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Welcome to the learning unit on “Browser toolbars & tools”.

In this learning unit you will learn about

customising tools and toolbars in various utilities of T24.
After completing this learning unit, you will be able to:
 State the need for BROWSER.TOOLBAR and BROWSER.TOOL T24 applications

 Create your own toolbars and tools

 Customize tools and toolbars in enquiries, versions and composite screens

As we have many tools with various functionalities in our toolkit, we have many T24 tools with various
functionalities in our T24 toolbar.
And that is our next topic of discussion - Browser Toolbar and Tools!
In this section we will learn about various tools and toolbars in T24 and how to create our own tools and
toolbars in T24.
The top of the slide shows the various toolbars that you will see in T24 R08 release and the bottom of the
slide shows the various toolbars that you will see in R09. A point to note here is that the functionalities of
these toolbars are not CHANGED!, only the look and feel of these browser tools has only been changed
from R09.
First of all, what is a toolbar? A toolbar is a group of buttons or hyperlinks that can perform a specified list
of functionalities.
A toolbar will normally be displayed at the top of a contract /enquiry screens in a browser window. It can
also be added to a composite screen frame.
Toolbars are defined using the BROWSER.TOOLBAR application.
So what is a tool? A tool is a button or hyperlink which can perform a specified functionality.
A tool would normally be added to a toolbar, but it can also be displayed as an individual button on
contract and enquiry screens and as a button specific to a particular field in a contract screen.
Tools are defined using BROWSER.TOOLS application.
This screen shot shows the various fields in the BROWSER.TOOLS application. Now we will learn about
all these various fields in this application.
TOOLTIP field defines the tooltip to be displayed on hovering over the button. It is a Multi-Language field.

TYPE field defines the type of tool to be used. This field has got predefined choices that T24 supports
which we will learn now.
DO.DEAL type tool is used to run the deal specified in the TARGET field in the current window.

Type button can be used to run any request specified in command line syntax in the ITEM filed. When this
button is pressed a request will be sent to T24 in the same way when somebody types in the command
line and clicks enter.
JAVASCRIPT type tool executes a JavaScript function specified in the ITEM field. The JavaScript function
specified in the ITEM field can either be a core T24 JavaScript function (e.g. “docommand” to process
command line requests) or custom JavaScript function. If it is a custom JavaScript function ensure that it
is defined in “custom.js” file. Users can also pass static parameters to the JavaScript function if required.
The next type of tool is COMMIT. This type of tool is used to commit/read a contract using the function
defined in the FUNCTION field. This type of button is used for the Edit, View & Action buttons in the
application screen and Commit, Authorise, Delete, etc buttons on a contract screen.
For example, when you click on the Edit button in the application screen, the record will be read from the
database and displayed for the user to edit the record. Where as when you click on the Commit button in
the contract screen, the contract will be written to the database using the Input function.
The valid functions that can be specified in the FUNCTION field are: EDIT, VIEW, LOCK, VAL, HLD, I, A,
R, D and V. Here VAL is used to validate the contract and HLD is to put the contract on hold. VIEW is to
open a record in SEE mode and LOCK is to open the record in SEE mode and lock the record so that an
Authorise, Delete, Reverse, etc can be done.
The next type of tool is HYPERTEXT. This type of tool is used as a HTML hyperlink. When this button is
clicked the link specified in the ITEM field will be displayed a separate browser window.
Next is REQUEST type tool. This tool is used to call a T24 UTILITY.ROUTINE as defined in the ITEM field
with the argument defined in the ATTRIBUTES field.
The next type of tool is BACK. This tool is used to close the current contract and display the application
Next is COMBO type tool. When a tool needs to be displayed in the form of a HTML combo box, COMBO
type tool is used. The list of items to be displayed are taken from the TEXT multi-valued field. For
example, when the mouse hovers over the tool, the list is displayed and when one of the choice is clicked,
a core JavaScript function doEnquiry() will be called with a parameter defined in the ATTRIBUTES field. If
“Save as CSV” is clicked, then doEnquiry function will be called with “csv” as the parameter.
The next type of tool is FIELD.BUTTON. This type of tool is used to run a JavaScript function defined in
the ITEM field. So what is the difference between FIELD.BUTTON type tool and JAVASCRIPT type tool?
The FIELD.BUTTON type tool as the name suggests is associated with a field in a contract screen.
When the tool is pressed, it will run the JavaScript function defined in the ITEM field passing the name of
the field to which the tool belongs and its current value as input parameters to the JavaScript function.

