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1. This is an Argumentative Essay. Complete Body Paragraph below.

The Rise of Facebook in Indonesia

(INTRODUCTION) Facebook, it's familiar to hear that word. Facebook is a website

based on social networks. According to observations, it turns out that Facebook provides quite a
lot of facilities for its users. Users are given the ease of accessing and ease of chatting online
with friends.
(CONCLUSION) Facebook seems to bewitch its users. In the community many cases
that occur due to Facebook. The case of girls who were kidnapped, due to meeting strangers on
Facebook. There are also those who commit fraud through Facebook. Facebook status which
may not be the right words, it can be a problem.
2. This is an Argumentative Essay. Complete Introduction below.

A Cigarette Is Not Good For Health

(BODY PARAGRAPH) According to lung specialists, the smoke smoked by smokers
will undermine their respiratory organs such as lungs, throat and others. Causing several diseases
such as bronchitis, heart attacks, and pregnancy disorders in pregnant mothers. The longer they
breathe in smoke, the faster the process will be.
Then, why are cigarettes so dangerous? Inside a cigarette stick there are dangerous
chemicals such as poisons, floor bleach and even rocket fuel. Not only cigarettes are dangerous,
smoke can also cause cancer because the nicotine content is very dangerous for our bodies.
(CONCLUSION) That is why smoking can cause death because smoking can cause
various diseases that can kill you. Indeed the effects of death caused by smoking cannot be felt
directly by smokers, but it takes a long time to several years. Stop smoking immediately.

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