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категория: УМК английского языка

автор (author): Clarie Selby

издательство (publisher): Oxford University Press
год (year): 2011
язык (language): английский (english)
формат (format): PDF, MP3, CD-EXE, DVD, Jpg
Описание: ПлэйТайм это новый трехуровневый курс
британского английского для дошкольников, c
интегрированным видео DVD - чтобы легко и
непринужденно обучаться английскому с помощью
песенок и мультфильмов.

Программа курса адаптирована для дошкольников

таким образом, что она обхватывает сферу интересов
детей младшего возраста, всё что касается их
окружающей действительности, постепенно переходя
к более сложным вещам.

Живые истории , изложенные реальным языком в

знакомых контекстах с использование
интегрированного DVD - даёт превосходные
результаты в освоении навыков английского языка
The fun, new three-level British English course with fully integrated DVD motivating
pre-schoolers to learn through memorable stories and songs.
This great new series focuses on the real-life pre-school environment, a familiar setting
for little ones to start learning English through other subjects.
Monkey (the puppet) starts every lesson in a fun way and the children’s enthusiasm for
English builds from the beginning.
Through easy-to-follow classroom routines for each lesson children also learn to
develop good habits and good behaviour.
Playtime’s lively stories present natural language in familiar contexts - using integrated
DVD as well.

Playtime appeals to all styles of learning, embodied in the four playful, child characters
– Rocket, Twig, Star and Melody.
The teacher is provided with the widest variety of flexible components in a pre-school
course, including DVDs
Children are introduced to each story by a friendly monkey puppet who guides their
repeated contact with the language through memorable songs, story songs, digital
classroom resources and craft-based activities.
The cross-curricular approach helps learners explore their first experience of English
through other subjects and see English in a real-life British context through
photographs and DVD
Parents and learners are supported by a website with additional practice and content –
building on a child’s learning in school at home
There are over 60 core lessons for Levels A and B which can be boosted by an extra 30
lessons in the Work Book.

Внимание! Ознакомьтесь, пожалуйста, с инструкцией и правилами

Скачать УМК PlayTime - Download Oxford PlayTime:

 PlayTime Starter Classbook - ISBN: 9780194046534

 PlayTime Starter Teacher's book - ISBN: 9780194046596
 PlayTime Starter Storybook - ISBN: 9780194046565
 PlayTime Starter Workbook - ISBN: 9780194046688
 PlayTime Starter Video DVD
 PlayTime Starter Flash Cards
 PlayTime Starter Class Audio CD

 PlayTime A Classbook - ISBN: 9780194046541

 PlayTime A Teacher's book - ISBN: 9780194046602
 PlayTime A Storybook - ISBN: 9780194046572
 PlayTime A Workbook - ISBN: 9780194046695
 PlayTime A Video DVD
 PlayTime A Flash Cards
 PlayTime A Class Audio CD

 PlayTime B Classbook - ISBN: 9780194046558

 PlayTime B Teacher's book - ISBN: 9780194046619
 PlayTime B Storybook - ISBN: 9780194046589
 PlayTime B Workbook - ISBN: 9780194046701
 PlayTime B Video DVD
 PlayTime B Flash Cards
 PlayTime B Class Audio CD

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