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Electronically Filed ‘At 4/23/2020 5:40 PM Cheryl Jone: District Clerk, Brown County, Texas By:Diane Newton, Deputy No. CR 27196 STATE OF TEXAS IN THE DISTRICT COURT vs. 35" JUDICIAL DISTRICT nn en en won WILLIAM WESLEY RUTH STATE’S FIRST MOTION FOR CONTEMPT, COMES NOW THE STATE OF TEXAS, by and through the undersigned District Attorney BROWN COUNTY, TEXAS Pro Tem, and requests the Court, after proper notice and hearing, to hold the Defendant in contempt for violating the Court’s Order Restricting Out of Court Statements by Parties, and support hereof would respectfully show as follows: 1 ial hearing at which the Court ordered that the parties in On March 2, 2020, the Court held a pre- this case and their attorneys cease making public statements that may prejudice the potential jury pool in this cause, On March 10, 2020, the Court signed an order instructing the attorneys and the Defendant that they must “not make an extrajudicial statement that he knows or reasonably should know will have substantial likelihood of materially prejudicing the jury trial including by means of public ‘communication such as (1) posts on any social networking website such as Face book, Twitter, of Instagram, or (2) by any electronic means, including by phone, text message, email message, chat room, or blog.” u VIOLATION 1 (On March 3, 2020, the Defendant made a post on Facebook on the “Brown County Harassment” page which said: We left Brownwood in large part to get away from the blatant retaliation arising 100% from my client exposing the drug use, bribes and voting fraud going on with several officials in the courthouse. Proven cases but "strangely" only some terminations and one main official voted out Thave gotten drug back and viciously prosecuted involving an 1- year old $4,020 lien that my client paid off years ago, and a 2 1/2 year old car wreck case (that had -0- connection to Brown County) which my client was paid "in full” 3 days after receiving the settlement check. Unfortunately, the on-going retaliation continues! Electronically Filed ‘At 4/23/2020 5:40 PM Cheryl Jones, District Clerk, Brown County, Texas By:Diane Newton, Deputy Only good out of it was leaving Brownwood and moving to Fredericksburg! As to this article, HEB food is inexpensive. Utilities cheap. Fortunately, we had a house here before the housing market soared! There is nothing to not to like about Fredericksburg! ... And so close to Austin and San Antoni So thank you (remaining) Crooked Brown County official(s) for chasing me into a much ‘greener pasture! ‘The full post is attached hereto as Exhibit 1 VIOLATON 2 (On March 3, 2020, the Defendant made a post on Facebook on the “Brown County Harassment” page which said: More criminal charges coming out of Brown County! Have no idea what they involve. Have not even been contacted by law enforcement. If they could not nail Trump on one thing, they allege something else. Official Oppression at its finest! The full post is attached hereto as Exhibit 2 VIOLATON 3 ‘On April 17, 2020, the Defendant made a post on Facebook on the “Brown County Harassment” page which said I was promised that my story (similar to this FBI investigation story involving the Trump campaign) would be published by a major news publication in Texas this month but obviously now getting put on the back burner due to the COVID 19 matter. If you need any supporting material please contact me. We filed criminal charges and a civil lawsuit against the Brown County prosecutor (District Attomey Dusty Boyd out of Gatesville who should be disqualified) The charges against Boyd arise “entirely” by him facilitating a “felony” indictment against me arising from a 2017 insurance settlement check erroneously having been deposited into my wife’s bank account at Arrowhead Bank in Fredeicksburg (with no bank branches in Brown County) by an employee (not with my wife or my knowledge) from approximately 3 years ago despite having already paid the client in “full” (3 days after receiving the settlement check) and also giving her a $750 donation for her India mission trip, etc. ‘Smell fishy??222? In order to facilitate this “suspect” indictment, Boyd blatantly lied about where this transaction took place (in order to circumvent the specific venue law) and “unlawfully” obtained bank records from my wife’s bank account (Who is not a party to the litigation) and without her knowledge and which I’m not on my wife’s bank account. Please note that all of this had -0- connection to Brown County. Client lived in Weatherford, Bank in Electronically Filed ‘At 4/23/2020 5:40 PM. Cheryl Jones, District Clerk, Brown County, Texas By:Diane Newton, Deputy Fredericksburg, Car accident in Lampasas, and I was residing in Fredericksburg. and Colorado. The extent of this pure retaliation against me is very concerning to several attorneys, the Gillespie County prosecutor, a Texas Rangers, 3 judges (one current, and recently retired court of appeals judge), a newly elected District Attorney, and my bankers ete who I have consulted with about it MOTIVE, I have NEVER been charged with a crime until I represented the Brown County employee (Assistant Elections Administrator) who initiated the courthouse corruption investigation which “REAL” crimes were determined by Sheriff Bobby Grubbs, Chief Deputy Bobby Duval and Captain Tony