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Chapter 24

Chemistry for Env.Eng. & Science, Sawyer ,McCarty,Parkin

Dissolved oxygen (DO) refer to the amount of oxygen contained in
water, and define the living conditions for oxygen-requiring (aerobic)
aquatic organisms.


Banyaknya Oksigen yang diperlukan oleh bakteri

untuk menstabilkan bahan organik yang dapat diuraikan dalam
keadaan aerobik

BOD is usually defined as the amount of oxygen required

by bacteria while stabilizing decomposable organic
matter under aerobic conditions
•Banyaknya Oksigen total yang diperlukan
untuk oksidasi secara kimia bahan organik menjadi karbon dioksida
dan air

COD adalah jumlah oksigen yang diperlukan agar bahan buangan yang
ada dalam air dapat teroksidasi melalui reaksi kimia baik yang dapat
didegradasi secara biologis maupun yang sukar didegradasi

Nilai COD lebih besar dari BOD ( glukosa dan lignin dapat
dioksidasi secara sempurna)

Pengukuran COD hanya 3 jam

Perbedaan antara COD dan BOD

COD jumlah oksigen yang diperlukan untuk mengoksidasi zat organik

yang dapat dioksidasi secara kimia.

BOD kebutuhan oksigen yang diperlukan untuk mengoksidasi zat

organik yang dapat dioksidasi secara biologis

COD umumnya lebih tinggi daripada BOD karena lebih banyak

senyawa organik yang dapat dioksidasi secara kimia daripada dioksidasi
secara biologis.
Pengukuran COD dilakukan untuk mengetahui kekuatan organik dalam
air limbah domestik maupun industri

The chemical oxygen demand (COD) is an indirect measure of the

quantity of organic material in water.

The organic material in water is oxidized with a strong chemical oxidant


The quantity of oxidant used in the reaction is measured

colorimetrically and expressed as mg of O2 per L of water (similar to
the convention of expressing eq/L in terms of mg/L of CaCO3).

The reaction can be expressed stoichiometrically as follows:

 COD is used to measure the content of organic matter of
 Organik :BOD,COD,TOC
 This refers to chemicals present in the water that are not
biodegradable by microbes or are at least slowly
 Measures all organics, including the biodegradable
(BOD) fraction).
 It is the amount of a specific oxidant (potassium
dichromate) that reacts with the sample under
controlled conditions.
 Chemical not biological reaction.
The oxygen equivalent of the organic matter that can be
oxidized is measured by using a strong chemical oxidizing
agent in an acidic medium [potassium dichromate].

The test is performed at an elevated temperature with the

aid of a catalyst (silver sulfate) to oxidize certain classes of
organic compounds.
The principal reaction is as follows:

Organic matter (CaHbOc) + Cr2O7-2 + H+ → Cr+3 + CO2 + H2O

Potassium dichromate is the most practical oxidizing

agent used to measure the oxygen demand. It is capable
of oxidizing a wide variety of organic substances almost
completely (under strongly acidic conditions at an
elevated temperature) to carbon dioxide and water.
 COD values should always be higher than BOD values (about 33%
higher in most ponds; Boyd, 1990).

 But no consistent correlation and cannot be used to predict BOD due

to site variance.

 Reaction takes place in less than 2 hrs, so more user friendly.

 The quantity of oxidant consumed is reported in terms of its oxygen

 Most aquaculture facilities are biological in their mode of operation:

BOD more commonly used (COD probably best for sewage
treatment, site selection).

 COD indicative of pollution.

Tugas baca Chapter 24

PR No 24.2, 24.4, 24.7

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