For example, when the E-MAIL button is clicked in the contract screen, the contents of INTRODUCER
field and the field name will be sent as input parameters to the JavaScript function “emailing”. We will
learn more about linking a tool to a contract screen as we proceed.
The next type of tool is PAGERANGE – This type of tool is used to display a page range control as used
on the enquiry results. When the page range controls are clicked the core JavaScript function specified in
the ITEM field - “action” is invoked with one input parameter. The input parameter depends on which page
number was clicked.

The last type of tool is ACTION - This tool is used to commit the current contract and pass the value of the
TARGET field back into T24. The value passed back is stored in OFS$TOOLBAR.TARGET common
variable in I_GTS.COMMON. This can then be used by the client code.
Now that we have completed the discussion on the various types of tools, let us learn about the other
fields in BROWSER.TOOLS. Next in the list is TEXT field. TEXT is a multi-language field which specifies
the text to be displayed on the button.
If you want an image to be displayed as the button, then you can use the IMAGE field. This field Specifies
the filename of an image to be used in displaying the button (e.g. “txnhold”).
Ensure that the image specified in the IMAGE field must be placed in the tools directory of the skin being
used (Ex: “BrowserWeb\plaf\images\default\tools”).
The image must be in GIF format and the field should not contain the “.gif” suffix.
How do you tell T24 that you want to use just the text to display the tool or just the image or both text and
image? DISPLAY.TYPE is the field that is used to specify this information. If you set this field to None or
TEXT, text will be used to display the tool. If you set the field to IMAGE then the image specified in the
IMAGE field will be used to display the tool. You can also specify both image and text to be used to
display the tool.
Ensure that either the IMAGE or the TEXT field (or both) is set.
Next is ENABLED field. This field is used to specify whether or not the tool is enabled or not.
For example when the transaction authorization tool is to be displayed as an image, we specify the image
file name in the IMAGE field. But if a tool is disabled, a greyed-out version of the image is to be used and
if a tool is enabled, the non-greyed-out version needs to be used. But how do we specify the names of
these two images in IMAGE field? The IMAGE field is a single value field. By default when a tool is
disabled, T24 will search for an image file with the filename specified in the IMAGE field concatenated
with a “_dis.gif”. So ensure that for disabled tools a “<imageName>_dis.gif” file exists.
SHORTCUT.KEY field specifies the shortcut key for the tool allowing fast keyboard access to the tool. A
single character can be specified in this field and only text is allowed.
What if you want to display a prompt message as soon as the user clicks on the tool before the actual
tool’s action is performed? For that you have to use the field PROV.CONF.PROMPT.
PROV.CONF.PROMPT field is used to specify if a confirmation prompt is to be used when a button is
pressed and the Prompt question to be displayed is defined in PROMPT.TEXT field. PROMPT.TEXT is a
multi-language field that defines the prompt question to be used if PROV.CONF.PROMPT is set.