Aaron, FBI, Texas Rangers, and the Texas, Attomey General’s office. Since then I have had one criminal charge after another filed against me “ALL arising out of Judge Ellis’ court which prosecutors have manipulated the justice system, the facts and law to facilitate erroneous indictments against me. * Lynn Ingalsbee of Abilene (and Joe Spence of Fort Worth) were the ONLY honest prosecutors, and dismissed ALL charges when they were appointed! ...which the attorney ‘who initiated the barratry charges (Burt Burnett) is now disbarred and was the attomey Judge Ellis appointed 10 go after District Attorney Sky Sudderth (Honorable Bonnie ‘Sudderth’s brother who is aware of what is happening to me) COINCIDENCE??7?? Bribes, Drug Use, Election fraud and Sex (with subordinate employees) were all investigated and found to have merit. Undeniable Facts! "Texas Rangers Report and Brown County Sheriff report contains specific information about the “courthouse” drug use and transactions and brib Until the justice system starts prosecuting prosecutors, these unlawful acts will continue!!! * Iwas asked by a brown County judge to start specifying that it’s ONLY Judge Ellis” court involved in the retaliation, and NONE of this is reflective of the other Brown County judges. True! No exaggeration, ALL other Brown County judges are great! ‘No matter the amount of time or money it takes or being thrown in jail again, I will continue to speak out against this blatant retaliation and abuse against me and my family until it is STOPPED! The full post is attached hereto as Exhibit 3. VIOLATON 4 On April 17, 2020, the Defendant made a post on Facebook on the “Brown County Harassment” page which said: THE PERSECUTION AGAIST ME WILL BE COMMUNICATED BY AN ELECTED. OFFICIAL TO ONE, IF NOT, ALL 3 TOP OFFICIALS IN AUSTIN!!! s-My family Is much appreciative!!! Electronically Filed ‘At 4/23/2020 5:40 PM. Cheryl Jones, District Clerk, Brown County, Texas By:Diane Newton, Deputy I sent out about 10 email with similar information of what | posted about the charges filed against the Special Prosecutor Dusty Boyd of Gatesville assigned to “PERSECUTE” me! | will not disclose the elected official’s name who just now contacted me, But I was told that assistance will be provided. It definitely smells fishy to them, too!!! ‘No matter the cost or time, I will continue to expose these DISHONEST officials who are CONTINUING to PERSECUTE me for standing up for and defending a Brown County employee involved in the courthouse investigation which involved REAL crimes that Judge Ellis wanted kept secret!!! When the PERSECUTION stops, I will stop exposing those involved. And I am just now getting started with my campaign to stop the RETALIATION!!! I'm Disappointed that the Brown County news story was not published as I was promised but it’s just a delay! ‘The full post including the excerpted photograph of pleadings is attached hereto as Exhibit 4. VIOLATON 5 On April 17, 2020, the Defendant made a post on Facebook on the “Brown County Harassment” page which said: As expected, the District Attorney unlawfully obtains my wife’s financial records at her bank in Gillespie County over the erroneous deposit despite my client being “paid in full”, and the District Attomey tells the judge over here in Gillespie County that nothing took place in Gillespie County (lie) and then hides behind “immunity” for his unlawful action and continued retaliation which “immunity” does not apply to unlawful acts! ‘And said post also contained an excerpt (as an embedded photograph) of an answer filed on behalf of Dustin H. Boyd in a lawsuit filed by Defendant. The full post including the excerpted photograph of pleadings is attached hereto as Exhibit 5. VIOLATON 6 (On April 17, 2020, the Defendant made a post on Facebook on the “Brown County Harassment” page which said: 2010 Undercover Operation to Get Judge Ray West, and Judge Ellis’ Desire to Keep Everything Hidden from the Public in order to Protect His and the Courthouse Image. Electronically Filed ‘At 4/23/2020 6:40 PM Cheryl Jones, District Clerk, Brown County, Texas By:Diane Newton, Deputy This story is more interesting than I will tell. And, since I was forced into an undercover operation to get Ray West, and the Texas AG officials assured my client and me protection that was all talk and no action, I'll tell a little about it 1 did not participate knowingly or by choice. I literally found myself in the middle of it and was assured by David Glickler, Chief Investigator for White Collar Crimes Division at the Office of the Atorney General that this case was bigger than a case he told me about in Winkler County involving a “sort of” similar fact scenario with a County Judge, prosecutor, doctor and 2 nurses. How I got into the quagmire of the investigation was simple. My dad asked me to represent a young mother at his church named Crystal Molina. I don’t practice criminal law but it was a simple case. $40 theft charge against this woman who I never met but was told that she was real sweet, Spiritual and there was no way my parents would suspect her of stealing anything. I never agreed until I leaned that her grandmother was another very sweet lady who was a Republican County Chairperson when I was Brown County Republican Party Chairman back when being a Republican was not cool! Anyway, because of these 2 connections, I reluctantly