips that will allow you to approach the
common writing tasks you will encounter both in your studies and in the
real world.
And finally, we’ve shown you some of the ways to master your online

Motivational Goals

You might have noticed that there was one portion that we left off the
review. In this course, we also talked about your goals for completing your
college education. A college degree can be a major step on the journey to
your realized success – whether professional or personal, it’s important to
keep your goals in mind. Let's look back on some of them now...

 Success: your college degree will help you succeed in your chosen

career. There’s no doubt about it: you will earn more money and
have a more secure future once you have your degree.
 Confidence: completing your college degree will give you confidence
in your abilities to face challenges and persevere with hard work,
focus, and discipline.
 Options: during your education journey you may discover talents
and interests you never knew you had. Your growth will likely result in
more options for you to pursue in your life.
 Better Health: Statistics show that people with a college education
live a healthier life. That’s a fact!
 Pride: Earning your degree is a life-changing accomplishment;
graduating is something you will take great pride in.
 Leadership: a college degree establishes you as a leader and doer.
You will inspire your friends and family to go after their own dreams.


If you recall, we also asked you to think about your goals for success. Think
back on what those goals are. It is important to remember why you’re
pursuing your degree and keep that focus. At Ashworth College, we want
you to succeed, but your personal motivations are the key.
We’d like to leave you with this thought from Oprah Winfrey: 
"The big secret in life is that there is no big secret. Whatever your goal, you
can get there if you're willing to work."
You've already done so much. Good luck with your studies. Thank you for
joining Ashworth College.

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