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Test 9 Verbs + -ing or infinitive (units 19-20)

Exercise 1
U!ds[!g the coffectwords.
1 | realycanl affordlqrailealrhg in suchan expensive restaurant.
2 Do you mindto comelcont backin haffan hour?
3 Doyouwant to comelconingbackin halfan hour?
4 Katedeniedb givelgiing the officekey5to anyoneelse.
5 Headmitted to ma*e/nd*inga s€rious mistak€.
6 Remind / RenembermeIo callSyMathisafternoon.
7 we havebeenting to enterlenter;,,9ihe Chinesema*et for sometime.
8 | hopeto belbe,]ogat the nextmeeting,but l'm not sureif I canmakeit.
9 | expectto belbe,hgat the no( meeting. I thinkI canmakeit-
10 lf sheisn'tin the offi(e when you call,keep to lrylt4l,ing.
ll I considered everypossible option.I evenimagined b resignlresigning.
12 I refuseto be/le!€/be/leving that we can't do it. We haveto try hardet
13 ladmitfo belbe,ing a littlecareless lan time,but lwon't do it again.
14 I cant stand people to lnterruptlintetrupting allthetime.lt! sorude.
15 Whercdo youfanq to golgoing fot lunchtoday?
I 6 l'vearrangedlo mee|/rneetirgthemat theirhotel.
l7 We guaranteeto der!€rldelt€lng the qoodsby the endot lune.
l8 lmagine to wrl4lw/hnh9 the lotteryl
19 ThemanagerFfusedto seelseet9 me.
20 | realisedI hadfoeotten to packlpactinganysparebatteries.
21 lf lmissmyconnection, it means b aftivelativing in Bonnaftermldnight.
22 | ttied to liftllifting but it was too heaw
23 | etioy b qrt awaylgetingawayto the coastat the weekend.
24 I'd loveto getawaylgEftingawayto the coan thiswe€kend.
25 | iied to peEuadehim, but he rcfus€db rnenl/istert g to me.
26 | '€allyenjoyedto visitlv,i5it/ng yout factoryThankyouverym!ch.
27 decidedto otderlorder,inqI ,000 units.
28 Heofferedio meetlmeethgmeat the airport.

Exercise 2
thesentences eitherthe-ingformor fo + infintive.
with a verbfrcmthe lin bebw.Choose
get getthrough give raake ise unpackwat
causecome compromise
I Headmitted a minakeon the invoice.
2 Doyoufancy.................--.----.....
with usfot a drink?
3 wages fasterthan
tend..-......................--.. inflation.
4 l .anr m.n.ge.............. ......whenl call.l keep ............. -one.
.. . ane'gaged
5 Doyoumind................--.---.......
fora couple of minuteswhile lwritethisemail?
usthirtymoredaysto paytheinvoice.
5 Theyagreed................-.-..........
7 Thetransportcompany dpny.....---....................-
8 Theirneqotiatingpositionwasv€ryiqid. Theyrefused .............................

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