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Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

This chapter presents the finding, analysis, and interpretation of data gathered whose

main objective is to know the acceptability level of a Eco-Pavements.

Table 1: The Eco-Pavements Acceptability Measure Data

5 4 3 2 1
Eco-Bricks Total Mean
Durability 21 15 4 0 0 40 4.425
Texture 20 9 11 0 0 40 4.225
Odor 19 21 0 0 0 40 4.475
Weight 20 14 6 0 0 40 4.35
Overall Mean 4.37
Table 1 shows the mean ratings of forty (40) respondents to the following criteria for

acceptability of Eco-Pavements , for durability 4.425 (Perfectly Acceptable), for texture 4.225

(Perfectly Acceptable), for odor 4.475 (Perfectly Acceptable), for weight 4.35 (Perfectly

Acceptable) with an overall mean of 4.37 (Perfectly Acceptable). Therefore, the acceptability

level of the Eco-Pavements is Perfectly Acceptable.

Table 2: The common pavements Acceptability Measure Data

5 4 3 2 1
Common pavements Total Mean
Durability 25 15 0 0 0 40 4.625
Texture 24 13 3 0 0 40 4.525
Odor 21 17 2 0 0 40 4.475
Weight 18 17 5 0 0 40 4.325
Overall Mean 4.49
Table 2 shows the mean ratings of forty (40) respondents to the following criteria for

acceptability of common pavements , for durability 4.625 (Perfectly Acceptable), for texture

4.525 (Perfectly Acceptable), for odor 4.475 (Perfectly Acceptable), for weight 4.325 (Perfectly

Acceptable) with an overall mean of 4.49 (Perfectly Acceptable). Therefore, the acceptability

level of the commo pavements is Perfectly Acceptable.

These results show that the acceptability level obtained by the eco-pavements for each of

the four (4) criteria for acceptability reaches the level of perfectly acceptable at the arbritary

scale, resulting to an overall mean of which reaches the standard level.

Since the mean of eco-pavements reaches to the standard level, then the acceptability of

the eco-pavements is considered highly acceptable.

Table 3.1 The Acceptability Mean Scores on the acceptability of the two pavements.

Pavements Durability Texture Odor Weight

Eco-Pavements 4.425 4.225 4.475 4.35
Common Pavements 4.625 4.525 4.475 4.325
The table shows the difference between the mean scores obtained by the eco-pavements

and common pavements for the criteria of Durability, Texture, Odor, Weight is statistically


t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances

Variable Varia
  1 ble 2
Mean 4.36875 5
0.011822 0.015
Variance 917 625
Observations 4 4
Pooled Variance 958
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
df 6
t Stat 046
P(T<=t) one-tail 683
t Critical one-tail 281
P(T<=t) two-tail 366
t Critical two-tail 851  

Chapter V

Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation

A. Summary

The main objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of dayami bricks using

pure rice straw and pure rice straw ash, which can be used as an alternative bricks in building

hallways and even in construction. Particularlly, it was the purpose of the study to investigate (1)
What is the acceptability level of Dayami bricks using pure rice straw in terms of the following

quality attributes in ( Durability, Texture, Cost and General Acceptabiity )? (2) What is the

acceptability level of Dayami using straw ash in terms of its (Durability, Texture, Cost and

General Acceptability)? (3) Which brick has greater acceptability level? (4) Is there a significant

difference between the Dayami bricks using pure straw ash and Dayami bricks using rice straw

ash ? and (5) Is there a significant difference between the acceptability means of Dayami Bricks

using pure rice straw and Dayami Bricks using pure rice straw ash?

The respondents of this investigation were the 30 construction workers coming from

Minagbag Quezon Isabela.

One of the data gathering tool used to measure the acceptability level of dayami bricks is

in the form of rating scale. It is used to collect the data needed to test the hypotheses of this

study. The ratings scale consists of four criteria of acceptability (i.e durability, texture, cost and

general acceptability), each criterion is rated by scales ranging from 1 to 5, were 1

(unacceptable), 2 (slightly acceptable), 3 ( acceptable), 4 (highly acceptable), and 5 (perfectly


The acceptability measure was administered to all 30 construction workers for the

purpose gettiing their perception/ pespective on the acceptability of Dayami bricks using pure

rice straw and Dayami bricks using pure rice straw ash.

The statistical tool use to analyze the data were the Arithmetic mean and T- test

independent samples and to determine the dayami bricks using pure rice straw and dayami

bricks using pure rice straw ash acceptability. Weighted mean was use to test hypothesis and t-

test was treated to test hypothesis of the study.

B. Conclusion

Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusions are drawn:

1. The Dayami bricks using pure rice straw can produce an acceptable bricks when it comes

to their durability, texture, cost and general acceptability.

2. The Dayami bricks using pure rice straw ash can produce an acceptable bricks when it

comes to their durability, texture, cost and general acceptability.

3. It shows that the dayami bricks using pure rice straw has greater acceptability level than

the dayami bricks using pure rice straw ash.

4. There is no significant difference between the acceptability level of dayami bricks using

pure rice straw and dayami bricks using pure rice straw ash.

5. There is no significant difference between the acceptability means of dayami bricks using

pure rice straw and dayami bricks using pure rice straw ash.


To the people who plan to build a house

The researchers recommend that the people who plan to build a house must addapt this

Dayami bricks as a replacement for the commercial bricks.

To the school
The researchers recommend that the school must use this Dayami bricks in the different

projects which involve construction material especially projects like building hall ways.

To the future reseachers

The researchers recommend that the future researchers must conduct further study about

this dayami bricks to improve the texture and they might add some components that can increase

the durability of this dayami bricks.

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