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Medicine 1st Half

Long case(jahangir sir)

Case present (stroke)
Koyekta speech difficulty'r nam bolen,dysarthria'r mechanism,aphasia koi hoy?neck sign ki
dekhsen?Brudzinski's sign dekhan,mechanism ki?kerning a ki hoy?
Facial nerve upper motor kno?kivabe bujsen?nasolabial fold intact rakhe kun muscle?lesion ta
kun jaygay?(eita niya pechaise)source of thrombus.
Short case:
Enayet sir:
Inspect the chest: chest movement reduced in rt side.
Auscultate chest. ki findings(ami bolsi plueral effusion)d/d ki?then purcus the chest,exclude
d/d.inv ki?
Jahangir sir:
Inspect the boy from head to toe.findings(jaundice,anemia,visible mass)r ki? Neck vein
prominent jante chay.D/D ki?why jaundice in thalassemia.
Shishir sir:
Inspection findings,palpation findings.
D/D ki hote pare?abdominal pathology ki ki?
OFC dekhaw
.normal koto?boro hoy kokhn?perinatal asphyxia'r bacchar ofc ki hote pare?keno hoy?chuto hoy
Pedi(farhana mam)
GE of child and do the relevants.
Thalassemic face,spleen enlarged.d/d ki?kemne alada korba?inv.treatment
Pedi internal: scenerio,febrile seizure,opc poisoning,r ki poisoning ase?ITP
Picture: sam,whopping cough,joint swelling,hydrocephalous
data: nephrotic syndrome
Pedi external: bone marrow aspiration needle,indication,kala azar a ki paba?koi paba?malariay
ki paba?koi paba?
Component,glucose er ki kaj?r ki ki ors ase!
Scenario: ARF,ki ki organism,inv ki?treatment ki?aplastic anemiar management,neonatal
sepsis,treatment,adjuvant therapy ki dey?side effect ki?aro kisu chilo mone nai.
Shishir sir:
ECG: inferior MI,
Management, complication,ALVF management,ARF scenario,management. DM scenerio. B12
deficiency niye asche ki history niba?kader hoy?strict vegeterian,koto din lage?(pari
Enayet sir:
Data: Pancytopenia with relative lymphocytosis,mcv| diag? Megaloblastic anemia,r ki?confirm ki
diya korba?
CML data.
Scenario:enteric fever,inv,treatment, organism ki?kise culture kore?
Lung abscess,inv ki diba?kemne confirm korba?treatment.
Mamun sir(skin psychi)
Jahangir sir:
Xray: onek gula(cardiomegaly,effusion,consolidation,pneumothorax)
Chronic diarrhoea'r cause,scenario: acute viral hepatitis,management,Mantoux test ki?kise
kore?ki pay?kun dhoroner hypersensivity?cld features.

Medicine long case:

Anayet sir
COPD with cor pulmonale
Present your case, ki ki findings paiso, tomar diagnosis ki,dd ki,diagnosis ar favoure ki ki point
ache, cvs examination korso ken,ki ki point tumar favoure zabe, respiratory examination a ki ki
point paiso, paye oedema keno,ki mone hoy tumar,alimentary systeme ki findings asha koro,ki
lav investigation diba, polycythemia keno hoy, tumi bed side a kivabe asthma ar copd alada
korba,copd te tumi chese ar shape ki paba.
Short case:
Tarek azad sir
Examination the axillary lymph node, ki ki paiso, lymphdenopathy ar 4 ta cause bolo,ai baccar
khettre ki hote pare,tb hole ki paba, lymphoma hole ki paba, microscopic examination a ki
paba,non Hodgkin a ki paba.
Shishir sir
Examine the general examination
Ki paiso, anaemia ki karone hote pare, ki dhoroner hote pare, throat a ki paba, metaplasia keno
Jahangir sir.

Inspect the patient
Inspece korar age baccare akta KitKat disilam registar ke dekiye ore baba serious student
Ki paiso,jaundice ar cause bolo,ai baccar khettre ki karone hote pare.
Anayet sir.
Examine the pulse
Ki paiso,keno beshi,ki karone
Provat sir.
Do the general examination
Ki paiso, jaundice keno, anaemia + jaundice + splenomegaly dd ki hote pare, thalassemiar akta
confirmatory investigation bolo,ki paba,lukemia ar akta confirmatory investigation bolo.
Board viba
Shshir sir
Ki paiso,ki diagnosis, ki treatmene diba, ki ki complication hote pare, life style modification bolte
ki bujho, medical ki ki Treatment diba, hypothyroidism ar patient ki ki feature niye asba,ki
investigation diba, vit B12 deficiency ar cause ki ki, GIT ar ki cause hote pare.
Provat sir
Febrile convulsion
Diagnosis ki, treatment ki,diazepam kivabe diba,
Patient ke ki counselling korba( ai board ar question mam dhore sir pashe bose thaken)
Anayet sir
Pancytopenia ar scenario
Ki karone hoy, akta 60 bochore lok chain smoker chese pain ar massive proteinuria niye asche
cause ki,
Jahangir sir
X ray peural effusion, hydropneumothorax, diagnosis kivabe korba,treatment ki diba, persisten
diarrhoea kot din porzont hoy, chronic diarrhoea ar cause bolo
Skin psychiatry
Mamun sir
Major depressive disorder akta scenario chilo,dd ki ki,ki treatment dibo,
Schizophrenia ar definition, mood disorder ar definition, treatment
Skin gonorrhea ar sceanario, investigation, ki treatment dibo, urethral discharge ar cause,
organism ar name
Tarek azad sir
Perinatal asphyxia ki, cause ki,kivame manage korba,IYCY ki components ki,VSD ar scenario,
ki investigation, ki treatment, rheumatic fever ar scenario.

Long case...jahangir sir Case present.. pleural effusion (TB) Contact history r importance?
Contact history thakle extra na ki pulmonary tb suspect korba??... Inv. Prothome cbc shunte
chay.. cbc te ki pabo? Short case: Enayet sir: Radial pulse dekhte bolse... Koto paiso? 1 min e
exam ses Jahangir sir: Inspect the boy from head to toe...jaundice,anemia, spleen r raised jvp
chilo...Neck vein prominent jante chay. Jaundice r d/d Shishir sir: Palpate the abdomen...
finding...dd... Causes of ascites ē hepatomegaly Pedi(exrternal): Nephrotic r bacchar payer jerk
gula dekhaite bolse... Causes of absent jerk... AFP r cause... Transverse myelitis r gbs alada
korba kivabe Provath sir chole gesilen GE of child and do the relevants. Jaundice..Thalassemic
face,spleen enlarged... dd thalassemia chara r ki hte pare(spherocytosis) Viva: Jahangir sir:
Xray...effusion,consolidation,pneumothorax Chronic diarrhoea'r cause... acute viral hepatitis trt?
Montu test? kise kore? Fever ē neck rigidity.. ki ki clinical sign dekhba Pedi external: cholera
saline composition... febrile seizure,opc poisoning,? Acute rheumatic fever.. Pedi internal: ALL r
data... severe dehydration r management Shishir sir: ECG: AF.. causes.. management... DM
dx.. management of dm Enayet sir: Data: Pancytopenia ē lymphocytosis..Megaloblastic
anemia... causes of pancytopenia...commonest cause ?? CML data. Scenario:enteric fever..
multiple myeloma... Lung cancer ē paraneoplastic syndrome Mamun sir: kicchu porar drkr nai...
Sobar eki card... Sir ghume thake... Sojag thakleo kicchu shune na Onk kichu e mone porche
na... 8 tay e exam shuru hoye jay... Long case by lottery ( not by roll, anyone may have to
present case just after 45 mins of long case... Jader ektu pore long dibe tara salient features
complete korte parbe)... Then short case roll wise ( prothome 8 jon then 8 joner shesh howar
por 7 jon)... Then khawa dawa (about 20 mins rest) ... Then again viva roll wise as like short
case( approximately@12 pm)... Importance should given as.... long case>short
case>xray-ecg-data> viva... Ultapalta questions deikha panic howar kichu nai... Mainsher kotin
q e mone thake r kotin gula na parleo prb nai.... Best of luck & pray for me