A confirmation prompt will be displayed with OK / Cancel options with the prompt question defined in the
PROMPT.TEXT field. If OK is clicked, the tool’s action is executed else tool’s action is not executed.
DEFAULT.TOOL field specifies whether the tool is to be used for the default operation of a page (i.e. this
tool will be run when Return is pressed). If more then one tool is set as default then the first one in the
toolbar is used.
The last field of interest in BROWSER.TOOLS application is NAME. This field specifies the name of the
With that we come to the end of the discussion on BROWSER.TOOLS application.
So far we have learnt how to create individual tools in T24. Now how do we group these tools in to a
toolbar ? We need to use the BROWSER.TOOLBAR application! Next we will learn about the various
fields in BROWSER.TOOLBARS application.
TOOL.ID field is used to specify the list of tools that make up the toolbar.
The value specified in this field must be a valid record in BROWSER.TOOLS application.
TOOLBAR.TEXT field is a multi-language field that is used to specify the text to be displayed with a
Let us put all that we have learnt so far together.
This example describes about the APPLICATION toolbar, which is displayed in the application screens.
The toolbar contains APP.EDIT, APP.VIEW, APP.VIEW.LOCK and TXN.HELP tools. These tools are
defined in the BROWSER.TOOLS application. These tools are made part of the APPLICATION toolbar by
specifying the corresponding BROWSER.TOOLS record IDs of these tools in the TOOL.ID field in the
record, APPLICATION in the BROWSER.TOOLBAR application.

Please go through the various fields in BROWSER.TOOLS in the above mentioned example and try to
relate the field values with the function and display of the tools in the application screens.
Before we proceed with creating our own tools and toolbars, let us first learn about the core toolbar and
tool records used on Enquiry Selection, Enquiry Results, Application, and Contract screens, to ensure that
we don’t replicate any work that has already been done for us.
First in the list is Enquiry selection screen Tools and Toolbars.
ENQUIRY.SELECTION.MAIN is a core Browser toolbar.
Which is displayed on the enquiry selection screens.
This toolbar contains the ENQ.SEL.RUN tool (the “Find” button). ENQ.SEL.RUN tool is used to run an
Next is the Enquiry Results Screen Tools and Toolbars
 ENQUIRY.MAIN is a core Browser toolbar
Which is displayed on the enquiry results screens
This toolbar contains the ENQ.REFRESH, ENQ.SELECTION and ENQ.TOGGLE.TIMER tools

 ENQ.REFRESH tool is used to run the enquiry again

 ENQ.SELECTION tool is used to take back to the enquiry selection screen
 ENQ.TOGGLE.TIMER tool is used to stop/start the timer that automatically refreshes an enquiry
Next is the ENQUIRY.ACTION toolbar.
This toolbar is also displayed on the enquiry results screens.
and ENQ.SAVE.XML tools.
 ENQ.PRINT.LOCAL tool is used to print the enquiry results to local printer
 ENQ.PRINT.SERVER tool is used to print the enquiry results to a server printer

 ENQ.SAVE.CSV tool is used to export the enquiry results in CSV format

 ENQ.SAVE.HTML tool is used to export the enquiry results in HTML format

 ENQ.SAVE.XML tool is used to export the enquiry results in XML format
Next we will learn about ENQUIRY.PAGE.
 ENQ.PAGE.FIRST tool is used to display the first page of the enquiry results
 ENQ.PAGE.PREVIOUS tool is used to show the previous page of the enquiry results

