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1-Butene and 2-Butenes Production Using the

Positional Isomerization of Butenes Catalyzed

by Sulfonic Acid Cation Exchangers
Abstract—Pure 1-butene and 2-butenes can be efficiently obtained from butane–butene fractions by
com- bining the positional isomerization of n-butenes on sulfonic acid cation exchanger catalysts with
sharp distil- lation. At 50–60°C, an equilibrium 2-butenes : 1-butene ratio of ~25 : 1 is attained. The 2-
butenes, which are comparatively high-boiling compounds, can be sufficiently completely separated
from detrimental impurities (1,3-butadiene and isobutene), 1-butene, and isobutane by distillation. The
back isomerization of the puri- fied 2-butenes into 1-butene with continuous removal of the latter as
distillate affords pure 1-butene at a rel- atively low cost.
1-Butene is an efficient monomer for obtaining distillation because of the formation of numerous
high- quality plastics, and demand for this compound azeo- tropes and almost tangential zeotropes [2] (Table
is increasing rapidly. 2-Butenes are of considerable 1).
interest as the starting compounds for the synthesis of
It follows from phase equilibrium and azeotropy
1,3-butadi- ene via epoxidation followed by epoxide data that distillation can separate 2-butenes from
dehydration and for obtaining methyl ethyl ketone, isobutane, isobutene, 1-butene, and 1,3-butadiene. n-
sec-butanol, and some other compounds. The Butane can be removed only partially because it forms
industrial synthesis of 1-butene by ethylene an azeotrope with trans-2-butene and shows almost
dimerization on organometallic catalysts is com- tangential zeotropy with cis-2-butene.
plicated and expensive [1]. A much more attractive Pure 1-butene is very difficult to separate from the
alter- native is the synthesis of 1-butene and 2-butenes C4 fraction by distillation because it forms an
from C4 fractions obtained by the thermal and azeotrope with isobutene and exhibits almost
thermocatalytic conversion (pyrolysis, catalytic tangential zeotropy with 1,3-butadiene—strictly
dehydrogenation, and catalytic cracking) of petroleum controlled impurities in 1-butene polymerization.
hydrocarbons. These fractions contain comparable Furthermore, 1-butene displays almost tangential
amounts of 1-butene and 2-butenes, their ratio ranging zeotropy with isobutane.
between 1.5 : 1 and 1 : 2. These isomers are difficult Isolation of 1-butene needs a complicated
to separate by conventional technology typically including hydrogenation of
impurity 1,3-butadi-

Table 1. Azeotropy and almost tangential zeotropy in systems formed by 1-butene, 2-butenes, and 1,3-butadiene

Proportion of component 2 Azeotrope pressure, * lim α12

Component 1 Component 2 in the azeotrope, wt % kPa x1 → 1

Isobutane 1-Butene Almost tangential zeotrope 1.05

Isobutane 1-Butene 25.0 475 –
1-Butene 1,3-Butadiene Nearly tangential zeotrope 1.09
n-Butane trans-2-Butene 28.0 381 –
n-Butane cis-2-Butene Almost tangential zeotrope 1.02
trans-2-Butene cis-2-Butene Almost tangential zeotrope 1.06
* lim α12 is the limiting value of relative volatility.
x1 → 1

532 PAVLOV et al.

Table 2. Equilibrium concentrations of 1- and 2-butene at comparatively low temperatures

Concentration in equilibrium mixtures (wt %) at T, °C
Hydrocarbon bp, °C
0 20 40 60 80 100 150
1-Butene –6.3 1.8 2.5 3.3 4.1 5.0 6.0 9.8
trans-2-Butene +0.9 72.2 69.8 65.9 62.5 59.0 55.9 49.4
cis-2-Butene +3.7 26.0 27.7 30.8 33.4 36.0 38.1 40.8