Long case: Jahangir Sir, Acute exacerbation of COPD with secondary infection, Present your
case, এরপর যা বলিব তা স ার cross examine করেব, কােনা ছাট ফাইি ং বাদ দয়া যােব না, Palm এ িক দখা
যাে , waisting আর blackish discoloration, Palmar erythema র cause িক, patient এর eye িছেলা না
সটা কন মনশন িদই নাই ধরেস, COPD র পেশে র হাত পা ফু েল গেল িক হইেস।
Short case: Medicine, Shishir Sir, Shifting dullness দখাও, কত ণ রােখ, cause িক, Ascitis পেশে র
িক ধরেনর ু ইড- Transudative, কখন Exudative হেত পাের- SBA হেল।
এনােয়ত স ার- inspect patient from back, auscultate, percuss, ফাইি ং িছেলা Pleural effusion, এই ইয়াং
পেশে র ে িক হেব কারণ?
Jahangir Sir, Thalassemia, observe the patient from head to toe, ফাইি ং িক? thalassemic facies
এর বণনা িদিব, pallor বুিঝ নাই এ জন ধরেস, jaundice এর cause িক এ ে , অন িক cause আেছ।
পিড- NS এর Fluid thrill দখাও। কন মােঝ হাত রাখেসা। heat coagulation টে দুেটা িক িজিনস পাবা-
protein আর ফসেফট।
আেরকটা পিডর কইস, যটােত মারা খাইিস। General examination করেত বলেব। এরপর Face দেখ
abdomen এ চেল যািব। Splenomegaly িক জন হইেস। DD িক।
Viva- Shishir sir - ECG ত িক দেখা, MI এর ম ােনজেম , ৬ ঘ া আেগ পের, PCI কন করবা, Discharge
drug িক িদবা, Complication িক, ALVF এর management,
Enayet Sir: Macrocytic Anemia, IDA, িসনািরওঃ একজন ২০ বছেরর ছেল Fever আর Diarrhea িনেয় আসেল
িক সে হ করবা, একজন ৬০ বছেরর মানুষ াসক িনেয় আসেছ আর massive proteinuria আেছ িক ভাববা-
Bronchial malignancy with paraneoplastic syndrome,
একজন ছেল র, াসক , বুেক ব াথা িনেয় ভিত িক ডায়াগিনস? কন তার বুেক ব াথা হে , ইনেভি েগশন,
অরগািনজম িক িক আেছ?
জাহাংগীর স ার; X ray of pleural effusion, pneumothorax, আেরকটা বুিঝ নাই, Diarrhea র cause িক িক,
IBD মােন িক, CLD র সাইন িক িক, upper abdominal pain এর কারণ িক িক?
pedi; মারা খাওয়া , Rickets এর X ray, উপের যা বলেস এ লাই।
ভাত স ােরর বােড িছেলা। ছিব িছেলাঃ Varicella Zoster, Hydrocephalous, white patch in mouth
(Diptheria), Congenital Hypothyroidism, Knee swelling JIA.
Skin Psychiatry সবার সইম

Tender hepatomegaly

Long case( Foysal sir)- Thalassemia..... Present ur case. Why thalassemia? D/D ki?
Thalassemia te acute abdomen hoy kina? Thalassemic face... Keno hoy? Family history er
importance. Investigation. Treatment. Bone marrow transplantation er indication.... . Short
case(provat sir).. Inspact the face, and do the relevant. Splenomegaly silo.. Foysal sir- palpate
the abdomen(hepato splenomegaly) Nazmul sir( Auscultate the chest from back).. Female silo.
Attendant chaway sir mind korese. Bolese, back theke examination er jonno abar attendant
lagbe naki?. Shishir sir( general examination) pedi external( examin clubbing + cyanosis) viva.
Foysal sir.. ECG, MI er treatment, causes of goiter. Examination findings of goiter, treatment,
complication. Nazmul sir.. Urine report..(UTI/ AGN) senario... Acute viral hepatitis, Acute
duodenal ulcer, arek ta mone nai. Mamun sir( skin, psychiatr... Sir kisu bole nai. Ami question
pore answer bole gesi. ) Leprosy, scabies, MDD... Shishir sir.. X ray (consolidation) auscultation
findings. Classification of pneumonia. Causes of pneumonia. TB vs pneumonia. TB x ray
findings. Other investigation. Koyta sample ney. Kothay investigation kora hoy. Treatment of TB.
MDR, XDR TB. DOTs.. Pedi externa... TOF x ray. Components of TOF. Senario Leukemia.
Other investigation. Treatment. Pictures... SAM, hydrocephaly, ... Skin e lesion silo. Seta theke
scabies e niye gese. Scabies er organism, treatment. Provat sir(provat sir kisu bolen nai,
madam xm niyesen) IMCI, AFP... ORS er component. Dehydration. Treatment of different types
of dehydration.

thalassemiay acute abdomen kno hoi? Cholelithiasis(bilirubin> pigmented stone)

Long case: acute exacerbation of copd with post tb fibrosis

Najmul sir: history and examination , copd er clinical examination finding ki
Short case:
1. Najmul sir: Auscultate the chest from back, finding? ( Rt sided pleural effusion)
2. Shishir sir: general examination. Finding? (Anaemia, jaundice) anaemia, jaundice paiso r kisu
dekhte chao kina? ( Spleen) spleen palpable paile ki dx? ( Haemolytic anaemia)
3. Paediatric ( external sir): examine the face (nephrotic chilo), r kon disease e face emon hoy?
( GN), koykta disease er nam bolo j face dekhe dx kora jay? ( Thalassemia, down, congenital
hypothyroidism, kwashiorkor (apathic face), moon face kishe thake? (Cushing disease)
4. Provat sir: examine the abdomen ( thalassemia), do the relevant, dx? DD? ( Hereditary
spherocytosis) Thalassemia er inv, hb electrophoresis er finding? Hereditary spherocytosis er
inv , finding.
5. Faisal sir: (Thalassemia) palpate the abdomen, do relevant
1. Faisal sir: ecg ( inf mi) , management of mi ( 1st ei aspirin,clopidogrel shunte chan sir), koykta
haematological disease er nam bolo, amader deshe most common konta? (IDA) IDA er cause,
inv finding, Thalassemia er inv finding.
2. Najmul sir: urine rme er report disen.( Red cell chilo,pus cell chilo but red cell cast chilo na)
Dx? UTI. DD: GN, Duodenal ulcer hole clinically ki ki paba? 22 years old student+
anorexia,nausea, vomiting+ right upper abdominal pain, Dx? R ki clinical finding paba? Stroke
with bp 180/110; ki korba?
3.shishir sir: xray consolidation, breath sounds kemon hobe? Pneumonia er severity kivabe
assess kore? What is MDR & XDR TB? CKD er cause, feature, anaemia keno hoy?
Hyperkalemia er mx.
4. Skin psychiatry: shobar e same
5. Paediatric external: rickets,xray finding, bone feature of rickets head to toe, down syndrome,
ALL scenario , childhood abnormal behavior ki ase? r common kisu qs....mone portese na
6. Provat sir: imci, tongue depressor, AFP..... R kheyal nai
Case:cld with portal hypertension.
Present your case.aii pt ee cld develop korar karon ki.d/d exclude.ki inv. Treatment
Short case : general examinatin.auscultate back.inspect head to toe .radial pulse. Establish
Viva data .bicytopenia.senerio
MM.enteric fever.lung abcess.
Skin urethitis.haart ki.scabies comp.
MDD.axiety disorder.hallusination.
Xray.chronic diarrhoea cause
Paedi:pic chilo onek gula
f 75
Scenario.vsd oneumonia sepsis.febrile comvulsin