 ENQ.PAGE.RANGE tool is used to display the list of page numbers corresponding to the number of
pages of result produced
 ENQ.PAGE.NEXT tool is used to display the next page of the enquiry’s results
 ENQ.PAGE.LAST tool is used to display the last page of the enquiry’s results
Next we will learn about the application screen tools and toolbars APPLICATION
This toolbar is displayed on application screens
This toolbar contains APP.EDIT, APP.VIEW, APP.VIEW.LOCK and TXN.HELP tools
 APP.EDIT tool is used to display a contract in Input mode
 APP.VIEW tool is used to display a contract in See mode
 APP.VIEW.LOCK tools is used to display a contract in See mode awaiting an action such as Delete,
Authorise, etc. This action will take a lock on the record
 TXN.HELP tool is used to display the HelpText for the application
Next is the contract screen tools and toolbars.
This toolbar is displayed on all contract screens.
 TXN.COMMIT tool is used to commit the contract
 TXN.VALIDATE tool is used to validate the contract and display any errors
 TXN.HOLD tool is used to put a contract on hold
 TXN.DELETE tool is used to delete the contract
 TXN.AUTHORISE tool is used to authorise the contract
 TXN.REVERSE tool is used to reverse the contract
 TXN.VERIFY tool is used to verify the contract
 TXN.DEAL.SLIP.PRINT tool is used to print/display a deal slip for the contract
 TXN.BACK tool is used to go back to the application screen
 TXN.HELP tool is used to display the HelpText for the application
Now that we know all about tools and toolbars in T24, let us start customizing the tools and toolbars.
Doesn’t it sound interesting? Sure, it does Before we proceed further, a few things to remember.
Caution: It is strictly not advisable to change the core BROWSER.TOOLS and BROWSER.TOOLBAR
records delivered in the T24 release.
Any changes made are likely to cause the core T24 functionality to behave incorrectly. If an enquiry or
application requires a different behaviour than the standard workflow, then it is advisable to create new
tools and toolbars to provide that behaviour rather than changing the core functionality.
What happens if a situation demands customization of the core tools and toolbars?
Changes to core tools and toolbars can be achieved using two mechanisms:
 Using Annexed Toolbars
 Using the API
Annexed toolbars are a way of adding tools to an existing core toolbar (enquiry or contract) without
actually modifying the core toolbar record.
Annexed toolbars are created by defining a new record in BROWSER.TOOLBARS application with ID
“U.<core_toolbar_name>”, which means an user defined toolbar addition.

The main advantage of Annexed toolbars are that they will not cause any problem when a core record is
overwritten whenever a new release of the code record is made since our modifications are stored
separately in another record.

How to add user defined browser tools to the core BROWSER.TOOLBAR records?

Define new BROWSER.TOOL records for the new buttons that are required to be displayed in the
appropriate toolbar.

Define a new annexed BROWSER.TOOLBAR record with ID “U.<core_toolbar_name>”.

Add the new BROWSER.TOOL records to the new annexed toolbar record.

Restart TCServer as the records are cached in memory for performance purposes. On completion, the
browser tools defined in the annex will be added to the core record.
The task is to add the following two browser tools to the core enquiry selection screen:
Browser tool to display a new customer.
Browser tool to display an explanation about the purpose of this enquiry selection screen.
Define the two BROWSER.TOOL records.

For this task, we shall create a NEWCUSTOMER tool with the following specifications: TYPE = DO.DEAL
(since we are going to directly specify the command line command “CUSTOMER, I F3” in the ITEM field).
PROMPT.TEXT = “want to open a new customer?” and CONF.PROMPT = YES. This will popup a
confirmation asking whether to open a new customer or not. If “YES” is clicked, it will open a new
customer record, else it will go back to the enquiry selection screen. DISPLAY.TYPE = TEXT. This will
create a default button with a caption “NEW CUSTOMER” on it.

We shall also create a NEWHELP tool with the following specifications: TYPE = JAVASCRIPT (since we
are going to call a JavaScript function specified in the ITEM field). DISPLAY.TYPE = TEXT. This will
create a default button with a caption “HELP FOR ENQUIRY SCREEN” on it.

Finally we shall define a new annexed BROWSER.TOOLBAR record called

U.ENQUIRY.SELECTION.MAIN and add the above two BROWSER.TOOL records to it.
Write the JavaScript function shown in this slide in the custom.js file found under
Restart the web server (since you have modified the custom.js file inside the BrowserWeb) and TCServer.
This slide shows the modified core enquiry selection toolbar, which now contains our two newly created
browser tools.
We will next see how our newly created “HELP FOR ENQUIRY SCREEN” button works.
When the “HELP FOR ENQUIRY SCREEN” button is clicked, it will open a new window with our
customized help text for the enquiry selection screen.
The next task is to add the following browser tool to the core enquiry result screen.

Browser tool to display a list of records in ACCOUNT application.

