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Above & Over

These prepositions can be interchangeable, but the most common usage is this:

Use above when there is no movement.

Use over when there is movement.

 There is a painting above the sofa. (no  movement)
 The chandelier hangs above the dining room table. (no  movement)
 The plane flew over the building. (movement)
 The dog jumped over the log. (movement)

What about on? Use on when two nouns are touching (when a noun is directly on
top of another noun). Use above when there is no touching.

 There is a book on the desk. (touching)
 The cat is sleeping on the bed.v(touching)
 The sun is directly above our heads. (no  touching)
 I see blue sky through the skylight above me. (no  touching)

Below & Under
These prepositions are even more interchangeable than above and over. The
important thing to remember is this:

Use under in most cases as it is much more common than “below.”

Use below when the meaning is “less than.”

 My shoes are under the bed. (no movement, no  touching)
 The saucer is under the cup. (touching)
 The boat passed under the bridge. (movement)
 It is 18 degrees below zero. (less  than)

What about beneath and underneath? These prepositions are also interchangeable

with under and below, though I tell my students that they are a little more formal and
that under is the best choice.

 We sat under the tree. (most common/best  choice)
 We sat below the tree. (less  common)
 We sat underneath the tree. (a little more  formal)
 We sat beneath the tree. (more  formal)

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