said, yes; especially since the County Attorney, Shane Britton, was a close friend, and I expected to get a quick and easy plea deal If Crystal had in fact stolen the $40. I didn’t even know who was the alleged victim. So, I show up for the Ist hearing, and Britton nor my client were there. I ask the Assistant County Attorney about the case, and she adamantly said she was not getting involved in the matter, etc. I thought that was odd. But I did get the file from her. Tread through it, and like a good John Grisham novel involving a “green” lawyer uncovering something suspicious that’s exactly what happened. Some of you may remember Stan Pachal, Judge Ellis’ bailiff. Well, he was the “investigator”! I knew Pachal was no investigator nor could he leave “guard duty” ‘over Ellis to go down the street to the Elections office where I learned was Crystals place of employment and the location of the alleged theft. I also asked Paschal about the case. He knew nothing of it and indicated that he conducted no investigation. ‘Also, Crystal’ s boss, Suzy Young, the Elections Administrator, who I knew very well when I was the Republican Party Chairman, and liked as a person , but seriously questioned how an individual with a serious drinking and drug problem could be over such an important office. Only later would I learn which was only the tip of the iceberg. ‘None of this made any sense and got more suspect the more I prepared the case. By this time too, I finally met Crystal and informed her of all the things that made no sense. Her response was almost caddy. She said she intentionally never spoke to me or informed me of anything so I would find out that the charges against her were Electronically Filed ‘At 4/23/2020 5:40 PM Cheryl Jones, District Clerk, Brown County, Texas jane Newton, Deputy bogus and trumped up, and was to intimidate, smear and discredit her since she had initiated a courthouse investigation arising from the County Judge election between Ray West and Joe Cooksey, who I didn’t even know who Cooksey was at the time And, later leamed of false charges bright against him over a tape recording he published during his campaign that I thought “he must be guilty of something for him to be indicted and prosecuted so hard”. Only now have I come to realize that how certain officials attack their political opponents and those they dislike. Ag that was just the tip of the iceberg. So, by this time, I assumed that Sheriff Bobby Grubbs must be crooked and I thought I would be clever and subpoena Grubbs to testify at the next hearing and put him in the hot set trying to explain to Judge Frank Griffin (who i knew to be honest) how ‘on earth did Crystal get indicted when absolutely NO investigation took place on an enhanced charge of “Theft by a Public Servant” Boy was I taken for a surprise when Chief Deputy Bobby Duval called me and asked, “What in the Heck are you Subpoenaing the Sheriff about!” I responded with the question , in a similar “put out” tone of Why Don’t You tell me how on Earth did you conduct an investigation of my client and have her indicted on a Probable Cause Affidavit by Stan Paschal when he did nothing! This situation remains vivid in my memory, and I will never forget Bobby Duval telling me that the Sheriff Office cleared Molina on “day one” and he knew of no indictment of Molina! Even a “first year” lawyer knows this makes no sense and smells worse than a week old road-kill skunk! Needless to say, Molina was right. The charges were all trumped up and no wonder Elisha Byrd wouldn't talk to me about it! So, I tried to no avail to get the case dropped, More importantly, Sheriff Grubbs demanded it to be dropped. He even showed up at a hearing to testify for me which is unheard of. Can you imagine at trial and the County Sheriff is telling the judge and jury to not have a trial against an accused! It doesn’t get better than that! But what was the motive and reason it got to that point. She had not only been wrongfully accused with -0- investigation but indicted by a grand jury as a criminal, thrown in jail, and lost her job! It doesn’t get any worse than that for an innocent person! Aiso, none of this was a simple mistake but a deliberate and intentional unlawful act against her. Before I got to the bottom of it, and without having been paid any $ by Crystal, 1 received a call from the Texas Attorney Generals office. The gentleman introduced himself as Chief Investigator David Glickler of the White Collar Crimes Division. L remember being a little in awe that someone that high up with the State of Texas ‘was calling me, and thinking how did he get my cell phone number. Eloctronically Filed ‘At 4/23/2020 5:40 PM Cheryl Jones, District Clerk, Brown County, Texas By:Diane Newton, Deputy Glickler asked if I represented Crystal. I affirmed that I did. He said he needed me to accompany her to Austin. I immediately said, I represent her in a trumped up theft charge. Noting else! Glickler strongly encouraged me to be present because it was avery important meeting. Top officials from the Secretary of State Elections office and Texas AG office would be there and they could not conduct the meeting without her having counsel present. Iremember arguing about my involvement and how certain Brown County officials were retaliatory, and I really didn’t want to get involved; especially, if it involved my friend, Shane