long case:(foysal sir)

case: COPD
salient features, why copd, (history onk valo kore prsen sir history of present illness valo moto
guchay likhte hbe), why not asthma, chest finding diye kivabe asthma COPD difference kore,
auscultate the chest, ai pt r etiology ki, ki inv,ki treatment, oxygen saturation 95% hole ki krba,
chronic case hole ki treatment, ki vaccination ,konta koto year por por dey.

short case;
auscaltate the chest from back , palpate the abdomen, general examination
paedi: measure OFC & MUAC, palpate the abdomen

Long case: CLD with portal HTN

shishir sir:
Present your case, why CLD, ki treatment,
Patient er age 22 chilo, 10 bochor age Endoscopic band ligation kora chilo. Repeated
haematemesis, malena, childhood e jaundice hoisilo, er por speen boro howa shuru hoy no
ascites, so D/D : thalassemia disi.sir kisu bole nai.
Portal HTN er management e tube ki jani use kore ask korse.
Short case:
Najmul sir :
Auscultation chest from back. Uni findings milaia dekhsen.
Foysal sir : thalassemia
Look at the face,do relevant. Findings ki,relevant ki, uni paraaortic L.N dekhte bolen
Shishir sir: General examination
Anemia chilo.
Provat sir: look at the face, do relevant
Paedi external:
Auscultate chest from back
Causes of bronchial, absent breathsound
Najmul sir :
Data: d/d,,, UTI,AGN
Scenerio:Duodenal ulcer, acute viral hepatitis
Shishir sir:
Xray : consolidation, pneumothorax
Ckd related questions,managemen.
Paedi external:
Xray :rickets
Picture : hemophilia, down Syndrome
Provat sir:
Card question: ITP,IMCI,r mone nai
Instrument:ambu bag
Mamun sir, uni shunen na ans
MDD, schizophrenia,anxiety disorder
Urethritis, genital ulcer
R mone portese na
Foysal sir : ECG :inferior MI
Goitre er cz
best of luck ...

Long case
Present ur case
Diagnosis rt sided hemeperesis with UM type of facial nerve palsy in rt side...
Ki ki investigation korba,
Pt ischemic cilo amar ta jodi 2 hour er vitor ashe tahole ki korba (best)..
rTPA(recombinant tissue plasminogen activator)..
Then relese deoar somoy ki ki drug diba?
Jerk dekhao..
DM a nepropathy hote minimum koto year lage?10 years.
Short case..
Paedi 1..
AGN r NS er difference bolte thako...
NS er ekta investigation bolo jeta diagnosis korbe(24 hours UTP)...
Paedi 2...
Spleen palpate koro,isolated spenomegaly er cause...
3.. Chest bacj theke auscultate koro r inspect kro???
Brochiectasis er cause...
Bilateral crepitation er cause...
GENERAL examination
Findings bolo
Oedema r jaundice cilo?
Ki hote pare
5....lower limb examination..
Ki hote pare.. Stroke...
Spinal cord a prblm hole diagnosis korte hole ki korba?
Sensory dekhbo...
Viva1...skin r psy..
Scabies,MDD,gonorrhea er trtmnt,urethral discharge er cause,
Viva2..consolidation..x ray..
Ki findings auscultate kore, severity kivabe asses korba,microcytic anemia er cause,
Kon parasite macrocytic anemia kore (fish tapewarm,,name ki etar..diphylobothrium latum)....
Sam er picture
Tar dehyration kivabe dekhba..urine output koibar hoy).
Scenerio. Febrile seizure
Tru r pseudo seizureser difference...
Viva..3 paedi
Bacillary desentry..
Er complications
Maily 2 ta bolba HUS r rectal prolaps,,r baki diarrhoea er complications
Tonge depressor. Indications, 1 ta contraindication bolo,,
Measles er complications, eye a ki hoy.
Kivabe xerophthalmia er treatment korba.??
Viva 4..
Data UTI r ekta jante chaile AGN
1st agn bollana kn
Cz rbc cast cilona...
Stroke er complications bolo,kivabe present korbe,,ashlei ki ki investigation korba...
Uti kivabe confirm hoba?
By C/S
Viva 5..
ECG acute inferior MI...
Scenario,... Dengue..pneumonia...
Anorexia nousea pallor bade r kivabe present korte pare patients...
Sobai doa koiro...
R ekta kotha sobai questions gula dile valo hoy sobar e upokar hoy..
Sobai asha kori porer xm gula deoar por jemon ehok na kn share korle upokar hou sobar..
Ekto kosto holeo sobai dio....
Fe amanillah...

Long case:COPD.. Nazmul sir ( positive finding kmne ki hoice.. Havi jabi.. Kisu e mante chai
nai , tarpor o average hoise motamoti)
Short case: respiratory inspection. Finding.. Post tb.. Shishir sir khub e valo... Nazmul sir:
general examination.. Edema.. Jaundice.. R relative a ki ki takte pare.. Ki ki korba.. Foisol sir(
pagol) lower motor: kno examination a e mante chai na.. Hudai chillai.. Pedi: nephro:
inspection.. Examination.. Kmne ki hoise..
Thalassemia: inspection... Splenectomy...
Vaiva: foisol sir : viral hepatitis nia onk kisu jigass korse... Uti.. Agn... R kisu mone nai
Nazmul sir:mi.. Full read.. Kon leed a ki pabo sob.. Acute mi... Complication.... Lung abcess er
ak ta scenario cilo
Skin: sir ghumay.. Oi typical que gula a e cilo.. Oi gula e bolci..
Shihir sir: pneumonic consolidation.. Auscultated kore ki pabo.. Diabetes cause..

Complications.. Hypertension.. Diabetic ketoacidosis.. Investigation a ki pabo
Pedi: card que.. Rheumatic fever... Leukemia.. R kisu mone nai.. .. ..
Doa koris sobai..

Today long case.. CLD wid pHtn... nazmul sir.. Kno cld bolla... Ki findings.. Uni aro kisu
boltesilen portal vein thrombosis..bola jabe kina.
Short case
( muscle bulk dekha lagvena.. uni rege jan)
General exam nazmul sir.
Young lady Deep jaundice +edema ki mone hoy
Paedi... Provat sir
Palpate abdomen.. Ki paiso... Shifting dullness kno dekhonai.. Ki kj inv.korba
Paedi (external).. MUAC dekhao.. Kokhon baby ta k severely malnouricked bolba. Pitting and
non pitting edema er cause.. Myxedema kno non pittjng.. Skjn e lemon yellow tint r jaundice
alada korba kivabe

Long case (Shishir sir)- Post TB fibrosis with Bronchiectasis (!)

