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Career and Academic

Counseling for Low-Income

Rachelle Jackson-Gomez & Annie Yu

Low-Income Definition & Barriers faced to go to college

Background College entrance exam preparedness
U.S. Department of Education: Individual Getting extra academic support
whose family’s taxable income for the Paying for College
preceding year did not exceed 150 percent Filling out Financial Aid Paperwork 
of the poverty level amount. Paying college application fees
32.4 million children live in low-income A difference in priorities
families Having an adult to discuss these issues
Household income varies widely by race with
and ethnicity Cannot always rely on parents
African American and Hispanic/Latinx
Theories to consider
students are more likely to attend high
Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Systems
poverty schools
Optimal Methods of Counseling Focus on the interaction of the different
Utilize social justice approach to explore systems an individual is embedded in
internal and external factors
Recognize personal worldviews and Social Cognitive Career Theory
biases Individuals are likely to choose and
Educate and empower disenfranchised perform activities if they have strong
families to understand and overcome self-efficacy beliefs as long as they have
barriers necessary skills and environmental
Explain the importance of certain supports
classes needed to help student It will be important to provide low-
progress in academic achievement income students with enriched activities
How to advocate for students and to explore their interest and provide
apply for supplemental education support to do so because schools or
programs available families may lack resources and
Career and Academic
Counseling for Low-Income
Rachelle Jackson-Gomez & Annie Yu

Create a College-Going Culture

All students must get consistent messages about going to college
High expectations that all students in the school will go to college
College and career resources need to be readily available for all
Have students take core curriculum classes A-G
Free books or computer resources (scholarship for tutoring)
Free or reduced tuition (Community colleges first two years for free)
FAFSA Workshops 
Fee waivers for college applications

MyACT Profile



California Career Resource Network


Free Scholarship Websites



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