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It is imagination + feeling (assuming) as if your desire is 

already fulfilled that changes your beliefs and creates 

your reality. 

General Summarization 
● You are a creator 
● If you do not like what you are experiencing then some thought patterns in your mind are 
causing it. 
● Name your specific desire. 
● Relax completely, imagine yourself as you would be if you have fulfilled your desire. 
Imagine an action that would follow the completion of the desire and live out this action 
over and over till you can smell, taste, feel, see and hear it as if it were real. 
● If you have really imagined that you desire has been fulfilled, you will no longer want what 
you previously wanted. People will no longer view you the old way and your relationship 
with the world and people around you will no longer be the same. 
● Persist. After you have imagined your ideal state, you will return to dreary ‘reality’. But you 
must persist in your ideal state. Do not deny or ignore of push away ‘reality’ for to push is 
to simply bring something closer to you… simply take your focus away to the state where 
you have already achieved what you wanted to achieve. 
● And it will happen, it will happen in the most natural way. But it will be done. 

General Method 
1. Think of ​one​ desire (maybe our first/biggest) 
2. Think of a scene that implies that ​you have your desire. ​Do not make this scene long. 
Maybe 10 seconds, so you can focus.  
a. This should ​feel natural. 
3. Get into a drowsy/sleepy state, or SATS (see below). Then begin to loop this scene in your 
a. Add sensory details every time you replay;  
i. Senses: smell, taste, touch, sight, hearing. 
ii. Atmospheric things 
b. Continue to replay this until you fall asleep. 
Note:​ If you have apthanasia or a generally hard time visualizing, you can HEAR this process. 
SATS (State akin to sleep) 
“SLEEP, the life that occupies one-third of our stay on earth, is the natural door into the 
“Sleep conceals the creative act, while the objective world reveals it.” 
“Sleep is the door into heaven. What you take in as a feeling you bring out as a condition, 
action, or object in space. So sleep in the feeling of the wish fulfilled.” 
- Feeling is the Secret 
“​It is a state in which you are conscious and quite able to move or open your eyes but have no 
desire to do so. ​An easy way to create this passive state is to relax in a comfortable chair or on a 
bed. If on a bed, lie flat on your back with your head on a level with your body, close the eyes 
and imagine that you are sleepy. Feel – I am sleepy, so sleepy, so very sleepy. In a little while, ​a 
faraway feeling accompanied by a general lassitude and loss of all desire to move envelops 
you.​ You feel a pleasant, comfortable rest and not inclined to alter your position, although under 
other circumstances you would not be at all comfortable. ​When this passive state is reached, 
imagine that you have realized your wish ​– not how it was realized, but simply the wish fulfilled. 
Imagine in picture form what you desire to achieve in life; then feel yourself as having already 
achieved it.​” 
If you're imagining it, it's already real. No ifs, no buts, no anxiety. 

Ways to Induce It 

Way 1  
1. Place you hands underneath your butt. 
2. Focus on your heart beat you feel from the pressure of your butt on your palms. 

Way 2 
1. Visualize a bright yellow ball of energy that feels warm, soothing, and comforting. Think of 
it as the sun. 
2. Feel this energy and it’s warmth envelop your feet and take away all tension and aches. 
3. Slowly bring the ball up your body as it takes away the aches and pains. 
a. If you begin to feel tension somewhere again, simply bring that energy back there. 
4. Now your mind and body is relaxed. 
Way 3 
1. Focus on your breath as it comes and goes in and out. You can focus on the sensation of 
it at the tips of your nostrils or anywhere in the body.  
2. Visualize your scene repeatedly as you do this. Focusing on the breath allows you to 
detach from reality and lose your awareness of your presence. 
3. Eventually, you will find your scene taking over and you will eventually stop focusing on 
the breath and be completely in your scene.  
4. When you awake from your scene, you will take notice of how drowsy you were and how 
vivid the scene became. 

Way 4 
1. You need to look up as high as possible as if you wanted to look into your own eyebrows 
and then breathe in and breathe out.  
2. On the third outbreath you close your eyes while still looking up. You feel a fluttering 
sense in your eyelids and that means it is working.  
3. Then you can relax your closed-eyes normally without looking up. 
4. Imagine looking down and seeing stairs with 10 steps. You see your feet from 1st person 
view taking every step. 

Other Techniques  
Revision is forgiveness. Revise any memory or recent event that does not correspond to your 
ideal to one that does. Revise all day, make it a habit. Revise your entire day at nighttime before 
bed. Memory is imagination 
1. Review an event that didn't go the way you wanted it to go. Don’t judge it, just review it. 
2. In your imagination, rewrite and revise the event the event the way you wish it would have 
3. Get into the state akin to sleep (SATS). Many wonder what this means - it is simply a state 
where you feel completely relaxed and can be done in any comfortable position. 
4. Relive the revised event in your imagination over and over again, until the imaged state 
begins to take on the tones of reality. That is, until it starts feeling as though it may have 
actually happened the way you would have preferred. 
5. Either fall asleep while repeating the scene or wake up from this drowsy state once you 
know it is done. 
It seems that it's real, that I actually did experience it and I have found from experience 
that these revised days, if really lived, will change my tomorrows. When I meet people 
tomorrow that today disappointed me, they will not tomorrow, for in me I have changed 
the very nature of that being, and having changed him, he bears witness tomorrow of the 
change that took place within me. 
- Neville Goddard, The Pruning Shears of Revision, 1954 

I Remember When 
Use the I remember when technique to move into a new state. Imagining FROM your wish 
fulfilled remembering the state you have moved out of. (Ex. “I remember when I had that old 
Toyota and now I have this new one.”) 