Define the BROWSER.TOOL record?
We shall create a ACCOUNTL tool with the following specifications: TYPE = JAVASCRIPT (since we are
going to call a JavaScript function specified in the ITEM field). The “docommand” JavaScript function in
the ITEM’s field is T24 core JavaScript function defined in commandline.js file in the BrowserWeb\scripts
directory. DISPLAY.TYPE = IMAGE & IMAGE = last (This image is found under the
BrowserWeb\plaf\images\default\tools directory). The button will displayed using “last.gif”.
Finally we shall define a new annexed BROWSER.TOOLBAR record called U.ENQUIRY.MAIN and add
the above BROWSER.TOOL record to it.
We will now see how our newly created “ACCOUNTL” button works in the enquiry result screen.

We can see that the our new button has been displayed in the enquiry result screen (highlighted in a red
box). When we click on the button, it will open a list of records in ACCOUNT application.
The next task is to attach the browser tool ACCOUNTL that we created in the previous task to the core
contract screen.
Define a new annexed BROWSER.TOOLBAR record called U.CONTRACT.
Add the BROWSER.TOOL record “ACCOUNTL”, we had created before to the new annexed toolbar
We will now see how our “ACCOUNTL” button works in a contract screen.
We can see that our ACCOUNTL button is displayed When we open a record in CUSTOMER application.
When we click on the button, it will open a list of records in ACCOUNT application.
Another way of customizing tools and toolbars is by using APIs that comes along with T24.
T24 is delivered with a number of API subroutines that can be used to add or change Browser screens
which we will be learning next.

The routines can be called from client application written in jBase basic, or from routines added to existing
T24 applications via versions.

The routines can be used to:

1. Add a toolbar

2. Add a tool to a toolbar and

3. Change the definition of a tool overriding the actual definition

EB.ADD.TOOLBAR function is used to add the specified toolbar in the specified location.

The function accepts two input parameters.

First parameter is the toolbar to be displayed. It must be a valid BROWSER.TOOLBAR record.

The second parameter is the location of the toolbar on the screen. You can specify HEADER – if you want
to place the toolbar above the version and below the main toolbar or CONTEXT.WORKFLOW, if you want
to place the toolbar within a transaction complete message.

For example to add a toolbar “ENQUIRY.MAIN” to the enquiry selection location “ENQ.SELECTION” on
an enquiry results screen, we need to call EB.ADD.TOOLBAR with "ENQUIRY.MAIN“ and
"ENQ.SELECTION“ as two input parameters.
EB.ADD.TOOL is used to add the specified tool to the specified toolbar.

This function also accepts two parameters.

First parameter is the name the Toolbar to which the tool should be added. It must be a valid

The second parameter is the name of the Tool to be added. Must be a valid BROWSER.TOOLS record.

For example to add a tool “TXN.PREVIEW” to the “CONTRACT” toolbar on a contract screen, we need to
call EB.ADD.TOOL with "CONTRACT“ and "TXN.PREVIEW“ as two input parameters.
What if we just want to modify the properties of a tool? For this T24 provides an API called
EB.CHANGE.TOOL which changes the properties of the specified tool on the specified toolbar.
The function accepts four parameters.
First parameter is the name the Toolbar to which the tool belongs to. It must be a valid
The second parameter is the name of the Tool, whose property needs to be changed. It must be a valid
The third parameter is the field in the BROWSER.TOOL record to be changed. The field name should
follow definition in “I_F.BROWSER.TOOLS” insert file.

The fourth parameter is the new value to be set for the field specified by the third parameter.
For example to set the “ENABLED” field on the “TXN.COMMIT” tool to “YES” on the “CONTRACT”
toolbar, we need to call EB.CHANGE.TOOL with 4 parameters: "CONTRACT“,"TXN.COMMIT",
As you can see here that the field name specified in the routine should be the one that is defined in
“I_F.BROWSER.TOOLS” insert file.
Now that we have learnt the various T24 APIs for adding tools & Toolbars and modifying field attributes of
a tool, let us do a task. The task is to add a tool to the CONTRACT toolbar using T24 API and this tool
should open a new CUSTOMER record when clicked.
Step 1: Create the required tool using BROWSER.TOOLS.
Step 2: Write a ID routine which adds our browser tool to the toolbar. In this routine, we first add the core
toolbar and then next we add our custom created tool to it. The reason for adding toolbar first is because,
when the ID routine is triggered the browser toolbar would not have been loaded. This routine was
purposefully made as ID routine so that we get familiar with both EB.ADD.TOOLBAR and EB.ADD.TOOL.
Compile the routine and create entries in PGM.FILE and EB.API.

