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IA9 Practice Paragraph IA.

9 - Sending sequences of bangs: t he uzi object

As you see, we have fu rnished a variable rate to the metro object by using a
float number box connected to its right inlet. The same value is also given to the
last inlet of the pack object, w hich constructs lists consisting of th ree glissando
parameters: a departu re frequency, an arrival freque ncy, and a duratio n. These lists
are passed to the message box that contai ns the message "$1, $2 $3"; the th ree
parameter values are plugged into th e three variable arguments and the resulting
list is sent to line- . The value used for the rate of the metro object is put into
variable " $3 ", and t herefore specifies the duration of the glissando as well.


The creatively named uzi object will show up on many occasions, as soon as
the next chapter. This object fires a variable-length sequence of bangs at its
target as fast as possible, regu lati ng the number of bangs fired using t he argu-
ment passed to it. (See fig ure IA.67 for a simple case)

.l. -

Fig. IA.67 The uzi object

In the sample case shown, every t ime the object receives a bang, 4 additi onal
bangs are generated in successio n (and can be seen in the Max w indow).
Parallel to th is, t he right outlet of uzi generates a nu merical sequence (always
at the maximum speed possible) th at starts at 1 by default and ends at th e num-
ber given by the argument. Try moving the pr int patch cord to the th ird outlet
of uzi to verify th is result in t he Max window . It is also possible to change the
num ber of bangs generated by uzi by using t he right inlet of the object. (Try
th is by connect ing a num ber box to t he second inlet. )


We conc lude th is interlude wit h two objects that are very useful for simplifying
complex patc hes, and that enable you to use "w ireless communication" w ithin
your Max patches. They are t he sen d and receive objects.
The send object is able to tra nsmit messages to the receive object without
the use of patch cords. To do th is, the objects must have matc hing string argu-
ments which give a name to the "channel" over which they commun icate.

~ receive remote

send remote ~
Fig. IA.68 Wireless connections

In f igure IA.68, (w hich you shou ld construct you rself in an empty Patcher
Window), we see a send object th at has as its argument th e word "remote",
and also a receive object w ith t he same argument.

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