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Not everything that is faced can be changed,

but nothing can be changed until it’s faced

There is a common sense for humans to demand change. We want change, we seek change,
because change is what makes a difference. Change is the drive of development of our world. All of the
developments is what our world is built on. We develop towns, cities, countries, we pursue rights,
equality, social securities. We simply seek the best life we can get and try to live it to the fullest.

And change is what provides an opportunity for us to do that. We are able to live freely, because
our ancestors fighted for change and and were not afraid to face it. We would still be an anarchy ruled
by kings, most of us would still be peasants and workers with little rights and limited wealth supplies.
Everything that we have today is because our ancestors were not afraid to face the truth and gain
strength to fight for a better tomorrow. So we should too. It is very clear that nothing can be changed
until it’s faced, but does everything can be changed?

The answer is no. Not everything can be changed even if you try the best of you. There are just
simply things that are out of our hands to affect. Natural phenomenon, physics laws are things that limit
our abilities, therefore it limits our abilities to change even if we face those problems. But clearly
nothing can be changed until it’s faced.

People faced anarchy and therefore changed the political stance of a country, people faced
innovation and therefore changed to world through industrial revolution. People now are facing the
inperfection of humans and try to change that by developing robots and artificial intelligence. So we
have to face eveything that we would like to change, and as it is right now, the most important thing
which requires a massive change in our society is climate change.

Climate changed needs to be faced so badly and even though we are slowly moving towards
right direction to do so, there is still a long way to go. We need to completely redevelop our world in
order to make a real impact. We need to tax factories for their pollution thrown into the air that they
would be forced to choose more alternative method which doesn’t pollute so much. We need to reduce
the consumption of meat and waste of food because our massive meat industries are causing major
deforestation and gas emition. We need to choose alternative energy sources and greener
transportation. It means producing more energy through solar panels, wind turbines or hydroelectric
powerplants also use cars powered by electricity or use public transportation. Of course the damage
done is too great to be reversed instantly. It would take centuries for earth to come back to older self
even if we stop polluting earth this very minute. But it is worth trying to create a better enviroments for
our kids. After all, every major change took centuries to fully be in effect. Climate change is no different.
Our ancestors gave to us, the best world we could get, with equal rights, equal possibilities, even though
they didn’t see this world. We should do that too to give our kids the best environment to live in and
should do that by facing the truth and doing our best to change that.

We are here on this earth to contribute, to make a difference and the only way to do so is to
face things we want to contribute to. We have to face it, if want to change it. And that’s a moto
everyone should be living by.

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