ene, removal of isobutene (e.g., via reacting it with an

alcohol to obtain an alkyl tert-alkyl ether), and ⎧1-Butene ⎫
2⎨ ⎬ iC 8 H 16 iC12H24. (2)
removal of iC8H16
isobutane and n-butane by extractive distillation with a ⎩2-Butene ⎭ dimers trimers
polar agent or by sharp distillation with loss of part of the
target product. These reactions are undesirable in alkene production.
We have developed technology making the Some researchers attempted the positional
separation and purification of butenes much easier. isomerization of concentrated alkenes, but this led to
With this tech- nology, nearly all of the n-butenes of extensive alkene dimerization and oligomerization and
the C4 fraction can be involved in the production of to the deactivation of the sulfonic acid cation
either 2-butenes or, more importantly, 1-butene. This exchanger. This problem can readily be solved since
technology combines liquid- phase positional the isomerization reactions are monomolecular, while
isomerization at modest temperatures with sharp the dimerization and oligomeriza- tion reactions (2)
distillation. are, respectively, a bimolecular reaction and a
sequence of consecutive bimolecular reactions. Alk-
The following reactions take place in the positional ene isomerization proceeds with a sufficiently high
isomerization of n-butenes: selec- tivity in the presence of 65–80% alkanes. This
trans-2-butene amount of alkanes is present in many fractions
resulting from the thermocatalytic conversion of
1-butene petroleum hydrocarbons (catalytic cracking and n-
butane dehydrogenation frac-
cis-2-butene (1) tions), so it is unnecessary to preconcentrate these frac-
tions prior to selective isomerization. Conversely, in order
In the presence of a sulfonic acid cation exchanger, to raise the alkane concentration in the conversion of low-
the alkane C4 fractions, such as pyrolysis BBF, it is appropri-
positional isomerization of n-butenes proceeds fairly ate to dilute the feed with the unreacted butane fraction
readily at 50–60°C. The equilibrium in reaction (1) is or introduce a comparatively high-boiling alkane solvent.
strongly shifted toward 2-alkenes, and the lower the
tem- perature, the greater the shift. Experimental data It is often required to rule out the presence of 1,3-
con- cerning the equilibrium in the positional buta- diene in the products distilled from the desired
isomerization of n-butenes are presented in Table 2. 2-butenes. This may be necessary for further
The separation of concentrated 2-butenes from processing of these products, e.g., dehydrogenation. In
butane–n-butene fractions (BBFs) by sharp distillation this case, it is perti- nent to carry out liquid-phase 1,3-
is favored by the fact that the boiling points of 2- butadiene hydrogena- tion in the C4 fraction before
butenes are higher than those of the other butenes, isomerization. Hydrogena- tion catalysts, including
butanes, and 1,3-butadiene. supported Ni- and Pd-contain- ing ones,
simultaneously cause the positional iso- merization of
The technological importance of 1-butene butenes in the presence of hydrogen. It was
conversion into 2-butenes is not limited to the isolation demonstrated that isomerization on these catalysts pro-
of pure 2-butenes. This reaction is also used to ceeds more slowly than isomerization on sulfonic acid
improve the qual- ity of the alkylation product cation exchangers and, besides, use of these catalysts
resulting from the interaction of isobutane with n- in deep isomerization is irrational because of the
butenes contained in catalytic crack- ing factions and inevitable hydrogenation of butenes into butanes to
to enhance the output capacity and eco- nomic an extent of
efficiency of the separation of butanes and butenes by ~10% or above. The conditions for the Ni- and Pd-cata-
extractive distillation. lyzed processes should be optimal for alkadiene
In distillation, part of the n-butane (10–20%) finds hydroge- nation. The extent of 1-butene isomerization
itself in the 2-butene fraction. n-Butane does not exert into 2-butenes will then be 25–35% of the extent
any adverse effect on 2-butene conversion catalysts allowed by the chemical equilibrium.
and can be removed after the conversion of 2-butenes
into the desired products. The kinetics of 1-butene and 1,3-butadiene conver-
sion on sulfonic acid cation exchangers and
Acid catalysts, including sulfonic acid cation hydrogena- tion catalysts is illustrated here by the
exchang- ers, can simultaneously catalyze alkene conversion of a C4 fraction containing ~70% butanes,
dimerization and oligomerization reactions: 14% 1-butene, 14.5% 2-butenes, and 1.3% 1,3-
butadiene (Table 3). The sul-


Table 3. Kinetic data for 1-butene and 1,3-butadiene conversion
Conversion of the C4 fraction (%) on different catalysts
sulfonic acid cation exchanger (20%), kieselguhr-supported Ni (20%), 60°C,
Hydrocarbon 60°C, process duration (h) process duration (h)
2 4 5 2 4 5
1-Butene 72.1 88.6 91.5 69.0 90.7 92.8
Butadienes 15.0 30.8 38.5 89.0 96.2 ~100
Butenes into n-butane – – – 8.4 17.2 21.4
including n-butenes and 0.4 0.8 1.0 – – 0.05
butadienes dimerization