Present your case , findings, diagnosis, why ( sir then nije findings dekhsen) , treatment, tb r
Short case - Lower limb motor
Inspection of face & findings ( Jaundice )
Inspect & auscultate the back ( fibrosis)
Paedi - NS ( examination of abdomin )
Papate liver
PaediViva -
External-Rickets xray, Pic - LP , SAM, aro ki ki jani cchilo ,structure question
Internal- Data - Mantoux test,Bone aspiration needle , cholera saline , structure question
Medicine viva
External- Data ( UTI) , treatment , advice , organism

Nazmul sir - Ecg ( Acute inferior MI ), complication,then sir r 2 ta scenario
Skin & psychiatry- sir ghumay
Shisir sir - Xray (Consolidation) , clinical findings, cause , pneumonia r organism, microcytic
hypochromic anaemia r cause , IDA r cause , diabetes r complication, treatment

Viva (faysal sir) dta.. uti... Stroke.. ki inv.ki korba. Ki ckmplication.. Ward e ki kora hoy.. DVT
hoile ki RX diba
Nazmul sir ( dengue.. Pneumonia scenario) inf.MI
Shishir sir consolidation.. PNEUMONIA severity kivabe asses korba.. Htn er def.. Comolication..
Retinopathy r stage.. Diabetic ketoacidosis er 3 ta criteria
Paedi.. Rickets.. VITd metabolism.. SAM er babyr dehydration.. Id dea hiy kon vaccine.. Seizure
r pseudoseizure er mdhe difference bolo..
Provat sir.. Leukemia.. Epi.... Rheumatic fever.. Measels..Mt test.. Bone marrow aspi.needle.
Skin psyche ager gulai

Long case- Nazmul sir. Acute Stroke with left sided hemipersis probably ischemic
Differentiate with cerebritis, risk factor from case, ischemic er modde kon variety, how
atherosclerotic, hospital acquired infection er ei patient er source ki.. (Cannula, catheter,
Short case: Hypothyroidism (goitre) shishir sir
Examine neck, Ask 5 ques to patient to exclude type of goitre,
(2) paedi : nephrotic.. Abdomen with relevants, exclude AGN, Inv in blood
(3) thalassemia - examine the hand of patient, common anemia, source of iron, 3 fingers
function in radial pulse
(4) foysal sir hepatosplenomgaly palpate, relevants, cause
(5) nazmul sir
back of the chest percussion, front trachea (to differ effusion and collapse)
Viva- (1) foysal air Anterior MI.. Rx, how to give morphine, heart failure findings on auscultation,
gastroenteric disease, PUD organism cause
(2) nazmul sir data- Transudative ascites SAAG er ekta Data cilo. DD CLD, nephrotic.
Diabetis patient with hypertension scenario, 3 Renal complications
(3) xray sishir sir
Consolidation, severity deki kivabe, severe malaria, symptoms, cerebral malaria, Rx
Hyperkalemia Rx, UTI in female, recurrent UTI advise,
(4) MDD, HAART, urethritis, scabies
(5) paedi external
Common helmiths, Hb 6 which you give first (blood or antihelminth?- Blood)
JIA, inv,
(6) paedi mam
Bone marrow needle, Ambu bag, Severe dehydration, meningitis,
Tb lymphadenopathy

Long case-shishir sir

Cld with porta Htn-ki inv..etilogy khojar jonno konta,,viral load konta diye dekhi,c virus e ki pai
pcr e,,management,spironolactone naki frusemide diye age shuru korba?(spironolactone)spider
dekhao..kn hoy..liver transplant bd te hoy kina..choronicity k kore..ki ki viral marker for b and c
Short case-rajib sir..nephrotic syndrome-treatment ki ,,complication ki..heat cougulation e ki
Ext(paedi)cyanosis,clubbing,superior inf vena caval obstruction kivabe korba dekhao,,peripheral
cyanosis r cause,,dìfference between central and peripheral cyanosis..
Faisal -umn type of lesion in left leg(full loewr limb examination,sob gula power alada kore
dekhate hoy)..lesion koi thakte pare..lesion dekhar jonno r ki korba,
Nazmul sir-general examination...jaundice plus odema eksathe kise thakte pare
Shishir sir-inspect and aucultate back(fibrosis with bronchiectesis)
Diagnosis ki..dd ki

long case : foysal sir

Stroke with left sided hemiparaesis with left sided facial nerve palsy.
Sir, থেম salient feature বলেত বলেছ, s/f থেক িক িক িপজ ভ ফাইি ংস এর কারেণ উনার াক হেত পাের,
জনােরল এ ািমেনশন এ িক পিজ ভ ফাইি ং! সার মাপিছ িকনা! কত পাইিছ! পালস কত পাইিছ! কা িরেলট কেরা
াক এর সােথ, HTN এর জন কান াগ খায় িকনা, নাম বেলা, কান অরগান ড ােমজ হেত পাের, Facial nerve

palsy UMN/LMN,why not lower? Nervous system findings? Ankle jerk dekhao(pai ni, pt co
operative chilo na, sir nijeo pare ni ) plantar dekhao! Ki paiso? Unar vomiting, headache
history nicho! Ki bolse!

Short case :
Provat sir
Look at the face and do relevant.
Fluid thrill dekhcilam.ekpash theke dakhai sir raag korsen, r kono question e koren ni. Chillaisen
onek kisu pari na. Pore matro 3 dise.
Paedi 2: external
Edema and dehydration dekhao? Dehydration pet e je dekhi thik koon jaiga te dekhte hoy!
Some dehydration er management and features? ORS bolchi.then Why 75 ml, not 50/100 ml
Foysal sir: palpate the abdomen and do relevant.jaundice chilo,hepato splenomegaly chilo. Para
aortic lymph node dekhi ni ken! Tarpor lymphoma te chole gesen! Hodgkin/Non! Konta
Shishir sir: look at the neck and palpate
Thyorid ​(goitre)! Ki dhoroner? Pt ke 5 ta question koro dx pokkhe? Tumar ki mone hoy, ki
dhoroner thyroid problem(hyperthyroidism)
Nazmul sir

Auscultate the chest from back
Breath sound diminshed in rt lower region? Dx ki? Effusion bolchi why not consolidation? Eta
ki mass lesion hote pare?? Differentiate koro effusion na mass lesion?

Viva :
Skin, psychi as usal MDD,hallucinatio, schizophrenia
Scabies,uretral ulcer,discharge er cause,leprosy type?
Paedi : external
X ray TOF, read, findings, componet,primary kon duita,oligaemic lung field keno? Abar tof er
picture, tof er baccha convulsion niye ashce cause? R ekta ki jani picture dilo mone ashce na.
Paedi( Fahmida mam)
IYCF, component, Under 5, infant,neonatal mortality rate koto! Ekta acute watery diarrhoea with
severe dehydration chilo! Management? Diarrhoea type? Kon fluid dibo? ors er component?
Medicine : foysal sir
ECG, MI er managemnt? Streptokinse fail korle ki korbo? Hepatotrpic virus er name! Kivave
prevent korbo, koto gulo genetic disease er name bolo ja ward e pai, sir ultimately CML er BCR
-abl translocation shunte chaisen,onek khuchaia ber korchen eta.