A congratulatory scene from another to you or you to another. Implies wish is fulfilled. (Ex. 
“Congratulations on your new car!”) 

Fast Forward 
Moving forward in time to experience your wish fulfilled. In the morning fast forward to bedtime 
and experience the great day you just had with specific details or in general. (Ex. Move out 10 
years experience your wonderful marriage with two children etc.) 

Imagine overhearing two or more people discuss you having your wish fulfilled. (Ex. “Look how 
amazing she looks.") 

There here, then now 

Make there here. You are in X location imagining you are in Y location. From Y think of X. Make 
then now by experiencing now as you wish it were. 

Isn't it wonderful/Thank you 

When a desire comes upon you quickly follow with "Isn't it wonderful/Thank you". Implies your 
wish is fulfilled. 

I AM mantra 
Repeat I AM to yourself. 
I AM = consciousness. I AM is God. The I AM state is a formless state, in which you have no 
identity. You are just pure awareness. You can get to that state by using the I AM meditation. 
Once you are in that state, you can assume any new form and identity, or return to your old one. 
If you would transcend this level you must leave behind all that is now your present self, or 
conception of yourself. To do this you take your attention away from all that is now your problem 
or limitation and dwell upon just being. That is; you say silently but feeling to yourself, “I AM. 
“Do not condition this ‘awareness’ as yet. Just declare yourself to be, and continue to do 
so, until you are lost in the feeling of just being – faceless and formless. When this 
expansion of consciousness is attained, then, within this formless deep of yourself give 
form to the new conception by FEELING yourself to be THAT which you desire to be.”  
- At Your Command 

Golden Rule 
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. ​“THEY” ARE YOU PUSHED OUT. ​“They" 
will ALWAYS reflect YOU. 
Essentially, whatever your inner thoughts are will reflect back to you, and you'll experience in 
your reality. You can change these thoughts at any time if you don't like what you're 

First Principles 
Be still and know that “I Am God.” Use throughout the day when stressed, confused, angry, tired, 
or need a break. 

How Did I...? 

How did I become so successful at achieving my wish fulfilled effortlessly and easily? When you 
ask "How," past tense, which is thinking FROM the end, you are eliciting the experience, not 
seeking an answer. 
This takes advantage of the mind's core design parameter of needing to find a solution for any 
problem or question put to it. If the mind can't stop thinking, it might as well think about how to 
solve a problem, from a starting bias that it has already been solved. And it was not created by 
Neville. However, someone very smart who understood Neville well enough came up with this 
very Nevillesque idea. Try it for a timed 5 minutes and you will see! 
Mental Diet 
CONSCIOUSLY and ACTIVELY directing and maintaining your train of thoughts according to a 
desired state/scenario/result, is about taking control over the BACKGROUND of your everyday 
Neville did NOT say to switch your thoughts every time you have a negative one. 
By mental diet he meant to ​persist in the end result, KNOW your desire is already done, you are 
the person you want to be. 
Change your state.​  
One affirmation felt in its reality, is greater than a thousand loosely said in your day. 

Assuming the End 

Assume the end​ (the desire being fulfilled in imagination) and don’t work it at all. You will be 
moving under compulsion to manifest it. ​Assume the end and let it be. 
If we have imagined (assumed) the end, our bodies and the outside world will work under 
compulsion (force) to bring it into being. 
Now the analogy, pregnancy. When a woman is pregnant, you let it be. Let the child (desire) grow 
and do not interfere with (force it into being). When you have imagined or assumed the end (sex) 
you are now pregnant (it is done), you know just simply know you are pregnant, and you will give 
birth (manifest it in 3D world). This is the common analogy that Neville used. You assume the end 
and go about your business. Assume it in imagination, and while doing your daily duties, you 
know are you are pregnant. While doing your daily business, when you least expect it, just like 
any pregnancy, you will give birth. 
“If you assume success and persist in that assumption you cannot fail. This is the law…” - Neville 

It’s not ALL about the techniques 

D​oing the techniques won't get you what you want if you're not successfully yielding to being 
your wish fulfilled. 
The techniques are not the ​ultimate​ “ways” to get what we want. They are not the keys. We 
are the creators. We and only we create. Not the techniques. 

Emotion v. Reality 
Emotions don’t necessarily matter. Neville states, “feeling the reality of the state sought.” You 
don’t need to have high vibrations. They don’t necessarily realize your desires. 
Turning your thoughts into a reality is the most important factor. 

Understanding how to “think from”/interacting 

This true understanding of “detachment.” 
Instead of focusing on “thinking of” or merely describing, you must focus on “thinking from” 
or interacting. 
When interacting in your imagination, try to physically feel. Try to imagine how'd you’d interact 
with your desire in real life. ​Use no emotion and simply make it real, interact with it. 

You need to assume the state of the person that has what you want. ​You need to ​wear the 
​ dopt the thought patterns, mannerisms, and the reality of them (you.) 
cloak. A
If you’re assuming this position, wearing the cloak, you don’t have to feel happy 24/7. 
Negative emotions don’t matter. All that matters is that you’re wearing this cloak.  
Don’t try to “GET” 
If you ​already have something​, you ​can’t get it.​ It’s a subtle difference, but you’re ​trying to 
become. There’s nothing to get. 
Does the person with the great social life thinking about getting more friends all the time? No. Do 
you? Maybe. In which case, you're not wearing the right cloak. Does the person who's with their 
ex think about getting a text from their ex all the time? No. Does the person in a happy 
relationship analyse the content of their person's messages? No. You haven't got the right cloak 
on if you're doing that shit. 

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