Step 3: Create a version for CUSTOMER application and specify the name of the routine in the ID.RTN
field of the VERSION. Finally restart the TC Server.
Now let us test our routine.
Open a new record using the version we just created – CUSTOMER,API.
You can see that when a record/contract is opened using the version created, our tool gets added to the
core CONTRACT toolbar.
Now that we know how to add and modify tools and toolbars in T24 and let us complete this discussion on
what are the specify Browser toolbar customization that can be done for enquiries and versions in T24.
First let us discuss about customizing tools and toolbars in Enquiries.
In some circumstances, it may be desirable to display an enquiry result without a toolbar. This is
particularly useful in composite screens where screen space is at a premium or an ALLDATA enquiry
where the user does not need to page through the results.
So how do we remove the toolbar from enquiries ?
This can be done by setting the ATTRIBUTE field in the ENQUIRY application to NO.TOOLBAR.
Let us amend the %ACCOUNT record in ENQUIRY application to make sure no toolbars are displayed in
the enquiry result screen by specifying NO.TOOLBAR for the ATTRIBUTES field in the %ACCOUNT
After modification when you run the enquiry, you will see that the toolbar has been removed from the
enquiry result screen.

The screen shot in the left is the modified enquiry result screen, where as the screen shot on the right
shows the default enquiry result screen.
Previously we learnt how to add a user defined tools to a core enquiry result screen toolbar, which gets
displayed in all the enquiries result screen. In some circumstances, it may be desirable to add a new
button to an enquiry result’s toolbar which is specific to a particular enquiry and for all the other enquiries
the core toolbar should be displayed without modifications.

So how do we add a tool to a toolbar which will be displayed only for the specific enquiry’s result screen?
This can be done by specifying the record ID of the appropriate tool as defined in BROWSER.TOOL
application in the TOOL.ID field of the required ENQUIRY record.

Let us create a tool (button) to launch a new CUSTOMER record and attach the tool to the %CUSTOMER
enquiry’s result screen.

To do the above task we need to amend the record, %CUSTOMER in the ENQUIRY application with the
TOOL.ID field set to the BROWSER.TOOLS record (NEWCUSTOMER).
The top screen shot in this slide shows the default enquiry result page for %CUSTOMER.

The bottom screen shot in this slide shows the modified enquiry result page for %CUSTOMER with the
“NEW CUSTOMER” button added to the toolbar.
With this we come to the end of the discussion on customizing tools & toolbars in Enquiries.
Next let us discuss about customizing tools & toolbars in VERSIONS.
In some circumstances, it may be desirable to display a HYPERTEXT tool as one of the fields in a
contract screen.
So how do we add a Hyperlink Tool on a contract screen?
This can be done by making the field which needs to act as a tool, as a comment field by specifying ‘*’ for
the FIELD.NO field of the VERSION and then specfying the ID of a BROWSER.TOOLS record in the
HYPERLINK field of the corresponding comment field. A button will then be displayed that will cause the
target to be opened in a new window.
The task is to display a hyperlink button to launch a Google homepage from a CUSTOMER application.