Long case: shishir sir

acute stroke with right sided hemiparesis with upper motor type facial palsy with diabetes
mellitus.case presentation,upper motor kmne bujhla,lession kothay,ai pt er lower motor hoite
pare kina,ki type er stroke,kno mone hoilo haemorrhagic,kno ishchemic na,blood pressure
kivabe manage korba,diabetes kivabe manage korba,kun drug diba,short action insulin kno
diba,investigation ki ki korba.
short case:
1.pleural effusion:percuss the chest from the back,ki diagnosis,kno bolla,consolidation hoite
pare kina,pleural effusion theke kivabe alada korba,pleural effusion a ki ki inv korba,x ray te ki
paba,dd r ki hoite pare.
2-thyroid:inspect the face & neck & do the realevents,diag ki,jodi graves disease hoy eta kun
stage a ase,kno.
3-paedi nephrotic:inspect the face & abdomen & do the associated exm,ki ki findings
paico,genetalia te ki paico,etake ki bole,ki ki dd hote pare,1 ta inv dile kunta dba,range
koto,nephrotic a bed side urine test a ki paba,eta theke chest a ki problem hote pare,kno.
4-paedi :do the visual acquity & colour vision test,acquity banan koro,colour vision ki chart die
dekha hoy
5-hepatoslpeenomegaly:palpate the abdomen & do the realevents,akta jinis dekhte vuila geco

,seta ki?(para aortic lymph node) ,findings ki,dd ki
viva nia amare keo kicu jigais na
ki disi ami nijeo janina
long case: stroke with rt sided hemiparesis.present ur case,jerk dekhao,jerk absent paila
keno,risk factor ki,ajke ki rx diba,discharge a ki diba,hemorrhagic keno bolla.
1.short case: neurological xm of face,ki paiso,( lmn lesion)keno paiso,umn a ki paba,ki rx
diba,cause ki,ear kn xm korla?taste keno dekla?
2.auscaltate chest,findings,(bronchial breath sound),ki hote pare,dx korar jonno r ki dekba,ki ki
general xm korba,clubbing dekhao
3.palpate abdomen(splenomegaly) cause
4.xm radial & carotid pulse,unilateral carotid korar somoy old age pt unconscious hoye
gelo,cause ki,pulse er abnormality,cause ki,bradycardia,tachycardiar cause.
4.xm jaundice and do relevant,cause ki, liver tender keno?
viva: 1.ecg acute inferior mi,rx,presentation,Q wave thakle ki hoto,Q wave er normal value koto
square,reciprocal change dekhao,hypothyroidism er cause rx dx,diabetic complication er
2.x ray:pleural effusion,cause,next investigation, history,rt sided PE er cause,ckd,cause,renal
artery stenosis er clinical finding,usg a ki paba,
3.data:saag,dx ki,cld er complication, paraparesis er cause,soft liver er cause, type 1,2
hypersensitivity er ex,mechanism
4.tof,rickets,febrile seizure,bacchader tb er dose
5.sam,ambu bag,tongue depressor,brochiolitis,pneumonia,neonatal sepsis

jerk absent paisos kn? patient is in spinal shock

Long case : stroke with right sided hemiparesis.

Shishir sir- ami khatay ki likhchi seita mukhostho pora nise + khatar sathe milaye dekhse( pulse,
bp, temp, heart rate, power), jerk sobgula dekhaite bolse, pt er aphasia chilo, eta kon dhoroner
aphasia, lesion kothay asee, broca's motor area koi, ki inv diba, ki rx diba?
Short case:
Nazmul sir: palpate the abd, splenomegaly.
Shishir sir: examine the face of the patient.
Foysal sir: auscultate the chest from back & do the relevant.
Paedi: jaundice dekhao, ekta scenario bolse, dd bolte bolse.
Paedi : oedema, dehydration dekhao.
Foysal sir: x-ray pleral effusion.
Jahangir sir: data cld.
Shishir sir: inf mi, thyroid, dm.
Skin psyche : as usual.
Paedi: xray rickets, scenario vsd, neonatal sepsis.
Paedi: ambu bag, sam, pneumonia, bronchiolitis, rheumatic fever, febrile convulsion.

foysal sir
stroke- (ischaemic)
diagnosis ki, salient feature bolo, jerk dekhao both UL, LL
uni planter check korse!
investigation ki korba, 3hrs er age asle ki diba, rTPA, er contraindication

2nd person chilm, history salient feature er half porjonto likhsilm! uni last a eta niye gen gen
Paedi 1-
percuss the chest of this child, normal finding, respiratory examination related question, dull
kokhn, hyperresonant kokhn etc
Paedi 2-
examine jaundice of this child & do the relevant, liver chilo, causes, maternal history, family
history etc
Medicine 1
shishir sir
facial nerve examination, dx ki, LMNL chilo, cause, treatment, eye er jonno ki treatment
Medicine 2-
nazmul sir
palpate the abdomen, findings ki, spleen chilo! differential ki ki, related question, spleen kidney
kmne alada kori, CML er patient uni
Medicine 3-
foysal sir
auscultation of chest from back & do the relevant,
findings ki, left sided fibrosis chilo, bronchial breath sound kothay paoa jay, consolidation,
fibrosis kmne alada korba, functional status of lung kivabe clinically dekhba, cyanosis
shishir sir
inf MI, findings, dx, complications
diabetes er acute complications, mx of hypoglycemia, hypothroidism er causes, macrocytosis er
cause, helminth er naam, pernicious anemia etc
mamun sir-
MDD, dx, d/d, treatment, risk
def of hallucination, dsm criteria of schizo etc
genital ulcer, HAART, indication, gonococcal urethritis, scabies 3 complications etc
Paedi- external
x-ray TOF, rickets, MT test,
VSD scenario, TB etc
Paedi- internal
bronchiolitis scenario, pneumonia, febrile seizure, down syndrome, congenital hypo, AMBU bag
foysal sir-
x-ray PE, causes, ckd causes, presentation, ureamia, sepsis er presentation, rx, fluids, renal
replacement therapy
jahangir sir-
SAAG er report, soft palpable liver er csuse, liver abscess, paraparesis etc

Long case- COPD

Describe, why increasing progressively, MRC scale.
Short case
1. Auscultate chest from back- Fibrosis-consolidation alada korba kivabe, r ki dkhba.
2. Bell's palsy- examine, findings, diagonosis, cause, treatment.
3. Palpate the abdomen
Spleenomegaly- cause
1. Jundice dekhao, cause ki hoite pare, r ki dkhba, soft tender liver er cause, viral hepatitis er
patient e ki history niba.
2. Palpate the liver- findings, cause of tender hepatomegally, Kidney & liver kivabe alada korbo,
kokhon enlarged kkhn palpable bolbo.
Jahingir Sir- Data CLD with HCC, Cause of transudative fluid, Liver abscess cause, soft
palpable liver cause, upper abdominal pain cause, pancreatic pain character, paraplegia def &
cause. Autosomal dominant disease.
Jalal sir( Shishir sir)-
ECG- inferior MI reading, recriprocal change, dx. Hypothyroidism cause, primary secondary type
cause, investigation, Diabetes er acute complication, DKA er diagnostics criteria, principles of
Foisal Sir-
Xray Pleural effusion, cause, further investigation, which type of bronchial Ca in children.
Pneumonia er cause, investigations, treatment. CKD er cause, presentation, complications,
RRT er indications.
Pedi external-
Xray Rickets, TOF. Data hypochromic microcytic anemia, cause. JIA, ARF, major jones criteria,
carditis thakle secondary prophylaxis. neonatal sepsis, Bacteria kongula cause, treatment.
Cerebral malaria treatment.
Fahmida mam- Bronchiolitis vs Pneumonia. Neonatal convulsion treatment, advice. Down

iver mass & upper border liver dullness dkhbi

Kidney ballotable, tympanic on percussion, liver dull on percussion, liver moves early in

Long case:Stroke with left sided hemiparesis wth HTN..

