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Name: Fizza Arshad

Roll No: A-1842

Assignment: Medical Sociology Ch # 1 Mcqs

Submitted To: Ma’am Fatima

Q 1: Which of the social philosophers called sociology “Social Physics”?

a) August Comte
b) Wolfed Pareto
c) Mac lver
d) Herbert Spencer
e) Karl Marx

Q 2: Sociology is the study of:

a) People in a society
b) Interactions among people
c) Social institutions
d) None of above
e) All of the above

Q 3: Which of the following statements is more correct?

a) Sociology is a natural science

b) Sociology is a social science
c) Sociology is an applied science
d) Sociology is a normative science
e) Sociology is a normal science

Q4: Which of the following is not a social fact?

a) Family size
b) Age distribution
c) Crime rates
d) None of above
e) All of above

Q5: The best antidote to common sense is:

a) Economics
b) Sociology
c) The sociological imagination
d) Local theories
e) Science

Q6: A theory suggests that occupational attainment is largely a product of family

background. This is an example of a:

a) General theory
b) Specific theory
c) Middle-range theory
d) Local theory
e) Synthetic theory

Q7: Which of the following best illustrates a sociological perspective?

a) Looking for biological explanations of homosexuality

b) Measuring people’s IQ
c) Examining patterns of interaction in a lounge
d) Administering a personality test to explore why a student is having
problems in school
e) Examining the decision-making process in a state legislature

Q8: When did sociology emerge?

a) During 15th & 16th centuries

b) During 16th & 17th centuries
c) During 17th & 18th centuries
d) During 18th & 19th centuries
e) During 19th & 20th centuries

Q9: The sociologist who stressed the increasing rationalization of social action and
social institutions was

a) Durkheim
b) Bentham
c) Mead
d) Marx
e) Weber

Q10: An approach to understanding human behavior by placing it within its

broader social context is known as:

a) Social location
b) The sociological perspective
c) Common sense
d) Generalization
e) Formal organization

Q11: What are two basic questions that sociologists address?

a) How pervasive are social problems, and what holds society together?
b) What holds society together, and what is relationship between the
individual and society?
c) What is relationship between the individual and society, and what are the
social problems?
d) What are the social problems, and what is relationship between history and
e) What is relationship between history and biography, and how pervasive are
social problems?

Q12: A particular sociologist stresses the role of education and religion in the
integration of a society. What perspective is he espousing?

a) Functional
b) Power
c) Structural
d) Action
e) Ethno methodological

Q13: Biology, chemistry and physics are:

a) Natural sciences
b) Pseudo-sciences
c) Social sciences
d) Behavioral sciences
e) Computer sciences

Q14: All of the following are social sciences, except:

a) Anthropology
b) Geology
c) Economics
d) Political science
e) None of these

Q15: Which one of the following was not one of the four major changes in the
modern era that contributed to the development of sociology?

a) The transformation of political philosophies and government

b) The economic transformations of that time
c) Increased awareness of the wide diversity of human customs and values
that existed in the world
d) The deinstitutionalization of religion
e) The new ways in which people were starting to think about themselves,
particularly as rational creatures

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