Britton. I also remember telling Glickler that if word got out that Iwas involved that I would be “blackballed”! Glickler assured me that it was a highly confidential meeting and the meeting was focused on Judge Ray West who they believed an election fraud had taken place and Crystal was going to be asked questions. That simple. I drove to Austin with Crystal, and to my surprise, it was a much larger meeting than a few people. The conference room was packed out. And, the focus was not just on West and suspected election fraud but discussions involved bribery and drug transactions by Brown County Courthouse officials. L again emphasized to Glickler how important it was to keep my name out of their investigation, He assured me that he would, I'll never forget going into the Brown County JP office and Judge Bob Wall called me into his office to inquire about the big investigation! Turned out the leak came from Cooksey to Wall but regardless, Wall knew that 1 was in Austin at the investigation meeting And soon thereafter everyone knew. And Ellis started slamming me in all my cases even though, his name was mentioned as, having only knowledge of all the corruption, and it was West who was the target of the meeting, Nevertheless, it got only worse from there. Certain officials literally tried to destroy me and in my marriage. Blatant lies started circulating that I was a drug dealer and T was accused of having an affair. Even Ted Shelton, a longtime family friend said that was the talk at his morning coffee group! And, on the other hand I was having to honor a pledge of silence which I got drug deeper and deeper into the investigation. It was so confidential that the Texas AG investigators would not drive to town but we met in an office at the Comanche Sheriff office where Crystal spent hours going through boxes that were being presented to her which she was being asked questions. Despite not wanting to have anything to do with the investigation and upset it was using up the entire day of going to Comanche, I was told how important it was to the Texas AG and it was my duty to at least be present so that Molina would have counsel if needed; even though I just sat there wondering if Cooksey had in fact won Electronically Filed ‘At 4/23/2020 5:40 PM Chery! Jones, District Clerk, Brown County, Texas By:Diane Newton, Deputy the election, and who was providing the AG office with so much information for them to have to confirm with crystal. While I disliked being involved and the problems it was causing, it was rather interesting the suspected voting fraud they were targeting as to West and Suzy ‘Young, and other matters. Nor was it surprising when I caught certain ones spying on me similar to what took place at Cooksey’s campaign event in which certain ones got caught with binoculars spying on who was attending, What made it better was when I learned that Judge Ernest Cadenhead was involved and he started advising me. It was on a call with him that I put him on speaker so Sloan could hear what he had to say. At this point, she realized that I was not the only crazy person believing in some wild allegations about serious corruption going on at the courthouse but Cadenhead was as much involved as me. Part 2 What it involved is fairly well known now. Election fraud, bribes, drugs and a fair amount of sex! And the reason the investigation was abruptly stopped and only low level individuals were terminated is based upon some good assumptions that I may share later, Been “persecuted” every since my involvement in the courthouse corruption investigation! 12 false and/or frivolous charges/indictments “ALL” arising out of Judge Ellis’ Court!!! Further, said post also contained a purported quote of Texas Penal Code § 39.03 with certain specific words highlighted (as an embedded photograph). The full post including the excerpted photograph of pleadings is attached hereto as Exhibit 6 Electronically Filed ‘At 4/23/2020 6:40 PM Cheryl Jones, District Clerk, Brown County, Texas By:Diane Newton, Deputy PRAYER WHEREFORE, PREMISES CONSIDERED, the State of Texas prays that upon proper notice and hearing, the Defendant be found to be in contempt of this Court and that he be punished as provided by law. Respectfully submitted, JsiScott K. Stevens Scott K. Stevens, District Attorney Pro Tem 35! Judicial District, Brown County, Texas P.O. Box 919 Gatesville, Texas 76528 254-865-5911, ext. 2267 254-865-5147 (fax) district_attomey@coryelleounty org State Bar No. 24050317 Certificate of Service By my signature affixed above, I, Scott K. Stevens certify that on April 23, 2020 a true and correct copy of the foregoing document was delivered to Defendant by e-mail delivery through the Court's e-fling system. in Hott ‘DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD. ‘DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDD: | ; i 2 i [i <2 : i i i ( i g 3 q i ( j i : i Brow County ( ' a i i iad ( i 2 g 2 z Texas Penal Code 39.03 ~ Official Oppression (a) A UBIEBRRRE acting under color of his fice ‘or employment commits an offense he: (0) inersionsly subject IEE to mistreatment orto BE. detention, search, seizure ‘lspasession, assessment, o that he krowss nto (2yimerionlly denies Ls enotherin he ‘exer or enjoyment rege power, €) Pr erway ¢ frown County a < Brown County ( ‘Brown County ° (

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