Nazmul sir: stroke er favour e tmr salient feature bolo, why hv you said hemeperesis? Why
stroke? Why not icsol, suppose ami bollam eta cerebritis bolo kno 'na'?
muscle power koto Pele? What about Jerk? Inv ki krba? Routine ki specific ki?? R mn e
Short case:
Nazmul sir: palpate the abdomen.
Splenomegaly chlo.. Causes of moderate splenomgly..
Shishir sir: cranial nrv examination.
LMN typ of facial nrv palsy chilo.. Cause?
Bell's palsy ki? Cause.. R mn e porchna..
Foysal sir: auscultate the chest from back. Finding? Bronchial breath sound chilo..
Differentiating points.. One general examination in this case to see functional status of lung?
Paedi:Show jaundice.
Only splenomgly nd jaundice
Tell me the imp clinical examination and reason / which one for excluding what?? If Acute viral
hepatitis - history??
If wilson's disease imp history from mother?
Paedi external: long case ki chilo?
Visual acuity nd color vision dekhao.. Light reflx er pathway bolo. Screlocrneal junctn e touch
korle blinking hy kn nerve responsible,?
During eye closure kon nrv responsible
Paedi : xray rickets. Tumio jno eta ki amio jani. Tmi ekhn ki bolba tao jani..so now show me
widening cupping fraying..
Which ray is
responsible for vt D synthesis, color of the ray? Light or dark?
Data: proteinuria
Scenario : TB, neonatal sepsis
If 4 yrs old child how will you collect sputum?
R mn e porchna
Paedi: scenario -febrile seizure, bronchiolitis vs pneumonia...complications
Ambu bag..
Pic - SAM (related que)
Foysal sir-
X ray- pleural effusion.
Probable dx
Liver cause e hote pare kina? Ki ki??
Pyogenic amoebic liver abscess which one is Dangerous? Multiple lesions kontay hy?
Aro kichu que krchn ei related mn e porchna..
Tell me the imp casue of CKD
Cause bolar somoy
IgA nephropthy 2 bar bole felchlm last e..
Now tell me about IgA nehropathy.. How pt will come/ freatures?
Jahangir sir: data
Ascitic fluid study.. Ki ki paccho?
Transudatv er cause ki? Alpha fetoprotein raised?
Ok, so dx?
Tender Palpable soft liver er cause.. Aro kichu que palpable liver related. Thik mn e porchna..
Paraplegia cause.. Type 1 hypersensivity cause
Shishir sir: Acute inferior ml.
Reciprocal chng paccho kina kon lead e? Pt kivbe ashbe? Pain kmn hbe? Silent mI hote pare
kina.. Treatment
Hypothyroidism cause inv..
Megaloblastic anemia cause. Vit B12 deficiency cause.. Kno gastric surgeryr por hy kina. Kno
parasite responsible hote pare kina?
Skin psychiatry : as usual..
Eito motamuti eguloi..
Best of luck..pray for me..
Medicine 2nd Half
Long case: Jahangir sir
Acute viral hepatitis/HCC..ami acute viral hepatitis establish korsilam.. Sir history thekei
question koren..
Short case:
Lower limb (both knee & ankle jerk exaggerated -cz?)
Thyroid (inspection e keo surgery er moto tongue protrude kore dekhish na) (heart e ki problem
hote pare?)
Back of chest (wheeze & rochi -cz?)
Paedi: Splenomegaly (cz,splenectomy indication,measure)
B1:(Moniruzzaman sir)
ECG (inf MI),unstable angina ki,koi kivabe mx kora hoi (outdoor/indoor) antidiabetic drug er
nam,konta kader dei,thyrotoxicosis ki,primary/secondary hypothyroid ki..
B2: (Ahbab Sir)
Res. failure type 1 er feature (hypoxiar feature) ki, mx,chronic kon disease er khetre eta hote
Recent Infectious disease, dengue te ki complication hoi classic vs haemorrhagic er basic
difference why haemorrhagic?
Henderson hasselbach equation..
R mone nai
B3: (Jahangir sir)
Xray- pleural effusion,cz,Pulmonary /extrapulmonary TB,why extrapulmonary, other
extrapulmonary, intestine er koyekta infection, enteric fever intestine er koi hoi r o ki ki dhorsilo..
B4:(Shushmita madam)
Scenario: Schizophrenia, def:delusion,delirium,conversion,classify delusion,drugs in
schizophrenia side effects, childhood psychiatric disorder nam,autism er criteria,koyekta skin
disease er nam,scabies er rx,complications,
B5 (paedi- external)
Pic-Down syndrome (findings,karyotype)
Scenario meningitis,inv,csf findings
B2 (paedi-Jogindro sir)
Scenario-severe dehydration due acute watery diarrhea, management, other cause,r o 2 ta
scenario r mx chilo,
Report:ekta massive proteinuria chilo r ekta mone nai..
AMBU bag,parts,use...

#Long_case: external-
Seser dike cilm tmn kicu dhore ni..eshtablished korte bolce kno copd,why not asthma..history r
inspection findings..woman pt cilo,bolce ki risk factor hote pare.barrel shape kivabe dekhay,card
nei ni kno,copd r rek naam(airway limitting disease),women der kn occupation e recently copd
besi hy(garments worker),pore uni amk onkbar bolce case review korte chai kina,pt asthma te
nite chai kina..ami bolci j na sir amr copd e mone hyce,pore monirujjaman sir deke niye chole
gece.r whole lung field e crepts kno jante chaice..
External-Thyroid swelling inspection,goitre ki,classification,Graves er finding
Jahangir sir-spastic paraplegia cilo,knee r ankle both side e exaggerated,cz ki ki hote pare
jigges korce..(pt TM er cilo)
Back of d chest cilo-susmita ma'am : uni onk valo..sudhu jigges korce ki paici
Paedi external- palpate d abdo,hepatospleenomegaly,dd ki hobe,acute leukemia hole r ki ki
search korbo,confirme kivabe korbo
Paedi jugendra sir- ascites cilo,shifting r fluid thrill dekhate bolce,cz ki hobe,eito
#Viva: susmita ma'am :
Neurosis,psychosis,scizo,hallucination, dellusion,insight,child psychiatry,addictive substance
gular nam,psychiatric outdoor e asce,bt tumi psychotherapy dibe na emn disease er naam
bolo(schizo, bmd).kno diba na..egulai besi dhorce..
R painful skin lesion er nam,outdoor e kiser pt besi,scabies er tx..
Paedi external-tof xray,component,ge findings,ns with staghorn penis er picture,ns er ge
finding,pyogenic meningitis r tb r duita scenario cilo
Paedi jugendra sir: insruments identification,ns er data,diarrhoea r asphyxiar scenario..
Monirujjaman sir: ecg- acute inferior mi,acute coronary syndrome,unstable angina
def,thyrotoxicosis er cz n finding..
External: microcytic hypochromic anemiar data cilo,other range near to norml, only rdw 22
cilo,eta niyei onkkhn rakhce,metabolic acidosis er cz..
Jahangir sir: plural effusion er xray,cz ki ki hote pare,large gut er infection er naam,liver er
infection ki ki,brain er infection,r ki jeno tuktak..eito

Long case: Nephrtc syndrome. Related qu: why nephr, dd, trtmnt, cause. Short case :knee and
ankle jerk( spastic paraplegia ,cause) . Thyroid swelling examination, chest from back exam (
Copd), paedi:ascites ( cause, investigation), thalassemia ( hepatosplenomegaly) ,. Viva:
psychiatry and skin: schizophrenia scenerio , why called so, what type of delusion present ,
insight ( ei jinishta pari ni), childhood ki ki Psy disorder, common skin diseases ( scabies sobar
age bolte Hobe),,, trtmnt of scabies. Paedi dui board:x ray Tof, Salah bone marrow aspiration
needle,scenerios : meningitis, pneumonia, tb ( ar Mone nai) Ecg: inf mi , thyrotoxicosis kontate
ki hoi, unstable angina definition , diabetis oral drug,,, Kono duita drug ER parthokko( vule gesi
but eita pharma ER ques chilo pari nai) , x ray: pleural effusion. Large intestine ER part, ki ki
disease hoy, amebiasis ar bacillary dysentery parthokko, nephritic syndrome scenerio, name of
some world wide infection etc.