fonic acid cation exchanger had a static exchange Isomerization for Enhancing the Output
capacity of SEC = 5.1 mg-equiv/g. Capacity and Economic Efficiency of BBF
For deeper 1-butene conversion into 2-butenes, the Separation
2-butenes present in BBF can be separated out by by Extractive Distillation
distilla- tion.
In the separation of butanes from n-butenes in
The conversion of 1-butene into 2-butenes is 90–91% BBF by extractive distillation (with acetonitrile, N,N-
without BBF predistillation for the removal of 2-butenes dimethyl- formamide (DMF), or another polar
and ~96% when predistillation is used. extractant), the n-butane–1-butene pair is the most
difficult to split (key pair). Inversion and further
separation of volatilities are required to draw n-butane
Isomerization for Improving the Quality of the (higher boiling component, bp = –0.5°C) as distillate
Catalytic Cracking Alkylate and 1-nutene (lower boiling component, bp = –6.9°C)
Raising the 2-butenes : 1-butene ratio in the stream as bottoms.
to be alkylated (reacted with isobutane) increases the At an extractant (acetonitrile, DMF) concentration
pro- portion of trimethylpentanes in the alkylation of 70 wt %, the relative volatility α12 of this pair is
product and increases its research octane number 1.25. After the conversion of most of the 1-nutene into
(RON) by 1.5– 3 points. This effect is most 2-butenes (their boiling points at 0.1 MPa are +0.9°C
pronounced in alkylation pro- cesses using HF. for trans-2- butene and +3.7°C for cis-2-butene), the
n-butane– trans-2-butene pair becomes the key pair
For 1-butene isomerization into 2-butenes on (α12 = 1.56 under the same conditions). The block
sulfonic acid cation exchangers in C4 fractions from
catalytic cracking, it is convenient that industrial n- scheme of this process is presented in Fig. 2.
butenes + isob- utane alkylation is conducted at a 6- The extractive distillation unit may be preceded by
to 10-fold excess of isobutane and the unreacted a simple adiabatic reactor with a sulfonic acid cation
isobutane is recycled for combining with the C4 exchanger, which requires minimal energy input. This
catalytic cracking fraction after isobutene removal will increase the output capacity of the extractive
from it. The concentration of butanes in the mixed distillation unit by a factor of 2 and reduce the energy
stream is 80–85%, which is very favorable for 1- consumed by this unit by a factor of 1.5–2.5 (both the
butene isomerization into 2-butenes without butene extractant recycle rate and the reflux ratio will be
dimerization and oligomerization. decreased). This method makes it possible to carry
out, with sufficient efficiency, extractive distillation
Figure 1 shows the block scheme of the alkylation using less expensive (even if less selective) extractants
pro- cess involving preisomerization. that do not form ammonia or amine impurities or
azeotropes with C4 hydrocarbons, such as methyl ethyl

Light Butanes Butanes

Isobutane hydrocarbons
Hydroiso- merization
Isomerization on sulfonic acid cation exchanger Isomerization on the cation exchanger
Extractive (Is) (with desorption)
Alkylation and separation
BBF Hydroiso-
BBF merization
Acid+ Dimers
Alkylation gasoline

Fig. 1. Block scheme of the positional isomerization

process combined with the production of cracking alkylate. Fig. 2. Process using isomerization for raising the output rate
of extractive distillation.
IR-1 1-Butene+
Light hydrocarbons
C-1 IS
IR-2 C-2
IS n-Butane

2-Butenes IS
Impurities Impurities

Fig. 3. Production of 2-butenes and pure 1-butene from BBF via positional isomerization and distillation: IR-1 = isomerization
reactor converting 1-butene into 2-butenes (possibly preceded by hydroisomerization); IR-2 = isomerization reactor converting 2-
butenes into 1-butene; C-1, C-2, and C-3 = distillation columns; IS = inert solvent.

