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Glossary of Terms.

Term - Alveolar - Definition - That part of the jaw which has the teeth in it.
Term - Anatomy - Definition - The form, structure, size and shape of the parts of
the body.
Term - Anterior - Definition - Front.
Term - Antrum - Definition - Large nasal sinus or spaces in maxilla or upper jaw.
Function not really understood.
Term - Aural - Definition - To do with the ears.
Term - Bilateral cleft - Definition - Cleft on both sides of the lip or palate.
Term - Bone graft - Definition - Insertion of bone into the area of a cleft lip or
Term - Cleft - Definition - Failure of joining of parts.
Term - Columell - Definition - Skin between the nostrils.
Term - Congenital - Definition - Something which is present at birth.
Term - Fistula - Definition - Hole.
Term - Eustachian tube - Definition - The canal connecting the throat with the
middle ear.
Term - Genetic - Definition - To do with inheritance.
Term - Grommet - Definition - Tiny drainage tube for the ear drum.
Term - Hard palate - Definition - The roof of the mouth under which is bone and
separates the mouth from the nose.
Term - Hypernasality - Definition - Excess amount of air escaping through the nose
during speech.
Term - Hypertelopism - Definition - Part of the body being wider apart than
normal. Such as the eyes.
Term - Lateral - Definition - Side.
Term - Mandible - Definition - Lower jaw.
Term - Maxilla - Definition - Upper jaw.
Term - Micrognathia - Definition - Small size of mandible.
Term - Nasal - Definition - To do with the nose.
Term - Nasendoscopy - Definition - A test using a small camera to record how the
soft palate is working.
Term - Occlusal - Definition - To do with the way teeth meet together.
Term - Ophthalmic - Definition - To do with the eyes.
Term - Oral - Definition - To do with the mouth.
Term - Orthodontics - Definition - Straightening teeth.
Term - Orthognathic surgery - Definition - (Jaw) surgery to move forward the whole
of the upper jaw, or to move the mandible (the lower jaw).
Term - Otitis Media - Definition - An infection or inflammation of the middle ear.
Term - Otolaryngologist - Definition - Ear, nose and throat surgeon.
Term - Palate - Definition - Roof of the mouth.
Term - Pharygnoplasty - Definition - Operation to correct hyper nasal speech.
Term - Philtrum - Definition - Feature of the upper lip vertical depression from
nose to lip.
Term - Physiology - Definition - How the parts of the body function or work
Term - Posterior - Definition - Back.
Term - Premaxilla - See Primary Palate.
Term - Primary palate - Definition - Premaxilla. Developing lip anterior hard
palate and alveolus. Triangular area of the anterior hard palate. Formed between
the 4th and 7th weeks of gestation.
Term - Prolabium - Definition - The central part of the upper lip between the
mouth and the nose.
Term - Rhinoplasty - Definition - Nasal correction.
Term - Secondary palate - Definition - Posterior part of the hard palate and soft
palate. Formed between the 6th and 9th weeks of gestation.
Term - Septum - Definition - A wall or structure dividing parts of the body.
Term - Sinus - Definition - Can be anatomical or normal such as nasal sinus.
Term - Soft palate - Definition - The back of the roof of the mouth which moves
when speaking and swallowing.
Term - Submucous cleft - Definition - Although surface layers complete, muscle
beneath not joined.
Term - Supernumerary teeth - Definition - Tiny, extra teeth - denticles.
Term - Syndrome - Definition - Group of congenital anomalies that appear together
in newborn infants.
Term - Unilateral cleft - Definition - One sided cleft.
Term - Velopharyngeal closure - Definition - The closing of the nasal cavity from
the oral cavity resulting in air used in speech being directed through the mouth
rather than the nose.
Term - Velopharyngeal Incompetence - Definition - Inability to achieve adequate
velopharyngeal closure.

This information is available from www.cleft.ie

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