Long case: Nephrtc syndrome. Related qu: why nephr, dd, trtmnt, cause. Short case :knee and
ankle jerk( spastic paraplegia ,cause) . Thyroid swelling examination, chest from back exam (
Copd), paedi:ascites ( cause, investigation), thalassemia ( hepatosplenomegaly) ,. Viva:
psychiatry and skin: schizophrenia scenerio , why called so, what type of delusion present ,
insight ( ei jinishta pari ni), childhood ki ki Psy disorder, common skin diseases ( scabies sobar
age bolte Hobe),,, trtmnt of scabies. Paedi dui board:x ray Tof, Salah bone marrow aspiration
needle,scenerios : meningitis, pneumonia, tb ( ar Mone nai) Ecg: inf mi , thyrotoxicosis kontate
ki hoi, unstable angina definition , diabetis oral drug,,, Kono duita drug ER parthokko( vule gesi
but eita pharma ER ques chilo pari nai) , x ray: pleural effusion. Large intestine ER part, ki ki
disease hoy, amebiasis ar bacillary dysentery parthokko, nephritic syndrome scenerio, name of
some world wide infection etc.

Viva :
1. X-ray - pleural effusion.
What is large intestine, large intestine er infectious disease ki? Dysentery ki? Types? Kivabe
differentiate kori amboeic or bacillary?
2.ECG - inferior MI
Define unstable angina, diabetes ki?type? Oral hypoglycemic agent er nam, cause of
3. Define COPD, pathology, treatment, basic diff Between COPD & asthma, bronchodilator dile
kon muscle ta dilate kore,konta constrict kore?
4. Psychiatry - schizophrenia er scenario silo, +ve symptoms ki ki ase, -ve ki ki ase? Mood
disorder ki? Hallucination er type, delusion er type, insight ki? Psychology te ki ki trtment deya
hoy? Psychotherapy kader dibo na?
Skin er common kisu disease er nam bolo..
Scabies ki, treatment.
Pedi -
1. X - ray : rickets, C/F ki, trtmnt
TOF er x ray findings ki? Complications ki?
CSF findings in bacterial meningitis?
2. Tongue depressor dhorte blsen? Etar use? Scarlet fever e oral cavity te ki dekhi? Therapeutic
use ki tongue depressor er?
Define perinatal asphyxia? 2 immediate complication, nd late complications. HIE te kivabe
resuscitate kori?
Data - NS, confirm korbo kivabe?

Long case - bronchial asthma.

History te ja likhsi oita thekei shob ques korsen Jahangir Alam sir.. Mone nai shob.. Asthma kon
season e bare?asthma COPD er diff, orthopnea ki,PND ki, pack year ki? Calculate kore kivabe?

Long case-(decompensated CLD with portal hypertension)

Sushmita ma'm-presentation of your patient,present your case,your diagnosis,why you told it
decompensated,why portal hypertention,palpate the abdomen,show me shifting dullness,your
D/D,exclude your DD,what investigation for confirmation,what to exclude DD on history nd
general exam,what is the cause of CLD in this pt,why u r suspecting STI,why u told abdominal
TB,what is the primary feature of TB,is it imp that pt should have pul TB previously,what is
disseminated TB,what inv to exclude TB,what to exclude CCF,what is your treatmnt plan,why to
give bed rest,type of ascites,how to take the extravascular fluid intravascular by treatment,follow
up,what you think about prognosis,what will be the definate treatment.

short case as usual....

PNA defination,immediate-late complication
insight,treatment option,typical atypical antipsychotic drug,side effects,what is extrapyramidal
difference betwwen eczema and tinea
medicine-disease of small and large gut(JS)respiratory center,pathophysiology of dengue
heamorrhagic fever,why extravasation occuring here(AS),what is acute coronary
syndrome,timing of your ecg(MS).
plus above mentioned Q.

Long case (jahangir sir) :present your case, tarpor oi case er history related ekta scenario dise ..
chest pain ,cough, fever ,dx ki bolo, tarpor copd r asthma clinically kivabe difference korba
Short case (medicine) : auscultation of chest from back, palpation of abdomen, general

pediatric short case: thalassemia, agn er ekta babu k general examination korte dise
Psych - conversation details, insight, treatment modules used in psych , seizure and pseudo
seizure difference
Pedi 1st board : rickets x ray , treatment, chest ray te ki ki pabo , Harrison's sulcus kivabe form
hoe ,tof picture, components of tof , complications , treatment of complications,itp scenario chilo
, perinatal asphyxia er ekta chilo
Pedi 2nd board : lp detail ,needle er part , indication, position of pt,kon level e Kori ,
complications ki ,amdr Ward e Kori kina ,ki drug dei ,ns er data ,Sam scenario
Medicine :
Moniruzzaman sir :uti data , complicated and uncomplicated uti kake bole , typhoid er test widal
vuleo bolish na onk khepe .... female e uti Kno beshi hoe ,kon type uti beshi hoe
Ahbab sir : pleural effusion,causes of pleural effusion,mechanism of tubercular pleural
effusion,dm type ,insipidus kake bole ,kader hoe , insulin deficiency absolute naki relative

Jahangir sir : ecg inferior mi ,
Scenario onk gula Mone nai

Long case(jahangir sir)

Bronchial carcinoma: present,TB na ken,examination findings,sir abar nije kore
examination,hoarseness of voice keno paiso,kothay problem,metastasis kon jayga theke
hoy,crepitation kn paila ei patient er.....jao
Amar patient er chest normal chilo but crepitation chilo...

Short case (jahangir sir) insect koro findings bolo...chest movement bilaterally reduced
chilo,supraclavicular excavation, intercosta indrwing,accessory muscle use agula chilo
Short case( ahbab sir)
Metastatic neck node
Ki hoite pare
Short case(ascities)
Short case paedi( thalassemia)
Spleen chilo,relelvant ki korba,d/d ki,ki investigation,ki paba
Short case(G.E- paedi) oedema chilo...ki hoite pare...AGN e heat cau test e ki paba,nephrotic e
ki paba...