Obtaining Concentrated 2-Butenes tane (in excess 1-butene, α12 = 1.05). The process
A concentrated 2-butene mixture can be isolated includes chemical removal of impurities detrimental to
directly from BBF by sharp distillation as bottoms 1-butene polymerization. 1,3-Butdiene is removed by
con- taining some n-butane. However, 1-butene total hydrogenation, which suffers from loss of part of
present in this product cannot be involved in 2-butenes the n-butenes because of their conversion into n-
production. Attaining the maximum possible butane. Isobutene is removed via the addition reaction
involvement of 1-butene in the production of pure 2- with a C1– C4 alcohol followed by distilling off the 1-
butenes is very beneficial for obtaining 1-butene by butene-contain- ing hydrocarbon mixture and its
the back isomerization of 2-butenes and for 1,3- washing. Isobutane is removed by extractive
butadiene synthesis via 2-butenes epoxidation distillation or by ultrasharp distilla- tion, an energy-
followed the decomposition of the resulting epoxide. intensive process, in which part of the 1- butene is
In order to utilize nearly all of the n-butenes’ lost.
potential in 2-butenes production, 1-butene is Use of positional isomerization makes it possible to
isomerized into 2-butenes in BBF and the product is obtain comparatively cheap 1-butene by 1-butene
distilled, as is shown in the left part of Fig. 3 (IR-1, C- isomerization into 2-butenes in BBF followed by the
1). For more complete 1,3-butadiene removal, liquid- removal of isobutane, isobutene, and 1,3-butadiene
phase hydroisomerization (HI) may be carried out from the product by sharp distillation, back
before isomerization on the sul- fonic acid cation isomerization of 2-butenes into 1-butene, and
exchanger (IR-1). If necessary, the isobutene and 1,3- separation of the latter by distillation.
butadiene concentrations in 2-butenes can be reduced This technological solution may seem paradoxical.
to <0.001%. In fact, this process is the simplest and the most
The IR-1 temperature is 50–60°C. The catalyst can efficient. It allows nearly all of the BBF n-butenes to
be any sulfonic acid cation exchanger, preferably fine- be involved in the production of pure 1-butene. In
grained one with SEC > 3.0 mg-equiv/g (preferably addition, 1,3-butadi- ene, isobutene, and isobutane can
>4.0 mg-equiv/g). If an HI reactor is employed, its be removed by ordinary distillation owing to the fact
tem- perature is set at ~60°C and any suitable that the 2-butenes, which are relatively high-boiling
hydrogenation catalyst, such as Ni/kieselguhr and compounds, do not form azeo- tropes or almost
Pd/Al2O3, is used here. The conversion of 1-butene tangential zeotropes with these impuri- ties. The 1,3-
into 2-butenes is 91– 96%. The resulting 2-butenes butadiene and isobutene contents of com- mercial 1-
contain n-butane (10– 20%) as an impurity. butene are the same as those of 2-butenes (<0.001%).
1-Butene obtained by isomerization in IR-2
1-Butene Production followed by distillation may contain 10–20% n-
butane, depending on the n-butane content of the 2-
1-Butene is a valuable monomer for high-quality butenes leaving IR-2. If necessary, 1-butene (1) can
plastics. then be separated from n-butane (2) by sharp
The foreign industrial process for recovery of pure distillation (α12 in excess 1-butene is 1.1) or,
1-butene from BBF is complicated and does not preferably, distillation in the presence of a higher
allow the 2-butenes contained in BBF to be converted boiling alkane, such as n-pentane of isopentane (this
into this valuable monomer. 1-Butene forms an raises α12 to ≈1.3).
azeotrope with isobutene and shows almost tangential The block scheme of this process is presented in Fig. 3.
zeotropy with 1,3-butadiene (in excess 1-butene, α12 = A more heat-resistant sulfonic acid cation
1.09) and isobu- exchanger (e.g., Amberlyst 36 or DS) and a higher
temperature of

120–150°C are used inIR-2. The conversion of 2- isoprene in the presence of TiCl4. Therefore, plants
butenes into 1-butene is 8–13% per pass. Due to the suffer- ing from 1,3-butadiene and isoprene shortage
recycling of the liquid bottoms from the bottom in Russia (Efremov, Yaroslavl) can be changed to
section of C-2 into IR-2, the total conversion of 2- poly(1-butene) production.
butenes into 1-butene in the process is 99–100%.
The distillate obtained in C-2 contains 80–90% 1-
butene and 10–20% n-butane. If necessary, the 1,3- CONCLUSIONS
butadiene and isobutene content can be reduced to
<0.001%. Distillation in C-3 affords a distillate Combining the 1-butene 2-butenes positional
containing 98–99% 1-butene. One ton of BBF isomerization and distillation provides an efficient
containing 30–50% n-butenes gives 0.27–0.45 t of 1- way of obtaining pure 2-butenes and pure 1-butene
butene, which is 2– 3 times more than is obtained from BBFs. The efficient catalysts for this process are
sulfonic acid cation exchangers, which are used at 50–
without positional isomer- ization.
60°C in 2-butene production and at 120–150°C in 1-
An alternative way of producing 1-butene from 2- butene pro- duction from 2-butenes.
butenes is by reactive distillation.
The 1-butene production technology described here is
profitable since the cost of the resulting 1-butene is REFERENCES
16000–17?000 rubles per ton, while its market price is
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