Create a record in BROWSER.TOOLS (GOOGLE) with TYPE set to HYPERTEXT and ITEM set to

Create a record in VERSION (CUSTOMER,TEST) with a comment field (FIELD.NO set to *) and the
HYPERLINK field set to the BROWSER.TOOL record GOOGLE).
The screen shots in this slide shows the display and behaviour of our newly created tool (button).
When we click on “GOOGLE” button, the google web page opens in a new window.
Now that we know how to add a tool as a part of the fields in a contract screen, let us go one step further.
Let us create a tool that is associated to a particular field in a contract screen and needs to be displayed
next to the field.
The task is to create a tool specific to the INTRODUCER field in a CUSTOMER version.
When the button is clicked in the contract screen, Microsoft Outlook needs to open with the TO address
populated with the value specified in the INTRODUCER field.
The SUBJECT populated as “From MyBank - Thank you for your patronage!” and finally.
The BODY populated as “We would like to thank you for introducing a new customer to our bank“.
The first step is to decide on the type of tool to be used for this scenario.

The answer is a FIELD.BUTTON type tool. As you know this type of tool is used to get the value of the
field to which it is associated to. And for our scenario we need field value of the INTRODUCER field.

The next step is to write a JavaScript function in custom.js file, which does the necessary logic – in this
case to open a new e-mail.

Step number 3 is to create a new BROWSER.TOOLS record with type FIELD.BUTTON and the name of
the JavaScript function written in step 2 in the ITEM field in BROWSER.TOOLS.
The next step is to add the created tool to the CUSTOMER version.
This is done by specifying the BROWSER.TOOLS ID of the created tool in the HYPERLINK field in the

Ensure that the VERSION has FIELDS PER LINE set to "Multi”! This is because the tool needs to be
displayed by the side of the INTRODUCER field in the contract. If you do not specify it as MULTI, the tool
won’t be displayed.
Now let us try to open a record using newly created version. Input values for the necessary fields and
when you click on the E-MAIL button, a new e-mail will be opened with the necessary details.
With this we come to the end of the discussion on customizing tools & toolbars for VERSIONS.
Next we will learn how to customize tools and toolbars in composite screens.

There may be situations where in you would need to add tools and toolbars directly to one of the frames
in a composite screen. In case of ARC-IB screens, this is commonly done. Let us learn how to add tools &
toolbars in composite screens by doing a task. The task is to add a “NEW ACCOUNT” tool in one frame
and a toolbar containing “NEWCUSTOMER” tool and a “NEW FT” tool to another frame in a composite
screen that will open a new ACCOUNT record, CUSTOMER record and FUNDS.TRANSFER record
So, how do we add a tool in a composite screen frame ?

First define a BROWSER.TOOL record for the required button.

Next in the EB.COMPOSITE.SCREEN record specify the new BROWSER.TOOL record ID in the
CONTENT.ARGS field and set the TYPE field to TOOL for the frame which needs to display this tool.
How do we add a toolbar in a composite screen frame ?

First define the BROWSER.TOOL records for the required buttons, if they do not exist in the system.
Next define a BROWSER.TOOLBAR record that contains the BROWSER.TOOLS records by multi-
valuing the TOOL.ID field, if it does not exist.

Finally in the EB.COMPOSITE.SCREEN record specify the BROWSER.TOOLBAR record ID in the

CONTENT.ARGS field of the frame with TYPE TOOLBAR for the frame which needs to display the
Open the composite screen to see the tools and toolbars displayed as required!

The screen shot in this slide shows that the newly created composite screen that contains the “NEW
ACCOUNT” button (ACCOUNTL tool) in one frame and “NEW CUSTOMER” button and “NEW FT” button
(COSTRG toolbar) in another frame.
With that we come to the end of the discussion on customizing T24 browser Using T24 applications.
Toolbars are defined using the BROWSER.TOOLBAR application.

EB.ADD.TOOLBAR function is used to add the specified toolbar in the specified location.
EB.ADD.TOOL is used to add the specified tool to the specified toolbar.

T24 provides an API EB.CHANGE.TOOL which changes the properties of the specified tool on the
specified toolbar.
In this learning unit you learnt about customising tools and toolbars in various utilities of T24.

You will now be able to:

 State the need for BROWSER.TOOLBAR and BROWSER.TOOL T24 applications

 Create your own toolbars and tools

 Customize tools and toolbars in enquiries, versions and composite screens

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