Long case:bronchogenic carcinoma,present your case,ki ki investigation korba,, ei patient er ki

ki paraneoplastic syndrome paite pari,treatment modality ki
Short case :medicine :copd patient silo ekta tar inspection korte bolse sudhu sobaire r findings
CLD patient silo ekta tar abdomen inspection & percussion, ki paila,ki karone hoite pare
Metastatic neck node silo.. Examine the neck,finding
Paedi:general examination,edema silo paye,ki ki karone edema hoite pare,edema kothay
kothay dekha jay
Thalassemia silo ekta..palpate the abdomen & do the relevant, erpor thalassemia theke ques

Long case: nephrotic syndrome. মঈন স ার িনেছ। সা েন লাভ নাই। আবদু াহ ঠাডায় যাও। কমন।
Short case: thalassemia, edema, huge ascites, metastatic neck node, COPD patient এর
inspection. যা ধরেছ সবই সাধারণ। findings িক? cause িক? differentials? Thalassemia র বা ার
Moniruzzaman sir: pleural effusion xray, cause, differentiate(স ার ঘুমায় আর পান খায়, িক কয় তার
অেধক বুিঝ না)
Ahbab sir- ECG ডায়গনিসস কের বেস িছলাম। তারপর স াের রিজ ারেদর বািক করেছ। লা বােপর
জে ও িন নাই, রিজ াররাও েন নাই।
Jahangir sir- AGN reprt, CBC reprt, MI pain character, যান ভােগন।
Sushmita ma'am- িনশােনর লা দেখ যা। ব কিপ।
Paedi external- x ray tof, rickets, picture down synd, nephrotic syndrome, scenario সব পুরান কাড
য লা েক পড়িছস।
Paedi Jogindor- ORS, আর কাড।

Down syndrome- findings,kerotyping krle ki
paba,pneumonia-organism,complication,treatment,ALL,rheumatic fever
Viva(paedi) ORS,SAM,complication,hypoglycemia management,ALL-treatment,examination
Medicine(plueral effusion)
Cause,investigation,plueral fluid study te ki dkhbo,malignant hoile ki hobe
Medicine(ahbab sir) MI ecg,management,auntosomal dominant disorder,ar mne nai
Jahangir sir-AGN- rbc cast ki,agn ki pabo,macrocytic anemia data cause,angina er pain er
Skin (schizophreniA) keno blla,ki ase history te,anxiety disorder e ki paba,skin er common
disease ki ase

Long Case-
(Moyeen sir)- acute exacerbation of COPD.. present your case, diagnosis ki, D/D ki, COPD kno,
Asthma kno na.. (beshi pechay na uni, simply sundor kore case present krlei uni khusi, cross
check kore na Pt er)..
>>Short case-
1.Pedi(Jugendro sir)- examine the abdomen & do the relevant ( Thalassemia)
2. Pedi(Ext.)- General examination- only Edema ( leg e dekhar por obossoi Sacrum e dekhte
hbe)- cause ki- AGN, trtmnt ki?
3. (Susmita mam)- inspect & percuss the abdomen- ascites, shifting fullness present, cause ki?
4. (Ahbab sir)- examine the neck- Metastatic neck node
5. (Jahangir sir)- inspect the chest from front & back- ki ki paisen?- COPD er finding gula..
>> VIVA..
1. (Moniruzzaman sir) - Xray - Pleural effusion, cause..
2. (Ahbab sir) - ECG- Acute Inf. MI
3. ( Jahangir sir)- Data- AGN & Anemia, Unstable angina er pain er features ki ki..
4. (Susmita mam)- Scenario of Schizophrenia, trtmnt, extrapyramidal symptoms ki ki ace?
Common skin disease, scabies er trtmnt..
5. Pedi (Ext.)- Xray of Rickets, pic of NS, Scenario of Arthritis & Leukemia..
6. Pedi (Jugendro sir)- ORS er composition, scenario of Severe Pneumonia - danger sign, trtmnt
of severe pneumonia....

Long case-moyen sir

Cld with portal hypertension
Full history present korte bolsen.hystory er majhe thamiye cross korsen. Kon history keno nisi?
Keno bollam etc.
Short case
Ahbab sir: metastatic neck node
Describe it. Causes? Associated symptoms.
Palpate the abdomen. Finding ascites. D/d
Jahangir sir
Copd patient inspection tell the findings
Jogendr sir
Thalassemia (abdomen palpate and relevant)
External sir
General examination (sam). Findings leg edema. Sacral e dekhte hobe. D/d

Schizophrenia sceneri. Ekhane ki ki criteria ase?(persecutory delusion,auditory hallucination)
Treatment(anti psychotic r counselling, cbt bola jabena)
Insight ki? Psychosis,neurosis e insight ki thake? Childhood psychiatry. Autism er features.
Common skin diseases. Scabies er treatment.
Paedi: external
Xray acute bronchiolitis,rx.
Scenerio acute leukaemia,acute rheumatic fever
Jogendra sir
Metallic right angle tongue depressor
Acute viral hepatitis.
Investigation khatai likhte diyesilo.
Moniruzzaman sir
Rt sided plueral effusion
Causes. Secondary causes of nephrotic syndrom. Complication.
Ahbab sir
AF ecg.AF cause pawa na gele ki bole? Causes. Rx. X Linked recessive disorder. Multifactorial
Jahangir sir
Agn data, macrocytic anaemia er data.

Long case:ajk beshi case stroke chilo. Amar o stroke porse. Ahabab sir: Diagnosis,ki type mone
hoy,keno? Risk factor ki,thrombus koi theke ashbe? Thrombus ki? Emboli diye hote pare?
Emboli ki?tumar ager 1ta meyer emboli koi theke ashbe(vulvular heart disease,MS),kivabe brain
a jabe? Mouth a upper motor lesion bolso keno? Upper motor r lower motor kontate ki hobe
bujhiye bolo, upper motor a keno eye theke above a spare hoy?
Short case:
Jugindra sir: general examination koro,doagnosis ki? TOF,keno bolso?( clubbing chilo,

congestion of eye,cyanosis chilo lip,nail bed ,lip a), investigation ki korba? Confirmatory test
ki(Echo),colour dopler a ki paba? complications of TOF. Chocolate anso?
Pedi external: palpate the abdomen,ki paiso?d/d ki? Leukemia r thalassemia clinically kivabe

alada korba? Investigation ki korba? Kontar jnno ki paba? Kontar jnno confirmatory ki? Abar
chocolate ansi ki na
Ahabab sir: Facial nerve examination koro,ki paiso?lower motor neuron type of facial nerve
palsy,bells phenomena ki? Eye a ki paiso?
Jahangir sir:thyroid examination koro.bruit dekhi ni,tai r question kore ni.
Susmita mam: auscultate chest from back,ki paiso? pleural effusioner cz ki ki?
Viva: jahangir sir-ECG (AF),kivabe bujhla? Tender hepatomegalyr cause,mid upper abdomener
kicu painful condition bolo.
Susmita mam: Schizophrenia,keno? Ki ki delusion ache akhane?ki treatment diba?typical dile ki
complication hobe? Childhood psychiatric illness ki ki ache? Name some skin disease,treatment
of scabies.
Moniruzzaman sir: X-RAY, Diagnosis ki? Cz of pleural effusion? TB na malignancy kivabe
bujba? Thyrotoxicosiser feature, investigation, USG keno korba? Scan keno korba? Cold,warm
mand ki? Cold hole ki treatment diba?
Ahabab sir: data -hypothyroidism,UTI ki?upper UTI bolte ki bujho? Pyelonephritis ki? ARDS ki?
Onno name ki? 1ta meye biyer saj a stage a boshe ache.tar ki ARDS hote pare? Keno hobe?
Pedi external: 1ta instrument nao.bone marrow aspiration needle,parts bolo, adjustable guard
indication ki, complication ki, data chilo nephrotic syndrome,ki test korba,blood a ki dekhba,
scenario chilo perinatal asphyxia, neonatal resuscitation step, complications of asphyxia.

Jugindra sir: picture downsyndrome,xray TOF, scenario-pyogenic meningitis.
Xm mutamuti easy hoy.just matha thanda rakhish.best of luck.pray for me

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