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Activity #1:

Activity Domain: Creative
NAEYC Standard #5: Using Content Knowledge to Build
Meaningful Curriculum
Virginia Milestone: Cognition and General Knowledge
Strand 1: Learning About Mathematical Concepts:
Measurement, Sub Strand: B10. Use standard tools (e.g.,
measuring cups, ruler, scale) to explore and understand the
Target Age Group: 3+
Description of Activity: Children will make homemade
playdough with their families. All ingredients are easily
accessible at home and the playdough is able to be used
later because it’s good for six months. This activity
combines the subjects of creativity, math, and science.
Children will see how different household objects are used
to create something that they love playing with, learn to
make measurements, and it gives them a sense of
Activity #2: At
Home Scavenger
Activity Domain: Cognitive
Virginia Developmental Milestone: Cognition and General Knowledge Strand 2:
Learning About the World – Scientific Inquiry and Exploration – Sub Strand B5:
Enjoys games for repeated hiding and finding, Sub Strand A10: Describe the
observable properties of objects using pictures and words (e.g., color, size,
shape, texture).
Target Age: 3+
Description of Activity: For this activity parents can set up a scavenger hunt
for their kids by hiding certain objects or setting them out to find certain
objects in the home based on the five senses. Parents can create a list of
objects for their kinds to find around the house as scavenger hunt. It can be
simplified for children who are little younger and whose reading skills aren’t
strong yet by providing a list with pictures instead of words. For children who
are under the age of two, parents can “hide” objects under a blanket or
behind their backs, for the purpose of teaching object permanence.
Activity #3: The
Floor Is Lava!
Activity Domain: Physical
Virginia Developmental Milestone: Physical Development and Health Strand 1:
Gross Motor Development, Sub Strand: A6. Show increasing levels of
proficiency, control, and balance in walking, climbing, running, jumping,
hopping, skipping, marching, and galloping.
Target Age: 12 months+
Description of Activity: Children and their parents can set up a game either
outside or inside their house famously known as “The Floor Is Lava” by placing
cushions on the ground and stepping on each one without touching the floor
which is “lava”. It’s a great gross motor activity for children who are both
walking and crawling. And it gives the older kids who understand the concept
more a sense of imagination.

Source: https://www.zerotothree.org/resources/3264-at-home-activity-guide

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