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March 4, 2017

 CEM 213 (Trends and Issues in the Current Educational

 Submitted by: Arianne B. Cabañez
 Assignment - Directions: Finish the sentence. Give at least 3 with
“Transformational leaders are _________________________.”
1. Transformational leaders are decisive. Being a leader is not
always smooth sailing, you often have to make tough decisions.
Transformational leaders do not shy away from difficult decisions.
They make their decisions with a clear focus on the values, vision,
objectives, and goals of the organization. The ability to take
calculated risks is a key characteristic of a transformational leader.
They trust their instinct, and use the intelligence gathered by team
members to make informed decisions. A transformational leader’s
team is right behind them and is ever willing to do the research that
is necessary to evaluate the situation appropriately. The leader
seeks inputs from the team to make risky decisions that facilitate
growth. An effective leader needs courage; a willingness to take on
new challenges, take calculated risks, make tough decisions, and be
willing to go out on a limb for something they believe in. Difficult
decisions are a part of being a leader. Transformational leaders do
not back away or put off tough decisions. Difficult decisions are
made easier when decisions align with clearly defined vision,
values, goals, and objectives.
2. Transformational leaders are inspirational. They are able to
make people follow them not just because they told the people to,
but because they inspired them to become better leader someday.
People seek to be inspired and transformational leaders are perhaps
the most inspiring of all. They have the ability to motivate others to
rise to the occasion. Their style of inspiration is not just limited to
formal acknowledgement of a job well done; rather they treat each
employee as a valued individual and take the time to understand
what motivates them. Transformational leaders, based on their
personal passion, have the ability to inspire others and get them to
buy into their vision and execute it on all levels of the company.
Leaders with an inspiring vision challenge followers to leave their
comfort zones, communicate optimism about future goals, and
provide meaning for the task at hand. Purpose and meaning provide
the energy that drives a group forward.
3. Transformational leaders lead with vision. Transformational
leaders have a vision of what they want to achieve and the ability
to clearly communicate this vision so that everyone in the
organization understands what is needed to achieve this vision. Is
your vision clear? Does it need to be refined? Transformational
leaders set a realistic and achievable vision for the organization.
They then communicate the vision effectively to their followers, and
also inspire a sense of commitment and purpose. By getting every
person to buy into the common vision, transformational leaders are
able to strongly guide the organization in the direction that they
want. Transformational leaders have the courage to create a vision
and make the difficult decision necessary to achieve their vision.
Being a visionary is about setting a realistic and concise company
mission, vision, and values that fit the culture of your organization.
Transformational leaders have the ability not only to effectively
communicate the vision, but also get every person to buy in and
work toward that vision by communicating with passion and clearly
emphasizing the direction they want the company to pursue.

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